Chairman Bro. A. Brooker
Tunbridge Wells Branch Meeting
Sunday January 24th 1971 at 10.30 p.m.
at the Welfare Rooms, Central Station
The minutes of the last were read by the minute secretary and it was moved by Bro. R. Bridger and Bro. F. Diplock seconded. “That they were a true record.”
Correspondence was then read
Question on minutes
A vigorous discussion took place over the Industrial Relation Bill, re circular reference No. 7/1971, “National Outdoor Demonstration.” And it was proposed by Bro. R. Bridger and seconded by Bro. F. Diplock. “That it be laid on table.” Carried unam.
Bro. V . Rumley proposed and Bro. F. Diplock seconded that the T.U.C. Petition against the Industrial Relation Bill be posted in depot.
Bro. A. Brooker the L.D.C. Secretary gave a full report on items including siting of lighting in sidings with 3 towers 55ft high 3 @ 750 watts and 9 @ watt. Proposed hours of payment of wages, meetings concerning D.E.M.U.s and failure rate, matter to Mr. Barrows re decimalisation of deductions Southern Region intent. Future meeting of Sectional Council “B” and suggestions of subsidy for bus companies from county rates.
Branch Officers elected 1971
Chairman Bro. A. Brooker,
Vice Chairman R. Bridger,
Secretary D.W. Dores &
Assistant Secretary F. Diplcok
Bros. K. Savage, W. Baldwin, V. Rumley, H. Love,
R. Brown, R. Sullivan & P. Pepper.
Moved by Bro. R. Bridger seconded Bro. V. Rumley that nominations ceased carried unam.
It was agreed that the venue of meeting be the Welfare Rooms, Central Station, the time being as and when requires. A vote of thanks was given to the retiring minute Secretary Bro. K. Savage for his pass services
Any Other Business
Bro. H. Love asked if the L.D.C. would look into the possibility of having a ramp erected at 9 car marks at East Grinsrtead and Uckfield to assist the descent from driving cabs.
The Chairman thanked members for their attendance and closed the meeting at 12.45 p.m.
Members present Bros. R. Bridger, V. Rumley, W. Baldwin, D. Dores, F. Diplock, K. Savage, A. Brooker & H. Love.
Tunbridge Wells Branch Meeting
Sunday March 28th 1971 at 10.30 p.m.
at the Welfare Rooms, Central Station
The minutes of the last were read by the minute secretary and it was moved by Bro.V. Rumley and Bro. W. Baldwin seconded. “That they were a true record.”
Correspondence was then read
Election of Assistant Secretary Cir 32/1971 it was proposed by Bto. V. Rumley and seconded by Bro. K. Savage. “That a letter of congratulations be forwarded to Bro. D.K. Pullen on his attaining of the position of Assistant General Secretary.” Carried unam.
Rates of Pay Circ 33/1971, it was moved by Bro. V. Rumley and seconded by Bro. F. Diplock. “That this communication concerning forthcoming industrial action be posted, and that the Branch Secretary to be given a free hand to post subsequent circulars and instructions in this matter.” Carried unam.
There followed a full discussion on the present pay negotaitions and the threatened “work to rule” resulting from same. Bro. A. Brooker gave a clear and concise analysis of the latest B.R. pay offer. Bro. K. Savage stated that this Society must maintain the rate differential.
Bro. A. Brooker the District Council Delegate delivered a full report a nd both Special and Ordinary District Council meetings. The former concerning the industrial relations bill. The latter dealing with E.C. recommendation to A.A..D. to increase contributions from 20p to 25p. Wages, rest Day working, uniform clothing, watches for footplatemen staff. Chairman of RSNT., investments Sectional Council elections, consolidations and manning of U.S.F. D.M.U.
Bro. A. Brooker the L.D.C. Secretary then delivered the L.D.C report includiong such items as assistance given to the secretary of the local branch of the N.U.R. in respect of a claim they are perusing on behalf of a member arising from the poor lighting in Tunbridge Wells West yard. Bro. A. Brooker alluded to his previous L.D.C. report in which he outlined details of the proposed new lighting . this work is now in the hand. Bro Brooker then reported an up to date position in respect of D.E.M.U. failures and booking thereof, special reference was made to the experimental engine room door fitted to unit 1317. on conclusion of this full report.
There being no other business, the chairman thanked the members for their attendance and closed the meeting at 12.55 p.m.
Members present Bros V. Rumley, W. Baldwin, F. Diplock, K. Savage, D. Dore & A. Brooker
Tunbridge Wells Branch Meeting
Sunday June 13th 1971 at 10.30 p.m.
at the Welfare Rooms, Central Station
The minutes of the last were read by the minute secretary and it was moved by Bro. K. Savage and Bro. R. Bridger seconded. “That they were a true record.”
There followed a full and frank discussion on Minimums Earnings Level as outlined in Circular 52/1971 and certain reservations were expressed from the floor, concerning the many anomalies inherent in these proposals.
Further discussion then took place a on the new “Work content” bonus proposals to supercede the present Short Mileage Pass. Train bonus. It was felt by the majority that any simplification of bonuses was to the advantage of all. Bro. A.C. Brooker pointed out, however that at our depot most turns of high “Work Content” would already be covered by long mileage bonus.
It was moved by Bro. K. Savage, seconded by Bro. R. Bridger and carried. “That the National League of Blind Appeal be posted in the Booking Hall, T.W.W. Station.
Bro A. Brooker on his L.D.C. Secretary the delivered the L.D.C. report. This included reference to the unsatisfactory level of noise in the motor coach cab of D.E.M.U. No. 1306, the repeated booking of same and the letter from the Area Depot Manager in reply to the L.D.C. on the complaint of Bro. G. Hallam. It was explained by Bro. A. Brooker, that Bro. Hallam had informed the A.D.M. of his intentions not to work Unit 1306 until the cab had been rendered less noisy. Bro. Brooker then dealt with the amended hours for payment of wages as proposed by management. It was proposed by Bro. K. Savage and seconded by Bro. H. Love. “That the L.D.C. do not accept any amendment of payment hours which would curtail closure of payment facilities before 19:45 hours each night. This motion was carried.
The L.D.C.report was concluded.
The Branch the congratulated Bro. D. Dore, the Branch Secretary on his successful attainment of a place at T.U.C. Summer School, York University 1971.
There being no other business, the Chairman thanked members for their attendance and closed the meeting at 12.50
Members present Bros. R. Bridger, K. Savage, H. Love, D. Dore & A. Brooker.
Tunbridge Wells Branch Meeting
Sunday August 8th 1971 at 10.30 p.m.
at the Welfare Rooms, Central Station
The minutes of the last were read by the minute secretary and it was moved, that they be accepted as read.
The report of the District Council meeting was then delivered by D. C. delegate. A concise account of the meeting was received, including the present financial difficulties of Southern Region and the anticipated economy measures.
The L.D.C. report was delivered by the L.D.C. Secretary. This included reference to the L.D.C.’s attempt to negotiate with management on the withdrawal of the depot time-keeper on Sundays. Although abrogating on existing L.D.C. minute, the management have refused to negotiate with the L.D.C. on this issue.
Any Other Business
It was proposed, seconded and carried, that in future all Head Office Circulars would be posted by the Secretary at the depot, for information of all members and would not, therefore be treated as correspondence at Branch meetings. Matters arising from posted circulars can be dealt with as agenda items.
It was proposed, seconded and carried. That in respect of Extra Sunday Bookings the L.D.C. be instructed to ensure that the appropriate L.D.C. minute be strictly adhered to.
The Chairman closed the meeting at 12. 50.
Seven members present
Tunbridge Wells Branch Meeting
Sunday September 19th 1971 at 10.30 p.m.
at the Welfare Rooms, Central Station
The minutes of the last were read by the minute secretary and it was moved, that they be accepted as read.
The L.D.C. Secretary delivered the L.D.C. report which included reference to the winter diagrams, the intended withdrawal of the Warship class diesel hydraulics and subsequent Crompton Type 3 shortage, also the shunting of Tunbridge Wells West Yard, and the repositioning of lighting in same.
Nominations for L.D.C. Candidates, the following members were nominated for the L.D.C.
Bros. F. Diplock, A. Brooker, & A. Young.
Bros. D. Ward and W. Baldwin declined to be nominated as candidates.
Any Other Business
It was proposed, seconded and carried. “That Bro. G. Andrews, Sectional Council to be invited to address the branch at the October meeting.
It was proposed, seconded and carried. “That Bro. M. MacMillian of Tonbridge, M.P.D., be invited to address the branch on the subject of his travels in the Churchill Travelling Fellowship. It was further proposed that this be at a special combined meeting with Tonbridge Branch.
The matter of Boxing Day booking for 1971 was then raised, and it was carried that L.D.C. minutes be strictly adhered to.
The Chairman closed the meeting at 12.45 p.m.
Ten members were present.
Tunbridge Wells Branch Meeting
Sunday October 17th 1971 at 10.30 p.m.
at the Welfare Rooms, Central Station
The minutes of the last were read by the minute secretary and it was moved, that they be accepted as read.
The L.D.C. Secretary delivered the L.D.C. report which included reference to the yard lighting at Tunbridge Wells West Yard have been moved in accordance with a request by the L.D.C. It was further mentioned that the new lighting position still does not meet entirely with drivers requirements. Some discussion of this point was allowed by the Chairman. Clarification of the position in respect of L.D.C. minute 25, shed staff was also given. The L.D.C. Secretary then concluded his full and concise report.
L.D.C. Elections
Votes for the candidates nominated at the September meeting were taken and recorded as follows.
Bro. F. Diplock 4 votes, A. Brooker 4 votes & Bro. A. Young nil votes.
There being two positions on the L.D.C. staff side, Bros. Diplock & Brooker therefore became the official Society candidates.
The Chairman then introduced the guest speaker Bro. G. Andrews, vice Chairman, Sectional Council no.2. Bro. Andrews delivered an interesting report on the work of Sectional Council, including the Statement of Intent on the future depots and the £600,000,000 Corperate Plan. The address was warmly received and on conclusion a vote of thanks to Bro. Andrews was moved.
Any Other Business
The matter of shunting D.E.M.U. stock in Tunbridge Wells West Yard was raised and discussion followed. No resolution passed.
The Chairman closed the meeting at 12.50.
Seven members were present.