Chairman Bro. A. Rookley
Vice Chair Bro. J. Hillman
Assistant Secretary Bro. M. Smith
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Labour Club on Sun January 15th 1939
Bro. A. Rookley in the Chair
Minutes of previous meeting were read, proposed by Bro. C. Wilson and seconded by Bro. W. Clarke. That they be a true record.
Secretary read the correspondence and the chief items discussed coupled with items from minutes of previous meeting.
After discussion it was proposed by Bro. Rookley & seconded by Bro. W. Clarke. That Secretary write to Bro. Jeans, noting the facts, should Bro. J.O. Walter not be successful to fill a seaside vacancy and calling for information in the subject.
Secretary read a letter from Mr. J. Pargeter, Secretary of N.U.R. Branch re the constitution of Shed representation and it was proposed by Bro. W. Clarke & seconded by Bro. C. Wilson. That secretary write to Mr. Pargeter. That according to letter received from Brighton dated December 13th which states (statement to be inserted). This Branch has nominated our representative and that this man is taking up with Brighton such items as involve Loco-men and that this Branch were surprissed that he was not aquainted with the procedure for Shed Representation as pointed out in Loco Foreman's letter of Dec. 13th. Carried.
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Labour Club on Sun March 19th 1939
Bro. A. Rookley in the Chair
8 members present
Bros. J. Hillman, M. Smith, C.Wilson, R. Turner, A. Kearney, W. Clarke, A. Rookley
& E. King
Secretary read minutes of the previous meeting and were discussed.
Arising out of the minutes, it was decided that the item as regarding Bro. J. Wlters, Feltham, be held in abeyance. At the conclusion of discussion, it was proposed by Bro. W. Clarke and seconded by Bro. A. Kearney. they be accepted as a true record. Carried.
Shed representative, W. Clarke then gave a report and included information of 2 day supplementary leave corparted to him by Loco Foreman. This information was to the effect that the 2 days supplementary leave could not be allowed in respect of Mondays, Fridays or Saturdays and it was not to be arranged to immediately preceded or follow the ordinary annual leave to make such annual holiday continous with the two days leave.
Bro. Clarke mentioned, that should it be possible to extend a long week-end, endeavours would be made to acceded to the request for Monday & Fridays leave should the circumstances of the traffic permit.
Prposed by Bro. J. Hillman & seconded by Bro. M. Smith. That the receiving if this report be accorded a vote of thanks to Bro. W. Clarke for his service. Carried.
Bro. Rookley then gave a report of Southern Council Meeting, held in London of February 12th 1939. in the course of his report Bro. Rookley to asked on the discussion which took place re minutes of Sectional Council no. 2 (minutes Nos. 38 & 42) and gave a very precided and enlightening report thereon.
With reference to the assurance fund Chair submitted by Bro. F. Sherwin. Bro. Rookley reported the discussion he had involved thereon and requested the Branch to grant him power to go to Bro. Harris of Brighton the district A.A.D. To press for settlement of Bro. Sherwin's case at the next meeting of the delegates. Ot was proposed by Bro. w. Clarke & sec by Bro. M. Smith. That this Branch give Bro. Rookley the necessary powers to accelerate the process of Bro. Sherwin's case. Carried unanimously.
The alloted time having been exhausted and the fact that only a small percentage prevented a discussion on, and a representative vote being taken on the findings of R.S.N.T. (Decission No.5).
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Labour Club on Sun April 16th 1939
Bro. J. Hillman in the Chair
8 members present
Bros. J. Hillman, W. Clarke, R. Turner,A. Kearney, W. Brown, M. Smith, A. Charman
& E. King.
Secretary read minutes of the previous meeting and same were discussed. It was pointed out by Bro. W. Clarke re the two days leave that Bro. D. Smith had been allowed to have Thursday & Friday instead of Tuesday & Wednesday and in this respect the days could be made to suit were not unreasonable to the Loco foreman and that sufficient notice be given.
Proposed by Bro. W. Clarke & seconded by Bro. A. Kearney. That a letter be sent to Bro. Jukes (Sectional Council Secretary) pointing out that disappointment is experienced at this Branch that in the light of Bro. J. Walter of Feltham requiring to come to Newhaven or other seaside Depot, on the grounds of his wife's health opportunity was not taken by Bro. Walter in getting a seaside vacancy on the last posted vacancy list. Carried.
Discussion arose re past records of the shed representative and it was proposed that Bro. W. Clarke bring any such records to the next Branch Meeting and it was also proposed by Bro. Kearney, next Branch Meeting by a summoned meeting.
Proposed by Bro. W. Clarke & sec. By Bro. A. Kearney. That secretary's action, re temporary cleaners be enrolled. Carried.
Secretary read a circular from Head Office asking nominations for members to be official candidates for Sectional Council No.2. To replace Bros. Ottoways & Crumpton, who are due to retire, but are open for re-election. It was proposed by Bro. A. Charman and seconded by R. Turner. "That Bro. W. Clarke be nominated as an official candidate for Sectional Council No.2. Carried. Proposed by Bro. A. Kearney and seconded
by Bro. W. Brown. "Secretary write to neighbouring Branches re the nomination of Bro. W. Clarke as above. (Carried).
Left ~ Right: Unknown, Driver Sydney Turner & Unknown
The photo was taken at Newhaven's Continental Station Sydney Turner is seen talking to some young ladies before departure of the boat train from Newhaven to Victoria London. These girls had been evacuated to Switzerland in 1939 as toddlers so that they were safe during the War and now that the war was over, they had now returned home as young girls.
Extracted from
'Our Newhaven' web sited
Sylvia Woolford Grand-daughter of Sydney Turner
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Labour Club on Sun August 13th 1939
Bro. A. Rookley in the Chair
7 members present
Bros. A. Rookley, R.Turner, S. Turner, A. Charman, M. Smith, W. Clarke & E. King.
Minutes of the previous meeting were read by Chairman and Bro. W. Clarke proposed and seconded by Bro. A. Charman. They be a true record.
Discussion arose out of the minutes and reference was made to the item re Bro. J.O. Water Feltham. Secretary read a letter from Bro. Jukes Secretary of Sectional Council which explained points raised in previous minutes to the satisfaction of members present. This matter was declared closed.
Shed Representative, Bro. W. Clarke explained re past records of Shed Committee that he brought down all correspondence on following meeting day, but there was no meeting, also Bro. Kearney was absent.
Correspondence was then dealt with and Secretary read resolution to call strike action failing satisfaction being ultimately obtained to this Society's programme and reference to R.S.N.T. Decision No. 5. the subject matter contained herein were discussed and in view of the E.C. Again meeting the Railway Managers. Shortly a resolution was proposed by Bro. A.W. Rookley & seconded by Bro. W. Clarke and carried by the members present. That this Branch placed its confidence in the E.C.
Local items Bro. Charman brought forward a motion. That the Sunday work was not being fairly equalised. Bro. Clarke replied to Bro Charman and after discussion on this subject. Bro. A. Charman proposed & Bro. R. Turner seconded. 'That this Branch put forward for a better equalisation of the Sunday work.'
A case in point which was discussed was that of Bro. R. Turner who although rostered on the weekly list in two places was rostered in no place for Sunday.
Shed man's duties, Bro. Clarke state that he had noted that Bro. E. Hillman had be rostered in the position of Shed man, vice Bro. F. Sherwin and had had an interview with Loco Foreman Mr. Urie re same who intimated that this procedure was not in his hands,as the initial order had come from Waterloo. Bro. Clarke pointed out that while this virtually resolved Bro. Hillman from the line of promotion (pro item). It would be policy for the time being not to set up trouble for the depot as many men could be the sufferers thereby notably the spare driver and furthermore Bro. Clarke, nor the Branch Officials had received any complaints from Bro. Hillman re his being rostered to Shed man’s duties.
Branch members present, again invited Bro. Clarke to carry on as he thought fit in this matter and this remark was endorsed by a vote of confidence in Bro. Clarke as Shed Representative.
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Labour Club on Sun November 19th 1939
Bro. A. Rookley in the Chair
10 members present
Bros. A. Charman, J. Cossburn, M. Smith, W. Clarke, C. Lower, E. Collington,
R. Turner, W. Brown, A. Rookley & E. King.
Minutes of the previous meeting were then read and it was proposed by Bro. W. Clarke seconded by Bro. M. Smith. They be a true record. Carried
Discussion on the minutes then ensued and arising out of the minutes and question thereon. Bro. Clarke reported meeting Mr. Urie (Loco Foreman).
With regard to the item of equalisation of Sunday work the men affected were learn the road over which they were likely to be required to work.
The position of Bro. R. Turner was clarified by an agreement that during the time Fireman R. Barber was acting as a Shed man. Bro. Turner would have the position of Shed man for Sunday Duty and would be allowed the time and opportunity to learn the duties.
The case of Fireman R. Barber continues as Shed man in deference to an appointed Driver was disposed of by the claim that he was suitable for the job and accustomed to the work.
Whilst on the subject of Sunday work a point was raised on a Sunday with the he was accustomed to work with on weekdays. Bro . Clarke was classed as redundant at Brighton and therefore was not available for Sunday Duty apart from the practice of attempting equability amongst the whole staff. Bro. Charman instance a case wherein Bro. H, Hamblin had been booked for Sunday duty, on more occasions than Bro. Charman. Bro. Clarke promised to link into this instance case and report latter.
Lighting of the depot had been slightly improved by the provision of a light on the coal stage which may still be improved while on the subject of lights proposed by Bro. W. Clarke & seconded by Bro. J. Cossburn, that Secretary write to Head Office requesting the Society to take up with the Ministry of Transport or Admiral’s Officials the dangerous conditions of the lighting in the Loco Depot generally.
Bro. Clarke also called Mr. Urie attention to the condition of the Coalman's lobby and the bad state of the roof thereof. Attention was also called to the condition of the shed roof.
Proposed by J. Cossburn & seconded by Bro. W. Clarke. That this Branch decline to support the subscription list circulated on behalf of a testimonial to the retiring General Secretary Mr. W.J.R. Squance. Carried.
Proposed by Bro. J. Cossburn & seconded by Bro. R. Turner. That Secretary write to Head Office, also to District council No. 5 Secretary. That this Branch request the Society to open negotiations for the purpose of obtaining "cost of living" increased rates, on standard rates of payment to date from the commencement of the War. Carried
Branch Officers for 1940
Chairman Bro. A. Rookley, Vice Chairman Bro. E. Collington, Secretary E. King, Assistant Secretary M. Smith.
Committee Bros. M. Smith, E. Collington, C. Lower, W. Brown, W. Clarke, R. Turner and J. Thompsett.
Trade Council Delegates Bros. W. Clarke and J. Cossburn, Volunteered.
Labour Party Delegates Bro. E. Eacott, be requested to continue on proposal of Bro. W. Clarke and seconded by Bro. M. Smith.
No.5 District Council Delegate Bro. A. Rookley again volunteered.
Shed Representative Bro. W. Clarke
All these nominations were carried in detail by members present. Recorded by Bro. E. King, Branch Secretary.
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Labour Club on Sun December 17th 1939
Bro. A. Rookley in the Chair.
9 members present
Bros. E. Brooker, M. Smith, W. Clarke, R. Turner, J. Cossburn, W. Brown,
E. Collington, A. Rookley & E. King.
Minutes of the previous meetings were read and arising from the minutes, a point raised about a paragraph inserted therein, which was cleaners up by Secretary explaining the phraseology of same.
Paragraph as inserted altered, "Bro. Charman was classed as redundant in Brighton" which should have been inserted as "Bro. Charman was classed as redundant at Newhaven, by the Foreman or other officials at Brighton."
Secretary having clarified this matter it was proposed by Bro. J. Cossburn & seconded by Bro. M. Smith. That the minutes be passed as read. Carried.
Correspondence was then read Secretary reading the replied he had received regarding the lighting of the Shed yard, cost of wiring in War time etc.
With regard to this latter item, correspondence was read in the form of report of District Council No.5, which intimated that this item was receiving the attention of our E.C. to the foregoing a brief outline of our conditions of service in wartime were given as contained in Head Office circular. Discussion on this subject then took place and proposed by Bro. W. Clarke & seconded by Bro. E. Collington. That a letter be sent to Head Office to protest against the retention of men after 65 years of age where necessary, should this be necessary endeavours should be made by the Society that all men who suffer redundancy thereby should receive credit for, payment of terms for higher grade pay lost whether Driver, Fireman, or Cleaner. Carried.
An item of correspondence dealing with the National Conditions of Service book sent to the Secretary in error invoked a good discussion, the outcome was a proposals by Bro. J. Cossburn & seconded by Bro. R. Turner. That a letter be sent to Head Office demanding a National Conditions of Service book for Branch use, seeing that for many years no claim has been made from Branch Management Fund. Carried.
Proposed by Bro. W. Clarke & seconded by Bro. J. Cossburn. That a letter be sent to Head Office. That this Branch note that no member of Head Office staff paid a visit to Manor House Hospital during the stay therein, of our member, Bro. A. Robinson, and furthermore, the members take note that this member has been placed on the contributions sheet as lapsed member, after an illness of over 9 months. Considering that Bro. Robinson has been a continuous member of the Society service sine 1911. carried. Further proposal from Bro. Cossburn & seconded by Bro, W. Clarke. That Secretary write to Head Office an application that Bro. Robinson's card be cleared. Carried.
Nominations for Shed Representative were called for, but it was unanimously voted that Bro. W. Clarke serve again in this capacity for the coming year.
Secretary called for nominations for the position of National Health Section Agent, but it was proposed by Bro. J. Cossburn and seconded by Bro. E. Brooker. That Secretary continue to act as agent. Voting therein was confined to M.H. Insurance members.
Bro. J. Cossburn proposed a hearty vote of thanks be accorded to the Chairman which brought the meeting to a close at 12.40 p.m approx.