Chairman Bro. M. Allen

Vice Chairman Bro. R. Kemp
Secretary Bro. S. Fuller 
Assistant  Secretary Bro. P. Horan

L ~ R: Tony Allen Branch Chairman, Len Worboys ASLEF District No.1 Secretary
& Stu Fuller Branch Secretary

Last meeting held on Sunday 13th February 1994.

At the Seven Sisters Public House.

Members present, S. Fuller, M. Allen, P. Horan, C. Gent & S. Holder.

Also in attendance District Secretary Len Worboys.

L.D.C. report.

On the 6th January 1994 the Divisional Functional Council were present, along with the L.D.C. at Seaford depot to meet all drivers to advise and explain the options open to drivers under the P.T.& R. arrangements of the closure to Seaford. The personal interviews took place on the 10th & 11th January at Brighton under the P.T.& R arrangements. 

On the  15th January met the Eastbourne L.D.C. at Brighton to place all drivers on the roster who had transferred there and to place the extra Sundays on the roster, from which this was carried out by the Eastbourne L.D.C. On the 22nd January 1994, met the Brighton L.D.C. to place all men on the roster there and they were placed in the correct links.

On the 9th February 1994 attended a meeting with Train Crew Manager Brighton. Also in attendance were the Brighton & Eastbourne L.D.C.s. this meeting was called so that a smooth transfer of all Seaford drivers takes place

 Paul Horan presenting Len Warboys with a Seaford Branch closure badge


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