Chairman Bro. E. King
Vice Chair Bro. A. Norman
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Labour Club on Sun January 5th 1958
Bro. E. King in the Chair
13 Members present
Bros : W. Ware, J. Knott, M. Smith, E. King, J. Nash, J. Lower, G. Hilton, V. Harris,
D. Creasey, S. Cheal, M. Giles, D. Renville C. Wickenden
& W. Cleaver (District Organiser)
The minutes of the previous meeting and passed as a true record. Proposed by Bro. S. Cheal and seconded by Bro. E. King.
Correspondence was reading including the full details of the memorandum of agreement in regard to the manning of Diesel & Electric Locomotives and multiple units.
A.A.D. 1958. It was proposed by Bro. S. Cheal and seconded by Bro. J. Knott. That the Branch support Lennard as delegate for 1958 A.A.D.
T.U.C. 1958, It was proposed by Bro. J. Knott and seconded by Bro. S. Cheal. That the Branch support Brother Musk as delegate for the 1958 T.U.C.
Organiser W. Cleaver then addressed the meeting, stating that the main reason for his visit was to find a Secretary for the Branch, in view of Brother Wickenden retirement. He was informed that no secretary had yet been found.
He then said that he had the happy task of presenting three 40 year badges, one to Brother J. Lower, One to Brother M. G. Smith, and one to Brother J. Giles who unfortunately was on duty and was unable to attend. He then spoke of how they must have found conditions improved today, to when they first joined, and could look forward to even better times.
He then presented Brother E. King with the E.C. Award for being Chairman of the Branch for 5 consecutive years, and congratulated him on the good work he had done, not only as Chairman, but before when he was Secretary, and how he hoped he would continue to so. Brother E. King then replied that he was very pleased with the presentation set and how he deeply appreciated the fact the he had been elected in the chair in spite of been absence so much due to illness.
Organiser Cleaver then asked if anyone was willing to take over the Secretaryship, but received no response from those present. He then stated that he was unable to force anyone to tale the post, and it was up to the members to decide for themselves, if no one was willing to do so, it might result in the Branch being closing down.
Brother Cheal then addressed Organiser Cleaver, saying that in his opening speech he remarked about improved conditions to come, but that at Newhaven the present conditions were not being observed, such as the 12 hour clause. Organiser Cleaver replied that if evidence of this was supplied he would take the matter up with the management at an L.D.C. meeting on Wednesday.

Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Labour Club on Sun February 16th 1958
Bro. M. Smith in the Chair
11 Members present
Bros. M. Smith, R. Turner, S. Cheal, F. Goff, W. Mullett, M. Giles, V. Harris, G. Hilton,
D. Goatcher, C. Wickenden & R. Morris,
The minutes were of the previous meeting and passed as a true record. Proposed by Bro. S. Cheal and seconded by Bro. G. Hilton.
Bro. Cheal then stated that he been asked the Branch Chairman to call this meeting, with a view to him offering to undertake the Branch Secretaryship, if proposed, thereby stopping the Branch from disbanding, it was then by Brother Harris, Seconded by Bro. Goatcher. "That Brother Cheal be Secretary." It was then proposed by Brother Mullett and Seconded by Bro. Goff. "That Brother R. Morris be Secretary." Voting then took place and Brother R. Morris was elected. It was moved by Brother Cheal and Seconded by Brother Hilton that Organiser Cleaver be asked to come and instruct the new Secretary in his duties. It was moved by Brother Cheal and seconded by Brother Wickenden that Brother R. Morris be District Council Delegate.
Correspondence was then including a circular on safety on British Railway, and T.U.C. Gold Badge Award. It was the proposed by Brother Goff and seconded by Brother Mullett that Brother E. King be nominated for this award.
Election of Organising Secretary. It was proposed by Bro. S. Cheal and seconded by Bro.D. Goatcher. That the Branch support Bro. M. Renshaw of Wimbledon.
L.D.C. report was given by the Secretary and a discussion followed on the new Rest Day Rosters, to be introduced on 24.2.58, and certain Sunday Duties would have to be altered.
It was proposed by Bro. S. Cheal and seconded by Bro. F. Goff. That the L.D.C. be left to decide the alterations to Sunday duties
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Labour Club on Sun December 8th 1958
Bro. E. King in the Chair
7 Members present
Bros. E. King, S. Cheal, J. Knott, F. Wheeler, J. Bowden, R. Morris, & F. Goff
The minutes were of the previous meeting and passed as a true record. Proposed by Bro. F. Goff and seconded by Bro. S. Cheal.
Bro. S. Cheal then read correspondence to the meeting about Bros. F. Wheeler and J. Knott. Bro. S. Cheal then moved. That a letter be sent to Head Office. seconded Bro. J. Knott.
The Secretary then gave District Council report and the Chairman read a letter from E.C. member Bro. Hocking on the steam heating on Newhaven electric loco.
It was then proposed by Bro. J. Knott and seconded by Bro. S. Cheal. That the election of Branch Officers for 1959 be re elected in block. Bro. S. Cheal then asked that Bro. M. Giles be approached to serve on the Branch Committee for 1959 in place of Bro. T. Spraque who has transferred.
A.A.D. 1959, it was proposed by Bro. S. Cheal and seconded by Bro. J. Knott. That the Branch support Bro. Willshaw of Norwood Jct. for 1959 A.A.D. delegate.

Colin Wickenden Newhaven A.S.L.E.F. Branch Secretary 1955 - 1957