Chairman Bro. C. Cornford
Tunbridge Wells Branch Meeting
Sunday January 31st 1954, at 10.45 a.m.
at the Welfare Rooms, Central Station.
Bro. A. Brooker presiding
Owing to the abnormally cold weather and adverse travelling conditions the attendance was very poor so correspondence was held over to be read at the next meeting.
Those present Bros. C.R. Cornford, V. Rumley, K. Savage & C. Russell.
Waited until 12.30 p.m. before the Chairman decided that it was then to late to commence the meeting if any more should arrive.

Tunbridge Wells Branch Meeting
Sunday February 21st 1954, at 10.45 a.m.
at the Welfare Rooms, Central Station.
Bro. C.R.Cornford presiding
Members present Bros. C. Adkin, P. Pepper, V. Rumley, C. Puckett, R. Bridger, D. Gower, R. Saunders, R. Cornford
& C. Russell.
The Chairman opened the meeting and requested the secretary to read the minutes of the last meeting.
Proposed R. Bridger, seconded V. Rumley. “That they were a true record.” Carried.
Bro. R. Saunders intimated that he did not wish to stand as Assistant Secretary.
Bro. B. Gower was then proposed by C. Adkin and seconded by R. Bridger to stand as Assistant secretary. Carried unanm.
New Members
Following the previous meeting 9 new members filled application forms for membership, endorsed by the meeting that these be accepted:-
Bros. A. Boorman, J. Gates, A. Kent, B. Wolvey, K. Hollands, C. Adkin, C. Kemp, F. Bone & D. Ward.
A further 4 application forms for members were brought forward by the Secretary to this meeting:-
Bro. K. Wild, proposed V. Rumley & Seconded R. Bridger
Bro. L. Stephenson proposed C. Adkin and seconded R. Saunders
Bro. A.G. Cox proposed R. Bridger and seconded C. Adkin
Bro. W. Randle proposed C. Puckett and seconded V. Rumley.
A letter from Bro. Channing, Sectional Council No.2 representative regarding claims for flat rate payment by Bros. R. Saunders & D. Nye was read by Bro. R. Cornford.
In reply to the Secretary a letter from Head Office was read stating that no ledger was kept pervious to 1948 regarding dates of with and dates of birth and dates of entry of members into A.S.L.E. & F. and that it would help H.O. if Tunbride Wells members could provide approximate dates of joining. Head Office would then help in compling a local register in order to avoid the necessity for writing to Head Office each time for dates of joining when a member is transferred to another depot or when a member enquired as to his period of service with a view to obtaining a long service badge.
The Secretary of the Branch Social Committee Bro. R. Bridger tendered the annual resignation from said committee the to desire to serve on the Committee during the next year:-
Bros. A. Murphy, W. Baldwin, W. Stiff, C. Puckett, E. Dunmal, R. Bridger, W. Gent, R. Aspey R. Sulivan,
W. Wareham, G. Adkin, V. Rumley, K. Savage & P. Pepper.
Proposed by R. Saunders and seconded by R. Cornford these members were unanimously elected.
Report from L.D.C.
Bro. V. Rumley in reading L.D.C. report advised the branch that with regard to Bro. K. Cavie’s second driving rate a letter had been sent to Sectional Council representative Bro. Channing for attention.
A letter had also been sent to Bro Channing regarding Dual Links appointments and the seclusion of appointed Drivers.
Moved by Bro. V. Rumley seconded Bro. R. Bridger that the following resolution be included in the 1955 Agenda for the A.A.D.(passed by the branch and sent on to Head Office).
Resolution from Tunbridge Wells Branch
“That the Executive seek to amend Clause 22 of the Promotion, Transfer and Redundancy arrangements for Footplate Staff (filling of Motormen Positions) to give equal opportunity to appointed Drivers in Motive Power departments where no dual link exists and to remove the anomaly whereby men with years of service and experience are compelled to remain, while men young in seniority and experience fill these positions.”
Discussion took place on a form of seniority in passed firemen and a question was raised by Bro. G. Adkin regarding of R. Grigsby was still in Line of Promotion.
Moved G. Adkin seconded C. Puckett. “That the L.D.C. contacted Mr. Stone with a view to straightening ---- regarding R. Grigsby.
That sizes of overcoats and the facts that different contractors had a different scale of sizes were put to discussion. Unanimously decided that L.D.c. contact the management regarding same.
Bro. R. Cornford read a letter from Head Office relating to proposal from Railway Executive to the Railway Trade Unions regarding new arrangements for eyesight examinations.
Moved by Bro. V. Rumley and seconded Bro. R. Bridger concerning retirements of storesman W. Smith, that the Secretary of the Branch Social Committee contact the N.U.R. and report back to the Branch.
The Chairman Bro. C.R. Cornford thanking members for their attendance called the meeting to a close at 1.15 p.m.

Tunbridge Wells Branch Meeting
Sunday April 11th 1954, at 10.45 a.m.
at the Welfare Rooms, Central Station.
Bro. C.R. Cornford presiding
Correspondence read noted.
Re National Insurance acts. Recommendation of employed Person Panels of Local Appeal Tribunal.
Report from Bro. S. Elliott of the Form 1 Interview. Driver Randle Tunbridge Wells West.
Chairman report that he was undertaking the duties of Bro. C. Russell as Bro. B. Gower was not inclined to accepted the position of Assistant Secretary and asked that an Assistant Secretary be appointed. It was decided to ask for nominations at the next meeting.
Bro. Brooker moved “That to enable the selection of Branch candidates for L.D.C. to be made in time for January election, nominations for same and branch offices should be taken at August and September meetings and voting at October and November meetings.” Seconded C. Puckett and carried.
Meeting closing 12.55 p.m.

Tunbridge Wells Branch Meeting
Sunday October 24th 1954, at 10.45 a.m.
at the Welfare Rooms, Central Station
Bro. A. Brooker presiding
Members present Bros A. Brooker, C. Russell, R. Bridger, W. Stiff, A. Murphy, P. Pepper & W. Ovenden.
Minutes of previous meeting taken as read Prop R. Bridger & Sec P. Pepper.
The report on Social Committee working during the September of 1954 was handed to the Chairman by Bro. R. Bridger reading this:-
To the Chairman,
Tunbridge Wells Branch
The Social Committee ran outings on August 9th and 15th. The outing on August 9th was to Hampton Court via River Thames.
The outing of August 15th was a coach tour of Kent Coast resorts.
Both outings were well supported and carried out satisfactory.
The Old Age Pensioners of the depot were taken on an outing on September 5th to New Romney and Folkestone. They had a trip on the light railway and viewed the shed etc. Tea was taken at Folkestone and the presentation to W. Smith was made. A collection has been made for G. Streeter.
Report adopted
Regarding the appeal on behalf of Driver Broadway of Norwood it was decided that specific mention be made at the next meeting in order to gain more information.
Bro. R. Cornford was unanimously nominated A.A.D. delegated for 1955 subject to his desire to serve.
Special Committee
It was moved by Bro. A. Brooker and seconded by Bro. C. Russell. “That a vote of congratulations to be given the social committee for their activities during the past year. Report from Social Committee. Adopted unanimously
The presentation to the retired assistant fitter G. Streeter will be held on November 18/54, at 7.0 p.m. in the Camden Hotel. Moved Bro. Stiff and seconded Bro. R. Bridger. “That Mr. Stone be approached to make the presentation. The Branch signified its approval to invite N.U.R. and old age pensioners.
L.D.C. Report
Bro. A Brooker next gave a verbal report on activities by the L.D.C. since the last meeting.
Nominations and voting Branch Officers 1955.
The next item brought the meeting to the nominations for Branch Officers for the year 1955 and to the 1st voting. The names of members nominated and votes cast will be disclosed when voting has taken place at the 2nd meeting (Votes cast are in sealed envelope).
11 names were submitted for Branch members and unanimously adopted as from 25.9.54
At District Council No.v 4 meeting held on August 20th 1954. Branch membership of our depot was carbolated this:-
A.S.L.E.F. 86, N.U.R. 11, NONS 1 & Political 86.
The Chairman thanking all present for their indulgence and attendance closed the meeting at 12.50. p.m

Tunbridge Wells Branch Meeting
Sunday November 28th 1954, at 10.45 a.m.
at the Welfare Rooms, Central Station.
Bro. C.R. Cornford presiding
Members present Bros. C.R. Cornford, C. Russell, A. Brooker, V. Rumley & R. Bridger
The Chairman opened the meeting byt asking the Secretary to read the minutes of the last meeting. Proposed R. Bridger and seconded A. Brooker. “They were a true record.”
Broadway Case
After receiving an unofficial appeal from Norwood in support of Bro. Broadway. The Chairman advised secretary to notify Norwood Branch, that while we were sympathic with Bro. Broadway we did feel that such appeals should be with Branch or Society be sponsored. A reply was received from Norwood stating that the Society had done all they could from the beginning and that they been advised by counsel not to pursue the case beyond Railway levels.
Bro. Cornford stated he would attempt to converse with Bro. Cleaver at the District Council meeting on the matter.
Quarterley returns
The receipt for September quarterly returns from Head Office were then shown to the meeting.
Voting next took place regarding representatives of A.S.L.E.F. on the Parliament Panel, Group representatives (53 group) Annual Assembley of Delegates and for one delegate to the Trade Union Congress. The branch voted unanimously in favour of the following nominees:-
Parlimentary Panel (4) Evans F.S. Neath, Jones E. Pontypool, Lamb L. Newton Abbott, & Paterson W. Dundee.
Group Representative (No.53) Berham F.E. Horsham.
One Delegate to T.U.C. Turner R.A.W. Tonbridge.
Loans to Members
A letter was read from Head Office stating that the Housing Loan Fund which was ---- at £40,000 has now been amended to £100,000 as from January 1st 1955 (Rule 35)
Accident Case
Correspondence requesting the accident of Bro. A. Boorman was read and Bro. R. Cornford was asked by the branch to contact Bro. Hocking at District Council meeting with regard to same.
A letter of thanks from Bro. A. Hallworth was read to the Branch. This was a reply to the letter sent from this Branch congratulating him on achieving the post of future General Secretary.
A verbal report was jointly given by Bros A. Brooker & V. Rumley on their activities on the L.D.C. Much of the report appertained to the 1955 Holiday roster and the method dealing with applications for vacant dates.
Foreign Affairs
In view of statement made by Sir Winston Churchill in the field of Foreign Affairs, the Branch feels that a recall Labour Party Conference is necessary failing satisfactory explanation by the Prime Ministry in the House of Commons. Agreed.

Standing L - R:- P. Batchelor, A. King, Bill Gent, Fred Diplock, Unknown (1), Piper, Unknown (2) & Unknown (3)
Kneeling L - R:- Unknown (1), Alf Cox, Stan Neal, Unknown (2) & Unknown (3)
Tunbridge Wells Branch Meeting
Sunday November 28th 1954, at 10.45 a.m.
at the Welfare Rooms, Central Station.
Bro. C.R.Cornford presiding
Members present Bros. C.R. Cornford, C. Russell, A. Brooker, V. Rumley & R. Bridger
The Chairman opened the meeting byt asking the Secretary to read the minutes of the last meeting. Proposed R. Bridger and seconded A. Brooker. “They were a true record.”
Broadway Case
After receiving an unofficial appeal from Norwood in support of Bro. Broadway. The Chairman advised secretary to notify Norwood Branch, that while we were sympathic with Bro. Broadway we did feel that such appeals should be with Branch or Society be sponsored. A reply was received from Norwood stating that the Society had done all they could from the beginning and that they been advised by counsel not to pursue the case beyond Railway levels.
Bro. Cornford stated he would attempt to converse with Bro. Cleaver at the District Council meeting on the matter.
Quartley returns
The receipt for September quarterly returns from Head Office were then shown to the meeting.
Voting next took place regarding representatives of A.S.L.E.F. on the Parliament Panel, Group representatives (53 group) Annual Assembley of Delegates and for one delegate to the Trade Union Congress. The branch voted unanimously in favour of the following nominees:
Parlimentary Panel (4) Evans F.S. Neath, Jones E. Pontypool, Lamb L. Newton Abbott, & Paterson W. Dundee.
Group Representative (No.53) Berham F.E. Horsham.
One Delegate to T.U.C. Turner R.A.W. Tonbridge.
Loans to Members
A letter was read from Head Office stating that the Housing Loan Fund which was set at £40,000 has now been amended to £100,000 as from January 1st 1955 (Rule 35)
Accident Case
Correspondence requesting the accident of Bro. A. Boorman was read and Bro. R. Cornford was asked by the branch to contact Bro. Hocking at District Council meeting with regard to same.
A letter of thanks from Bro. A. Hallworth was read to the Branch. This was a reply to the letter sent from this Branch congratulating him on achieving the post of future General Secretary.
A verbal report was jointly given by Bros A. Brooker & V. rumley on their activities on the L.D.C. Much of the report appertained to the 1955 Holiday roster and the method dealing with applications for vacant dates.
Foreign Affairs
In view of statement made by Sir Winston Churchill in the field of Foreign Affairs, the Branch feels that a recall Labour Party Conference is necessary failing satisfactory explanation by the Prime Ministry in the House of Commons. Agreed.
Branch Officers for 1955 & voting
Branch Officer for 1955 Nominations & Voting
Proposer Seconder Votes
Bro. C.R. Cornford A. Murphy W. Ovenden 7
Vice Chairman
Bro. A. Brooker W. Ovenden P. Pepper 2
Branch Secretary
Bro. C. Russell W. Ovenden P. Pepper 7
Branch Committee
Bros. R, Bridger, A. Murphy, W. Ovenden, K. Savage, V. Rumley, F. Diplock & F. Robinson.
Check Stewarts Bros. A.Murphy, V. Thorpe, K. Cavie,
Delegates District Council Bros. C. R. Cornford, A. Brooker (deputy)
Bro. W. Ovenden votes 7, Bro. A. Brooler votes 7 & Bro. V. Rumley votes 7.
The Chairman thanked those in attendance for their indulgence and closed the meeting at 12.45 p.m.