Chairman Bro. A. Rookley
Vice Chair Bro. E. Collington
Assistant Secretary Bro. M. Smith
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Labour Club on Sun January 19th 1941
Bro. A. Rookley in the Chair
11 members present
Bros. M. Smith, J. Lower, F. Cable, C. Wilson, W. Terrill, W. Clarke, H. Hamblin,
J. Lipscombe, A. Rookley, E. King & R. Turner.
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and it was proposed by Bro. F. Cable and seconded by Bro. W. Clarke. Minutes were a true record. Carried.
Discussion in the minutes then took place and one or two were explained for members present.
Secretary asked for delegates to Trade Council and it was proposed by Bro. W. Clarke and seconded by Bro. F. Cable. 2 delegates be elected to Trades Council for this year. Proposed by Bro. Turner and seconded by Bro. Terrill. That Bros. H. Hamblin be elected to attend with Bro. W. Clarke on this council. Bro. Clarke agreeing to continue. Carried
Secretary called attention to the facy that this branch was not officially affiliated to the Labour Party and in support thereof, read correspondence appertaining thereto, requesting affliction to be proceeded with. Proposed by Bro. W. Clarke and seconded by Bro. F. Cable. Proposal to affiliate with the Labour Party be left in abeyance for the time being. In reply to a question by Bro. W. Clarke, Secretary stated 22 members paid Political Fund. Chairman then read the correspondence.
Secretary called attention to correspondence from the Club re condition of tenancy and rental paid. This matter was discussed and the outcome was that Bro. W. Clarke proposed and Bro. H. Hamblin seconded. That this be held in abeyance for one week and that there after Secretary be empowered to interview Labour Club Secretary with a view to a reduction in rental.
Bro. W. Clarke asked if any explanation could be given why the Passed Fireman's link had been increased from seven to eight men without consulting men's representative. Bro. F. Cable replied that he had noticed this at men and had taken steps to get on to Brighton by telephone regard to this and was informed that Bro. J. Hillman and Bro. J. Giles had both applied to be put in this link, but Mr. Urie had only moved Bro. J. Hillman, and when he asked for an explanation Bro. Cable was informed by Brighton that Mr. Urie had done this himself and was now laid up and that nothing more can be done for the time being.
Bro. W. Clarke called to the attention to the case wherein he had tried some time ago, to get Bro. R. Turner included with the Passed Firemen for Sunday Shed duty without result and asked that, as a matter of principle Bro. Cable will take up this matter as it cast a slight on Bro. R. Turner whereas Bro. Hillman had been put into this link at his own request and without there being any discussion thereon with the shed Representative. Information on this last point would be welcome by members of the Branch.
Proposed by Bro. W. Clarke & seconded by Bro R. Turner. That this matter be left in the hand of the Shed Representative. Proposed by J. Lower & sec. By Bro. W. Terrill that Bro. Cable take up with Brighton re the conditions of the equipment of engines as regards will shovels, gauge lamps etc and the lack of them at Newhaven.
Bro. H. Hamblin asked that as his son was not rostered on the Cleaners
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Labour Club on Sun February 16th 1941
Bro. A. Rookley
8 members present
Bros. E. Watson, W. Clarke, J. Lipscombe, H. Hamblin Snr., F. Cable, R. Turner,
E. Brooker, A. Rookley & E. King.
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and it was proposed by Bro. W. Clarke and seconded by Bro. H. Hamblin. They be a true record. Carried
Discussion on the minutes then took place and it was proposed by Bro. W. Clarke and seconded by Bro. F. Cable. That the item re rent of room be held in abeyance for the time being. Carried.
With regard to the minute re "increase in the number of Passed Firemen in shed on Sundays." Bro. Cable stated that in reply to his enquiries on the subject, he had been informed that Bro. J. Hillman had made a personal application for inclusion and that his request had been acceded to. Bro. R. Turner state he too had made personal application on two occasions, without similar result at the time. Bro. Clarke stated he was very dissatisfied with this proceedings and proposed & seconded by Bro. H. Hamblin. That this matter be persued further and more information obtained. Carried.
With regards to the minute re the equipment of engines Bro. Cable said that when approached, Bro. Sherwin got on to Brighton by telephone and the reply from Brighton was "we have have none too." "there is a war on.”
The item re rostering of Cleaner H. Hamblin was now rectified and he was being rostered as the other cleaners were.
Correspondence was then read.
With regards to a circular from Head Office on the appointment of Fire-watchers.
Bro. Clarke pointed out that Mac's, Gum-boots & etc were supplied for the shed staff soon after the outbreak of the war and that shed staff grade and not footplate men should be recruited for fire-watching as any "as ordered" man, might also be classed as a Fire-watcher when not otherwise engaged.
Nomination form was received and circular letter read re Executive Committee representative. Proposed by bro. W. Clarke and seconded by Bro. F. Cable. Bro Rookley be nominated for this office. Proposed by Bro. F. Cable and seconded by Bro. H. Hamblin. That Bro. W. Clarke be nominated. On a vote being taken Bro. A. Rookley was nominated.
Bro. Clarke asked that the work of the labourer on duty on Sunday be defined, as the lobby was never swept out or ashes removed on Sunday. It was proposed by Bro. Clarke & seconded by Bro. H. Hamblin. That Shed Representative ask what was the position of the labourer and what were his duties on Sundays. Bro. E. Brooker rose at this point to tender his thanks to Branch Chairman for his endeavours on Bro. Brooker's behalf in a recent interview with Mr. Urie at Brighton. When asked Bro. Rookley gave a short explanation of the case as far as he knew.
Voting papers were received, whereby consent of members present held over until the next meeting
Bro. Clarke proposed. That the matter of the labourers on Sunday be held over for the time being and was agreed.
Bro. Cable brought up the case of Bro. Piddlesden not working on Sunday and asked Brighton why, he was informed by Brighton that it was because Bro. Piddlesden was a cleaner. Bro. Cable asked why the difference between Bro. Piddlesden & Bro. Turner and pointed out the sending of Junior Cleaners to Redhill on Sundays and questioned the working as regards to a rostered turn on Mondays. Secretary said Bro. Piddlesden had written to Brighton re him & Bro. Terrill but, up is Saturday had had no reply. Branch instructed Bro. Cable to see Foreman re this matter.

Bomb damage at Newhaven Marine Station
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Labour Club on Sun March 16th 1941
Bro. A. Rookley in the Chair
7 members present
Bros. Cossburn, W. Clarke, F. Cable, H. Hamblin, W. Terrill, E. King & A. Rookley.
Minutes of previous meeting were read and it was proposed by Bro. W. Clarke and seconded by Bro. H. Hamblin. They be a true record. Carried
Correspondence was read which included a circular relating to "fire-watching" which discussed to some length. Bro. Cable stated that, when he was discussing same with Mr. Cardy, he stated he was doing nothing in the matter.
Re the item of shed labourers duties on Sundays. Bro. Cable stated that Mr. Urie defined the labourers duties as labourer and messenger. Bro. Clarke proposed that Bro. Cable interview Mr. Urie again.
Bro. Cossburn proposed. That the agenda of the shed mans duties (other than the three regular shedman). Both weekdays & Sundays, also the labourers duties as regards to cleaning up the lobby & etc. Bro. W. Clarke seconding this and proposition was carried.
Bro. W. Clare proposed. That the case of Bro. J. Hillman be put on the agenda also as Bro. R. Lower was ignored in his application previously Bro. Clarke also request that the position of link working. Without the inclusion of the shed representative in the consultation be elavidated to include also the alteration of the ‘Boat Link' Sunday duties.
Bro. H. Hamblin proposed. That a decent lobby be provided for the cleaners and the pro's & con's of this was explained.
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Labour Club on Sun December 21st 1941
Bro. A. Rookley in the Chair
7 members present
Bros. W. Clarke, F. Cable, H. Hamblin, M. Smith, C. Wilson, A. Rookley & E. King.
Secretary read the minutes of the previous meeting that of March 16th and it was proposed by Bro. W. Clarke and seconded by Bro. F. Cable. They be a true record. Carried.
Bro. F. Cable reported on items arising from the minutes in which he stated that a lobby for Cleaners was unobtainable during the war, because of the war.
Correspondence was then read, Bro. Clarke asked that Secretary write re the error concerning Newhaven published in the report of No.5 District Council, this motion was seconded by Bro. H. Hamblin and carried.
Secretary called attention to the fact that a certain amount of correspondence had been dealt with in the intervening time from March 16th, which had been attended to as far as Secretary's powers extended to the best of his abilities.
Bro. Clarke proposed & Bro. Cable seconded. That secretary's action in regard to such correspondence be endorsed.
The election of Branch Officers for 1942 was then proceeded with and are as follows
Chairman Bro. A. Rookley, Vice Chairman Bro. W. Clarke, Secretary Bro. E. King, Assistant Secretary. Bro. W. Clarke.
Bros. H. Hamblin, F. Cable, M. Smith, W. Clarke, C. Lower, R. Turner, C. Wilson, J. Lipscombe & W. Terrill.
No.5 District Council Delegate Bro. A. Rookley
Shed Representative Bro. A. Richly
Trades Council Delegates Bros. W. Clarke and H. Hamblin
Labour Party Delegate. This is not now filled pending proper affiliation to the Labour Party.
Any other business.
Bro.Cable stated that should a man require to be off duty on the Sunday following his annual holidays he must ask for same in writing and it was purported to be an agreement between the Society and the Railway Companies.
This was discussed and notice of same awaited from the Head Office of the Society proposed by Bro. W. Clarke & seconded by Bro. M. Smith. That this will be held over until the next meeting.
Chairman suggested that Branch Meeting day & time might be altered to fit in with Home Guard and othe war time activities and Bro. Clarke proposed & Bro. H. Hamblin seconded. That 7.p.m.on Thursday evening be attempted. Carried.
ecretary undertook to try and conveniently arrange for a Thursday meeting time of same awaited from the Head Office of the Society proposed by Bro. W. Clarke & seconded by Bro. M. Smith. That this will be held over until the next meeting.
Chairman suggested that Branch Meeting day & time might be altered to fit in with Home Guard and other war time activities and Bro. Clarke proposed & Bro. H. Hamblin seconded. That 7.p.m.on Thursday evening be attempted. Carried.
Secretary undertook to try and conveniently arrange for a Thursday meeting time.