Chairman Bro. A. Rookley
Vice Chair Bro. W. Brown
Assistant Secretary Bro. M. Parsons
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Labour Club on Sun October 28th 1945
Bro. A. Rookley in the Chair
7 members present
Bros. A. Rookley, M. Smith, J. Hillman, B. Piddlesden, E. Collington, J. Cossburn
& E. King.
The minutes of previous meeting were accepted.
A letter from the local Labour Party was read for nominations for prospective council members of Labour Party. the question of affliction and re-affiliation to the local Labour Party was raised and it was proposed by Bro. Cossburn. That the request for affiliation to Labour Party lay on the table.
Re the National Programme, its latest negotiations results had statement of items still to be negotiated were read. Proposed by Bro. Bro. Cossburn & seconded by Bro. M. Smith. That Secretary write to journal as "That owing to the great dissatisfaction among the members of the A.S.L.E & F. On the National Settlement. All Branches support a motion, through the Journal that before the final acceptance of the negotiations, ballot of members take place for the guidance of the Executive." Carried.
Letter was read re the Manning of the Electric Loco. Notes were given by Chairman on information he had received re proposals for other Railways etc. Proposed by Bro. J. Cossburn & seconded by Bro. E. Collington. That the question of Manning of the Electric Locomotive be made an item of the National Programme.
The Chairman gave an outline of the L.D.C. Report mention being made of the points such as Retention of Men over 65, and their possible effect on the annual leave for 1946. Reference was also made to the late issue of overalls and their lack of pockets etc. Also the item of substitution of repairs book for repair cards!
Any Other Bussiness. Bro. J. Cossburn moved. That the stand by turns be made used to booking on 2 ½ either way, that is up to 2 ½ before or back to 2 ½ after rostered time of duty. Bro. Cossburn also moved. That no member of the Branch holding office in the Branch shall sign any agreement with the officers of the Company, without the divisional vote of the members of the Branch.
As insufficient members were present to proceed with the full panel of Branch Officer for 1946, and as such could not be proceeded with it was proposed with it was proposed by Bro. E. Collington and seconded by Bro. J. Hillman. 'That a special meeting be called for the next branch meeting, especially for electing a new Secretary. It was further proposed by Bro. Cossburn. 'That this meeting be called for the second Sunday in the month and that all members be summoned to attend. (Carried).
As insufficient members were present to proceed with fall panel of Branch Officers for 1946 and as such could not proceed with, it was proposed by Bro. E. Collington and seconded by Bro. J. Hillman. That a special meeting be called for the next Branch Meeting, especially for electing a new Secretary. It was further proposed by Bro. Cossburn. That the meeting be called for the second Sunday in the month and that all members be summoned to attend.
Driver Will Brown & Fireman Bill Lipscombe & Shunter Unkonwn
On the Newhaven Beach Branch
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Special Meeting
held at the Labour Club on Sun November 11th 1945
Bro. A. Rookley in the Chair
8 members present
Bros. A. Rookley, S. Turner, R. Turner, E. Collington, J. Cossburn, J. Hillman, M. Smith & E. King
Minutes of October meeting were read and discussed and passed as a true record on proposal by Bro.J. Hillman and seconded by Bro. E. Collington.
During discussion on the minutes query arose of minute re L.D.C. Procedure, and as Secretary had made wrong record, same was amended to read :- “No proposal from Company's side, in counteraction of proposal of the men shall be signed by representative of the men, without the divisional vote of the members of the Branch".
Questions were put to Chairman by Bro. M. Smith re link working arrangements being made without meeting of members.
Question put to Chairman by Bro. J. Cossburn re constitution or re-constitution of links, and both replied to by Chairman who gave the facts and claimed pressure of circumstances, but with regard to movement of men to work Boat Train. Chairman proposed to obtain further discussion on this matter and report back. Discussion took place on the time involved by 10.18 a.m. Man in No.3 Link, against the engine working diagram. Chairman proposed to enquire into this matter.
There being no further business, Election of Officer was again proceeded with.
Chairman called for endorsement of the proposal of Chairman and Vice Chairman, referred back from October meeting. This proposal was endorsed.
No nominations were forthcoming for position of Branch Secretary. Which matter was again referee back to next meeting.
Election of Officers for 1946
Chairman Bro. A. Rookley, Vice Chairman Bro. J. Hillman
Secretary & Assistant Secretary no nominations.
Committee as suggested Bros. C. Wilson, S. Turner, R. Turner, E. Collington, W. Mullett, W. Brown, M. Giles & J. Giles.
Trades Council Delegates Bros J. Cossburn & W. Mullett
No.5 District Council Delegate Bro. E. King (subject to revision)
Shed Representative and Labour Party Delegate No nominations.