Chairman Bro. L. Baldwin

Vice Chairman Bro D. Roberts
Secretary Bro. R. Taylor

A.G.M. 14th January 1973

Commenced 10.45 close 12.30

Members present Bros. L. Baldwin, R. Taylor, R. Chamberlain, S. Tingley, & E. Spray.

Minutes of last meeting were read, discussed and found to be correct.

Correspondence was read and discussed

Election of Officers

Branch Chairman Bro. L. Baldwin, Assistant Chairman Bro. D. Roberts, Branch Secretary Bro. R. Taylor.

L.D.C Chairman Bro. R. Chamberlin, L.D.C. Secretary Bro. S. Tingley, Standin Bro. D. Roberts.

District Council Representative Bro. S. Tingley

Committee for 1973

Bros. L. Baldwin, R. Taylor, D. Roberts, S. Tingley, R. Chamberlin, E. Spray & A. Thompson.

Proposed by Bro. S. Tingley and seconded by Bro. R. Taylor. 

A vote of thanks to L. Baldwin for service over the last three years as Branch Secretary.

L.D.C. Report

A letter of complaint from the L.D.C. on Controllers on medical grounds was sent to B.R.B.


Complaints have been sent to M.P., inspector and the position is being looked into, 6.30 Ore to Victoria.

L.D.C. had a meeting to discuss the matter.

One Day at London Bridge

It was agreed to work Rest Day for the purpose of going on this course. Train meetings being looked into by L.D.C.

Meeting closed 12.30

¼ Meeting March 18th 1973

Commenced 10.45 close 12.45

Members present Bros. R. Taylor, R. Chamberlain, S. Tingley, F. Jenner. A. Thompson, 

J, Newett, J. Hawker & L. Baldwin.

Minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed as a true record.

Correspondence was read and fully discussed.

The Branch agreed to support Bro. D. Fullick of Waterloo as proposed candidate to Executive Committee.

L.D.C. Report

There was discussions on the lobby heating, on the 10.14 Brighton to Eastbourne in the Summer service, on set turns 

was fully discussed, and Driver J. Hawker agreed to  acept, this turn as follows.

473 Duty 7.22 Ore to London Bridge, empties to New Cross Gate, pass home (Tuesday - Friday). Saturday 7.28 Ore to 

Victoria, 10.00 Victoria to Brighton, 12.44 Brighton to Ore.

This turn was accepted by Bro. J. Hawker on condition that the position can be reviewed at any time.

Meeting closed 12.45.

Special Meeting April 29th 1973

Commenced 10.30 close 11.30

Members present Bros. R. Taylor, P. Hawkins. R. Scott, D. Roberts, F. Jenner & A. Thompson.

This meeting was called by Bros. R. Chamberlin and S. Tingley.

This meeting was called to discuss the May Day Strike. A vote was taken and there was a unanimous decision to adhere to Ore Branch’s original decision not to support the May Day Strike a letter was sent to Head Quarters advising them that members were not in favour of this strike, as they felt it was of a Political, not on Industrial nature.

Meeting closed 11.30

 Meeting May 20th 1973

Commenced 10.30 close 12.30

Members present Bros.  S. Tingley, F. Jenner, D. Roberts, R. Taylor & L. Baldwin.

Minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed as a true record.

Correspondence was read and fully discussed.

A vote was taken for the E.C. member and the branch agreed to support Bro. D. Fullick. 

The branch vote was given to Bro. R. Dickinson for the 1973 Labour Party Conference.

L.D.C. report was given by Bro. S. Tingley. On of the points raised was the heating of the driver’s lobby.

Meeting closed 12.30

¼ Meeting September 23rd 1973

Commenced 10.30 close 12.20

Members present Bros. R. Taylor, R. Chamberlain, S. Tingley, A. Stratton, E. Spray, 

D. Hylands & L. Baldwin.

The meeting opened with presentation of long service to Bros. R. Chamberlain, D. Hylands & L. Baldwin.

Minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed as a true record.

Bro. R. Taylor was nominated as A.A.D. delegated for 1974. Proposed by Bro. R. Chamberlin and Seconded by A. Stratton. Voted unanimously.

It was decided to sen a subscription of £2 to Transport 2000.

A long discussion was held on the new pay structure proposals, and member decided to forward a resolution to Head Office applauding the present wage structure proposals and pressing for an early settlement of some.

L.D.C. Report, was given by Bro. S. Tingley, he confirmed that after discussion with the management, the 08.44 ex Brighton to Hastings is now extended through to Ore. The 21.48 ex Victoria will now stop at Pevensey & Westham.

Bro. S. Tingley had had further correspondence regarding the knob on the driver’s control handle. This matter is still being dealt with.

District Council Report.

Bro. S. Tingley reported that owing to an unnecessarily long discussion on the May Day strike, many urgent matters were not discussed.

Meeting closed 12.20 

¼ Meeting December 2nd 1973

Commenced 10.30 close 12.30

Members present Bros. R. Taylor, R. Chamberlain, S. Tingley, F. Jenner. D. Roberts 

& E. Spray.

Minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed as a true record.

Correspondence was read and fully discussed.

Election of Officers

Branch Chairman Bro. D. Roberts, Branch Vice Chairman Bro. F. Jenner, Secretary Bro. R. Taylor.

L.D.C. Chairman Bro. R. Chamberlain, L.D.C. Secretary Bro. S. Tingley & Standing Bro. D. Roberts.

District Council Representative Bro. S. Tingley.

Committee for 1974

Bros. D. Roberts, L. Baldwin, R. Taylor, S. Tingley, R. Chamberlain E. Spray & A. Thompson.

A vote of thanks was proposed by Bro. F. Jenner and seconded by Bro. E. Spray. To the Branch Officers for their past year’s work.

The vote for the Election of three members to the Society’s Parliamentary Panel was as follow

Bro G. Andrews Norwood Junction, Bro. R. Dickinson Ramsgate & Bro. R. Nettleton Healey Mills.

The vote for the election of one delegate to the Trades Union Congress 1974 was as follows

Bro. A. W. Walkiden Maidstone.

The vote for the election of group representative to the Annual Assembly of Delegates, 1974 was as follows

Bro. R. Taylor Ore.

L.D.C. Report was given by Bro. Tingley. 

After further discussions, the 08.44 ex Brighton will not now be extended through to Ore until May 1974. Bro. Tingley is still negotiating with the management with a view to an earlier date for the extension. He had also discussed discussed connecting train to Hastings, also 465 Sunday duty and lobbies.

District Council Report was given by Bro. S. Tingley. 

A brief discussion was held on the Ashford line and a possible connection with the Channel Tunnel.

Meeting closed 12.30

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