Railway accident on the
A serious accident occurred on Tuesday morning at Tulles Hill station, to the combined train belonging to the London and South Western and London, Brighton, and South Coast Railway Companies, due at Ludgate Hill at 7.45 from Wimbledon, The engine of the train, when about entering the Tulles Hill station, ran off the line at the points, dragging two carriages with it. The engine caught against the end of the platform, and was thus stopped from going further, or the whole of the train must have been precipitated over the steep embankment, and have fallen into the street below. As it was the engine was completely overturned, and sustained severe damage, The two carriages were also broken in many parts. Fortunately, owing no doubt to the fact that it was the first train to the City, there were not so many passengers as there would have been had it been an hour latter. all the passengers, however, receive a severe shaking, and two of their number, so far as it at present ascertained, received slight injuries. Alexander Hampton, engine driver, was severely crushed, and at first it was feared that he was dead. He was conveyed by another train to London Bridge, and taken from thence to Guy’s Hospital. It was afterwards stated that the injuries were not so serious as was first anticipated. The fireman of the engine received only a severe shaking, and escape is considered as miraculous. The accident having occurred at a junction off the rails, all the traffic to the City and Tulse Hill was for many hours suspended.
Railway Review 6th January 1888
The first meeting of this year was held on Friday last; one new member was enrolled. Correspondence was read from General Office and Accrington, after a long discussion the member to whom the letter referred allowed the subject to drop for the present. A member was allowed donation, and his case referred to the E.C. for protection, he having been offered a driver’s job on the Midland Railway during the strike, when he knew that he was likely to be discharged at any time through the shortening of hands. A member gave notice of motion in reference to the Railway Review for the next meeting.
The eighth annual dinner given in connection with the engine drivers and firemen employed by the London, Brighton, and South Coast Railway Company took place on Friday night last.
The proceedings were under the presidency of Mr. J. P. Knight, loco. foreman. The company present numbered between forty and fifty. After one or two toasts had been honoured and a few complimentary speeches had been delivered, "The Foremen of the Works" was proposed by Mr. Gill, engine driver, who expressed his regret at having to state that the foremen and the men had not worked so amicably together as they had in years past. He hoped that their chairman, in his reply, would lay down for the next twelve months a programme which he would carry out, and from which they might take their cue. Continuing, the speaker pointed out that much of the disagreement had arisen from the heavy imposition of fines. He considered there was not sufficient discrimination in this respect. It seemed unjust to fine men for mere mishaps, and the more so when a heavy penalty was imposed in cases where a light
one, if any, would answer the purpose just as well. He did not say that the foremen were altogether responsible for this state of things, but he thought that the least the foremen could
do was to fight the battle of their men, and uphold their cause. He mentioned this matter now because it was the only opportunity they had during the year to air any grievance that might have arisen. And, further, he wished to see a more amicable condition of affairs henceforth obtaining; and, in order that this end might be gained, he suggested the arrangement of more social gatherings of the kind they were celebrating that might. In conclusion, he submitted very cordially the toast which he had risen to propose, and trusted that in future the elations between foremen and men would be happier than they had been for some little time immediately past.- Mr. Fox, of New Cross, in response, said that there was a great deal of truth in what Mr. Gill had said The foremen generally, he took it, tried to do what was just and right, but sometimes little differences arose which were not altogether perhaps to be helped. He, for his part, however, tried to do his best at New Cross, believing firmly that unity was strength, and he hoped that everyone else would endeavour to do the same.(Hear,
hear.). Mr. Love next submitted " The Chairman." Mr. Knight, in reply, thanked the company very heartily for the enthusiastic manner in which they had applauded the mention of his name, and stated that although he was not in a position to make out a programme that night, he should be most pleased at any time to do all he could for the best interest and welfare of the men. They all knew where to find him in his shed, and they were always welcome to go to him at anytime. In the past he had always endeavoured to do his best by the men, and in the future, so long as he was with them, he should continue to do so. And even if circumstances ever took him away, he should always be pleased to be present with them at such social
gatherings as they had that night. (Applause.) A pleasant evening was spent.
The London, Brighton, and South Coast Railway extracted from its stores during the fogs of last week no less than 15,840 detonating signals.
A public tea and entertainment in aid of the Benevolent Fund if the Brighton No.2 branch of the Amalgamated Society of Railway Servants was held at the Lecture Hall, York Road, on Friday last and proved successful. 138 sat down to tea, and about 200 were present at the entertainment, was gone through.
On Friday evening last the annual dinner of the New Cross and South-Eastern branch of A.S.R.S. was held at the Railway Tavern. About seventy members and friends sat down to a most excellent repast. After the tables had been cleared, the evening was spent in harmony. Mr. Harford, the general secretary presiding He called upon Mr. H. Skinner for the first song, who gave "Fountain of Golden Ring." Mr. R. Graham then gave the toast, " Success to the Amalgamated Society of Railway Servants," coupling the name of Mr. Harford, who responded with a few remarks explaining the objects and benefits of the society, and he was very attentively listen to. Mr. Reed sang "The Artful Cadger," which caused much merriment; after which Mr. G. Gore gave the toast "Success to the New Cross and South Eastern Branch," which was responded to by the branch secretary. Mr. S. Martin sang the "Cabin with the Roses at the Door." Mr. T. Watson, treasurer of the society, gave the toast, "Health of the absent officials of the society." Mr. Bridge sang, in character , "The Ghost of Benjamin Binns," which caused roars of laughter, and being encored sang "Yawning and Gaping." Mr. E Barden sang "The Powder Monkey," after which a vote of thanks was proposed by Mr. Halse to the chairman. Mr. Harford, having to leave early, then responded. The chair was then taken by the branch chairman. Mr. Earles sang "Red, White, and Blue" encored gave "Pretty Jemima, don't say No"; Mr. C. Adams, "Marble Arch; Mr. G. Gore, "Dear little Island so Green"; Mr. E. Pettit, "I am as Happy as a King"; Mr. C. Yates, "Sailing"; Mr. H. Vaughn,
Fellow "Workmen"
The Associated Society of Locomotive Engineers AND Firemen was formed eight years ago, and is making rapid strides. It was established in order to give greater security to our labour, and to prevent our employers from taking advantage of our disorganised condition. Experience has proved that we could have our grievances redressed if we were a thoroughly organised body, and thereby raise ourselves to that position to which our responsible duties entitle us. We know that men have striven for years to improve their position by appealing to superintendents and directors, with results that are but too well known, and we have only to instance the Midland dispute to illustrate our meaning. But how different might those results have been had all Enginemen and Firemen been bound in one common brotherhood, for not only is it necessary that we should prepare for sickness, old age, and death, but that we should also be afforded protection in our labour ; for so great and arduous are the duties to which Enginemen and Firemen are called upon to perform, and their responsibilities so great, that the most careful men are liable to accidents, which may result in their being indicted for manslaughter. Why, then, should you pay away your hard-earned savings in obtaining legal defence, when you may belong to a Society which will provide you with legal assistance, in addition to other trade protection benefits, for the sum of fourpence per week ? Surely the result of the Hexthorpe trial, in which the driver and fireman (both members of our Society) were implicated, ought to be an inducement to Enginemen and Firemen to join our Society, for we believe that had it not been for the valuable assistance rendered them by our Association, which is composed of Enginemen and Firemen only, whose interests and sympathies were identical with the accused, it would have been more difficult to have established the men's innocence, but owing to the practical experience of the officers of our Association, they were enabled to point out the imperfections of the system under which the men were working, which could not have been so lucidly explained by men unacquainted with the calling of Enginemen and Firemen. We hope you will, therefore, recognize in our Society a long-felt want supplied, and come and join us. Our Schedule of Contributions and Benefits will be found on the second page of cover of this publication.
General Secretary.
A block which occasioned much inconvenience, occurred on Tuesday morning at ten o'clock at the Epsom Town station of the London, Brighton, and South Coast Railway, and engine attached to a local train having got off the line at the facing points. Both the main up and down line were blocked, and passengers going southward of Epsom were delayed two hours. Passengers journeying to London had to leave their trains and walk along the ballast to the station. great complaints were made by gentlemen travelling to the city by the morning express train rear row company made no arrangements to supply the place of the delayed express. Passengers who would under ordinary circumstances have arrived at London Bridge at twenty minutes to eleven did not reach till half past eleven, having been left to journey by a slow local train from Epsom.
MARCH 1888
Battersea, London,
February 18th, 1888.
Dear Sir,—On February 12th, 1888, a meeting was held at The Two Brothers, Battersea, under the auspices of the A.S.L.E. & F. The room was comfartably filled, and a L.B. & S.C. driver was voted to the chair, and, after a few well chosen remarks, called upon the organising secretary, Mr. Ball to explain the objects and benefits of the Society, under whose auspices the meeting had been called. Mr. Ball then said he was very pleased to see such a meeting as the one before him, and by the time he had done he hoped to be able to show what benefits could be derived by the combination of such a body as the enginemen and fireman of the United Kingdom. He also gave in detail the trial of Taylor and Davis, and as he told us of the great pains and trouble taken by the general secretary (Mr. Sunter), to see justice done to those members, it brought, forth shouts of applause, and his zeal was highly appreciated by all present. After Mr. Ball had done, five came forward and had their names enrolled, and several others promised to join at their earliest convenience.Several questions were asked and satisfactorily answered by the organising secretary, and with a vote of thanks to him, the chairman, and the representatives of the various London branches present, one of the most encouraging meetings of enginemen and firemen was brought to a close.
I remain, yours truly, J. B
11TH MAR 1888
The General Manager of the London, Brighton, and South Coast Railway, who was profuse in his explanations to the Board of Trade as to the cause of the long hours in the return supplied by him to the Government showed as having been worked on that line, suggested that they mostly arose through the running of the excursion trains, on which occasions those in charge were not on duty the whole of the time represented. That explanation, however, does not alter the fact of the company having a number of local trains running every day upon which the men are on duty over -- not merely twelve -- but sixteen hours. If we mistake not, those who commence their day's work with the 6.40 a.m. train from Brighton to Horsham, bring into Brighton the 9.35 at night, the driver and fireman being on duty sixteen hours, and twenty five minutes, while sixteen hours is put in on the footplate of the engine that works the 7 a.m. Brighton to Worthing. At Eastbourne and other places similar cases occur. we find also, that on express passenger trains, enginemen can make 150 hours in twelve days, and over 177 hours in thirteen days on ordinary passenger trains, while on goos trains the same grade of men frequently work over 156 in eleven day. Much has been said by some companies to the effect that the months selected for the return were not fair ones; but so far as goods guards are concerned, the Brighton Company appears to have been either favoured or exceedingly fortunate, for, whereas it declares that in neither of the months named did it work any of those men once twelve hours in one day, we know of a goods guard who worked 154 1/2 hours quite recently in eleven days, his hours varying from 5 3/4 to 16 1/2 per day. What they were in January 1887, and July, 1886, we are not in a position to say.
4TH MAY 1888
Continuation of return of railwaymen who were during the months of July, 1886, and January, 1887, on duty for more than twelve hours any a time, or who, after being on duty more than twelve hours, were allowed to resume work with less than less eight hours rest.
Between July 1886 to January 1887
Number of Engine drivers and firemen employed in July 1886 - 630
JULY 1886
Number of cases and length of day's work
13 hours 1302
14 hours 1509
15 hours 1715
16 hours 1035
17 hours 607
18 hours upwards 397
Number of cases where enginemen, after being on duty more than 12 hours, resumed duty with less than one 8 hour's rest.
1 hour's
2 hour's 1
3 hour's 5
4 hour's 31
5 hour's 106
6 hour's 276
7 hour's 541
Number of Engine drivers and firemen employed in January 1887 - 631
Number of cases and length of day's work
13 hours 1340
14 hours 1401
15 hours 1366
16 hours 808
17 hours 469
18 hours upwards 207
Number of cases where enginemen, after being on duty more than 12 hours, resumed duty with less than one 8 hour's rest.
1 hour's
2 hour's
3 hour's 2
4 hour's 16
5 hour's 45
6 hour's 112
7 hour's 497
11TH MAY 1888
22ND JUNE 1888
22ND JUNE 1888
PAGE 222
Battersea, London,
July 19th, 1888.
Mr. Editor,
Sir,— On Sunday, July 1st, a general meeting of enginemen and firemen was held at the Two Brothers Inn, under the auspicies of the A. S. L. E. & F. , when Mr. C. E. Stretton, consulting engineer, and Mr. T. G. Sunter, general secretary of the Society, attended and addressed the meeting. The chairman of the branch presided, and after a few remarks asked Mr. Stretton to address the meeting. That gentleman then gave a very interesting address, he also alluded to his position as consulting engineer to the Society, and, expressed his pleasure at belonging to such an organisation, as in his opinion the travelling public were greatly indebted to enginemen and firemen for their safety. He also hoped to have the pleasure of again visiting this branch in the near future. After speaking for about thirty minutes he resumed his seat amidst applause. Mr.T.G. Sunter then gave a stirring address on the objects and benefits of the Society, and spoke of the progress the Society was making, which he felt sure was an augury that enginemen and firemen were beginning to realise the necessity of being of connected with an organisation composed of their class, and in response to his appeal to the non-members present to join our ranks, a number of enginemen and firemen gave in their names, one of them expressing an opinion that he felt sure from what he had heard that night that this Society was the one for enginemen and firemen. A vote of thanks was then given to the speakers, and the meeting was brought to a close.
I am, yours faithfully.
Branch Chairman
24TH AUGUST 1888
On Friday evening last a dinner was held at the Masons' Arms Hotel, Battersea, in order to present Mr. Mckew, sen., with a testimonial. The table was tastefully decorated with choice flowers, and the dinner was served in excellent style, to which ample justice was done. Mr. Walter Cooper occupied the chair, and was supported by Messrs. W. Elliss, J. Dowers, P. Bolster, and W. Manning. Mr. Pullen was in the vice-chair, being supported.by Messrs. J. Taylor, W. Schofield, C. Brown, and R. Gwilliam. After the removal of the cloth, and a song by Mr. Mannell, Mr. P. Bolster made the presentation, and said it was the most pleasing duty he had ever been called upon to perform. He had worked with Mr. Mckew for twenty-seven years, and he had always found him the same. He was always the first to assist any of his fellow workmen who met with misfortune, or who were unjustly treated, and was with them in every movement they had undertaken for their improvement.
31ST AUGUST 1888
Mr. Reynolds having become so popular with railwaymen, the following brief sketch of his life may be interesting:- Born August 31st, 1840, he completes his 48th year to-day. At the early age of 12 he was sent into the garden of Acqualate Hall, under his uncle. Mr. Samuel Broadfield, head gardener to Sir Thomas Boughey, Bart. It was found in time that his memory would not retain the Latin names of plants, etc., but that there was a singular affinity between the memory and the name of any parts of a machine. At 14 he was apprenticed to a firm of engineers in Staffordshire; at 21 he started to Liverpool in quest of employment as a turner and fitter, but, not succeeding, he retreated with the view of walking to London, like Thomas Telford. continuous walk of 30 hours. After two days' rest at Standeford, he covered 50 miles in 15 hours, passing through Birmingham without asking for a job, and reaching Oxford at night-fall. The next morning, when "doing" the grand old University city, he said to himself,
"I should like to stay here a bit," and before sunset he obtained employment at a foundry, within the precincts of the city, as a fitter. Here two years, he made the best use of his spare hours, until he was offered employment in London by the head of a well known firm of engineers. The locomotive was to him always an object of admiration, and, after staying in London for several years, he resolved at all cost to find employment in the running shed at Crewe. He reached Crewe at 12 o'clock, and was engaged at 1 o'clock the same day, and, step by step, he worked his way upwards to the "link" of men employed on the Irishman and Scotch limited express trains. In process of time he deemed it necessary to make a change, and he asked Mr. Stroudley, the locomotive superintendent of the London and Brighton Railway, to give him a job, which he did at once. After driving for Mr. Stroudley a short time he was offered a berth as locomotive inspector, and for some years was chief inspector of locomotives and the " Westinghouse" automatic brake.
Mr. Reynolds is the author of Locomotive Engine Driving, Model Engineer and Fireman, Stationary Engine Driving, Engine Driving Life (accepted by the Queen), Continuous Brakes, The Engineman's Pocket Companion," " The Engineman's Guide, Philosopher and Friend," and " Locomotive Building.
He is an ardent workman, a politician of the old Liberal type, and we believe he aspires to enter the House of Commons as a labour representative.
On Saturday evening, Mr. John Shaw, locomotive inspector, Brighton, was presented with a timepiece, bearing the inscription
"Presented to Mr. John Shaw on the occasion of his marriage."
A considerable amount of space of a London evening journal has been devoted to the advocacy of covering being supplied to certain engines of the London, Brighton, and South Coast Railway, in order to protect the men on the footplate from the inclemency of the weather. The object is laudable enough, but we can hardly say that the course is the proper one for the purpose of obtaining the desired improvement. If the drivers and firemen concerned made proper representations to the parties in authority, we can hardly doubt but that the subject would receive favourable consideration.
Kings Cross Branch,
September 3rd, 1888.
Page 252
Sir, A mass meeting of enginemen and firemen was held at the City of London Hotel, York Road London, on September 2nd, to hear address from Mr. Clement E. Stretton, C.E., and consulting engineer to the Society, and Mr. T. Ball, the Organising Secretary. There was also present Mr. A Tippetts, of the firm of Messrs. Tippetts and Son, solicitors to the Society in London, and a representative go the Railway Herald. The meeting, which was a large one, was composed of enginemen and firemen working upon the following railways:-
Great Northern,
Great Eastern,
London & North Western,
London & South Western,
London, Chatham & Dover,
London Brighton & South Coast Railway,
Great Western, Midland and North London.
Mr. Stretton having been requested to take the chair, delivered a mot interesting lecture upon “Railways and Railway Working,” dealing especially with the recent racing of trains to Edinburgh, the system of eyesight testing, certificates for enginemen, hours of duty, and deprecated the system of oiling engines whilst running. He also made use of a number of diagrams during the course of his lecture, one of them, a plan of the Hexthorpe accident, being of great interest, many of those present being acquainted with the scene of the disaster. Mr. Stretton was listened to with keen interest throughout, and was frequently applauded, and I must be content with simply giving you the lines of his very able lecture, which lasted over forty minutes, and was highly appreciated by all present. The Chairman then called on Mr. Ball, who gave a very able ad interesting address on the objects and benefits of the Society, and the rapid progress it was making, also giving a brief history of Trade Unions, giving it as his opinion that however distasteful they might be to some persons, that they had been forced upon the working classes by the capitalist, and were the outcome of tyranny and oppression.
He also showed the beneficial results accruing from properly managed unions, and contrast the position of enginemen and firemen with other classes of workmen, and said that for years they had been at a comparative standstill. He also denied the allegation that the founders of the Society were actuated by a desire to foster disputes between the masters and their workmen, referring his hearer to the Society’s book of rues, wherein it would be found that the greatest precautions had been taken to prevent strikes, and that the sole aim of the pioneers of the Society was to furnish a means of protecting enginemen and firemen in their calling, and not with the desire to one day be in a position to bid their masters an insulting defiance; at the same time claiming that they were entitled to ask for just and honourable concessions at the hands of their employers. He also contradicted several statements that had been made in reference to the part the Society had played in the Hexthorpe trial, and said that he should not have alluded to the subject in the manner he did, but for the unwarrantable assertions that had been made agains them, and challenged those present to accuse him of having said a word against any kindred Society on previous occasions, but that he was justified in the stand he took, seeing that people would naturally think they had left Taylor and Davis to their fate in the time of their misfortune although members of their Society, and it was his duty not to allow the statements to pass unchallenged, but gave it his opinion that there was ample scope for both Societies to exercise their energies amongst the various grades of the railway service, without any show of animosity on either hand, and that he was more convinced day by day of the necessity of a separate organisation, and that their rapid increasing membership was a proof that English enginemen and firemen were beginning to think so too, like the enginemen and firemen of those two great continents, America and Australia, and urged upon the non members present to join the Society, so that they might have the satisfaction to knowing they had done their best to better the condition of their fellow labourers, for, to his mind, there was nothing to despicable as a selfish man who lived for himself alone, but who shares in the fruits of the labours of others. Mr. Ball then resumed his seat amid cheers, his interesting address having lasting an hour and five minutes.A member of the Stratford Branch also spoke. Resolutions are then unanimously carried as follows:-
“Approving of the objects and benefits of the Society, protesting against the racing of
trains, against the long hours of duty, in favour of a uniform code of signal lights for all
railways, in a favour of automatic continuous brakes, expressing satisfaction at
appointment of Mr Stretton to the position of consulting engineer, and the introduction
of the Railway Herald as an impartial and useful paper, to which the representative who was present responded.”
The names of a number of enginemen and firemen were then read over for membership, and will be duly enrolled at our next meeting.
Votes of thanks to Mr. Stretton and Mr. Ball having been given and suitable responded to, a most enjoyable and profitable meeting was brought to a close.
I am, your fraternally
F. Green, Branch Secretary
Railway Servants' Congress
The Progress of the Society
Brighton moved the following resolution:-
That this meeting places on record an expression of its great satisfaction at the continued success of the society's membership and funds, notwithstanding rivalry and opposition, and thanks all the officers and members who by their exertions have contributed towards this result, and trusts they will be continued.
Brighton, in moving this, said no doubt there would be some talk about the rivalry of an association of engineers, but the fact was that the only safety for railway servants by not in sectional but in united action (Cheers.) They all know, as railwaymen, that it was useless for locomotive men to think they were aristocrats of the railway service.
Liverpool No.1 seconded the motion, which was carried unanimously.
extracted from the R.C.T.S. book of L.B.S.C.R. Locomotice Vol. 2
For some years Driver George Thomlinson (New Cross?) was assigned to a C1 Class engine No. 431, he was commonly known behind his back as 'Old Scourer' on account of his habit of burnishing bright such items as coupling rods, piping, safety valves, buffers, cab fittings, and above all the copper-capped chimney. He was also a prominent member of the 'Oil often and plenty brigade', and regularly made rounds of No.431 when on the road. Leaving his Fireman at the controls, he used to take up a specially long-spouted can, and clamber precariously out of the right side of the cab to oil as necessary on that side of the engine, then pass round the smoke box attending the cylinder lubrication to regain the footplate via the left-hand running plate.
On December 11th, 1888, an entirely new London-Brighton Pullman train was put on, consisting of three new carriages and two luggage and lighting vans. The cars were the Albert Victor, a smoking car, Prince, a buffet car, and Princess, a ladies' or parlour car. These new carriages were erected at the Brighton Carriage Works from sections sent over from the United States by the Pullman Palace Car Company. In order to preserve the uniform appearance of the train the luggage vans were built and painted similar to the Pullmans, except that they ran on six wheels instead of the usual two four-wheeled bogies, and were known on the line as "Pullman Pups." The train itself was lit throughout by electricity, and with commendable self-confidence the emergency oil lamps were dispensed with entirely.
extracted from the R.C.T.S. book of L.B.S.C.R. Locomotice Vol. 2
On the 31st December, 1888, when Locomotive No. 126 Gascony ran into the rear of the 7.00 p.m. to London Bridge to Hastings train in charge of Locomotive No. 10 Banstead. It was foggy evening, and at Norwood junction the D1 driver was unable to read the signals, so stopped and sent his fireman to climb the post. At this moment Gascony, running light engine to west Croydon, after dropping the 5.10 p.m. Epsom to Norwood Junction goods, knocked the last carriage of the line. No one was injured and the inquiry found all concerned blameless.
extracted from the R.C.T.S. book of L.B.S.C.R. Locomotice Vol. 2
Over the years many minor derailments occurred while working the various yards, most of which hardly warranted reporting by the unfortunate crew. Probably the most interesting were three that took place at Groombridge in 1888-9, when Locomotive Nos. 88 Rhine, 103 Normandy & 151 Helvetia all came to grief at the leading points to a seldom used siding. A circus regular visited Tunbridge wells and set up business alongside the Brighton line on the site used in later years for the annual agricultural show, and after the animals and equipment had been of loaded the wagons and vans were hauled away to Groombridge for storage. On three successive visits the E1 tank employed came off the track at the same set of points and caused lengthy delays to other traffic before it was discovered that they spanned the top of an ancient well and were only supported by a few inches of ballast on top of badly rotten planks. Apparently the points sank several inches under the weight, thereby causing the off side wheels to leave the rails. A local historian society has a photograph of two Indian elephants beside the derail Locomotive No.103 Normandy.
London Bridge had many queer notions as to how best to run a railway, but even they never advocated the use of elephant power!
Railway accident on the
from http://www.railwaysarchive.co.uk