Members present 12 names recorded in attendance (new) book,
also attending D.F.C. Rep Bro. M.A. Allen & E.C. Member W. Mackenzie
I.T.F. Conference Genva 1994
Proposed J. Osborne & seconded R. Matthews.
“That Bro. M. Allen of Seaford Branch be nominated as delegate to the conference.” Voted all in favour.
L.D.C. Report
Bro. J. Osborne briefly outlined the introduction of ticket-less pay, pay office – times and hours open, Brighton mess room proposed cleaning, proposed new link structure, outlined new services – Bournemouth.
Healthy & Safety Report
Bro. M. Hawkins give the following report.
The renewal of stairway metal treads from station to booking on area,.
The proposed heavy cleaning of Brighton messroom
Reporting of accident/incidents to H&S rep and also making copies of reports and statements.
Acceptence of 3 new members to A.S.L.E.F. Proposed P. Edwards & seconded P. White. “That this branch accepts the new members and instructs the Branch Secretary to forward them to head office.” Voted all in favour.
D.F.C. Rep. M.A. Allen
Bro. Tony Allen gave an in depth report on the following
Depot Closures in South Central Division
Meal Allowance under training school (East Croydon)
Trainman “D” trainees positions whilst in training
Outline of Bournemouth work to Coastal Depots
Rest Day Ban
Pensions Effects
E.C. Members W. Mackenzie
Bro. Bill Mackenzie spoke about the latest issues
Rostered Sundays Workings, A.A.D. Rest Day working – ballot for rest days to be banned.
The effects of the Transport Act 1992 on members and members rights under this act.
Local Representation elections
Election of new Assistant General Secretary
B.R. Pension Fund – in the latest report on what the government is proposing report to do with the fund and privatisation. Bill spoke on how the E.C. viewed the latest proposal and on the possibility of some kind of action being called if no assurance given to protect members
Members present 14 members names recorded in new attendance book.
New Memberships
Six new applications for membership were put to the branch. Proposed I. Wilson & seconded D. Knight. “That all six be accepted in block.”
L.D.C. Report
Compensatory/Annual Leave, L.D.C. explained the position on how the issue arose and the position we are at, at the present.
Driver Instructors
The position of D.I.’s was raised at a point meeting with D.F.C./L.D.C. and Depot Manager. After debate meeting resolve nothing, matter to be addressed at another meeting with D.F.C.and Croydon Training Centre.
Health & Safety Report
Depot Rep opened report on the issue of members reporting H&S matters and made the point that everyone had a party to play.
Any Other Business
Bro. S. Lloyd expressed his thanks on the way the branch assisted him with his “L.W.S.” incident, but expressed concern over the police involvement and the welfare dept. both issues would be taken up and look into by Branch Secretary and L.D.C.
HELD ON MARCH 1st 1994
Members present17 members names recorded in new attendance book.
L.D.C. Report
L.D.C. Secretary J. Osborne spoke on the following issues
Meeting with Welfare Section 09.02.94., Brighton Messroom –on going refurbishment, Safety Traction Training Day’s,
Proposal on I.D. passes for duty proposes, placing of additional Trainman at depot, Car park – security issue, new route authorisation tickets, annual and comp leave – list of outstanding leave and arrangements procedure on leave, revised link arrangements from March 21st .
Health & Safety Report
H&S Rep. M. Hawkins spoke on the following
Welfare issues, emergency phones and locations and concern on ways on raising assistance, occupation type level crossings (Southease).
Several matters were raised and explained, members were reminded on new discipline rules. Three safety of the line offences,
and drivers will be removed. Members expressed their delight on A. West being elected our new Assistant General Secretary, Secretary ask to write inviting Tony to a branch meeting.
HELD ON MARCH 5th 1994
Health & Safety Report
Brighton Messroom refurbishment saga – new furniture to be installed, privatisation – a two tier level of safety, accident/incident forms – members should remember to make copies of all report etc.
L.D.C. Report
Bournemouth route learning – L.D.C. request to confirm if routes via Eastleigh are to be learnt for emergencies.
Many diagrams are now in the hands of L.D.C. Reps, 4 Bournemouth duties (2 early & 2 late), 14 Bedford – only 1 night, boat
train and London Bridge duties work in lower links.
Cab cleaning matter to be raised with depot manager.
A.S.L.E.F. “Check Off” members advised of union campaign all members must reaffirm their union deduction mandates.
Chairman expressed his pleasure in the attendance levels at Branch meetings.
HELD ON APRIL 29th 1994
Members present F. Langridge, J. Osborne, P. Edwards, I. Osborne, M. Hawkins, C. Newton,
M. Thompson & M. Allen.
Profit Centre nomination D.F.C – South Central T.O.U. Following a proposal this branch wishes to nominate Bro. M.A. Allen as our candidate for D.F.C. Proposed P. Edwards & seconded I. Osborne, voted all in favour.
I.T.F. Conference Genva
Following the election for the position of I.T.F., representative, the members proposed that Bro. M.A. Allen be elected.
Profit Centre nomination D.F.C – South Central T.O.U .
Proposed F. Langridge & seconded M. Allen. “That this proposes Bro. G. Morris as their nomination (2) for D.F.C.”
HELD ON MAY 9th 1994
Members present17 members names recorded in new attendance book.
New Members
Proposed and B. Brown & seconded I .Wilson. “That Ian Malpass is accepted as a member of this branch.”
L.D.C. Report
New rosters now agreed next Bank Holiday rotation in place.
Thameslink worked issue discussed.
Health & Safety Report
Brighton messroom still awaiting funding.
Unauthorised walking route L.W.S./station.
Breath testing of train crews involved in incident other than S.P.A.D.’s etc.
A question was put regarding men on average earning and route learning.
L.D.C. Chairman spoke on the issue and put forward the L.D.C. ruling on route learning and link restrictions.
Members also wished recorded their deep sadness over the death of Bro. W. Eames our D.F.C. Secretary and A.S.L.E.F. member one who will be greatly missed.
Secretary also reminded members to reaffirm their right to “check off.”
HELD ON JUNE 7th 1994
E.C. member No.1 District W. Mackenzie & D.F.C. Secretary G. Morris.
New membership
Proposed P. Edwards & seconded D. Swaffield “That T. Wood is accepted as a member to this branch.”
E.C. Member W. Mackenzie gave a report on the following
1994 pay ward, no more national pay wards, the revised 1992 negotiation agreement, D.F.C. elections arrangements, P.T.&R. current position, B.R. Pension Fund, A.S.L.E.F Political Funds, A.S.L.E.F. “Check Off” campaign position, A.S.L.E.F. and the C.I.C.B. position, A.S.L.E.F and the Society restructuring for the future.
D.F.C. Secretary G. Morris
He dealt with the following matters
Management’s restriction on council’s meeting etc., delay in the complete Barnham Depot set up arrangement, new look train service – May 1994, South Central Training School, trainee’s pay arrangements, revised cab vents on 319/0, the eight week cycle arrangements, new method proposed on bargaining etc by the division.
Meeting recalled to order for the following business.
South Central (D.F.C.) casual vacancy
Following the reading of the two candidates address the following proposal was called. “That this branch nominates Bro. R. Luxford of Three Bridges for this position.” Proposed P. Horan & seconded S. Fuller.
Euro Elections
Branch Resolution
Proposed M. Thompson & seconded P. Horan. “That this branch donates £50 from the Political Funds to the Brighton Labour Party, and its campaign in fighting the election of M.P.” Voted unam.
Members present 11 members names recorded in new attendance book.
L.D.C. Reports
A report on items raised at previous agenda meeting (May).
Update on Brighton messroom decorating plans cost £17,200 approx. Possible I.D. Cards for drivers – pilot scheme
Health & Safety Report
L.W.S. Sidings (North End Section), Continued problems foliage 15th August deadline to start removing the weeds, letter of reply to the Depot Engineer obtained, stating managements intention to black sidings if work is not carried out, proposal of revised walking route to L.W.S. from station via car park and Mont. Sidings.
Functional Council Report
Tony Allen gave a report on the position of Privatisation/Franchise of B.R.
Programme date on procedure are
7th July 1994 – South Central T.O.U.
1st November 1994 - Safety Validation
5th December 1994 – Franchise Licence
12th June 1995 Proof of Intent
December 1995 – Franchise Awards
April 1996 - Selling of Franchise
Proposal to purchase by Divisional Director i.e. Management Buy Out
Proposals to introduce D.R.I. Pay and Conditions without proper consultation
A thanks to the branch on the recent election for D.F.C. Reps.
Resolution Proposal Weekend Schools
“That this branch will assist the District Secretary Len Warboys in a donations towards the proposed Weekend School of £100 should the event be held at Brighton.” Proposed J. Osborne & seconded M.A. Allen. Carried Unam.
Members present 18 members names recorded in new attendance book.
E.C. Members Report
Chairman called for Standing Orders and agenda to be suspended to allow Bro. Mackenzie to address the meeting, items referred to in his address.
R.M.T. Rail Dispute position regarding A.S.L.E.F. members and the support offered. Effects on the Safety Levels (The Manning of Signal Boxes on strike days), effects on T.O. Units – South Central currently losing £700,000 to one million pounds per day.
A.S.L.E.& F Political Campaign
Members were informed of the sort of Political Voice our trade union were advocating and the need for ALL members to reaffirm the Political Fund.
A.S.L.E.& F. Restructuring the Union
The announcement of the recalled A.A.D. during November, to put forward proposed changes on the way we as a union conducts itself.
Bill spoke of the reduction in members the levels of running A.S.L.E.F. and the future of the Society.
Another item raised, incidents of drivers being tested under the 1992 Transport & Works act. A recent incident in which a driver was tested at Preston Park for stopping to aid someone on the line.
Chairman thanked our E.C. Member for his address, and after questions and answer period called for standing orders and agenda to order.
L.D.C. Report
Items reported on recent staff information news letter and misquoted and incorrect items
Present state of Brighton messroom, monitoring of Hidden 18, overtime worked time off between shifts etc.
The various training in operation on South Central, outstanding comp leave arrangements.
Class 319 unit and toilets not be cleaned etc., Class 319 & 421/3 cabs not being cleaned out more regular.
October (Winter Rosters) diagrams and link alterations – now agreed.
Annual Weeks rotas to be posted any changes will be done at the next branch meeting also revised method of change overs and allocations.
Health & Safety report
Heating renewed radiation valves in Brighton messroom, present position on decorating messroom, state of smoking room.
Trial run on driver I.D. cards, Foilage within L.W.S. Depot and Sidings.
Car Park & Bike Secruity
Members were requesting improved areas where their own transport could be left safely and without damage or loss. Issue to be raised with management.
Members also wished to express their wished to express their shock and sadness over the death of Gerry Aggett a member of our branch society, he will be missed by all.
Members present 13 members names recorded in new attendance book.
L.D.C. Report & Health & Safety Report
Winter rosters agreed and now operation, P.A. Training issue – still to take place, proposed Boxing Day service.
B.T. Police request to run passenger trains.
Hidden 18 monitoring of hours and days worked.
Better Training Course details, Comp Leave, domestic leave arrangements, Staff bike parking area, new staff I.D. cards, Barnham building scheme, platform 1-2 White light crossing.
L.D.C . nominations
Proposed I. Wilson & seconded T. Fielding. “That Bro. J. Osborne and Bro. P. Edwards are the two official A.S.L.E.F. nomination.” No other nominations put forward.
A.S.L.E.F. Branch Officers Nominations
The following members were nominations to be branch officers for 1995
Chairman M. Hawkins.
Assist Chairman P. Edwards.
Secretary C. Newton.
Assist Sec. I. Osborne.
Trustees J. Osborne & S. Hole.
Auditors I Wilson & T. Fielding.
District Council Delegate C. Newton.
Committee Members
F. Langridge, B. Brown, W. Mackenzie, D. Griffiths, P. Horan, D. Swaffield, S. Fuller, A. Warburton, A. Chumbley, M. Thompson & M. Allen
Members present 20 members names recorded in new attendance book.
As a mark of respect the Chairman called for a minutes silence for the members and two public members killed in the Cowden accident.
L.D.C. & Branch Nominations
Proposed P. White & seonded T. Fielding. “That the nominations are accepted in block for both L.D.C. and Branch as no other nomination put forward.”
Letter of an “Appeal Fund” set up by Norwood Branch was read out. Appeal for donations to the families of those killed in the “Cowden Accident.” Proposed P. White & seconded P. Edwards. “That this branch donates £60. Voted unam.
Letter from A.S.L.E.F. Head Office in reference to Bro. S. Toughey incident involving B.T. Police officers.
Particular reference was made to circular No.4 “Single Lead Junctions” and the advice given by the General Secretary.
L.D.C. Report
Traction Train Courses 319s, Annual Leave Change Overs, Hidden 18, Ballast Trains, Welfare & Counselling of staff, accommodation update, issue of riding in cabs, issue of performance profiles, route norms – Local Level.
Health & Safety Report
None Smoking Policy in messroom and corridor at Brighton. L.W.S. cleaning of toilets and tanking of trains.
D.F.C. Report
Bro. Tony Allen opened by giving a report on the Cowden train crash, the trains involved location and approx speed of impact. Tony went on to explain the layout of the area, signalling set up. Our District E.C. member Bill Mackenzie along with H&S Rep from Norwood went to the scene to assist in anyway possible. South Central management planned to start normal service two days after the crash without finding out the full facts of why it happened.
Staff side Reps called a meeting with management and informed them on the actions staff side would operate under. An internal hearing on the incident has been conducted and a public in inquiring is due December 15th .
Various methods of working should have been introduced but lack of input by South Central Management has resulted in this
A view that should member get discipline for action taken over safety. D.F.C. along with branches would call for a ballot to take action.
Driver I.D. Cards
Issue is being look into particularly as areas are trying to introduce pilot scenes without D.F.C or A.S.L.E.F. knowledge, parts of the scheme put great pressure on drivers should they not comply with the guidelines.
Drivers Performance Profile
T.O.U. have started to monitor staff using a complex points system, age, length of service, incident, shift change-overs, social and domestic issues, along with safety of line incidents, all are graded on a points rating which puts drivers in group at risk low, medium and high. High resulting drivers being taken off all driving duties.
At this point the Chairman called for an extension to meeting as time did not allow the report to continue. Proposed D. Griffiths & seconded J. Osborne. Carried unam.
Issue of the plans to reduce route learning by introducing a revised norms programme give great cause for concern, which again put drivers under strain. Some depots and yards are graded in hours and in route trips.
R.M.T. Strike Days
A claim for L215 payment for the days when staff underwent “Safety Training” has been turned down
Drink & Drugs Tests
D.F.C. have complained that complained that management are not complying with the act as they are making a driver undergo D&A testing, then saying as the incident was not serious to continue their turn of duty.
District Council Report
Our General Secretary Lew Adams addressed the meeting. He stated by explaining his plan to speak at District Council meetings. Issues addressed were
Privatisation – Restructuring,
A.S.L.E.F.’s future – A.A.D. recall, conference on improvement plans, Single Lead Junctions – referring to Cowden.
Vandalism on trains- staff attacks on late night trains, next labour government – a commitment to return railways into full public ownership with the proper funding to run the system.
Pay & Package Deals
A minimum drivers rate, no split shifts, look at some form of part-time, work for staff coming up to retirement with no loss of earnings.
Len Warboys Report
Len spoke of matters relating to “Cowden”, problems with South Eastern Networker service, working of extra Sundays, drivers having to request time off work otherwise they could face M.F.A. monitoring and suspension or sacking.
E.C. Report W. Mackenzie
Bro. Bill pick up on the issues of both Lew Adams and Len Warboys.
Cowden accident and the various talks on a new method of working trains over the line.
New Driver Profiling Medical fitness.
T.O.U.’s and S.P.A.D.s, also package deals, police powers and members of staff carrying out alternatives to duties.
District Council Meetings
Following a review of costs to stage the District Council meetings, ot was agreed by all delegates that the next meeting is to be at Arkwright Road .
Members present 11 members names recorded in new attendance book.
Society National School, proposed P. Edwards & seconded M. Cole.
“That Bro. I. Osborne is nominated for selection.” Voted unam
A.A.D. Delegate nominations – proposed that this branch proposed Bro. S. Weller for A.A.D.Delegate.
L.D.C. Report
Arrangements over Christmas holiday periods, changes in diagram’s to services in the New Year.
H&S Report
No smoking policy, Brighton Messroom redecorating & wearing of H.V. Jackets.
A.G.M. 1994