Extracted and adapted from


From Tuesday 10th & 26th April 1973 

L.D.C. Report Bro. C. Wickenden gave a detail report of meetings held 7th & 9th March with Sectional Council & management, also a joint scrutiny on the 21st March 1972 about the Redundancy of Seaford.

It was fully discussed by the floor about the Redundancies; Bro. D. Creasey said he was quite happy about the situation. 

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L.D.C. Report Bro. H. Allen gave detailed report of meeting held the previous day with management and Sectional Council, Brother G. Hilton Redundancy notice had been withdrawn and he would be going over to the opposite shift. Bros. Creasey and Wheeler to apply on the May vacancy list, for Brighton M.T.

Extracted and adapted from

Ore Special Meeting 

April 29th 1973

This meeting was called by Bros. R. Chamberlin and S. Tingley.

This meeting was called to discuss the May Day Strike. A vote was taken and there was a unanimous decision to adhere to Ore Branch’s original decision not to support the May Day Strike a letter was sent to Head Quarters advising them that members were not in favour of this strike, as they felt it was of a Political, not on Industrial nature.

Nigel Tippen Collection

Brighton Secondman Nigel Tippen (24.01.1972) c1973

Railway accident on British Railways

Southern Region 

Central Division

Dorking 3rd September 1973

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