Chairman Bro. D. Judges
Meeting March ¼ 21st April 1968
Commenced 10.35 close 12.40
Members present Bros. D. Judges, A. Arnold, D. Hylands, A. Lennard, R. Chamberlain,
R. Taylor, D. Roberts, A. Stratton, F. Jenner, & R. Scott
Apologies Bro. A. Wray.
Minutes read and declared true record, proposed by Bro R. Taylor and seconded by Bro. A. Lennard.
Read and fully discussed, proposed by Bro. A. Lennard and seconded by Bro. D. Hylands. Carried.
That correspondence on Pay & Efficiency negotiations be posted.
Proposed by Bro. R. Taylor and seconded by Bro. R. Chamberlain. Carried.
That Secretary be instructed to send correspondence to Head Quarters assuring them of full support for our Executive
in Pay & Efficiency discussion.
L.D.C. Report
Given by Bro. D. Judges, covered a wide range of subjects including future Electrification of Tunbridge Branch, Ore depot being closed and transferred to Marina, no comment from management side. Summer Duties were in order.
Cover Turn, Suggested by Bro. R. Chamberlain that it was out of order for Cover Man to be rostered to leave depot, but it was decided there was no case as there is no cover man on Eastern side.
New Rosters
Two new rosters were offered for scrutiny by Bros. E. Spray and D. Judges. Voted
Proposed by Bro. D. Hylands and seconded by Bro. A. Stratton, 3 votes for Bro. E. Spray
Proposed by Bro. A. Lennard and seconded by Bro. A. Arnold, 6 votes for Bro. D. Judges
Carried by 3 votes that Bro. D. Judges roster be put in operation.
A vote of thanks to be recorded to L.D.C. for the time and work they had put into these rosters.
Meeting closed 12.40
Meeting June ¼ 23rd June 1968
Commenced 10.35 close 12.25
Members present Bros. D. Judges, A. Wray, F. Jenner, L. Balwin, A. Lennard, R. Taylor,
D. Roberts, E. Spray, C. Angel & R. Scott
Minutes read and fully discussed, nothing arising proposed by Bro Taylor and seconded by Bro. Lennard, True record.
Pay & Efficiency
The Pay and Efficiency correspondence to hand was fully discussed, Bro. A. Lennard proposed.
That Secretary be instructed to request further details from Head Quarters.
Branch agreed it was no writing to Head Quarters as information would be sent out by Head Quarters when it was available. Discussion postponed until further correspondence was to hand.
Election for three members to Parliamentary Panel
Proposed by Bro. R. Taylor and seconded by Bro. E. Spray - Bro. Hancock.
Proposed by Bro. R. Scott and seconded by Bro. A. Arnold - Bro. Pinches.
Carried unanimously, Branch vote only for Bros. Pinches and Hancock.
Progressive Productivity Committee
At meeting held 6th May 1968, it was suggested that a committee be formed to boost mileage on Central Division, as on the S.W. division.
Bro. Bastion of Crystal Palace disagreed strongly and Brighton representative, claimed that this was managements perogative.
The management withdrew for representative discussion in which Bro. W. Eames, London Bridge, recommended that
the committee be thrown out and that the representation try for a pay and productivity scheme be sought for Southern Region only.
A Committee was set up to try to improve mileage.
L.D.C. Co Opted Member
It was stated by L.D.C. representative that it would be an advantage to have a standby Representative to stand in when one of the L.D.C. Reps. could not attend meetings. Proposed by Bro. A. Lennard and seconded by Bro. D. Roberts, Carried unanimously. That Bro. J. Gain be Co-opted member.
Allocated Rest Days.
Roster Clerk requested a roster allocation for 50% rest Days, this was forwarded by Bro. D. Judges and accepted by Roster Clerk.
List Clerk stated he would endeavour to make up lost rest days leave and Bank holidays.
Meeting closed 12.25.
Meeting September ¼ 22nd Sept. 1968
No meeting
Members present Bros. E. Spray, J. Gain, R. Scott & Samson