To all Drivers, Firemen and Cleaners, Southern Railway.
The appreciative manner in which the booklet has been revised, giving the seniority position, the Area Promotion Scheme and other important general decisions of Sectional Council No.2 on the L.M.& S. and the L. & N.E.Railways, is such as to justify the issue of this booklet in order to place similar information in the hands of the drivers, firemen, and cleaners on the Southern Railway.
This booklet contains the present regulations, as recorded in the Minutes of Sectional Council No.2, setting out the arrangements for dealing with:-
(1) The Whole Line Promotion Scheme.
(2) The seniority list of all men in the Locomotive Running Department throughout the whole of the Southern Railway.
(3) Medical Examination.
(4) The Transfer of Staff.
(5) Substitution of Electric Traction for Steam.
(6) Period of notice required on leaving the Company’s service.
The decisions quoted only lay down the general policy, and any point of interpretation which may rise should be submitted to your branch officers to be dealt with in the usual way.
Yours faithfully
C.T. Cramp
Promotion and Seniority of Drivers, Firemen and Cleaners
The following National arrangements with regards to promotion have been agreed between
the Railways Staff Conference and the Associated Society of Locomotive Engineers and
Firemen and the National Union of Railwaymen:-
1. The principles of the National Agreements, and of the agreed interpretations, as to
seniority and promotion to continue; and the date of entry into the line of promotion on any
railway within a group to be the date on which a man’s seniority in the service of the
Amalgamated Railway is determined.
2. Each Amalgamated Railway to be divided into a suitable number of promotion areas, and
those areas to be the basis adopted for all purposes of promotion - Cleaners to Firemen, and
Firemen to Drivers.
3. Acceptance of any promotion involving removal from one depot to another within the same promotional area to be options on the part of the man concerned.
4. no man occupying a position to which his seniority would not entitle him under this
arrangement is to be put back. Necessary adjustments in the seniority lists to be made only in connection with future promotions.
5. In the event of it being found necessary for men to be put back to firing or cleaners duties,
such putting back to be applied to juniors in the service in the promotional area despite the
fact that such men may have been permanently appointed in the higher grade for a longer
period than others senior to them in length of service.
Following upon Clause 2 above, it has been agreed by Minute No.2 of the Railway Staff
Conference meeting of April 24th, 1924, that the Southern Railway shall be regarded as one
promotional area under the new scheme.
Medical Examination of Drivers, Firemen and Motormen after Sickness
The following proposed arrangements for the medical examination of Drivers, Firemen, and
Motormen were discussed and accepted:-
(a) Men to be examined after an absence from duty of four weeks, and in addition -
(b) If absence is less than four weeks in the undermentioned circumstances:
1. If illness is such as might impair a man’s sight or otherwise affect his ability to
satisfactorily discharge his duties.
2. After an operation.
3. If illness is due to an infection or contagious disease.
4. Men taken suddenly ill from causes which include the loss of consciousness.
Medical Examination.MINUTE NO.18 OF SECTIONAL COUNCIL NO.2, MEETING,JANUARY 13th, 14th, 19th and 20th, 1926.ITEM
General - Request that men having been passed to qualify as Drivers should not be required
to submit to another examination when promoted.
It was agreed that Drivers, Firemen and Motormen shall, in future, be examined by the
Company’s Medical Officers as follows:-
(a) On promotion from Cleaner to Fireman.
(b) On promotion from Fireman to Driver or Motorman.
(c) On reaching age 60, and annually thereafter.