Chairman Bro. A. Rookley
Vice Chair Bro. E. Collington
Assistant Secretary Bro. M. Smith
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Labour Club on Sun November 17th 1940
Bro. A. Rookley in the Chair
8 members present
Bros. H. Hamblin, F. Cable, M. Smith, W.Brown, W.Terrill, A. Rookley & E. King.
Minutes of previous meeting were then read and it was proposed by Bro. W. Brown and seconded by Bro. M. Smith. They be regarded as a true record.
Secretary proceeded to explain one or two items of the minutes to the satisfaction of members present.
Correspondence was then read and discussed and it was proposed by Bro. Cable and seconded by Bro. W. Terrill. Correspondence be passed as read. Carried.
Short discussion on local matter ensued and election of officers for 1941 was then proceeded with.
Branch Officers for 1941
Chairman proposed by Bro. F. Cable and seconded by Bro. W. Brown, Bro. A. Rookley serve again. Bro. M. Smith moved the nominations closed and proposition was carried.
ice Chairman
Proposed by Bro. M. smith and seconded by Bro. W. Terrill, Bro. W. Brown to be Vic Chairman, as there as no other nominations the motion was carried.
Bro. E. King to continue to serve. Carried Unanimously.
Assistant Secretary
Proposed by Bro. H. Hamblin and seconded by Bro. F. Cable, Bro. W. Terrill serve as Assistant Secretary. Carried
It was recommended that Secretary communicate with members of existing committee with a view to them again serving a further period en bloc.
Delegate to No.5 District Council
Bro. A.. Rookley again volunteered to fill this office
Trade Council Delegate & Labour Party Delegate, no nominations.
Chairman asked for items of other business.
Bro. H. Hamblin entered a motion enquiring why Bro. Harris should work extra Sundays on the road when by his refusal of seniority he had explained himself to work on the pilot at all other times. This was discussed. Proposed by Bro. F. Cable & seconded by Bro. H. Hamblin. That shed representative be instruction to persue the matter with Mr. Urie at their next meeting with a view to its reciprocation.
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Labour Club on Sun December 15th 1940
Bro. A. Rookley in the Chair
10 members present
Bros. W. Clarke, F. Cable, H. Hamblin, J. Lower, J. Lipscombe, M. Smith, C. Wilson,
E. Watson, A. Rookley & E. King.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and it was proposed by Bro. F. Cable and seconded by Bro. Hamblin. They be a true record. Carried.
A discussion on the minutes then took place and in response to a question by Bro. Clarke, Secretary stated that he had interviewed some members of Branch Committee.
Shed Representative Bro. W. Clarke then gave a report of business conducted and stated that discussion had taken place with Mr. Urie on condition of the lobby ceiling, the state of the shed general. The position and use of the air raid shelters and proposition to supply a surface shelter for Loco Staff.
The rostering of 557 Duty in the pilot link had caused complaint from men in No. 2 link who consider it should be put there, Bro. Clarke pointed out that it was a “Special Working” train so far as this depot was concerned and men could be booked to work any such turn as was convenient. Pressure wold be exerted, though, to have this turn rostered properly, should it become a turn permanently "Staffed" at Newhaven.
Discussion took place on a complaint from Bro. M. Smith that the back turn of 751 was not booked to spare drivers, as firing turn, and do same applied to you 760 Duty. Bro. Clarke was kept to time length to answer this question. The purport of Bro. Clarke answer was that Passed Fireman now work their Sunday off the 8.29 a.m. Turn and before the 11.0 a.m.we as special turn. The present system of rostering Passed Fireman maintained that each Passed Fireman worked on Sunday between these two turns any inclusion of more turns in the weekly roster would through out of working the present arrangement of working on the Sunday, as now no alteration has to be made to Mondays turns, for the Passed Fireman on duty on Sunday to obtain a turn of driving on the Monday. Bro. Clarke stressed the point that Mr, Urie would not agree than the existing seven Passed Firemen working in the Shed on Sunday. It was suggested that the 10 p.m. 751 duty be included in the firing turns pf Passed Fireman, or else a turn taken out of the pilot gang to adjust same. Bro. H. Hamblin proposed. That this be worked out to satisfaction and to harm no one. Bro. M. Smith then stated he was prepared to wait until New Year to see if Roster list was altered to make a convenient adjustment of turns in the meantime. Bro. M. Smith then proposed. That his complaint be held over for one month. Carried.
Bro. Clarke tendered his resignation as Shed Representative and nominations were called for a successor. Bro. H. Hamblin proposed & Bro. C. Wilson seconded. That Bro. F. Cable succeed Bro. Clarke. Bro. M. Smith proposed & Bro. J. Lower seconded that Bro. Clarke continue in office. Vote was taken of members present on these nominations and Bro. F. Cable was elected this Branch Shed Representative for 1941 by a vote of 4 to 3.
Bro. J. Lower asked a question re provision of lockers. Bro. A. Rookley asked , that the lockers were allotted by seniority and was assured that this was the case and that the actual allotting was the responsibility of the Shed Foreman.