1995 ASLEF's Branch Secretary’s Course
Ian Osborne (Brighton) back Row 3rd from right

The opening of the Barnham Branch of A.S.L.E.F. in 1995
Back row left - right: Jim Parkes, Allan Cane, Roger White, Bill Locke, Ian Munro, Steve Sylvester & Tony Martin
middle row left -right Nigel Tippen, Bill Mackenie (E.C. member) Steve Braithwaite, Alec Gray, Kevin Eade, Tony West (A.G.S.) & Phil Sparkes (Branch Secretary)
front row left - right: Terry Wadey, Roy Luxford ( D.F.C. (Three Bridges)
& Barnie Edwards

Dave Smithers Collection
Barnham Driver Dave Smithers

Dave Penny (Redhill) & Brian Hall (Brighton) c1995
School liasson drivers for Sussex & Surrey area.
JULY 18th 1995
Members present 33 members.
As this meeting was called on a day of the current dispute our E.C. Member for No.1 district addressed the meeting. Bill explained that the strike was 100%, and that the members who had voted against this action still showed their support by following the call to stop work. He pointed out the reasons why we were taking this action of withdrawing our labour and why we were using a fortnightly cycle, he went on to tell of the B.R.B.s response to all of our points regarding what we have had to give, yet they still maintain that they have nothing more to give in return.
On Wednesday 19th the L.U.L. ballot would also be known, he was sure it would be a yes vote and that the pressure would start to be applied to try and break the dispute and that standing together we can beat these threats to force us back, we do have support from many quarters, but our real strength was our membership. Many points were raised in a question and answer period and our chairman thank our E.C. member for attending the meeting.
Brighton Picket Line
Mark Thompson, Simon Weller & Andy Thaxter
18th July 1995 Pay Dispute
Suspension of Standing Orders.
E. C. members W. Mackenzie addressed the meeting on current pay dispute, and ballot. Our E.C. member addressed members over adverse reports on the dispute. He explained who the B.R. offer was presented too, the meeting and the legal action vice the LU.L. ballot. The issue of the ballot, and how the E.C. viewed the proposal. The campaign being waged by B.R. and the T.O.C./F.O.C. to break the dispute. Members raised various points on the pay talks, after allowing members to put these questions, the Chairman thanked Bill Mackenzie for addressing the meeting.
Our D.F.C. Rep. Tony Allen asked for chance to address the meeting, also on the dispute.Tony explained our need for unity with one another and our union. Urged member to reject any variable package deals, maintain the solidarity throughout the dispute. He raised the point on T.O.C.s being prepared to offer large financial gains at the expense of jobs, hours on/off, increase variations poor conditions

Railway accidents on British Railways
Southern Region
Central Division