Chairman Bro. R. Clarke
Branch meeting ¼ held at Branch room 13th March 1960
Commenced at 10.50 a.m. closed at 12.25 p.m.
Members present Bros. R. Clarke, C. Wiseman, J. Gain, C. Knight & W. Knight
Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed true record proposed by Bro. J. Gain and seconded by Bro. C. Wiseman
Correspondence read and various discussed arose.
L.D.C Report
Secretary’s report was very interesting on various matter re mess room, cab cleaning, holiday rotas (annual). Bro. C. Knight handed over a letter from Bro. C. Stoner, L.D.C. Secretary Brighton re their mess room conditions.
This was dealt with and support by members with one suggestion that we demand our P.N. at Lover’s Walk until suitable accomodation is found at Brighton station. Bro. C. Knight was thanked for his report.
District Council
Bro. R. Clarke report was also very interesting on various matters re E.C. member Bro.Poole report, election of D.C. Officers for ensuing year, Guilebauld Report, pressing for back pay, St. Leonards man to attend (re medical examinations, eye glass wearing (not settled), watches for drivers, 7 days notice for disciplinary cases, if not given, secretary report Head Office.
Bro. Clarke was thanked for report, this closed a very interesting meeting.

Quarterly meeting held at Branch Room 17th June 1960
Commenced 10.40 am. Closed 12.30 p.m.
Members present Bros. R. Clarke, C. Wiseman, J. Gain, C. Knight, C. Angel & W. Knight.
Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed true record, proposed by Bro. J. Gain and seconded by Bro. C. Knight.
Correspondence read, anything arising, some discussion on various subjects.
L.D.C. Report
Various subjects were reported by him which were very interesting to members as a whole re phone in mess room, Eastbourne motormen poaching our duties, holiday rosters he was asked to post the roster he had got out and anything arising be brought at next meeting. Messroom and suggested furniture for same. Also case of violations of L.D.C. agreement he stated, he had taken matter up with roster clerk at London. Proposed by Bro. C. Angel and seconded by Bro. J. Gain. He thanked for his report.
District Council Report.
This wa also given and various subjects were discussed which was very interesting re Bro. Poole E.C. Member gave his report, Bro. Evans taking over until Bro. Hallworth retires owing to bad health, re action of Gillebauld report, Driver Marsh St Leonards Branch was made redundant but has been to Ashford for medical re examination. Pension no report due 1959 with no further business until November when new oension scheme comes in. Green uniforms, eye glasses not agreed to at present, eye sight noted and explained by delegate. Mileage, shorter working hours.
Branch agreed a resolution for A.A.D. for next year be sent to Head Office.
Point of joining Salaried Grade re getting earlier and quicker service negotiations and all benefits there from.
Secretary to get in touch with St Leonards Secretary re meeting for Bro. S. Cheal to give his report for A.A.D. 1960
Bro. Clarke was also thanked by the meeting for his able report.
Two block votes Bros. D. Pullen and Terry. This concluded a very interesting meeting.
Quarterly meeting called for 25 September 1960.
No meeting insufficient members reported discussion only by Chairman, Secretary
and Bro. C. Angel.

Quarterly Meeting held at Branch room 4th December 1960
Commencing 11.00 a.m. and closed 12.40 p.m.
Members present Bros. R. Clarke, W. Knight, C. Knight, C. Wiseman, J. Hawker & D. Carley
Minutes of last meeting confirmed as true, proposed by by Bro. C. Wiseman and seconded by Bro. J. Hawker
Correspondence read matters arising Frigadare Unions strike call, to lay on table, block vote in favour of A.A.D. 1961 Bro. Williams, Feltham and Parliamentary Panel Bros. Williams and Paterson
Election of Officers for ensuing year 1961, proposed by Bro. D. Carley and seconded Bro. C. Wiseman. En –Block
L.D.C. Secretary Report
Mostly on Xmas working arrangements to which men were drawn for to put things on a fair basses for all. Agreed
District Council Report
Delegate gave his report to which was very interesting.
New pension scheme etc.
Irish Head Office to be closed.
Organiser doing his own typewriting etc (economy move) to keep there branches going etc.
Loco Journal free for January 1961, new ones going in print more advertisements etc., so should prove a better Journal.
Driver Marsh case (St Leonards), must now accept Head Office Decisson.
No.1 Crime Sheets, Sectretaries to abide by 9 & 10 agreement and see it carried out, Secrtery report same to Head Office
Loss of membership at this area due to grievance by Fireman re Gullibuald agreement and retirements etc.
Bro. J. Hawker asked if they could have a branch meeting for their shift. Agreed it will be arranged and tried at March Quarter meeting 1961.