1975 -1980
1975 - 80
Chairman Bro. F. Wheeler
A Branch Meeting was held on Tuesday 8th May 1980
at the Royal British Legion Seaford
Members present G. Hilton, S. Cheal, W. Mullett, H. Allen, J. Longmore, F. Wheeler, J. Rowe & R. Morris.
The Chairman Bro. F. Wheeler welcomed two new numbers to the Branch, Bros. J. Rowe & J. Longmore.
Secretary explained election of Officers for 1980 had been carried out.
Correspondence, posted taken as read. Proposed by Bro. J. Rowe & Seconded by Bro. W. Mullett, that at least one Branch meeting to be held a year, or unless requested, also L.D.C. Chairman to call meeting when required.
Bill Lipscombe
A Branch Meeting was held on Tuesday 13th May 1980
at the Royal British Legion Seaford
Branch Secretary explained the reason for the meeting being explained
Members present W. Tansell, S. Cheal, H. Allen, C. Wickenden, F. Wheeler, R. Morris
Correspondence, The Chairman read a letter signed by nine other members of the Seaford Branch. Voting procedures were discussed by the floor. Proposed by Bro. H. Allen & Seconded Bro. C. Wickenden, that the following resolution be adopted, and PLACE BEFORE THE E.C. of the A.S.L.E.& F. Carried
That this Seaford Branch gives a vote of confidence in our Branch Secretary, Bro R. Morris in complying with the wishes of the last Branch meeting and endorses his letter to Bro. W. Mullett dated 13th February 1980.
Further, that Bro. J. Bowlden and D. Smith be transferred to No.1 and No.2 Brighton Branches as per rule 7, and that any matter deemed to be repugnant of insulting be ignored.
Further, That this Branch demand that the E.C. obtain all detailed information from Organising Secretary N. Milligan, as why he discussed and advised a Seaford member (unknown at the of this resolution) without the consent of the Seaford Branch Chairman or Secretary to hold another L.D.C. Representative election, which would include members of this Seaford Branch (not yet transferred under A.S.L.E. & F. Rule 7) who do not work at Seaford Depot, to be included in any L.D.C. Representative vote.
Further, That our Branch Secretary forward the document containing 9 signatures, to be placed before the E.C. in order that such necessary steps can be taken to obtain a written apology from Seaford member Bro. W. Mullett for soliciting Seaford members to sign the enclosed document thereby contravening Rule 37 clause 4 paragraph 3 of the A.S.L.E. & F. Rules.
The last recorded meeting of
the Seaford Branch of ASLEF
was on Tuesday 13th May 1980
From 1980 ~ 1992 Seaford A.S.L.E.F members become part of the Eastbourne Branch.