Members present 10 members names recorded in new attendance book.

Letter ref. retired driver A. Hodgson assistance. After reading of letter branch proposed. “That a list for an appeal to be posted in a messroom” Proposed M. Allen & seconded D. Griffiths. Voted unam.

L.D.C. Report
Amended rosters to start on 15.1.95, ref. loss of boat train.
Messroom redecoration – additional time being allowed to walk between P.N. point.
Route learning norms – remain as at the present.
Staff Reps – possibility of attending team briefs with management.
Outstanding annual leave must be used as soon as possible.
Proposal for notice board to made available for change-overs etc by T.C.S. office.
Cab cleaning matter to be raised with management at next agenda meeting.

H&S Report
On completion of redecoration of Brighton messroom, no smoking policy to be monitored possible discipline if staff ignore warnings, new D.I. Cards issue anytime now, wearing of H.V. vest importance of the wearing and of discipline.

D.F.C. Report
Issue addressed by M.A. Allen
New depot at Barnham – date May 1995,Ref. Preston Park incident, increase in cabs, bags possible. Running of trains on South Central, Part time workers a possibility, Selling off South Central T.O.U., November 1995, Privatisation cost (South Central T.O.U.) £150,000 to £250,000.
C.T.C. want, 91% of drivers to be trained by March, 95% later. Overcrowding of trains 4% over limit acceptable by management. 16x4 car units to be removed from service, Bournemouth service doing well, Possible Ruby – Brighton service & Ashford – Brighton service with 2 car D.E.M.U.s
Cowden Inquiry, recommendations due around Easter. Unauthorised change-overs and riding in driving cabs, six Form 1s pending.
Sickness levels =12.2 days average a year above national average.
May driver I.D. cards to be issued.
Train P.A. announcements guidelines to be drawn up, crews to be urged to make more.
D.R.I. Package Deals – no announcements due at the moment.

Proposed S. Weller & seconded D. Griffiths. “That this A.S.L.E.F. Branch (Brighton) to affiliate to the Brighton Pavillion C.L.P. The cost of such to be authorised from the Political Funds.” Voted unam.
“That this Branch nominates Bro. M. Thompson as delegate to the Pavillion C.L.P. Brighton.” Proposed S. Weller & seconded A. Flowers.



Members present 10 members names recorded in new attendance book.

D.F.C. letter explaining payment agreements and training for all Trainman/Driver.

New Branch Member
Proposed D. Swaffield & seconded M. Thompson. “That Bro D. Redding’s application be accepted and forwarded to A.S.L.E.F.”

L.D.C. Report
P. Edwards gave a report on seven issues
Accommodation Brighton Messroom, Route Learning – new method being proposed i.e. trips not days, Safety & fire training, Train crew performance, team briefings – observing management’s working of briefing meetings, outstanding leave, driving cabs – cleaning improvements.

Health & Safety Report
H&S Rep reported nothing to this branch, will make report at next meeting.
*Noted no smoking policy will be enforced in Messroom area once all works completed.

Issue on Sunday working and the position each member has on working/not working.

“That this branch mandates the L.D.C. Secretary and the Branch Secretary to clarify the position of working rostered Sunday duties as a matter of urgency with the Executive Committee and our legal representative Robin Thompson & partners.” Proposed S. Weller & seconded M. Thompson. Voted unam.


HELD ON MARCH 6th  1995

Members present 17 members names recorded in new attendance book.

Trustee Nomination, proposed S. Weller & seconded M. Allen. “That Bro. C. Newton be nominated as a candidate for the position of trustee.” Voted unam.
Letter regarding working of rostered Sundays, an acknowledgement received awaiting the General Secretary’s reply.

L.D.C. Report
Bro. J. Osborne gave a report on the following items.
Brighton accommodation area – no smoking ruling to be enforced more by management, monitoring of reports submitted by Reps, should improve time scale on putting things right, H.V. clothing – staff to wear H.V. vest etc at all times on or near track, Bro. I Wilson reported state of Brighton station track, reply Rail Track were fully aware of the problem, and would 
address the issue.

Bro. I. Wilson raised matter of route for sidings – dummy/shunts, do you need routes most of the time.
*It’s the driver’s responsibility to ask for routes, and not to work over routes until refreshers taken.
Debate on subsidy from branch funds for new members to attend Society Week-end school, issue deferred to next branch for secretary to address the finance situation.


HELD ON APRIL 10th  1995

Members present 14 members names recorded in new attendance book.

Three letters of acknowledgement received, letter regarding Sunday working, Secretary to write again requesting an answer to members position.

Application for membership.
Two new entrants have submitted their applications  for A.S.L.E.F. membership. Proposed P. White & seconded F. Langridge. 
“That these applications are accepted and to forward to Head Office.” Voted unam.

Following motion deferred from previous meeting was put to members following a debate the motion was put to members.
Voting For 0, Against 14 & Abstain 0.
Following motion was put to members was put to members.
“That this branch will give due consideration to any member who has never attended a A.S.L.E.F. Society Week-end School, being given a subsidy up to a sum of £25 per case.”
Proposed M. Allen & seconded S. Weller. Voting For 11, Against 0 & Abstain 3.

L.D.C Report
A brief report, Easter roster sheets now posted.
May (Summer) Timetable – an overall of two extra diagrams to depot, Thameslink additional trains – Brighton not diagrammed any of the new work. Bedford working these under D.O.O. mode. Croydon to produce rosters and L.D.C to be given a chance to agree them.

Health & Safety
Final Messroom decoration to be completed, proposal to give more safety to driver.

Bro. M. Allen, items addressed
Current position over Bedford working trains D.O.O. mode from Gatwick to Brighton. Both our D.F.C. and the E.C. of A.S.L.E.F. are demanding action on this. Proposal to withdraw all 319/Bedford work from Selhurst, separate Thameslink at Brighton, one of a number of options being considered, P.T. & R, in particular Clause 15 depot splits/volunteers.
Ballast working South Central drivers covering parts of S.W.T. and South East as well as South Central lines.
Plant Bargaining
Rest Day/Sunday working – Consolidation Document
P.T.& R. June, articles of information.


Danny Lodge


HELD ON APRIL 1st  1995

Members present 14 members names recorded in new attendance book.

New membership applications
Proposed M. Allen & seconded I. Osborne. “That A. Penhallow be accepted as a member of our Society.”
Letter Ref D.O.O (P) Three Bridges to Brighton
Issue resolve around proposals to run D.O.O. (P), when has not been cleared. E.C. correspondence to the T.O.U./D.F.C. putting our union position and possible action.

L.D.C. Report
Rep’s explained Bank Holiday Workings, proposed rosters (summer), proposed Thameslink set up, proposed pay deal – A.S.L.E.F.

Health & safety report
Items reported, proposed to run 12 car 319 units to L.W.S. and no proper change end walk ways provided, latest H&S walkabout carried out.

D.F.C. Report
Issues referred to,
Planning and levels of input by L.D.C.s managements decision to produce them by computers, Route knowledge on what duties to go into various links
Problems over Starter Links and a revised training programme.
Tony then went on to explain various points regarding how T.O.U.s would be expected to operate.
P.S.I. was £140 million down on present levels,
M.M.S. level from June expected levels of return,
T.O.U. £6 million profits
Freight £30 million
R.F.D. expected losses
Overall a 10% cut in subsidies levels
Reflected in a 30% drop in staffing levels
Reference to a test case of compensation over depot splits.
South Central T.O.U. on track to meet target


HELD ON JUNE 6th 1995

Members present 24 members names recorded in new attendance book.

The matter of R.M. Abel’s accident was raised and in view of the case of B.R.s legal requirements under the Health & Safety act. The following motion was put.
“That this branch having heard and considered the case of Bro. R.M. Abel, and the accident t Brighton (L.W.S. Depot) and the failure of B.R.B.. to ensure a safe working environment under the Health & Safety at work act request the E.C. and the General Secretary to seek a prosecution against B.R. by the H&S Executive Inspectorate.Further more in the event the the 
H.&S.E. fail to bring a prosecution, the E.C. will be instructs the Society’s legal advisors (Robin Thompson & Partners) to take out a summons against B.R.” Proposed R. Lawrence & seconded W. Jones.

L.D.C. Report
Issue reported were, method of the computer rostering and the effect on current rosters.
Shunting arrangements for Inter-City trains, also unit shunting in L.W.S., a joint agreement between Cross Country and South Central Fleet.
Preparation, disposal and coupling pf 319s in L.W.S. and Brighton station.
North end of L.W.S. and washer road, lack of proper walk ways and the shunting arrangements of 319 units when 8 and 12 car formation.

Health & Safety Report.
Brighton messroom cleaning, new contract cleaning firm to be introduced. Clean water machine being investigated for messroom.

Bro. W. Jones raised the question of being rostered overtime both on the day to day alteration sheet and weekly roster. 
Position explained.
Bro. T. Fielding raised the problem of members in number one link not being allowed the chance to apply or Driver instructor posts. Matter to be looked into.

Special D.F.C. Report
As a result of the proposed Thameslink split at Brighton, Tony allen was invited to address the branch.
First item was in relation to the new Welfare Support Talk Direct. D.F.C. had been made aware of this service and gave support and hoped that any member wishing to use it would do so knowing that its confidentiality.
Pay Claim 1995
This was now likely to the last national pay claim. T.O.U. would be approaching the D.F.C’s in future, this is why it’s important that our Society is able to achieve a strong basis for D.F.C. Reps now and why member support the society’s policy on pay.
D.O.O. Brighton/Three Bridges Area
Thameslink were to try and extend D.O.O. (P) operation to Brighton. This issue was taken up by the D.F.C. and at a meeting with the General Secretary at Head Office. Our position was reaffirmed over the method of introduction.
Tony explained the various meetings etc on this matter, and that Mr.Graham Eccles had assured D.F.C. that no members would be disciplined over trains not operating D.O.O. (P) Three Bridges – Brighton should Conductors/Trainmen not available to work trains.
Proposed Thameslink Split Brighton
Tony explained the proposed changes at Brighton with Thameslink about to separate it’s operation from South Central. That at a meeting on 22nd May 1995, Thameslink stated it’s intention to established a depot at Brighton, and it’s withdrawal from Selhurst depot.
Their proposals were to have a depot of 24 drivers at Brighton from the 24th September, a structure withdrawal from Selhurst with the result of two depot operation.
Tony went on to explain the various effects this would have on both Selhurst and Brighton.
What would take place under the P.T. & R.. and if after the memorandum of Information of Intent who would (and how) be drivers for Thameslink? How part-closures are taken place in relation to the P.T. & R.
The affects as to vacancy list and all line transfers.
Various questions on pensions were raised, also future of drivers under Thameslink. Tony agreed that at the moment details on how and what terms staff would have to agree were few and that as and when more information becomes available, he would be willing to address members.


HELD ON JULY 11th 1995

Members present 17 members names recorded in new attendance book.

L.D.C. Report
Members were aware of the new works on sidings North End of L.W.S., drivers refusing to work 8 & 12 car 319 and other units over the area as paid off.
Minor diagram alterations, these to be posted, and members to amend their own personal rosters. L.D.C. has called for an agenda meeting with Train Crew Manager, several items to be discussed.

H&S Report
New works at L.W.S., H&S Rep. to agree new pathways etc only after all works completed and to required standards. State of kitchen area Brighton Messroom . state of track within Brighton station. Window cleaning equipment on Brighton platforms, all should have buckets and brushes both ends.

Cowden Crash appeal Fund, to be closed, final count at the moment is £16,344. This will be shared by all three members.
D.F.C. TO MEET Executive Committee on Thursday 13th July over Three Bridges – Brighton D.O.O. (P).

As a result of our vice chairman and L.D.C. Rep resigning, two positions now become vacant.
Vice Chairman nominations for this positions to be called for at Special Meeting arranged for 18th July.
L.D.C. Nominations
Three Candidates were proposed.
C. Newton, proposed by M. Allen & seconded D. Pumphrey.
I. Osborne, proposed J. Edisbury & seconded I. Wilson.
M. Thompson, proposed A. Flowers & seconded S. Weller.
A meeting arranged for 18th July 1995, the proposed candidates will be selected, no other nominations.


HELD ON JULY 18th 1995

Members present 33 members.


Chairman opened the meeting and explained the purpose for calling this meeting, the meeting was called as a result of a vacancy caused by the resignation of our L.D.C. and Vice Chairman of our Branch, Bro. P. Edwards.
At the last meeting three candidates were proposed and it was proposed to defer the election of the L.D.C. candidate until this meeting to allow other members the chance to vote. A proposal from the floor to allow all three candidates another chance to speak on their nominations, after it was put to the members, the proposal was rejected. The Chairman then called for the election of the official A.S.L.E. & F. candidate, all 33 members were asked to vote. The following was recorded. “That Bro. I. Osborne received the highest number of votes and was declared as this branches official candidate.”
The Chairman then called for nominations for the position of Branch Vice Chairman, two nominations were proposed.
Bro. S. Fuller, proposed P. Horan & seconded I. Wilson.
Bro. S. Weller, proposed M. Thompson & seconded H. Hassan.
After a vote was taken the following result was declared by the Chairman. “That Bro. S. Fuller received the highest number of votes, and was declared Vice Chairman of Brighton Branch.

As this meeting was called on a day of the current dispute our E.C. Member for No.1 district addressed the meeting. Bill explained that the strike was 100%, and that the members who had voted against this action still showed their support by following the call to stop work. He pointed out the reasons why we were taking this action of withdrawing our labour and why 
we were using a fortnightly cycle, he went on to tell of the B.R.B.s response to all of our points regarding what we have had to give, yet they still maintain that they have nothing more to give in return.
On Wednesday 19th the L.U.L. ballot would also be known, he was sure it would be a yes vote and that the pressure would start to be applied to try and break the dispute and that standing together we can beat these threats to force us back, we do have support from many quarters, but our real strength was our membership. Many points were raised in a question and answer period and our chairman thank our E.C. member for attending the meeting.


Crompton Training (Class 33s) 1996 with Johnny Rutter (Waterloo Instructor (ex Norwood)

Left ~ Right: Stu Fuller, Barry Brett, Richard Poole (Redhill) & Ray Frost (Redhill)



Suspension of Standing Orders.
E. C. members W. Mackenzie addressed the meeting on current pay dispute, and ballot. Our E.C. member addressed members over adverse reports on the dispute. He explained who the B.R. offer was presented too, the meeting and the legal action vice the LU.L. ballot. The issue of the ballot, and how the E.C. viewed the proposal. The campaign being waged by B.R. and the T.O.C./F.O.C. to break the dispute. Members raised various points on the pay talks, after allowing members to put these questions, the Chairman thanked Bill Mackenzie for addressing the meeting.
Our D.F.C. Rep. Tony Allen asked for chance to address the meeting, also on the dispute. Tony explained our need for unity with one another and our union. Urged member to reject any variable package deals, maintain the solidarity throughout the dispute. He raised the point on T.O.C.s being prepared to offer large financial gains at the expense of jobs, hours on/off, 
increase variations poor conditions.



Members present C. Newton, R. Abell, S. Weller, F. Langridge, I. Osborne, D. Swaffield, 

S. Fuller, D. Griffiths, S. Smith, W. Sims, W. Jones, T. Fielding, M. Thompson, M. Hunter, 

& D. Shephard.

D.F.C. Report

Owing to our D.F.C. Rep Tony Allen suffering a heart attack, the report was postponed. Branch wished to record its concern and hoped Tony would recover quickly and return fully fit.

A.A.D. Report
The Districts Delegate Bro. Simon Weller gave his report on the to day business.
The arrangements committee and the marrying up of items, of the concern that it was made up of delegates who had not undertaken this roll before.
The E.C. Report and the debate on its contents. The issues on pensions, P.T.&R.A., pay on B.R.B., L.U.L., Tyne & Weir, E.P.S., restructuring of grades, election of the Society Trustee, financial report of the Society, restricting of A.S.L.E.F. society and its membership and an address by Labour’s John Prescott.
The report was detailed, Bro S. Weller spoke heartily about how a lot of items never reached the floor, as some delegates wasted valuable time the result was that our E.C. had no policy to progress.
He apologised for the delay in making his report to the branch, but he was due to have done so at the cancelled September meeting.
Chairman thanked Bro. Weller for his report.

L.D.C. Report
Bro. I. Osborne made a report on the winter roster and that some rest days had been altered because of an imbalance in covering Saturday diagrams. 1996 holiday rotation roster was now at Croydon awaiting agreement and return. A proposed  Christmas service and management would be asking for volunteers.

H&S Report
Bro. M. Hawkins made a report, walkways North End of L.W.S. still not fully cleared, members are still required to seek assistance when shunting with 8 or 12 car 319 stock.
Concern over enquiries being carried out by Railtrack on safety issues South Central and other T.O.U. are not being involved and advised of any outcomes. Members must be aware and alert in all aspects of their work if called upon to make reports get 
copies and inform your local reps.

On Health & Safety, concern over the state and smells in locker room ‘C’ at Brighton depot. Bro. Hawkins would look into this matter and report back.
Trainman ‘D’ rostering arrangements and relief drivers being booked on turns out of shift, can an agreement be sort whereby work is rostered on a shift basis using senior most man on each shift etc., and not taking of one shift and on to another and then back again. L.D.C. would approach management to get an agreement if possible.
Bro. S. Smith raised the question regarding special D.O.O. payments for conducting on private water cannon train by some depots. L.D.C. said that on such agreement was a purely local one with these depots.
Items for 1996 A.A.D. were put before the branch with view to them being put to the General Secretary for next year’s agenda. Proposed & S. Weller & seconded D. Swaffield. 
That the following items be adopted.
That this 1996 A.A.D. instruct the E.C. to ensue that no D.F.C. agrees to change in working practices that effects depots outside their district without full and proper consultation with the E.C. and D.F.C.s concerned. 
Furthermore any D.F.C. failing to comply with this policy be disciplined as per rule 30.

Following a debate on working averages the members request an agreed method of calculation. Proposed S. Weller & seconded D. Griffiths. “That this Branch (Brighton) 
instruct the L.D.C. to calculate the ‘mean’ of all those available to work to established the average of rest day worked.” Vote 12 for 3 against.
“That this Branch (Brighton) instructs the L.D.C. to recalculate the rest day worked average of Bros. S. Smith, J. Payne, S. Doyle & C. Horlock.” Vote 12 for 3 against.

The following members were proposed and nominated to stand for office for 1996.
Chairman D. Griffiths, proposed D. Swaffield & seconded W. Sims
Vice Chairman S. Fuller, proposed S. Weller & seconded W. Jones
Secretary C. Newton, proposed D. Swaffield & seconded F. Langridge
Assistant Secretary S. Weller, proposed S. Smith & seconded M. Thompson
Trustees J. Osborne, proposed C. Newton & seconded S. Smith. W. Jones, proposed S. Weller & seconded D. Shephard
Auditors I. Wilson, proposed S. Weller & seconded D. Griffiths. T. Fielding, proposed M. Thompson & seconded D. Shephard.
District Council Delegate C. Newton, proposed W. jones & seconded T. Fielding.
Branch Committee
F. Langridge, m. Thompson, P. Horan, M. Hawkins, I. Osborne, B. Brown, S. Smith, D. Swaffield, M. Hunter, M. Allen, A. Warburton, W. Sims & W. Mackenzie
L.D.C. Rep. M. Hawkins, proposed C. Newton & seconded D. Griffiths.


Andy Gregg (left) being presented with his certificate after 

passing his Train Driving course c1994 by David Sawyer 

(Operations Director)



Members present M. Hawkins, C. Newton, A. Flowers, A. Warburton, I. Osborne, 

R. Matthews, J. Osborne, M. Cole, & A. Thaxter.
Minutes of the meeting held on 9th October were read and accepted as recorded. Proposed I. Osborne & seconded C. Newton.
*L.D.C. Rep. J. Osborne made the point that L.D.C.’s cannot be “Instructed” only recommended too as they were a separate council within the machine.

L.D.C. Report
J. Osborne gave account of the agenda meeting of the 12th October, items raised
Brighton mess room accommodation, Continued “Smoking” in the main corridor, 1996 Holiday arrangements, Car Parking 
Security, Future of Thameslink work, Traction knowledge – No.1 Link (Diesel work), Minor changes to roster, now posted, 
Booking of expenses on medical tests, Men riding in cabs, other than driver.

H&S Report
M. Hawkins gave an account of a recent H&S walkabout Brighton area
North End L.W.S. work still to be done, until all work completed the current ban is still on, members please note, Brighton mess room – standards off cleaning etc., Installation of drinks fountain – issue is still being progressed by L.D.C. and H&S Reps., Making copies of incident reports and signal irregularity forms, Improvement in the wearing of H.V. Vests

Chris Newton gave a report on the council meeting held on 30th October. Items reviewed were
I.O.W. Franchise and the effect on our colleagues, E.P.S. Trade Union membership and recognition, Gatwick Express possibility of a branch split with Battersea, Cowden anniversary, a report by  the District Secretary on the future of the safety of working, Industrial Tribunals, recent cases being lost as a result of poor agreement and the Tribunals lack of support towards workers report, Joint Branches groups a joint campaign by branches to highlight collective problems within the industry, Unofficial Circulars/letters the recent campaign groups method to under mind our society, ASLEF restructuring a revised up date on how we operate as a trade union, Sunday working agreements, Proposal for trails of a system know as spadram.

ELECTION OF Branch Officer 1996
All nominations carried with the following exceptions
Owing to the Chairman, vice Chairman, Secretary, assistant Secretary being on one shift a review of either meetings or some form of substitute of Branch Officials will be made.
Under society rules the nominations for A.A.D. was invalid, as a review as to the method of selection a delegate ws being undertaken.

Following items were submitted as this branch
That this 1996 A.A.D. instructs the E.C. to achieve an extension of the Deafness Compensation Scheme to all members who are or were in the B.R. Drivers line of promotion.
That this 1996 A.A.D. instructs the E.V. to ensure that the findings of all Railtrack inquiries involving member grades are made available to the E.C. and officers of the society.
Proposed J. Osborne & seconded R. Matthews. Vote unam. 

“That this branch recommends to the L.D.C. too ensure that any member driver or Train(wo)man who wishes to resume “Rest Day Working” within twelve months of making themselves permanently unavailable shall take their previous position on depot average (which ever is the greater)on the Rest Day Working list(s). ”

Repair books on 1963 type stock
Contents of repairs not being looked at by fleet fitters, fitters have not been instructed to check, L.D.C. would raise this matter with T.C.M.
Cab doors on 319 stock berthed in L.W.S. not being closed by staff in particular intermediate door within 8 or 12 car formations. L.D.C. would ask for staff to be made aware of this problem.
Current chairman is standing down, members expressed their thanks for all his work as chairman. Proposed J. Osborne & seconded R. Matthews. “That a vote of thanks be recorded for the work Bro. M. Hawkins has done for this branch as Chairman.” Vote unam.

Dave Griffiths



Members present C. Newton, M. Hawkins, A. Thaxter, J. Osborne, I. Osborne, D. Griffiths, 

S. Weller, M. Allen, P. Evans, M. Thompson, R. Bond, D. Shephard, G. Wlodarckzy, 

M.Yorke-Williams, N. Wallhead, R. Stobbart, W. Jones, L. Berry, M. McCabe, M. Hunter 

& D. Swaffield.

Branch Standing Orders
A revision of the orders was conducted by the Secretary and Bro. P. Edwards, these were read out. Adjustments to the wording on three items, these orders now form the Branch Standing Orders (Amended 1995). Proposed S. Weller & seconded M. Thompson. “That this meeting accepts the revised Standing Orders.” Vote unam.

Following the nominations and elections of members to serve as Branch Officers at the October and November meetings, the election of officers stands as recorded with one acception, “That Bro. M. Allen to be Assistant Branch Secretary and Bro. S. Weller to be a committee member.”
Proposed J. Griffiths & seconded D. Griffiths. “That the election of Officers Stands as recorded.” Vote unam.
Members proposed a vote of thanks to be recorded on the A.G.M. minutes for Bro. M. Hawkins who has been Chairman and who wishes to stand down.
Proposed M. Allen & seconded J. Osborne. “That this Branch wishes to record a vote of thanks for all the hard work our chairman had done whilst in office.” Voted unam.



Members present C. Newton, M. Hawkins, A. Thaxter, J. Osborne, I. Osborne, D. Griffiths 

(New Chairman), S. Weller, M. Allen, P. Evans, M. Thompson, R. Bond, D. Shephard, 

G. Wlodarckzy, M.Yorke-Williams,N. Wallhead, R. Stobbart, W. Jones, L. Berry, 

M. McCabe, M. Hunter & D. Swaffield.

Nominations for National School
Proposed M. Hawkins & seconded M. Allen. “That Bro. D. Swaffield is nominated to be selected.” Vote unam.

1996 A.A.D. Delegate
Proposed M. Thompson & seconded D. Swaffield. “That Bro. S. Weller be nominated.”
Proposed J. Osborne & seconded W. Jones. “That Bro. C. Newton be nominated.”
Chairman then called for a vote as branch had two nominations. Vote was 8 S. Weller & 8 C. Newton, and 4 abstained. 
Chairman cast vote in favour of S. Weller. Bro. S. Weller nominated, carried.

Bro. J. Osborne spoke about the following issues.
Boxing Day Holiday working, December/January 1st rotation.
Recent handbrake warning notice, members raised following problems.
Lose carpets on units being thrown from trains causing damage to shoe gear and other parts of units, also drivers are thinking these are bodies.
Late night trains Bournemouth/Brighton trains subject to serious acts of vandalism. L.D.C. agreed to raise these issues with Train Crew Manager.

Bro. M. Hawkins spoke about the following issues.
Slight improvements to North End L.W.S., ban is still in place on change ends non corridor stock.
Brighton messroom some improvement as a result of contract cleaning, H&S Rep looking for further improvements.
White light crossing No.1 platform, Brighton, the problem of non railway and other railway departments fail to comply with current safety rules, ways are being sort to overcome this.


Functional Council have informed local reps. Of their intention for dedicated Link Working at Brighton.
L.D.C. in conjunction with D.F.C. are holding open surgery days at Brighton to explain, listen and council Brighton Drivers on the whole issue.
Briefly the information so far.
Dedication of work June 1996.
Volunteers Option.
Possible complete separate from South Central management by year 2000.
Option on three ways drivers will be recruited.
More information will be given when all is known.
Brighton Depot as a whole will change affecting every driver.

Proposal to promote, and produce a Brighton Branch/Depot badge. Chairman tabled the details of a badge for Brighton, the sale of these to go to funding of a Branch Banner.
Proposed M. Hawkins & seconded D. Swaffield. “That the branch will support and endorse the proposals put before this meeting.” Vote unam.

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