Chairman Bro. W. Tansell

Vice Chairman Bro F. Wheeler
Secretary Bro. A. Rookley

Branch Meeting was held on Sunday 15th March 1964 

at the Royal British Legion Seaford

Members present Bros. V. Morris, H. Howard, C. Wilson, C. Wickenden, W. Tansell, 

W. Mullett & A. Rookley.

Apologises Bro. S. Cheal, F. Wheeler & W. Sharp.

Agenda 1 Resignation of Branch Chairman

             2 Resignation of L.D.C. Secretary

Secretary reported that after receiving letter on Monday 11th June from Bro. Tansell re his resignation of Branch Chairman and L.D.C. Secretary. He called on all Committee for instruction and was given permission to do so and notified all members by letter. Chairman Bro. C. Wilson and seconded by Bro. W. Mullett. "The Secretary be Chairman for this meeting."

Chairman opened meeting by reading letter of resignation from Bro. Tansell, and asked Bro. Tansell to speak on same.

Bro. Tansell spoke on his reasons for same in as much as he was on various times and duties told what to do when on duty and criticised openly re same. Matters which should be conducted in Branch room and he certainly would not stand for this.

Bro. Howard spoke on 810 duty being messed about with by roster clerk and nothing done about it also item 23 not being rescinded.

Bro. Tansell stated he had verbally given roster clerk instructions on this matter of 810 duty.

Bro. Wickenden considered items should be taken up in writing by agenda and spoke on 810 & 808 duties,also 814 duty, extra time for locking up.

Bro. Howard moved and seconded by Bro. Wickenden. That letter of resignation be accepted. Carried.

Bro. Tansell stated he had written to Shed Master and was informed by same that Bro. Wheeler had also resigned from L.D.C. The Secretary reported he had not been notified by Bro. Wheeler either in writing or verbally. Bro. Mullett moved and seconded by Bro. C. Wilson. "That Bro. Wheeler's resignation be accepted in light of information given by Bro. Tansell"

New L.D.C. to act until end of 1964. Moved Bro. Howard and Seconded by Bro. Mullett "Bros. Wickenden and A. Rookley be new L.D.C. en bloc." Carried No further nominations. New Chairman. moved Bro. Howard and seconded by Bro. Wilson "Bro. S. Cheal be new Chairman, Secretary to write to Bro. Cheale for acceptance". No further nominations.

Bro. A. Rookley, thanked Bro. Tansell for all his help to the Branch.

Seaford Branch  

16 Members

Henry Allen,
R. Bush, 
William Brown, 
Ernest Collington, 
Stafford Frederick George Cheal, 
William Joseph Lipscombe,  
Roland Victor Edward Morris, 
William Arthur Mullett, 
Herbert Stanley Howard,
Arthur William John Rookley,
David William Renville,
Donald Albert Smith,
Walter Edward Sharp,
William Joseph Tansell,
Colin John Wickenden
Frederick James Wheeler

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