Chairman Bro. A. Pearce
Vice Chair Bro. J. Giles
Assistant Secretary Bro. W. Brown
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Labour Club on Sun Jan. 15th 1933
Bro. A. Pearce in the Chair
19 members present
Bros. A. Pearce, Brown, F. Wilde, J. Denman, Collins, A. Lower, J. Hillman, W. Ellis,
C. Lower, M. Smith, C. Wilson, A. Charman, B. Peddlesden, W. Goldson, F. Harris,
H. Allison & W. Clarke.
Minutes of December meeting read and discussed and passed as a true record, proposed by Bro. J. Giles and seconded by Bro. J. Hillman.
Arising from the minutes, Bro. Pearce stated he had not seen Bro. Collington re his arrears. Much discussion arose over this man being so much in arrears, and not attempting to pay. Pro. B. Peddlesden. 'That the matter be dropped.' Carried.
The case re Bro. Ware's seniority could not be proceeded with owning to illness of Bro. Ware.
Bro. Clarke gave report of his meeting with J. Browning, with Mr. Lelew on various matters. With regards to coal question, Tilmanstone coal was not in future to be put on engines working 3.0 a.m. & 11.0 a.m. Goods. Crowborough & Bexhill engines to have curtain amount.
Watering coal, this is to still be done with hose pipe. Mr. Lelew said he had a hard job to maintain 4 Coalmen at this depot as on average the only shifted 7 ton of coal daily.
Sunday Work, Bro. Clark stated that Mr. Lelew ask him to get men's decision on the Sunday work and this depot, and how it should be worked. He said that the suggestion had reached him from the union that no spare Drivers or spare Fireman should work Driving or Firing turns respectively on Sundays.
Much discussion arose over this case and it was sometime before any definite decision could be reached. Finally Bro. Harris pro. & sec A. Charman sec. That Bro. Clarke was asked to give Mr. Lelew this decision of the Branch on this matter when they next met. 18 voted.
Pro. By W. Ellis & sec. By C. Wilson. That Secretary write H.O. Re this Sunday Working and give the decision of the Branch on this matter.
Pro. By W. Clarke & sec. By W. Goldson. That all spare Sunday work be worked equally among all men.
Pro. By W. Goldson & sec. By Peddlesden. That Mr. Lelew be asked if Cleaners can be issued with one clean sponge – cloth a week.
Pro. By A. Charman & sec. By H. Allison. That now we are very slack in shed as regards turns and many men having been put back in shed, that men who are not familiar certain routes be allowed to learn them.
The Shed Representative business cropped up again and the same discussion arose to terminate it. Bro. Clarke pro. J. Denman sec. That this Branch supply two representatives and the N.U.R. one. Secretary was instructed to write Pargeter and tell him decision of the meeting.
Bro. Brock asked Chairman if it was possible to get Coalman to place wheel barrows else where than under water crane when not in use. Bro. Pearce said he would see the Shedman and get then to have a wheel barrow put where they would not be dangerous.
Letter read re employees banking money in Companies banks. Mr. Bromley said he could not send out circulars as requested, but would leave it to the men’s common sense to know what to do.
Letter read re affiliation fee, secreted instructed what to do.
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Labour Club on Sun Feb. 26th 1933
Bro. H. Allison in the Chair
5 members present
Bros. H. Allison C. Wilson, M. Smith, F. Harris & F. Wilde.
Minutes of January meeting read over and passed as true record, proposed by Bro. C. Wilson and seconded by Bro. M. Smith.
Owing to very small attendance it was decided to close meeting at 11.45 a.m.
E. Collington accepted for membership, proposed by Bro. H. Allison and seconded by Bro. M. Smith.
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Labour Club on Sun March 19th 1933
Bros. A. Pearce in the Chair
10 members present
Bros. A. Pearce, Brock, C. Lower, W. Terrill, F. Wilde, H. Allison, A. Charman,
W. Brown, J. Giles & E. King.
Minutes of February meeting read, proposed by Bro. Allison as a true record and seconded by Bro. J. Giles.
Letter read from Bro. Squance re Brock’s mishap 13.3.33
receipt read from Head Office for £1-4-0 for Irish Appeal Fund. bro. Wilde said he was still open to receive further contributions for this deserving causes.
Circular and stop watch competition card read rom Bow Branch. This in aid of a Bow member who has had considerable illness and still on sick list. Bro. A. Pearce, said he would take the card to help the causes.
Crcular and a book of tickets from Basset Law Labour Party for funds to aid endeavours to get Bro Squance made M.P.
Bro. Pearce said that owning to anomalies rising in shed and amongst so called friends, he was forced to hand in his resignation as Chairman of this Branch and as delegate to S.D.C. Bro. King asked for his reason for such drastic action. He gave several, but in the end he was persuaded to stand by the Branch, despite all the bad feelings existing in shed. Pro. By J. Giles. 'That Bro. Pearce carry on for sake of younger members and the Branch. Bro. Pearce said he would remain in office for remainder of year.'
Pro. By Bro. Giles & sec by Bro. Allison. 'That Shedmen see official, who is acting as Foreman at Brighton to see that the past disposal of engines is not abused as this seems to be the case at present, also that men should not make overtime when other men available.'

Ron Terrill Collection
Bill Terrill & Unknown 1933
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Labour Club on
Sun April 9th 1933
Bro. J. Giles in the Chair
Minutes of March meeting read and discussed and passed as a true record, proposed by Bro. C. Lower and seconded by Bro. W. Lower.
Letter read from Dorchester hand urging support their member as Organising Secretary, as this Branch had already proposed Bro. Allen for this position, we could do nothing for Bro. Billet’s nomination.
Correspondence re Irish Railway Stoppage from Head Office.
Receipt for 16/- for Irish Appeal received.
Other Business
Much discussion was over past disposal of engines. Bro. Clarke took notes of several happenings on this subject, and was awaiting meeting with Mr. Urie, of Brighton on this subject and various other items which had been held over owing to absence of Loco Foreman. Pro. By C. Lower & sec. by H. Allison.
"That Bro. Clarke write to Urie and arrange this meeting".
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Labour Club on Sun May 21st 1933
9 members present
Bro. A. Pearce in the Chair
Bros. F. Wilde, J. Giles, C. Lower, A. Pearce, C. Wilson, W. Ellis, W. Brown, E. King
& A. Charman.
Minutes of April meeting read and discussed and passed as a true record, proposed by Bro. H. Allison and seconded by Bro. E. King
Correspondence re Assurance Fund read and discussed
Letter read from Bro. Allen thanking this Branch for its support to his nomination as Organising Secretary.
Correspondence re Sunday Work read and much discussion arose on this subject. This item is on Bro. Clarke's agenda for meeting with Mr. Urie.
Pro. J. Giles & sec. By Allison. That correspondence re 'German Relief Committee' appealing for assistance for German Workers lay on table. Carried.
Other Business
Bro. Allison asked Bro. Pearce if he was proceeding in his case, re merging of Pilot Link & No. 2 Link into one Link. Bro. Pearce said he had decided to drop this subject, but was taking forward an industrial grievance. He said he had written to Mr. Urie for a personal interview. Much discussion took place over this item.
Pro. By E. King & sec. By J. Giles. 'That 9 hours rest agreement be strictly adhered to.'
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Labour Club on Sun July 23rd 1933
Bro. A. Pearce in the Chair
5 members present
Bros. A. Pearce, W. Brown, H. Allison, W. Clarke & J. Giles
Minutes of May meeting read and discussed and passed as a true, proposed by Bro. J. Giles and seconded by Bro. F. Harris
Correspondence re agenda of meeting on Shed Representative and Mr. Urie read and discussed.
Bro. Clarke said that there was two items form the other side for the next agenda meeting with Mr. Urie re Water spray pipes to be attached to coal stage & enginemen to be allowed more time when working a train away. 5 minutes being insufficient time. This time to be allowed on all booked turns and specials.
Correspondence and draw tickets from Basset Law read, proposed by Bro. J. Giles and seconded by Bro. W. Clarke. they lay on table.
Proposed by W. Clarke and seconded by Bro. J. Giles. That Secretary be commended in his article in July Journal.
Correspondence and dew tickets from Hewry Branch 5 books sent, Bros. Giles, Pearce, Clarke and Allison had one each, one left for Secretary.
Bro. A. Pearce read out District Council meeting report.
Bro. Allison brought forward the case of cleaners working 8 hrs continuous duty on all turns. Bro. Clarke said he would mention this to Mr. Urie at their next meeting.
Correspondence re Parliament Panel read, re Parent Shed and Sub depots.
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Labour Club on Sun Aug. 20th 1933
Bro. A. Pearce in the Chair
7 members present
Bros. F. Wilde, H. Allson, J. Giles, W. Brown, W. Clarke, A. Pearce, A. Lower.
Minutes of July meeting read and discussed sand passed as true record, proposed by Bro. W. Clarke and seconded by Bro. J. Giles.
Arising from minutes Bro. Clarke gave account of his and Browning's meeting with Mr. Urie re items on agenda.
Water spray on coal stage, Mr. Urie agreed to have this installed.
Time allowance for engines working trains, Mr. Urie omitted this item but will come on next agenda.
Cleaners 8 hrs continuous duty, Bro. Clarke omitted this item but will come on next agenda.
Tank engines on back turn Crowborough & Grinstead turns, Mr. Urie said this could be arranged & Bro. Clarke gave a short account of how engines could be worked on these turns.
Bro. Clarke said he also brought forward a personal complaint re bad quality of Chislet coal at this depot. Mr. Urie said he wished enginemen who experience bad trips would send complaints to him re the coal, so that he could have good grounds for applying for better coal at Brighton & Newhaven.
Correspondence re alteration of rules read
Correspondence re rates of pay for men working on Sentinal Engines read and discussed
Letter read from Jeans re Shedman Robinson application for 15/- a day while acting as Shedman.

Newhaven Marine Museum
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Labour Club on Sun Oct. 22nd 1933
Bro. A. Pearce in the Chair
7 members present
Bros. E. King, A. Pearce. C. Lower, W. Clarke, F. Harris, F. Wilde & C. Wilson
Minutes of August meeting read and accepted as a true record, proposed by Bro. W. Clarke and seconded by Bro. E. King.
Arising from minutes
Correspondence read re
Inquiries - Ministry of Transport Enquiries,
Sunday Work - Southern Railway arrangements,
Nominations for A.A.D. etc
Parliamentery Panel
District Council Reports
It was agreed to continue present Sunday Working arrangements at this depot.
Bro. Pearce gave his report on Southern Council meeting and explained certain points.
Pro. W. Clarke and sec E. King. 'That November meeting be summons meeting as it was elections of officers etc for 1934
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Labour Club on Sun Nov. 19th 1933
Bro. A. Pearce in the Chair
8 members present
Bros. W. Brown, A. Pearce, F. Wilde, W. Clarke, H. Allison, J. Brock, F. Harris
& J. Giles.
Minutes of October meeting read and discussion and passed as a true record, proposed by Bro. W. Clarke and seconded by Bro. F. Harris.
Correspondence read re
W. Lawrence’s nomination for A.A.D.
Thanks for our support from Bro. Allen Organising Secretary
Labour Party meeting held 1.11.33 and expense of same
Shed Committee agenda’s re Shed improvements etc
It was proposed by W. Brown and it was seconded by Bro. W. Clarke. That this branch donate 10/- towards cost of meeting of Co-operative and Labour Party meeting held on 1.11.33. Secretary to write Head Office re same
Bro. Clarke brought forward complain about more Tillmanstone coal being sent to this depot. He was in favour of taking it forward to Mr. Urie, but after much discussion he was advised to let the matter drop, as there concerned with Tillmanstone coal were not present and were not complaining about losing any time.
Bro. Brock brought forward the case of W. Bishop driving on pilot engine Bank Holiday and displacing rostered men.
Bro. Clarke said he would see Mr. Urie on this matter when he interviews him re Cleaners 8 hours continuous duty.
November meeting being "Election of Officers" meeting, it was hoped to have a good attendance, but only 8 members present so Bro. W. Brown and seconded F. Harris. ‘ hat officer of 1933 be re-elected en-bloc for 1934, excepting Committee.
Chairman Bro. A. Pearce, Vice Chairman Bro. J. Giles, Secretary Bro. F. Wilde, Assistant Secretary Bro. W. Brown
Auditors Bros. W. Brown & H. H Allison, Trades Council delegate Bro. A. Pearce, Southern D.C. Bro. A. Pearce
Committee Bros. J. Brock, H. Allison, M. Smith, W. Clarke, C. Wilson & E. King