Chairman Bro. C. Cornford
Tunbridge Wells Branch Meeting
Sunday January 14th 1951, at 10.45 a.m.
at the Welfare Rooms, Central Station.
Bro. C.R. Cornford, presiding
Discussion took place on the validity at the procedure to be taken this morning and it was moved by the Chairman. That the vote should be taken for Secretaryship for this meeting. Carried.
It was moved by Bro. V. Rumley and seconded by Bro. V. Thorpe. That a secret ballot be taken. Carried unam. for Scrutineers Bros. J. Murphy & A. Brooker.
Voting took place resulting Bro. V. Rumley 1 vote, Bro. F. Robinson 6 votes. Bro. F. Robinson is therefore elected as Branch Secretary.
Bro. V. Thorpe not being desirous of taking the position of Assistant Secretary. Bro. V. Rumley agreed to carryon as Assistant Secretary. Bro. V. Thorpe filling the vacancy of the Branch Committee.
Discussion then took place on the venue of meetings and it was moved by Bro. F. Robinson and seconded by Bro. J. Murphy. That time and place be the same as at present and also Special Meetings be called an agenda so be compiled including venue of meetings and J. Pollings present for Conditions & Pensions. Carried unam
L.D.C. Business
It was moved by Bro. R. Bridger and seconded by Bro. A. Brooker. That no action be taken regarding the suggested shallow pay. Carried.
The danger arising out of indiscriminate use of blow down valves in the shed was,
Tunbridge Wells Branch Meeting
Sunday February 18th 1951, at 10.45 a.m.
at the Welfare Rooms, Central Station.
Bro. A. Brooker, presiding
The minutes of the Annual General Meeting were read and it was moved by Brother R. Bridger seconded by Brother C. Puckett. “That these minutes were a true record. Carried.
Matter regarding letter concerning clothing was raised ad the assistant Secretary’s explanation was accepted. The letter was read and the contents considered.
The minutes of the Special Meeting of Sunday January 14th were read. It was moved by Brother J. Murphy seconded by Brother R. Bridger. “That these minutes were a true record.” Carried. It was moved by Brother F. Elmer, seconded by Brother C. Puckett. “That the Branch Committee be called to decide the dates of the special meetings and complete agenda.” Carried unam.
Letter from Head Office regard Brother W.J. Cleaver’s incapacitation and the appointment of Brother A.R. Newbegin to cover this area until Brother W.J. Cleaver’s recovery.
Letter from Nine Elms Branch concerning “Dual Links” moved by Brother F. Elmer seconded by Brother R. Bridger. “That the letter be referred to the Branch Committee.” Carried.
The minutes of the meeting between the Regional Supt. Welfare Officer and men’s representatives, was read and treated as information.
Letter from Branch Social Committee containing names of those members willing to serve for 1951 - 52. it was moved by Brother F. Elmer seconded by Brother A. Brooker “That all be re-elected with the exception of Brothers C. Russell and W. Gent, and the Social Committee Secretary to interview these men concerning the non-unionist element they are representing on the sports committee.” Carried.
The social Committee Annual balance sheet was submitted, auditors, this was read and adopted. It was moved by Brother V. Rumley seconded by Brother F. Elmer. “That a hearty vote of thanks be recorded for the fine work done in the past year.” Carried unam.
L.D.C. report was given by Brother V. Rumley and the following items submitted for inclusion in the agenda for the next meeting with the management.
Drivers and fireman’s names entered in red ink on the roster. Pay checks issued in office. Condition of coal stage and turntable surround, extra light and desk in driver’s lobby, damage to pits, the pathway outside the lobbies light on steps leading to circle shed, the provision of toilet paper in lavatories.
The Chairman thanked all for their attendance and closed the meeting at 1.5 p.m.
Members present Brothers C. Puckett, F. Elmer, J. Murphy, R. Bridger, A. Brooker, W. Stiff,
V. Rumley & V. Thorpe.
Addendum to the minutes at the meeting held on Sunday February 18th.
A composite resolution was moved seconded and carried. “The branch Committee be called to decide on the dates at the Special Meetings as per resolution carried at the Annual General Meeting (venue of meeting) and the compiling of the agendas, to discuss the letter from Nine Elms re “Dual Links” and to discuss the agenda of suggestions for 1951 A.A.D. and make recommendation thereon.”
The Children's Christmas Party held on Monday January 1 at St. Barnabas Hall, was indeed a fitting climax to a year's unselfish work by the branch social committee.
The ample spread, children's cabaret and the high spot of the evening, Father Christmas (ably performed by Bro. C. Adkin) handing the kiddies their toys from a brilliantly decorated Christmas Tree, was rewarded by the beaming, excited, some maybe a little cautious, but nevertheless happy face of the children.
Some of the old folk were there too, to join in the fun. all of us, both old and young, shared a very enjoyable party, and I should like on behalf of all members to thank the committee and helpers who did so much to ensure this success.

Tunbridge Wells Branch Meeting
Sunday April 22th 1951, at 10.45 a.m.
at the Welfare Rooms, Central Station.
Bro. C.R.Cornford presiding
In absence of the minute secretary it was proposed by Brother A. Brooker seconded by Brother L. Stephenson. “That Brother K. Passmore to act as minute secretary for this meeting. 2 Carried.
The minutes of the February meeting were read, moved by Brother Brooker, seconded by Brother J. Murphy. “That thy be a true record.” Carried.
Matters arising from the minutes
Referring to members of the Social Committee method of election, this matter discussed satisfactory
Brother Brooker question with reference to the Special Branch meetings. It was proposed that the Secretary calls a meeting of the Branch committee at his earliest connivance.
Social Committee
Brother J. Murphy gave a short report and informed members of a Social & Presentation at Tonbridge to which we were invited.
Brother C.R. Cornford gave his report. The position of “Loan Men” was discussed.
Correspondence referring to Redundancy notices was discussed.
Proposed meeting with management side re working of rest days. After a full discussion it was moved by Brother A. Brooker, seconded by Brother Passmore. “That the meeting had fullest confidence in the L.D.C. to deal with this matter.” Carried. Unam
The chairman thanked members for their attendance and closed the meeting at 1.15 p.m.
Members present Brothers F. Diplock, R. Saunders, L. Penfold, L. Stephenson, J. Mace,
A. Brooker, J. Murphy, K. Passmore, C.R. Cornford & F. Robinson.
Tunbridge Wells Branch Meeting
Sunday May 20th 1951, at 10.45 a.m.
at the Welfare Rooms, Central Station.
Bro. C.R. Cornford presiding
The minute Secretary being absent owing to rail duties, the Chairman asked for nominations for the above office for this meeting.
Proposed by Bro. K. Passmore seconded by A. Card Bro. A. Brooker
Proposed by Bro. A. Brooker seconded by Bro. K. Cavie Bro. K. Passmore.
Brother K. Passmore declined saying he might have to leave early owing to rail duties.
There being no further proposals the chairman asked Bro. A. Brooker to read the minutes of the last meeting,
There being no alterations or additions, Bro. A. Card moved and Bro. L. Penfold seconded. “That the minutes be signed as a true record.” Carried.
Matters arising
It was raised re the election of members to the Social Committee and the volunteer system for same. Moved by Bro. K. Passmore and seconded by Bro. K. Cavie. “That the Secretary write to the Social Committee Secretary informing him that procedure re the above is incorrect.” Carried Unam.
Cheque for £2-16-0 from Political Fund from Head Office was moved by Bro. K. Passmore and seconded by Bro. A. Card. “That this held by the Secretary pending political delegates fees etc.” Carried unam.
Circular 43/1951
Re trainman’s rest periods R.S.C. Minutes No.601 & 693. A very full discussion took place on this centringon the 12 hours rest clause. A policy of wait and see was decided on.
Circular 41/1951
Re two lung diseases which the secretary found difficulty in saying and spell instead. Secretary to seek doctors advice re same PNEUMOCONIOSIS.
Circular 51/1951
Re Sectional Council Elections, Bro Bennett was not regarded as a very satisfactory candidate. And Bro. C. Cornford moved and seconded Bro. K. Passmore Bro. F. Robinson.
Circular 40/1951
Re “Daily Herald” 21st Birthday, it was moved by Bro. A. Brooker and seconded by Bro. K. Passmore. “That this branch failed to agree that the Daily Herald has maintained it’s support of the principles to which the original Daily Herald was dedicated.” Carried Unmam.
Reports were taken for by the Chairman. The L.D.C. Report was given by Bro. C. Cornford re first and second links Sundays roster also booking of extra Sundays, On June 7th the L.D.C. are to meet Mr. Roodgers.
Passed Cleaner Bro. L. Penfold reported that he had to do full 8 hour duties when on loan out depot to which he was loaned.
There being no other business the Chairman thanked all present for their attendance and closed the meeting at 1.20
Members present Bros. F. Bone, K. Cavie, A. Card, L. Penfold, K. Passmore, F. Robinson,
R. Cornford & A. Brooker.

Tunbridge Wells Branch Meeting
Sunday July 15th 1951, at 10.45 a.m.
at the Welfare Rooms, Central Station.
Bro. C.R. Cornford presiding
The Chairman asked for a minute taker as although the assistant Secretary was present, Bro. V. Rumley had resigned at the end of the last meeting. The Chairman said he had no evidence of this. It was moved by Bro. R. Bridger and seconded by Bro. J. Murphy. “That Bro. A. Murphy be minute taker for this meeting.” Carried
The Chairman then called for the minutes of the last meeting. Bro. V. Rumley disagreed with the wording in the wording re circular 41/1951, stating that it was a slur on the Secretary, it was agreed that the name in question should be put in the last meetings minutes. It was moved to be signed as a true record by the Chairman with no seconder , as no member at 20/5/51 at the 15/7/51 except Bro. A. Brooker who had written the minutes. Carried
Matters arising
Bro. J. Murphy raised re Social Committee and election of members there on. Position explained by Bros. R. Bridger and Chairman, it was further pointed out by Bro. R. Bridger the Social Committee Secretary that the notice had asked for A.S.L.E.F. men. The Chairman agreed the branch had been misinformed. It was raised re on loan firemen Bros. L. Penfold & R. Venison, letters have gone to Mr. Rodgers requesting directions to be sent to the Running Foreman at these depots.
Letter from Bro. K. Passmore re on loan work was stated by the L.D.C. Secretary that the letter put in the office also by Bro. K. Passmore was shown to L.D.C. and was sent onto Mr. Rodgers. It was moved by Bro. A. Brooker and seconded by Bro. R. Bridger. “That two open meetings be called for on the next Friday 20/7/51 and Tuesday 24/7/51 and the following motion be discussed. ‘That Stew Lane on loan Sunday work be divorced from the Tun Wells West extra Sunday list and be worked by a panel of volunteers.’” Carried Unam.
The Chairman then asked for reports
Bro. R. Cornford reported re meeting with Mr. Rodgers on redundancy, 4Ps disposal and coaling time, more that to be made, shed staffing scheme for a saving of £1081, Bro. R. Saunders charge sheet, lobby condition after redecoration, turn table surrounds report accepted. Bro. R Bridger raised re Bro. A.E. Cox stoppage of 2 hours when being sent with call papers.
District Council
Re rail economics and B.T.C. finance, A.S.L.E.+F. hold 49 out of 51 Regional Council seats N.U.R. will not contest in future. Good hour was spent on usual dual panel, Rest Days majority of depots working was stated motormen working on their rest Days where sitting in the lobby. Report accepted.
No further reports the Chairman thanked all for the attendance and closed meeting at 1.20 p.m.
Members present Bros. V. Rumley, C. Puckett, R Bridger, J. Murphy, V. Thorpe, P. Savage,
R. Cornford & A. Brooker.
Tunbridge Wells Branch Meeting
Sunday September 16th 1951, at 10.45 a.m.
at the Welfare Rooms, Central Station.
Bro. C.R.Cornford presiding
The Chairman asked for nominations for assistant Secretary and minute taker. Proposed by Bro. A. Brooker and seconded by Bro. R. Bridger, Bro. V. Thorpe, proposed Bro. J. Murphy, Bro. K. Passmore, but Bro. K. Passmore declined before any members could second Bro. J. Murphy’s proposal. There being no other proposals the chairman asked Bro. V. Thorpe to be Assistant Secretary and minute taker for the rest of this year’s term of office. Carried.
The Chairman then called for the minutes of the previous meeting to be read. There being no alterations or questions. Bro. R. Bridger moved and Bro. A . Brooker seconded “That the Chairman sign the minutes as a true record.”
Matters arising.
Bro. F. Elmer raised re resignation of Bro. V. Rumley from Assistant Secretary and minute taker. As there be distorted reports go about the Depot regarding his resignation that it should be clarified before these reports go about. The Chairman explained that he did not know of the exact reasons for Bro. V. Rumley’s resignation. But that it was due to the amount of other working with Branch matters.
Bro. V. Thorpe raised re the 2 hours pay stopped to Bro. A.E. Cox time taken to take out call papers, Bro. R. Bridger explained that Bro. A.E. Cox had now paid these two hours. The Secretary then stated that Bro. A.E. Cox is now a non unionist as he has lapsed payment.
Bro. K. Passmore raised regarding notice for filling vacancies on the Social Committee procedure. After discussion Bro. K. Passmore was still in disagreement of the paid procedure. During discussion on the Social Committee Procedure, a letter was read by the Secretary from the Social Committee Secretary Bro. R. bridger, asking that the branch fill a vacancy which existed. Moved by Bro. F. Elmer, seconded Bro. A. Brooker. “That this be deferred to next Social Committee meeting and that a suggestion re retired members represent on the committee.” Carried.
Circular 70/1951 Wages Application & Enhance Payments.
There was an interesting discussion on this subject. This circular gave details of R. E.’s offers. Bro. F. Elmer moved and Bro. K. Passmore seconded. “That we agree with the Resolution of the E.C.’s.” Carried.
Social committee None, Bro. K. Savage moved, Bro. C.R. Cornford seconded. “That a vote of thanks be given to the Social Committee for most enjoyable outings.” Carried
L.D.C. report
Bro. C.R. Cornford gave the L.D.C. report, booking of Rest Day by Bro. H. Colebrook, L.M.S. P&D time. Wastage of oil in axel boxes of L.M.S. 4P’s. there was a test on the 1.8 p.m. London Bridge, results not as yet known. Letter from Signalman Head advocate for the shunter concerned in off road in the dock regard have points checked before repairs are done. Bro. R. Coombers (?) coal claiming of driving them :’ Bro. K. Passmore raised the question of the local agreement at Tun Wells West. Bro. C.R. Cornford stated the L.D.C. were getting down on this matter. Bro. K. Passmore claim pressed that the existing minutes be overhauled, a discussion then took place re early and late booking of passed men. Bro. F. Elmer moved Bro R. bridger seconded that the L.D.C. get together to call an open meeting for suggestions on this matter. Bro. K. Savage raised re Fireman L. Penfold notice of resignation, did not know whether it was taken as from 7 days after notice put in the office or from Monday to Saturday both days inclusive. Bro. K. Savage then suggested that fuller information be sought regarding giving in notice and that it be posted. Letter from Dover re voting papers which were mislaid.
Next dealt with was nomination of Branch Officials
Proposed by Bro. A. Brooker seconded by Bro. F. Elemer Bro C.R. Cornford
Vice Chairman
Proposed by Bro. F. Elmer seconded by Bro. R. Bridger Bro. A. Brooker
Ass Secretary
Proposed by Bro. A. Brooker seconded by Bro. R. Bridger Bro. V. Thorpe.
Proposed by Bro. A. Brooker, seconded by Bro. R. Bridger Bro R. Saunders
Proposed by Bro. A. Brooker, seconded by Bro. K. Passmore Bro. K. Savage
Proposed by Bro. K. Elmer seconded by Bro. A .Brooker Bro. R. Bridger
Proposed by Bro. A. Brooker seconded by Bro. K. Savage Bro. K. Passmore.
Proposed by Bro. R. Bridger seconded by Bro. A. Brooker Bro. F. Elmer
Proposed by Bro. C.R. Cornford seconded by Bro. A. Brooker Bro. J. Murphy
Check Stewarts
Proposed by Bro. A. Brooker seconded by Bro. R. Bridger Bro. J. Murphy
Proposed by Bro. A. Brooker seconded by Bro. R. Bridger Bro. V. Thorpe
District Council Delegate
Proposed by Bro. A. Brooker seconded by Bro. R. Bridger Bro. C.R. Cornford
Proposed by Bro. F. Elmer seconded by Bro. R. Bridger Bro. A. Brooker be deputy delegate.
Proposed by Bro. F. Elmer seconded by Bro. A. Brooker Bro C.R. Cornford
Proposed by Bro. C.R. Cornford by Bro. K. Savage Bro. A. Brooker
Proposed by Bro. K. Savage seconded by Bro. F. Elmer Bro. R. Bridger
Proposed by Bro. K. Savage seconded by Bro. F. Elmer Bro. V. Rumley
Proposed by Bro. F. Elmer seconded by Bro. A. Brooker Bro. F. Robinson
There being no other business the Chairman thank all for coming along and closed the meeting at 1.20 p.m.
Members present Bros. A. Brooker, J. Murphy, K. Passmore, K. Savage, R. Bridger, F. Elmer, F. Robinson, C.R. Cornford, V. Thorpe & R. Saunders.
Tunbridge Wells Branch Meeting
Sunday October 21st 1951, at 10.45 a.m.
at the Welfare Rooms, Central Station.
Bro. C.R.Cornford presiding
The Chairman then asked for a minute taker as the ass Secretary was on holiday. Proposed by Bro. A. Brooker seconded by Bro. F. Bone Bro. R. Saunders. There being no other proposals the Chairman asked Bro.R. Saunders to be minute taker for this meeting. The Chairman then asked for the minutes of the last meeting to be read. Bro. A. Brooker stated that regarding the minute referring to early and late booking of passed Fireman, this should read “Passed Men” this was agreed and altered. Decided also that purposes be centred in last months minutes for secretary although no seconder. The #chairman then said that Bro. R. Bridger be enetered in last minutes in place of the words “Chairman” as this would then be correct. This agreed. There being no further alterations, Bro. A. Brooker moved and Bro. R. Saunders seconded “That the Chairman sign them as a true record.” Carried.
Social Committee
Letter from Bro. R. Bridger re election of Old Aged Pensioners onto the above committee. This was not agreed by the Social Committee to fill the vacancy by this means. The Chairman then asked for nominations to fill this vacancy from the Branch. Bro. A. Brooker moved “That the number of the Committee be discussed at the end of that term of office.” Seconded by Bro. V. Rumley. Carried.
Next dealt with were further nominations of Branch Officials.
Proposed by Bro. V. Rumley seconded by Bro. C. Puckett Bro. C.R. Cornford
Vice Chairman
Proposed by Bro. V. Rumley seconded by Bro. F. Robinson Bro. A. Brooker
Proposed by Bro. K. Passmore seconded by Bro. C. Puckett Bro. F. Robinson
Ass. Secretary
Propsoed by Bro. K. Passmore seconded by Bro. W. Ovenden Bro. R Saunders
Check Stewarts
Proposed by Bro. K. Passmore seconded by Bro. W. Ovenden Bro. R. Saunders
Proposed by Bro. C. Puckett seconded by V. Rumley Bro. J. Murphy
Proposed by Bro. A. Brooker seconded by Bro. W. Ovenden Bro. V. Rumbley
Proposed by Bro. K. Passmore seconded by V. Rumley Bro. C. Puckett
Local Labour Party
Proposed by Bro. A. Brooker seconded by Bro. C. Puckett Bro. F. Robinson
Proposed by Bro. F. Robinson seconded by Bro. V. Rumley Bro. R. Cornford
Industrial Council
Proposed by Bro. A. Brooker seconded by Bro. V. Rumley Bro. C. Puckett
Proposed by Bro. V. Rumley seconded by Bro. F. Bone Bro. A. Brooker
Proposed by V. Rumley seconded by Bro. A. Brooker Bro. K. Passmore
Labour Party
Proposed by F. Robinson seconded Bro. R. Cornford Bro. A. Brooker
Proposed by Bro. A. Brooker seconded by Bro. V. Rumley Bro. R. Cornford
Further Business
Bro. V. Rumley proposed and Bro. K. Passmore seconded that £1 be donated to the T.W. Labour Party for the election fund. (Caried).
Bro. R. Cornford reported re meeting with Mr. Rodgers Priming of 4P engines, valve setting of Class 3 engines valve surround, lighting of shed more per space in shed. Deck points re engine off road. 4P disposal time 65 minutes agreement not signed. Mr. Colebroke working Rest Day letter sent to Head Office
Bro. J. Robinson gave report on meeting with chemist
Bro. W. Ovenden then raised question regarding disc cleaners are required to draw when booking on duty and returned when booking off. If this procedure should apply when firing. Decided that be left for the L.D.C. to deal with at future meeting with the management.
Bro. R. Saunders raised point that after pay checks have been cashed no further checked on amount can be made, only through office. Suggested different system be adapted. Norwood system preferred L.D.C. to look into matters.
There being no further business the Chairman thanked all for coming along and closed the meeting at 1.40 p.m.
Members present, Bros. F. Bone, W. Ovenden, L. Stephenson, A. Brooker, V. Rumley.
R Cornford, F. Robinson, R. Saunders & K. Passmore.

Tunbridge Wells Branch Meeting
Sunday November 18th 1951, at 10.45 a.m.
at the Welfare Rooms, Central Station.
Bro. C.R. Cornford presiding
Bro. F. Elmer moved and Bro. A. Brooker seconded. “That we disregard the Standing Orders for this meeting for voting purposes etc. owing to there being one member short. The Chairman then asked for the minutes of the previous meeting to b e read. Bro. A. Brooker raised re the minute regarding “Mr. Colebroke working Rest Day.” This should read Bro. Colebrook agreed. Bro. A. Brooker moved and Bro. R. Saunders seconded that the Chairman sign these minutes ad a true record.
Matters Arising Bro. F. Elmer raised the question of an Old Aged Pensioner serving on the Social Committee. After some discussion it was suggested we leave this matter over until the Social Committees term of office and then go into the Social committees terms of reference and office.
Bro. R. Saunders raised re booking on discs. There have been no notice put up regarding cleaners not having to draw same out when firing. The Chairman stated that he would contact the management and notice placed in the case.
Circular 84/1951 Southern Region Sectional Council No.7 Elections 1957
There was a certain amount of discussion regarding this circular. Bro. F. Elmer moved and Bro. A. brooker seconded the following resolution. “When ballot papers are received the Secretary must put a notice in the case to this effect, also stating from whom ballot papers may be obtained and that in future out dated notices be removed within a period of six days.” Carried Unam.
Circular 91/1951 Railway Staff conference General Matters
Bro. F. Elmer moved and Bro. A .Brooker seconded the following resolution to be sent to Head office. “We deplore the laxity in supplying the branches with the information re minute Higher Grade Duty Passed Fireman and Passed Cleaners Circ. 91/1951, dated 15/8/1951. We understand this agreement come onto force on 18/8/1951, and we urge that this matter be treated more expeditiously.” Carried Unam.
Bro. F. Elmer moved also A. Brooker seconded. “That the Chairman has this circular and tries to interpret the minute re Additional Turn of Duty.” Carried
The Chairman then asked that voting take place for Branch Officials which was done and the following officers were elected for 1952.
Chairman, Bro. C. Cornford, Vice Chairman, Bro. A. Brooker, Secretary Bro. F. G. Robinson, Assistant Secretary Bro. V. Thorpe & Bro. R. Saunders.
Bros C. Puckett. K. Passmore, R. Saunders, K. Savage, F. Elmer, J. Murphy, R. Bridger, & V. Rumley.
Check Stewarts
Bros. J. Murphy R. Saunders & V. Thorpe
District Council Delegate
Bro. C.R. Cornford elected
Deputy District Council Delegate
Bro. A. Brooker elected
Labour Party General Committee
Bros. A. Brooker & C. R. Cornford elected
Industrial Council
Bros. C. Puckett, A. Brooker & K. Passmore
Bros. A. Brooker, F.G. Robinson, C.r. Cornford, V. Rumley & R. Bridger
Bro. C.R. Cornford gave the L.D.C. report, holiday rotation to reissued, notice for lockers; meeting with Mr. Rodgers; highering of drivers seats on the Standard Tank engines; side to be provided for the Standard valves on same; plates to be replace in point of lever. Regulations to be slightly bent. There was quite an interesting discussion on the items regarding the new Standard Tank Engines.
There being no other business the Chairman closed the meeting at 1.45 p.m. and thanked all men present for coming along.
Members present Bros. J. Murphy, R. Saunders, A. Brooker, F. Elmer, V. Thorpe & C.R. Cornford.
Addendium to minutes
It was agreed to a suggestion by Bro. F. Elmer that the number of votes for the nominee for Branch Officials be recorded on a separate page and disclosed at the next branch meeting. There being no other nominees for Chairman Vice Chairman and Secretary, the nominated members were duly elected.
Number of votes obtained by each member fr the position of Branch Officer to be disclosed at next Branch meeting
Ass. Secretary
Bro V. Thorpe 4, Bro. R. Saunders 1
Bro. C. Puckett 5, Bro. K. Passmore 5, Bro. R. Saunders 4, Bro. K. Savage 4, Bro. F. Elmer 4, Bro. J. Murphy 4,
Bro. R. Bridger 3, Bro. V. Rumley 1.
Check stewards
Bro. J. Murphy 4, Bro. R. Saunders 4 & V. Thorpe 1
Bro. A. Brooker 5, Bro. F. Robinson 5, Bro. C.R. Cornford 5, Bro. V. Rumley 2 & Bro. R. Bridger 1
Tunbridge Wells Branch Meeting
Sunday December 18th 1951, at 10.45 a.m.
at the Welfare Rooms, Central Station.
Bro. C.R. Cornford presiding
Bro. A. Brooker moved Bro. W. Ovenden seconded that Bro. R. Saundes be minute taker for this meeting. After the Chairman had asked for a minute taker. There being no other proposals the Chairman asked Bro. R. Saunders to be minute taker for this meeting.
The Chairman then asked for the minutes of the last meeting to be read. Bro. C.R. Cornford moved that minute 88/1951 be recinded from previous minutes owing to misread circular. Carried.
Bro. A. Brooker moved and Bro. J. Murphy seconded. “That when a request is made for correspondence sent to Head Office to be placed before the E.C. That the instruction in the letter be applied with and answer be given by the Executive.” Carried
Bro. A. Brooker moved Bro J. Murphy seconded. “That the Chairman sign these minutes as a true record.”
Letter form Bro. F.J. Baston Norwood Branch A.S.L.E.+F. re Promotion Scheme. Quite a lengthy discussion took place on this. Bro. J. Murphy moved Bro. A Brooker seconded. “That this be left on the table.”
Bro. F. Robinson moved Bro. A. Brooker seconded. “That Lenard of St Leonard be supported by this Branch.
Next dealt with final voting for Branch Officers
Ass. Secretary
Bro R. Saunders, Bro. V. Thorpe elected.
Bro. C. Puckett 2 Elected, Bro. K. Passmore 2 Elected, Bro. R. Saunders 3 Elected, Bro. K. Savage 3 Elected, Bro. F. Elmer 1 Elected, Bro. J. Murphy 3 elected, Bro. R. Bridger 1 Elected, Bro. V. Rumley 1.
Check stewards
Bro. J. Murphy 3 Elected, Bro. R. Saunders 3 elected & V. Thorpe 0
Bro. A. Brooker 1 elected, Bro. F.G. robinson 2 elected, Bro. C.R. cornford 2 elected, Bro. V. Rumley 1 & Bro. R. Bridger 0.
Other business
Bro. J. Murphy moved Bro. C. Puckett seconded. “That the Branch Meetings for 1952 be held at the same place and the same time.
Proposal by Bro. A .Brooker. “That the Executive are pressed for a claim for enhanced payment for time and a quarter for men booking on from 12 noon until 10 p.m. Saturdays.
There being no other business the Chairman closed the meeting at 1.45 p.m. and thanked all members present for coming along.
Members present Bros. F. Robinson, C.R. Cornford, J. Murphy, C. Puckett, W. Ovenden,
A. Brooker & R. Saunders.