Chairman Bro. A. Brooker
Tunbridge Wells Annual General Meeting
Sunday January 25th 1976 10.30 p.m.
at the Welfare Rooms Tunbridge Wells Central Station
The minutes of the last meeting were read by the Branch Secretary and it was moved by Bro. F. Diplock and seconded Bro. R. Bridger. “That they were a true record.”
Matters arising from minutes
Mutual Aid fund
The rules of the Mutual Aid fund, that were moved and accepted of the Branch Meeting of September 16th 1973, were given a full discussion, and it was agreed that due to the rise in cost’s and values, amendments to the rules had become necessary. The amendments put forward and explained by the chairman were discussed by the members and by a unanimously vote were accepted and as per rule (11) these amendments to be kept in the minute book for future reference.
It was moved Bro. R. Bridger and seconded Bro. F. Diplock that the amendments to the rules made at this meeting are to take effect as from the 25th January 1976. this also was agreed unanimously
Proposed Rail Cuts
Bro. F. Diplock, Assistant Branch Secretary, informed the meeting that as agreed at the November meeting he had, had 16 copies of his proposed scheme printed at the cost of £19.26 and these were now being dispatched to British Rail Representaives, Sectional Council ‘B’ secretary, L.D.C. secretaries of M.P.D. Victoria M.T. and Guards. Tunbridge Wells West, Mr. S. Pollington, Uckfield Parish Council, Mrs G. Gow, Secretary Uckfield to Lewes East Sussex Travellers Association. Mr. Rose, Tunbridge Wells and District Travellers and Mr. Thorneycroft, Edenbridge Area T. Ass and Miss P. Johnson Area Secretary Transport Secretary.
He was now awaiting replies to these and would advise the Branch of development
Branch Financial Report
The Financial Report of the Branch for year ending 31st December ’75 was given by the Branch Secretary and it was moved by Bro. Bridger and Seconded Bro. L. Stephenson. “That the report is a true recoded.”
Mutual Aid Fund Report
The financial report of the Mutual Aid Fund for the year ending 31st December 1975 was given by the Branch Secretary and it was moved Bro. B. Baldock and seconded Bro. L. Stephenson. “That the report is a true record.”
Election of Branch Officers for 1976.
It was proposed Bro. F. Diplock and seconded Bro. R. Bridger and unanimously agreed by all members present, that the Branch Officers for 1976 are to remain the same as 1975, but with the following exception, it was agreed as Bro. B. Baldock is now an official L.D.C. Representative he should take the place of Bro. K. Savage on the Committee.
Branch Officers for 1976
Chairman A. Brooker, Vice Chairman R. Bridger, Secretary W. Baldwin, Ass. Secretary F. Diplock.
B. Baldock, R. Brown, V. Rumley, A. Dougherty, A. Young & D.Ward.
The subject of collections and the wording of the Branch Minute of the meeting of Sunday 17th November ’74 on this matter was given a full discussion and it was unanimously agreed by all members present, that due to all-round improved sick-payments, this minute is to be cancelled and the following minute to apply as from this meeting.
All future collections to be held at Tunbridge Wells West Booking Office, if convenient to do so.
Collections are to be held when a man has been of work through illness for six complete weeks and is still of sick and another after 26 weeks with amount given to be optional.
Collection to held on the Thursday of the 4th week, but if this is not possible it is to be held on the following Thursday that can be arranged.
Notice of all collections taking place at Booking Office i.e. Guards, Station Staff , Drivers etc to be posted on Branch Notice Board for the benefit of monthly paid drivers to subscribe to if they so wish.
In the case of retirements this also to be made at the Booking Office for all to subscribe to.
Bro. L. Stephenson bought to the attention of the meeting a point of in-fairness in the present procedure of the booking of early and late extra Sundays and where Monday morning rostered turn of duty is used as a guide to who is booked early and late on a Sunday.
It was agreed there was a point for examination and it would be discussed further at the next Branch Meeting.
There being no other business the Chairman brought the meeting to a close at 13.45
Tunbridge Wells Annual General Meeting
Sunday March 28th 1976 10.30 p.m.
at the Welfare Rooms Tunbridge Wells Central Station
The minutes of the last meeting were read by the Branch Secretary and it was moved by Bro. F. Bridger and seconded Bro. F. Diplock. “That they were a true record.”
Any other Business arising from the last meeting
Proposed Rail Cuts
Bro. F. Diplock gave his report on replies he had received on his reduced Sunday service which had been forwarded to various parties. All were favourable to scheme and those forwarded to British Rail representatives had been received their consideration, but due to the proposed cuts being put forward from the 20th April to 25th July ’76 no information on these are available at this time.
Sunday Bookings
The position of Sunday bookings was given a full and long discussion by all members present. Points raised included the right to move a man off his rostered duty on a Monday morning to accommodate an Extra Sunday duty driver.
The right to use a Rest Day worker if no A/O driver available to cover the extra Sunday duty drivers Monday roster
If or not the present system of Sunday booking should remain or be changed
It was moved Bro. F. Diplock and seconded Bro. D. Godden. “That the matter should be put to a vote. This was unanimously agreed and the voting was as follows
4 to remain and 4 to be changed
The Chairman pointed out to the members that a considerable amount of time had been taken in discussion on this item and as there was obviously still a great deal of uncertainty on this matter, he suggested that the Branch Secretary mark it down for further discussion at the next meeting, this was agreed by all members present.
L.D.C. Report
The L.D.C. Secretary gave his report on matters in hand at this time, this included Edenbridge platform and payment of wages.
Any Other Business
Bro. F. Diplock brought to the attention of the meeting that at this time, no provision had been established at the depot to provide a spray of flowers as a token of respect from the members on the death of any the past or present members of the staff of Tunbridge Wells West depot.
Bro. Diplock offered to make the necessary arrangements when any such occasion arose in the future if the members wished. his offer was appreciated and accepted be all members present and a vote of thanks was given to Bro. F. Diplock and H. Love for the arrangements they made for a spray of flowers to be sent from the depot at the death of Bro. H. Blackmore.
There being no other business the chairman bought the meeting to a close at 13.00
Tunbridge Wells Annual General Meeting
Sunday March 28th 1976 10.30 p.m.
at the Welfare Rooms Tunbridge Wells Central Station
The minutes of the last meeting were read by the Branch Secretary and it was moved by Bro. F. Bridger and seconded Bro. F. Diplock. “That they were a true record.”
Any other Business arising from the last meeting
Proposed Rail Cuts
Bro. F. Diplock gave his report on replies he had received on his reduced Sunday service which had been forwarded to various parties. All were favourable to scheme and those forwarded to British Rail representatives had been received their consideration, but due to the proposed cuts being put forward from the 20th April to 25th July ’76 no information on these are available at this time.
Sunday Bookings
The position of Sunday bookings was given a full and long discussion by all members present. Points raised included the right to move a man off his rostered duty on a Monday morning to accommodate an Extra Sunday duty driver.
The right to use a Rest Day worker if no A/O driver available to cover the extra Sunday duty drivers Monday roster
If or not the present system of Sunday booking should remain or be changed
It was moved Bro. F. Diplock and seconded Bro. D. Godden. “That the matter should be put to a vote. This was unanimously agreed and the voting was as follows
4 to remain and 4 to be changed
The Chairman pointed out to the members that a considerable amount of time had been taken in discussion on this item and as there was obviously still a great deal of uncertainty on this matter, he suggested that the Branch Secretary mark it down for further discussion at the next meeting, this was agreed by all members present.
L.D.C. Report
The L.D.C. Secretary gave his report on matters in hand at this time, this included Edenbridge platform and payment of wages.
Any Other Business
Bro. F. Diplock brought to the attention of the meeting that at this time, no provision had been established at the depot to provide a spray of flowers as a token of respect from the members on the death of any the past or present members of the staff of Tunbridge Wells West depot.
Bro. Diplock offered to make the necessary arrangements when any such occasion arose in the future if the members wished. his offer was appreciated and accepted be all members present and a vote of thanks was given to Bro. F. Diplock and H. Love for the arrangements they made for a spray of flowers to be sent from the depot at the death of Bro. H. Blackmore.
There being no other business the chairman bought the meeting to a close at 13.00
Tunbridge Wells Annual General Meeting
Sunday August 4th 1976 10.30 p.m.
at the Welfare Rooms Tunbridge Wells Central Station
The minutes of the last meeting were read by the Branch Secretary and it was moved by Bro. F. Diplock and seconded Bro. B. Baldock. “That they were a true record.”
The position of Sunday bookings was again bought to the attention of the meeting for further discussion. But due to the present proposed cut back in Sunday services, and no diagram workings yet available to know what Sunday duties would be booked to the depot as from the 4th October ’76. The Chairman suggested that this matter should again be deferred to the next meeting for further discussion. This was agreed by the members present.
Correspondence and circulars as from the last meeting were read by trhe branch secretary and it was unanimously agreed that Bro. T.G. Thomas Llanelli be voted as delegate to the I.T.T. Congress and Bro. J. Smith Acton & North Fields be voted for the Societies Parliamentary Panel.
L.D.C. Report
The L.D.C. Secretary gave his report om matters in hand. A full discussion was given on the proposed new offices and car parking, to which suggestion was made that carefull consideration be given by the L.D.c.to what is offered as alternative parking space.
Matters were still in hand with management, on ‘B; Box colour light home signal, on the overheating of D.E.M.U.’s and also that the train lights still go out when engine shut down.
Discussion was given to the cut out of telephone amendments on Sundays 22:00 to close and it was left that this move left certain points, questions note. It was moved Bro F. Diplock and seconded Bro. A. Dougherty. “That the item be put forward for L.D.C. discussion with management.” This was agreed unanimously.
The poor facilities at Oxted station for drivers to take their P.N. Breaks was given a full discussion. The L.D.C. Secretary gave details of his correspondence on this and it was agreed that the Branch Secretary should advise and if possible. Request information as to what improvements management are giving consideration to making.
There being no other business the chairman brought the meeting to a close at 13.30.
Tunbridge Wells Annual General Meeting
Sunday September 19th 1976 10.30 p.m.
at the Welfare Rooms Tunbridge Wells Central Station
The minutes of the last meeting were read by the Branch Secretary and it was moved by Bro. F. Diplock and seconded Bro. T. Allen. “That they were a true record.”
The Branch Secretary gave his report on the position re Oxted P.N. Point. But no progress had been made it was agreed that the L.D.C. Secretary should write again to management on this matter.
T.U.C. Regional Council, it was proposed Bro. F. Diplock and seconded I. Breeds that Bro. Stokes, hither Green should be given consideration from the Branch for this position. This had a unanimous vote in favour of Bro. stokes.
L.D.C. Report
This report gave details of the cuts on the depot roster of Sunday duties as from 10/10/76. This matter was given a very full discussion and concern was expressed at the loss of Sunday work at Tunbridge Wells West Depot, in comparison with other depots in this area.
It was felt that this matter should be further progressed by the L.D.C. with the aim to getting additional Sunday duties on the roster.
I was proposed Bro. P. Pepper and seconded I. Breeds. “that a special branch Committee be formed to discuss any dispute which may arise on this matter, this was unanimously agreed by all present.
It was proposed that Bros L. Stephenson, I. Breeds, S. Neal, R. Bridger, M. Allen & D. Godden. That these members should form the Specail Branch Committee.
It was proposed Bro. P. Pepper and seconded I. Breeds. “That in the event of any failure of the l.D.C. to get any improvement of Sunday duties of Tunbridge Wells depot the drivers would carry out the same resolution of the Branch meeting of 28th April 1974, in that the drivers would report for duty at 06:00 and 14:00 Hrs. as from the 4th October ’76. this was unanimously agreed.
Any other Business
Bro. R. Plummer brought to the attention of the meeting , the dangerous state of the walkways at Tunbridge Wells from sidings of the up and down platforms ends, and beyond at Eridge, and the gas sidings walk way at Oxted station.
It was agreed by members that these did exist as dangerous situation when the drivers were required to use these points and the L.D.C. instructed to bring this matter to the attention of management.
It was understood that Bro. W. Hutchings Horsham Branch was standing for 1977 AAD representative and that in the event of voting paper being due in before the next meeting, it was unanimously agreed that Bro. W. Hutchings be voted from this branch for group H.O. representative.
Meeting closed at 13.15
Tunbridge Wells Special General Meeting
Sunday October 3rd 1976 10.30 p.m.
at the Welfare Rooms Tunbridge Wells Central Station
This special to discuss the proposals and resolution of the meeting of the 19th September ’76, with regards to the cuts in Sunday duties at Tunbridge Wells West depot.
The L.D.C. Secretary reported to the Special Branch Committee, that at a meeting with management, Sectional Council ‘B’, Redhill M.T., & Victoria m.T. L.D.C.s on Wednesday 29th September ’76, no improvements of Sunday duties were offered to them and the position was the same as their report on the 19th September ’76.
This matter was given a long and full discussion by all members, and unanimously agreed that the resolution of booking on at 06;00 & 14:00 Hrs. will apply on Monday 4th October ’76, providing a guarantee of 8 Hrs pay per day was given by management and if given, it was voted 9 for and nil against continuing booking on these times indefinitely.
In the event of management refusing to pay 8hrs per day, it was voted 14 for and nil against, that as from Tuesday 5th October ’76, men would work strictly and only to their diagram workings.
It was voted 14 for and nil against that if management offered all or any member his cards a return to normal working would apply immediately.
This position of working on Sunday 10th October ’76 was fully discussed and in a vote taken 7 were against working 4 for working and a no to working on Sunday 10th October ’76 was recorded at this time. But it was felt that a Special branch meeting should be called for Wednesday 6th October ’76 to discuss developments, and this should again be discussed and finalised at that meeting.
Tunbridge Wells Special General Meeting
Wednesday October 6th 1976 19.00 p.m.
at the Welfare Rooms Tunbridge Wells Central Station
Bro. T. Allen, Chairman of the Special Branch committee opened the meeting by calling on the L.D.C. secretary Bro. A. Brooker for a report on his meeting with the A.D.M. on Tuesday 5th October ’76. Bro. A. Brooker informed the members that he had been advised by the A.D.M. that there would be no more Sunday duties for Tunbridge Wells depot because of this dispute and any continuation of such action could lead to a further reduction of the Oxted line services.
The Branch Secretary informed the members that to date, he had received no reply or even acknowledgement to his letter of the 29th September to Head office, so could not say if any assistance would be given on this matter.
Bro. Allen questioned as to what contact the Organising Secretary had made with the Branch Officials, and again the Branch Secretary had to point out, that as with Head Office, there had been nothing from him either.
The situation was discussed by the members present and it was agreed that combining the facts of a complete silence from Head office together with the positive action being taken by management over this dispute, careful consideration should be given to the advantages and disadvantages of any further action taken, many points for and against were put forward, but reluctantly, because of Head office silence, and the uncertainty if any assistance in this dispute would be given, it was felt that in the light of managements attitude to any alleviation of the unfair number of loss Sunday duties sufferd by this depot, and the members re-action to that loss, having been made very clear to the management by industrial action could lead to further reduction of the Oxted road services, all such action shall cease as from the completion of this days latest duty.
It was voted 12 for and 1 against and 2 abstained. That as from Thursday 7th October ’76 normal diagram working will be strictly adhered to.
It was voted 11 for, 1 against and 3 abstained. That L.D.C. minutes in respect of rest day working will apply and a unanimous vote was given to accept the present number of Sunday duties.
It was proposed and seconded that Bro. F. Diplock be thanked for his knowledge and help given with the diagram workings in this dispute, and a unanimous vote of thanks was expressed by all members.
It was proposed and seconded. “that the branch Secretary be instructed to write to the General Secretary expressing their utter disgust of the full membership of the Tunbridge Wells Branch, at no reply to their correspondence , or assistance in this matter. A unanimous vote was given to this proposal and the Branch Secretary instructed to make it clear, as to the bitter feeling over this matter of all 38 drivers at the depot, and that the letter be sent recorded delivery.
Tunbridge Wells Branch Meeting
Sunday December 5th 1976 10.30 p.m.
at the Welfare Rooms Tunbridge Wells Central Station
The Branch Chairman/L.D.C. Secretary, the Branch Secretary and the remaining L.D.C. representatives attended this meeting call. All other members failed to attend and the meeting was unable to be held.