Bognor Branch of A.S.L.E. & F. was founded 

in 1925 ?


Redhill steam shed become part of the Brighton Section of the Southern Railway 
(this date needs to confirmed). 

The Redhill branch of A.S.L.E.&F. was established in 1895

Railway accident on the 

Southern Railway 

Brighton Section

Brighton 7th March 1925

With the formation of the Southern Railway in 1923. The Southern Railway appeared to be in favour towards the 6,600 A.C. electrified system and therefore the already proposed 
electrification of suburban lines went ahead. They were  between Balham to Coulsdon North 
and to Sutton via Selhurst. This joined up some missing electrified section of the suburban 

This new extension of the saw the opening of new Motorman’s depots at Wallington and 
Coulsdon North on Wednesday 1st April 1925





With "Elevated System” of electrification from Balham Junction and arriving at Sutton (via Wallington) Coulsdon North on the 1st April 1925. This was to become the last "Elevated System" to be constructed on the Brighton Railway.

Wallington became the location for a new Motorman’s depot.This was  owing to no available railway land to encompass a carriage shed and sidings to birth the stock that served the terminal point of the Balham to Sutton (via Selhurst) electrification extension.

Coulsdon North's two terminal platforms were electrified whilst the Brighton (Quarry line) main line through platforms were not electrified. Birthing sidings were situated south of the station.


 First A.C. train formed of C.W. stock at Carshalton Beeches in April 1925 

Extracted and adapted from

Newhaven Branch Meeting

Sunday March 29th 1925


Much discussion of seniority of Drivers H. Christmas & Browning. Mr. Maitland (Newhaven Shed Foreman) being under impression that Browning was senior to Christmas. The matter was bought owning to Browning being given Motorman’s job instead of Christmas. Everyting squared up now and Christmas has since worked Motorman, vice F. Masley.

Newhaven Branch Meeting Sunday 31st Jan. 1926

Bro. Ellis brought up the question with seniority with other depots where men with less service are passed and getting their rate 9/6 per day. He also mentioned transfer paper he and W. Goldson had signed and accepted but had heard nothing more about them, it was mentioned, that his seniority question is a very knotty problem, which men with great experience cannot sleeve yet. W. Goldson proposed the L.D.C. Delegate should see Mr. Maitland (Loco foreman) regarding their transfer, but both men were advised to the Foreman themselves first.

Newhaven Branch Meeting Sunday 28th March 1926

Bros. Ellis & Lower discussed their position with other depots as they said that at other depots junior men than them were firing and they were still cleaning and they would like a transfer to another depot. Secretary advice both to see Foreman before summer serviced started.

Newhaven Branch Meeting Sunday August 28th 1927

Any Other Business, Bro. Ellis asked if anything was going to be done regarding the claims at this depot and how we stand regarding seniority with Brighton, as he thought there were Junior men to him with regular job firing. Secretary explained that according letter he had received from Secretary of Sectional Council, we stood on our own and Secretary also referred to minutes of a earlier date of an interview of a shed representatives on the same question with Mr. Fuller and he said we were only under Brighton for administration. 

Considerable discussion arose, Bro. Elliss saying that on several occassions he had made applications for transfer and he had never heard any more of them. It was agreed that as Bro. Boyle was going to see Foreman on his position with Brighton to letter the matter stand over till next meeting.

Newhaven Branch Meeting Sunday Nov. 27th 1927 

Any Other Business, Bro. Potter asked if Branch could move for link owning to his dismissal, he said he was quite willing to go into any grade and he did not mind where he wanted resolved. 'That Secretary see foreman on his behalf, also Secretary write to Bro. Andrews asking information re the nine Cleaners dismissed at Brighton their terms of service etc.

Bro. Goldstone asked if he was in order in making out application claiming seniority with Brighton as he knew their were Junior men to him doing firing duties.

Bro. Goldstone was advised to in application and report at meeting any answer he might receive.

Newhaven Branch Meeting Sunday March 16th 1930

Bro. S. Lower's query in respect to Bro. W. Ware's seniority. Bro. H. Stedman stated he had been given by the Secretary of the Sectional Council the date the Southern Railway had put forward for Bro W. Ware's seniority as August 14th 1918. Bro. W. Ware moved & Bro. W. Ellis seconded.'That Bro. H. Stedman write asking Bro. J.T. Long to come down to address the Branch re this matter. Being put to the vote this motion was quashed.

Newhaven Branch Meeting Sunday April 19th 1931

Any Other Business Bro. Charman brought up the case of Bros. Ware & Collington re their position in seniority, Secretary explained that he thought that Bro. Boyle had dealt with this matter but as he was not here to give his report he could give no information regarding this matter. Secretary read note that Bro.Boyle had handed to him from Mr. Winslow re ratification of agenda from Waterloo he stating that things would go on precisely the same until the ratification from Waterloo.


JUNE 1925


A special meeting was held on Thursday 26th March, when we had the pleasure of having Bro. Barton Wild with us. Bro. G. Gorham presided over the meeting, which was attended by s good number of members from Tonbridge Branch. After preliminary business, the chairman called for Mar. Barton Wild to address the meeting, which he did for over an hour, touching on a large number of subjects, including the Political Fund, Army Supplementary Reserve, the industrial position and unemployment; he also dealt with railway returns and reserves, comparing 1913 and 1922, and the Companies’ proposed reductions of wages. Bro. Barton also touched upon Society finances, proving the sound position of the Associated. A number of questions were asked and answered, the members present receiving plenty of food for thought, and it is hoped they will benefit by such an interesting address. Mr. Wild also presented a framed emblem, on behalf of the E.C. to Bro. H. Colebrooke for his service as chairman to the Tunbridge Wells Branch during 1923-24. Bro. Colebrooke, in reply, said that during his period office he had tried to carry out his duties in an impartial manner, and thanked them for the emblem, which he should be proud of. A vote of thanks to Bro. Wild brought the meeting to a close at about 9.45 p.m.

We also have to mention a Smoking Concert held on April 21st, at which a presentation was made to of our old members, Bro Dick Bryant, who has reached pension age, Bro. Colebrooke presided and a good company, several ladies, were ably entertained by the Gypsy Concert Party and two other friends. Here again, some of our Tonbridge comrades were with us, and a very enjoyable evening was brought to a close with the singing of “Auld land syne”

Newhaven Loco Department

in July 1925

 Andre Duchossoy Collection


Loco-men known in this photo are

Back Row L~R Unknown (1),  William Terrill, Maurice Smith, Jack Hillman, Unknown (2), Unknown (3), Unknown (4) Unknown (5), Unknown (6) &  Walter Ware, 

Third Row 3rd from the right James Browning 

Second Row first Alf Charman

Front Row 2nd from the left Jack Simmons, Arthur Rookley third from the right. 

Info from Our Newhaven website

John Pelham Maitland  was the Running Foreman (Shed Master) in charge at Newhaven Shed between 1924-1929 and is thought to be featured in this photo. 

After John Pelham Maitland left Newhaven, he went to become the Running Foreman at Littlehampton & Bognor Sheds (1929-1935), and with the opening of new Loco shed at Norwood in 1935, he become the first Running Foreman where remained until 1939. In 1939 he was transferred to Nine Elms Loco Shed where remained until his retirement in 1950.


At this time, Newhaven had about 17 engines based at the shed of various classes, and therefore this photo may only feature Newhaven Managers/Foremen, Drivers and Firemen. Only two loco-men are seen to be dressed in their uniform whilst the others are in their 'Sunday's Best'.

You will also notice the letters of the L.B.S.C.R in the background and no there is no mentioned of the Southern Railway

Other Newhaven Loco men at the shed around this date are:- 

Ernie King, A.H. Pearce, D.Boyle, L. Lower, Sam Lower, Ernie Collington, Earn Eacott, 

W. Brown, A. Leonard, C. Barrow, F. Sherwin, Fred Wilmshurst, E.P. Ettridge, H.G. Bowden, 

F. Smith, A.G. Wise, Ben Piddleston

Transfer of Staff.


JULY 30th and AUGUST 7th 1925.

To consider the question of an agreed allowance being paid to all men transferred to other 
Depots for the Company’s convenience.

In cases where men have to remove their residence for the Company’s convenience an 
allowance of 2s. per day and night will be given to married men up to a period of three 
months. If accommodation has not been obtained during the stipulated time a review of each 
case will take place. Special consideration will be given to single men living with and entirely supporting a parent.  

Railway accident on the 

Southern Railway 

Brighton Section

Polegate 13th September 1925

Extracted and adapted from 

Newhaven Branch Meeting  

Sunday Oct 4th 1925 

(deferred from Sept 27th)

Arising from August minutes, Bro F. Brown was called upon to report meeting with Mr. Fuller of Brighton four subjects. Three of the subjects re gas-ring in lobby, light in sand hole and light over lower notice case would be taken to Waterloo by Mr. Fuller. 

The 4th subject re passing of more men, etc. was next dealt with. With regard to seniority with Brighton, Newhaven stands on its own and has nothing to do with Brighton. Work can only be sent from Brighton. Mr. Fuller said he could not make another motor train at Newhaven. Hard job to keep present one. If Newhaven could work Boat Train more economically than Brighton, they would have to work it. By having fireman with a shed man, a driver would be done out of a job. Mr. Fuller said as a first word, that if the men could make any suggestions which would make more work, he would only be too pleased to meet the L.D.C. Delegate and discuss same.



(information provided by retired driver Brian Cook recall stories told by his Grandfather 
Horsham driver Charlie Cook)

1131 - W. Buckman (July 1892) - Horsham.  Bill was Charlie’s driver for a few years , they got on well together.

1819 - J. Marsh (March 1898)– Horsham. Jack was one of the first drivers Charlie went with when he arrived at Horsham. Jack later ended up as a Shed Engiineman because of his eyesight.

1987 - Ernest Medhurst (26. 11.1898) –  Horsham. I think his name was Ernie. Charlie only ever mentioned that he was one of the Running Foremen.     

2162 - George Bevis (October 1899) – Horsham. George was another driver Charlie went with in the early days on the Horsham to Dorking North push-pull trains.

2579 - Frederick Collins (22.10.1901) – Horsham. Fred was one of Charlie’s early drivers. He was a single man and lived alone. Carried the first shilling he had ever earned on his watch chain. He was nicknamed ‘Frosty Fred’.

2650 - James Wheeler (3.05.1902)– Horsham. Jim was a lovely man and one of Charlie’s favourite drivers. Charlie later lodged with Jim and his wife until he married my Gran and got his own place.

2693 - H. Jackson (26.06.1902) –Horsham. Known as ‘General Jackson’. The E5X 32401 was General Jackson’s engine when he was a fireman. 

2749 - E. Charman (August 1902) – Horsham. Known as ‘Chonie Charman’. Branch Secretary and MIC man.

2766 - Walter Banfield (September 1902) – Horsham. Walter ended up on the pilot. He lived at Henfield. He gave my dad his copper LB&SCR copper cap badge, which I still have.

2947 - Charles Muzzle (August 1903) – Horsham. Charlie was another driver my grandad often fired to. He never swore, always used the word ‘beggering’. He was one of the drivers, as many did in those days, that used to like making their own adjustments to safety valves, brakes etc. He once adjusted the brakes on a Radial and when they were going down Pulborough Bank on the Mail Train, he applied the brakes, but having adjusted them too tightly, they locked the wheels on the engine and put some very serious flats on her, such that the engine had to be dragged off at Pulborough and fitters sent up from Bognor to release the brakes. 

2957 - W. Killner  (September 1903) – Horsham.  One of the characters without a doubt. Charlie Cooke fired to Bill many times. Bill always brought a quart of beer and a quart of lemon barley water to work with him. He had a soft spot for one of the 300 Class Horsham Goods engines, 309, which he always called his own engine. Bill was another who always adjusted things himself and took things apart. One early morning on a D Class tank engine, they were preparing the engine at Horsham and Charlie was making the fire up whilst Bill oiled up etc. Bill took apart the brake release in the cab, and in the dark Charlie accidently shovelled it into the firebox! The engine was a failure, as they could find a spare, even from all the other D Class engines in the shed. Charlie was not amused. On another occasion, they were working up from Barnham to Horsham with a goods, and Bill and the Guard, Arthur Batchelor, went outside for a couple of pints beforehand. Charlie stayed on the engine to make the fire up. The engine was Bill’s 309. Just before starting time, Bill and Arthur came back, Arthur coupled the train up and off they went. As they were going through Pulborough station, the engine was full up with steam, but Bill had only one nick of the lever left to let out and Charlie said ‘are you sure we are going to make it Bill’. Bill’s reply was ‘strong as a mogul Charlie’! They just got out of station limits when they stalled on the bank. They had to split the train and Charlie had to ride in the rear truck of the front portion with the brake pinned down, all the way to Christ’s Hospital, them leave that bit and go back for the rear portion. It transpired that Arthur, being a little worse for wear when he came back from the pub, had couple two trains onto the engine so they had a double full load! There are many more stories  I have been told about Bill.

2999  -  Charles King (29.02.1904) – Horsham. Charlie King, known as ‘Zulu King’. I don’t know why. Charlie went with him several times.

3106  - W. Smale (20.09.1904) -  Known as Jim. Jim had moved to Three Bridges from somewhere in the West Country. My dad fired to him on many occasions. When they worked the Bognor Vans up at Night to Horsham, the section timing between Pulborough and Billigshurst was 8 minutes, which with a full load and I think a C2X was tight. Jim used to say ‘now for the mad 8 minutes’. 

3481 -  Hugh Tullett (28.02.1907) – Horsham. Hugh Tullett was, I think involved in a fatal accident when he was doing a shunt with a juicer and collided with the Station Road over bridge.  

3817  - A. J. Wilkins (01.04.1909) – Horsham. Jack Wilkins was a driver and later became a Running Foreman. 
When Charlie was a fireman, firing to Harry Hodge (mentioned later) they had a serious falling out, such that Charlie asked to be put along with another driver. Bill Greenfield (4003 in SECR book but not in 1925 Seniority Book), who was firing to Jack Wilkins, agreed to swop with the consent of Jack , and Charlie then spent a number of years along with Jack. Cross reference Jack in the Horsham Motive Power site where you have published some Branch reports.

3880  - Frederick Little (5.07.1909) – Horsham. I know very little about Fred, except he lived behind the school where my Dad went. Cross reference Fred in the Horsham Motive Power site where you have published some Branch reports. 

4192 -  W. Shoubridge (30.06.1911) -  Horsham. Bill was a fireman at Horsham and then became a list clerk and ultimately Chief Clerk, never having passed for driving, which I think was due to his eyesight. Bill had a brother, Len, who was a Horsham Goods Guard and later Bill Greenfield, mentioned earlier, became Bill Shoebridge’s son-in law when he married his daughter.

4303  - A. Thompsett (13.11.1911) – Redhill /Horsham. Alfie was a Redhill man who transferred to Horsham and was a Foreman there when my dad started in 1947. He had a son, Peter Tompsett who was a driver at Redhill.

4368  - W. Chapman (07.06.1909) – Horsham. Known as Tom, he was a driver of nervous disposition and worried about the job all the time. Charlie fired to Tom on a couple of occasions. Tom suffered from ill health and was green carded and ended up as a shed engiineman on P&D at The Bridges. 

4493 -  W. Grout (22.07.1912) – Horsham / Three Bridges. Bill was a fireman at Horsham and moved to Three Bridges for his appointment as a driver. My dad fired to Bill on many occasions at The Bridges.

4159 - Fred Goldsmith (31.05.1911) – Horsham.  Fred was a fireman and driver and was in the “Motor Link” at Horsham.

4912 -  William J Martin (10.01.1914) – Horsham.  William but known as Jack. A fireman and then driver at Horsham.

5381 -  W. Pelham (20.11.1914) – Horsham. Bill was a driver at Horsham and I think ended up as a Foreman there.

5426 - Frederick Pelling (21.12.1914) – Three Bridges / Horsham. Fred was a driver at Three Bridges and moved to Horsham. He became a Foreman at Horsham.

5486  - W. Dudley (01.05.1915)– Slades Green / NXG / B/Arms. Bill was Charlie’s Brother in Law and was the one who got Charlie a start on the railway. I only added him because of this link.

5544  -  C. Duffield (03.03.1915) – Horsham. Charlie was a fireman at Horsham and left the job before he passed for driving. He opened a tearoom in Horsham, which I can remember going into with my dad and Charlie as a child. 

5840  -  S. Packham (12.11.1915) – Horsham. Sid was a driver at Horsham, who Charlie Cooke went with a few times.

Alf Myson seniority date 26.10.1918. Alf was known as ‘Shuck’. He was a fireman and driver at Horsham, and retired on the same day as Charlie, 15/6/1964, the day the loco closed. 

5996 -  Henry Dunnage (01.05.1916) – Horsham. Henry was a driver at Horsham, known as ‘Cockeye Dunnage’.

6075  -  A. Buckle (03.08.1916) – Horsham.  Bert was a fireman at Horsham and I don’t think he ever passed for driving. He ended up a Storuman at Horsham. 

6327  - Walter Lampard (25.05.1917) – Horsham. Walter was a driver at Horsham and became a Foreman there.

6490 -  Henry West (20.10.1917)  – Horsham. Henry was a driver at Horsham. His son, Charlie started at Horsham some years later as a fireman, but left the railway before passing as a driver.

6728 -  Len King (08.04.1918) – Maidstone East / Horsham. Len was known as ‘Ike King’. He was a fireman at Maidstone, and moved to Horsham about the same time as Charlie Cooke. Len was one of the ‘Hornby’ men. (SECR Book entry 1600)

6899   F. Scutt (02.08.1918) – Horsham. Not sure if his name was Frank or Fred. He was always referred to as ‘Scutty’. He was a driver and then Motorman at Horsham.

7044 -  Frederick Sexton (28.10.1918) – Horsham. Fred was a fireman and driver at Horsham, and ended up as a ‘Green Carder’ on the Pilot.

7074  - W. Fairey (18.11.1918) – Horsham / Addiscombe. Bill was a fireman and driver at Horsham and ended up as Leading Motorman at Addiscombe. Bill was the fireman on the Guildford to Horsham train that was shot up by a German aircraft on 16th December 1942 at Bramley and where the driver, J. Budd was sadly killed

8128 -  E. Brackpool (24.05.1920) - Horsham. Ted was the brother of Harold, mentioned earlier. A fireman and driver at Horsham.

8286  - Jack Taylor (17.05.1922) – Horsham. Jack was a fireman and driver at Horsham.

         8371 - Ron Shrubb  (03.09.1923) - Horsham. Ron was a driver and fireman at Horsham.

Information from Brian Cooke

4251    Frederick Orrin – Three Bridges. Fred was a driver at Three Bridges when my dad went there in 1951. Fred later went up the station as a Motorman.

 3944   Hubert W. Copp (15.02.1910) – Brighton. Hubert was the Loco Inspector who passed a great many of the Central men for driving, my dad included.

5548    E. Fermor (08.03.1915) – Three Bridges. I think his name was Ted. He was Bob Fermor’s father, who was also a fireman and driver at Three Bridges and ended up as a Foreman at Redhill.

5989   E. J. Ryder (25.04.1916) – Redhill. Jack was a driver at Redhill before become a Loco Inspector on the Central Side. You will have seen Jack’s name against some of the entries I posted from the Electric Loco training register. He was well known across the division.

6101    E. C. Mapston – Three Bridges. Charlie was a driver at Three Bridges, known as ‘Sniffer Mapston’.My dad went with him many times. His daughter, Shirley,  married Jack Owen, who was one of the early Bluebell drivers.

6144   Douglas Bates (30.10.1916) – Three Bridges. Dougie was a driver at Three Bridges. My dad fired to Dougie several times.

6270    W. Ware  - Newhaven. Wally was a driver at Newhaven, and one of the Hornby me

6316   Jack McCarthy (25.02.1918) – Stewarts Lane. Jack was a Stewarts Lane driver and became a Central Division Loco Inspector. As with Jack Ryder, you will have seen Jack’s name in the Electric Loco training register pages that I published. He was well known across the division.

6512  Ernest Eacott – Slades Green / Newhaven. Ernie was firing at Slades Green with Charlie, and when the depot closed in 1926 he went to Newhaven. He was a Hornby man.

7034   Roy Tizzard (21.10.1918)– Bognor. Roy was a foreman and driver at Bognor, and very good friends with Charlie

7041   C. Cook – Slades Green/Horsham. ( You know all about Charlie)

7353   W. Barrett (19.02.1919) – Three Bridges.  Bill was a fireman and driver at Three Bridges. My dad was his regular mates for a couple of years.

8111   W. Peacock (17.05.1920) – Slades Green/ Three Bridges. Bill was a fireman at Slades Green, and moved to Three Bridges in 1926 when the depot closed to steam. (SECR Book 2853 and 3435)

Entry 1912 in the SECR Book is for G. Webb – Slades Green. George was cleaning and firing with Charlie at Slades Green, and when it closed to steam in 1926, George went to Brighton. Charlie often used to see him when he was down at Brighton. George had been an amateur boxer, and had a broken nose, which he apparently used to bend with his hand all the time .

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