Chairman Bro. R. Taylor
Sir, - I have before me a circular from the Divisional Division S.R., outlining the achievements of the past year, and no reflection his words are true.
We as part of the rank and file have tried in our own way to keep our industry well and truly on its feet. The D.M. goes on to tell us that every railwaymen can help to do this again in 1972.
Nevertheless one is apt to wonder at times whether or not these people are inclined to take us too much for granted.
Sunday, December 26, 1971, was a typical example. Reputable industries outside no doubt paid out substantial amounts in bonus payments to their employees for services rendered over the past year. We on the other hand were deprived of a day’s pay at the flat rate and told that our services were not required. If this was Management’s way of showing appreciation of our achievements during 1971, then prospects for the seem bleak.
I would strongly urge all Branches throughout the coming year to give every assistance possible to their E.C. to go forward without reserve into fight for Consolidation and substantial increases in wages for our members.
L.D.C. Sec.,
Ore E.M.U.T. Depot S.R.

5BEL NO. 3053 seen at Ore on a R.C.T.S. on Saturday 1st March 1972.
After making the shunt at Ore the train departed to Eastbourne, Newhaven Harbour, Brighton & London Victoria
¼ Meeting held 26th March 1972
Commenced 10.30 close 12.55
Members present Bros. R. Taylor, F. Jenner, R. Chamberlain, S. Tingley, E. Spray, A. Stratton & A. Thompson.
Minutes of last meeting were read, discussed and found a true record.
Correspondence was read and fully discussed.
It was proposed by Bro. E. Spray ad seconded by Bro. R. Chamberlin. That Branch support Bro. W. Eames for Sectional Council Representative. This was carried unanimously.
L.D.C. Report
Resolution on Brighton West Coast serviced discussed at great length, but was found to be unworkable and was defeated unanimously. However, we fully support Sectional Council’s efforts in co-operating with all organisations to avoid why further deterioration of train services.
A resolution was passed that each Branch donates 5p per member from Brach Funds, for the official finance Fund.Tax
It was proposed that the Branch enquire into the facts governing the amount of income tax relief allowance to A.S.L.E.F. members under the fixed allowance agreement. It is understood that driver at Brighton depot are getting £9 and £10 under this heading, while drivers at Ore are only getting £5 allowed.
Meeting closed 12.35
¼ Meeting held 18th June 1972
Commenced 10.30 close 12.00
Members present Bros. R. Taylor, R. Chamberlain, S. Tingley, E. Spray, A. Thompson
& L. Baldwin.
Minutes of last meeting were read, discussed and found to be correct.
Correspondence was read and fully discussed.
It was proposed by Bro. L. Baldwin and seconded. That a letter of thanks for our late pay rise should be sent to Head
The Branch Secretary was instructed to arrange a meeting through to Eastbourne Branch Secretary for informal talk
on the late A.A.D. with the Representative present.
L.D.C. Report
Periscopes on trains now to be taken up by District Council.
Signals, lighting, cleaning of trains at depot and other things were to brought to the notice of A.D.M. again.
The L.D.C. was instructed to try to have the repair book replaced at the depot for driver uses.
Meeting closed at 12.00
¼ Meeting October 1972
Not held
¼ Meeting December 1972
Commenced 10.40 close 13.00
Members present Bros. R. Taylor, R. Chamberlain, S. Tingley, D. Roberts, A. Stratton
& L. Baldwin.
Minutes of last meeting were read, discussed and found to be correct.
Correspondence was read and fully discussed.
L.D.C. Report
We were given a full report on the service to run in the summer. We were told there would be more trains and we hope this will improve our position.
Branch Secretary
Said it would not be available for office in 1973.
Meeting closed 13.00.