Chairman Bro. A. Brooker
Tunbridge Wells Branch Meeting
Sunday March 2nd 1969 at 10.30 p.m.
at the Welfare Rooms, Central Station
The minutes of the last were read by the minute secretary and it was moved by Bro. R. Bridger and seconded by Bro. V. Rumley. “That they were a true record.”
Correspondence was then read, largely concerning Pay & Productivity and Transfer & Redundancy payments.
The Minute Secretary explained to Branch Members, that previous meetings had as to be bye-passed owing to the flu epidemic and unfortunate indisposition of our Branch Chairman. Therefore Branch officers of 1968 were retained into office for 1969.
Bro. R. Bridger reported on the collection for retired member F. Elmer and the financial position of the Social Fund being namely £21.12.7 in the bank and £5.6.10½ in hand.
Bro. A. Brooker gave a full report of District council i0ncluding account of Societies ivestnenst totally £12,000, consisting of vickers £2,000,Thorn £5,000 & £5,000, compensation figured at £20,000 for the December quarter and a total in all for 1968 of £85,369.
A new item was the Societies ties being sold at 20/- each; ashtray at 5/- and gas lighter at £3 each.
Sectional Council No.2 will consist of 6 representatives, two for each division for 4004 staff.
The B.R.B proposals for stage 2 Pay and Productivity, and the fact that there were only 39 retirements pending on the Southern Region for 1969 were explained lucidly by Bro. Brooker.
There being no other business the Chairman closed the meeting at 1 o/c p.m.
Thanking members for their attendance
Members present Bros. F Diplock, R. Bridger, V. Rumley, A. Brooker & K. Savage.
Tunbridge Wells Branch Meeting
Sunday June 1st 1969 at 10.30 p.m.
at the Welfare Rooms, Central Station
The minutes of the last meeting were read by the minute secretary and it was moved by Bro. F. Diplock and seconded by Bro. R. Bridger. “That they were a true record.”
Correspondence was then read, Appeal for Bro. C. Waterhouse (Sheffield).
On the question of Bro. Waterhouse, it was proposed by Bro. R. Bridger and seconded by Bro. F. Diplock to lay it on the table.
It was proposed by Bro. F. Diplock and seconded by Bro. R. Bridger. “That the Minute Secretary retain the Branch Fund of £9.12.6. until further banking arrangements could be found.
Statements of social Committee made by Bro. R. Bridger and a suggestion that other committee members should shoulder the responsibilities of the Social work, with a change of the present officers in mind.
L.D.C. Report
Bro. A. Brooker reported on the staff position, and turns, also shed Staff rest Day roster to cover telephone when Supervisor and rest day, in any Other Business, P.N time at East Croydon, Mess Room Facilities, and the public Holiday roster were discussed it being recording of public holidays. Unanimously agreed that the present method of Public Holiday Rostering should stand, also the Minute Secretary was instructed to write to Head Office for guidance as to the validity of an Inspector riding with drivers to see that change end procedures are carried out.
There being no other business the Chairman thanked members present for their attendance and closed the meeting at 1o/c p.m.
Members present Bros. H. Love, D. Ward, R. Bridger, F. Diplock, A. Brooker & K. Savage.
Tunbridge Wells Branch Meeting
Sunday September 7th 1969 at 10.30 p.m.
at the Welfare Rooms, Central Station
The minutes of the last were read by the minute secretary and it was moved by Bro. F. Diplock and seconded by Bro. R. Bridger. “That they were a true record.”
Reports Bro. F. Diplock gave a ful report on discussingon resolution of eath allowance of members; and the outcome of subsidised lines by the government now B.R.B.’s revenue is in the black.
Bro. V. Rumley report on Social Committee stating that on Sunday 14th September the Pensioners were being taken on an Sheffield Park for a trip on the Bluebell, then on to Eastbourne for a meal. He stressed that 21members were going and that as the funds were getting low, financial assistance has been obtained from members by some source, this would have to be decided upon social meeting after the outing.
L.D.C. Report, Bro. R. Bridger reported on meeting held with management on Shed staff positions, letter from Bro. Eade of London Bridge on committee of 6, state of yard at Tunbridge Wells West and East Grinstead and management’s view. Complaints of alternations to drivers daily returns.
Unsatisfactory Mess Room facilities at various points and the noise on driving cabs of D.E.M.U.s . it was proposed by Bro. A. brooker seconded by Bro. K. Savage and carried unanimously. “That the letter from Bro. Eade for committee of 6 be laid on table.”
In Any Other Business
Bro. H. Love requested that extra Sunday chart be put up in case for members benefit as was always past practice, and not in office as was done now. The L.D.C. agreed to bring matter to Supervisor’s attention
There being no other business the chairman thanked members for their attendance and closed the meeting at
12.50 p.m.
Members present Bros. H. Love, D. Ward, V. Rumley, R. Brooker, F. Diplock, K. Savage
& A. Brooker.
Tunbridge Wells Branch Meeting
Sunday October 12th 1969 at 10.30 p.m.
at the Welfare Rooms, Central Station
The minutes of the last were read by the minute secretary and it was moved by Bro. F. Diplock and seconded by Bro. D. Ward. “That they were a true record.”
Nominaions for L.D.C.
Bro. A. Brooker and Bro. R. Bridger retiring members. Voting for th two vacancies. Three members were proposed. Bros. A. Brooker, D. Ward & F. Diplock.
The Chairman said that a vote on paper would have to be taken, each member to have two votes, it was then proposed Bro. A. Brooker and seconded by Bro. R.Bridger That a V. Rumley be scrutineer. Results of the voting went as follows. Bro. Brooker 5, Bro. D. Ward 3, & Bro. F. Diplock 4.
Candidates duly elected as official branch nominations Bros. A. Brooker & F. Diplock.
It was agreed that Bro. D. Ward will be the co-opted member in the event of holidays or sickness to present L.D.C. representative.
Bro. V. Rumley moved a vote of thanks to Bro. D. Ward and Bro. Diplock for putting their names forward for L.D.C. which has not happened for a number of years at branch meetings. Proposed Bro. R. Bridger seconded by Bro. H. Love
L.D.C. Report Bro. A. Brooker outlined the so called Final Statement of intent. This paper is of little alteration from the preliminary statement. The meeting held at Redhill on Thursday Octobr 9th 1969 and attended by L.D.C.s from Rehill M.T. & E.M.U.T. Tattneham Corner, Dorking, T. W . W. rejected unanimously the present form of the statement as still un-informative and asking for Secretary Council No.2 and higher management to meet L.D.C.s.
Bro. Brooker also gave the meeting information on the superannuation and sick pay for the “Established Drivers” which he compiled and way of great value to all concerned.
The Holiday roster was submitted and a lively discussion took place. Bro. A. Brooker explained fully his roster which will commence from the first Sunday in January. He pointed out that the only weeks that may not be acceptable to management may be Christmas week and December 25th, also reported that new duty roster to operate from 5/1/70 and wording of annual leave minute altered: Motion put to the meeting and carried unanimously Proposed H. Love & seconded W. Baldwin.
Bro. V. Rumley gave his report on the Social Committee the retired members and their wives had an enjoyable day by first visiting the Bluebell line and tun going on to Eastbourne. He stressed the point on the low level of fund and hope that the future will being some form of money spinner to raise funds he wishes to extend his thanks to all concerned for the money raised for the old folk on the outing and that they had their drinks. The sum raise was £4.2.0.
The meeting closed at 12.45
Members present Bros. Bro. V. Rumley, D. Ward W. Baldwin, R. Bridger, H. Love, R. Brown, A. Brooker & F. Diplock.
Tunbridge Wells Branch Meeting
Sunday November 16th 1969 at 10.30 p.m.
at the Welfare Rooms, Central Station
The minutes of the last were read by the minute secretary and it was moved by Bro. R. Bridger and seconded by Bro. R. Brown. “That they were a true record.”
Letter from W. Eames Selhurst Branch, nomination ballot for Sectional Council No.2
A good discussion took place in regards for Sectional Council No.2, with finally Bro. W. Eames of Selhurst Branch and Bro. G. Andrews of Norwood becoming the choice from this ~Branch.
Established needs re photographing
L.D.C. reported on the New Year roster, the state of Tunbridge Wells West Sidings and the mess room facilities at East Grinstead.
Bro. A. Brooker gave a full report fro District Council, covering many items of including suggesting of collections from branches for deceased members, Freight Bonus, freezing vacancies, eventually using of all Diesel Traction on Southern Region the Maiden Crash and call for all members to report defective signals.
Branch Officers for 1970
Bro. A. Card, since joining T.E.S.S.A. created one vacancy on Branch Committee. One vacancy already, thereby creating two vacancies.
Proposed Bro. R. Bridger seconded Bro. F. Diplock. “That Bro. W. Baldwin fill one vacancy.”. Carried.
Proposed Bro. Diplock seconded Bro. Baldwin. “That Bro. R. Brown fill one vacancy.” Carried.
Full list of Branch officers for 1970 subject to previous amendments and other officers to return their positions.
Chairman Bro. A. Brooker,
Vice Chairman Bro. R. Brooker,
Secretary Bro. K. Savage,
Assistant Secretary Bro. F. Diplock.
Bros. R. Sullivan, W. Ovenden, R. Brown, Pepper,
V. Rumley, R. Bridger & W. Baldwin.
here being no other business, the Chairman thanked the members present for their presence and closed the meeting at 12.55
Members present Bros. W. Baldwin, R. Brown, F. Diplock, R. Bridger A. Brooker
& K. Savage.