Chairman Bro. A. Brooker

Vice Chairman Bro R. Bridger
Secretary Bro. K. Savage

Tunbridge Wells Branch Meeting

Sunday May 5th  1968 at 10.30 p.m.

at the Welfare Rooms, Central Station

The minutes of the last meeting were read by the minute Secretary,and moved “As Read” by Bro. R. Bridger and seconded by Bro. V. Rumley.

Before correspondence was then read a vote to be taken of the last meeting had been called  in the interim period, but though impliment weather and lack of support, no quorum could be present to hold these meetings.


letter from General Secretary re support for copy of “Lighted Flame” for own edition.

It was agreed to pay out of branch funds 10/- and donate towards the Social Secretary then states that there was £28.15.9 balance held  by the Mutual Aid Fund of members, if this balance also £ 7.19.0 from branch returns from the political funds, the amounts secretary having instructed to retaining branch funds was

Bro Bridger then reported on behalf of the social funf saying that £6.17.0 had been collected as a retirement.donation to Bro. C. Waghorn and wanted a mandate from the Branch to make up to the agreed minimum amount of £10 from the Social Fund. This was duly given by Branch Members. Bro. Bridger also stated that Bro, Waghorn had declined on health reasons a presentaton. Bro. Ruley  then stated on behalf of the Social Committee that it was hoped in the summer to run the annual outing for our retired staff.

Bro Brooker and Bro. Savage then reported on Redundency Payments and Contracts of Employment Acts Day School which they attended on 28th April at Canterbury.

Bro. Brooker followed this with reports on L.D.C. And A.W.S. Warning system, also that renovation and cleaning of lobby.

On the position of serving branch officers, it was agreed thatt returning offices to be confirmed as at December 1967, Bro. Rumley, volunteering for the Committee making 9 total, and the Secretary asked to approach Bro. F. Diplock to take the Assistant Secretary position.

There being no other business the chairman thanked members present for their attendance and closed the meeting at 1o/c p.m.

Members present Bros R. Bridger, V. Rumley, K. Savage & A. Brooker

 JUNE 30TH 1968 



As normal Branch meeting place not available, branch Committee meeting held at 10.45 a.m. At Eastlands Road Tunbridge Wells on June 30th . 7 out of 98 members being present. Bro. K. Savage holiday and apology received from Bro. R. Sullivan.

The Chairman opened meeting and explained circumstances of convening and venue of meeting.

H.O. Circulars 45&49/1968 being posted in shed taken as read.

Minutes of Joint Central L.D.C.s meeting of 19/5/68 held at Three Bridges, attended by L.D.C. Chairman and Secretary were read, concern being expressed re probable  redundancy at Three Bridges and other depots also point out that proposed next meeting had been put back from July to September at East Croydon.

Notice sent to L.D.C. From management dated 28/6/68 cancelling sunday June 30th duty Roster was read.

Joint divisional Progressive Committee letter from Bro. B. Noakes A/Secretary asking for comments re setting up of same on S.R. This was thought to be an ill advised venture in light of present B.R.B. Negotations and against the best interest of all drivers. Chairman instructed to reply in the light of the above and other opinions expressed.

Needs to be re photographed

Branch Committee Members present Bros. W. Ovenden, P. Pepper, A. Card, V. Rumley, 

F. Diplock, A. Brooker, & R. Bridger.

*The rail strike lasted 12 days in total and caused massive disruption to the network.

On Friday 5 July 1968 the work-to-rule was called off after the NUR accepted a peace offer 

from British Rail.

The deal provided pay increases for all the union’s members - 10s a week extra for the lowest 

paid and three per cent extra for all the others.

A.S.L.E.F., who had joined the strike, also reached a settlement with BR and train services 

returned to normal fairly rapidly. 

As Sunday's were outside of the normal working week, all Sunday turns were cancelled to 

save money

 Tunbridge Wells Branch Meeting

Sunday July 21st  1968 at 10.30 p.m.

at the Welfare Rooms, Central Station

The minutes of the last were read by the minute secretary and it was moved by Bro. R. Bridger and seconded by Bro. V. Rumley. “That they were a true record.” 

Questions as agreed subdequently by the Branch Committee Members, that a copy of the of the letter sent to Bro. B. Noakes be sent to Bro. W. Williams, e.C. Member. The Branch also thanke Bro. V. Rumleyfor his fine backcloth exhibited in  in the Tunbridge Wells Public Library re T.U.C. Centenary

needs to be re photographed

There being no other business, the Chairman thanked members for their  attendance and closed the meeting at 12.45.

Members present Bros. F. Diplock, R. Bridger, V. Rumley, A. Brooker & K. Savage.

Tunbridge Wells Branch Meeting

Sunday September 8th  1968 at 10.30 p.m.

at the Welfare Rooms, Central Station

It was proposed by Bro. R. Bridger and seconded by Bro. H. Love. “That they were a true record.”

Questions on minutes gave the Branches endorsement to the explanation of Bro. A. Brooker to not progressing as to previous minute at District Council for system other to mileage for basing of the driver's basic rate, also a vote of thanks was given to the branch secretary and head office for the swift and forthright arrival of the 30 year membership badges


Branch membership changes

On the question of the week-end school on Oct. 5th and 6th at St. Leonards-on-Sea; it was proposed by Bro, K. Savage and seconded by Bro. R. Bridger. “That a delegate be sent from the Branch with costs as stated on circular to be paid from branch funds. It was proposed by Bro. R. Bridger and seconded by H. Love. “That Bro. A. Brooker be elected delegate.” This proposal being called unan.


Bro. R. Bridger reported on the retired members outing on August 25th, and stated that a good day was had, travelling to Rye and Eastbourne, and then on to Wannock Gardens for tea where the preparation was made to Bro. Waghorn on his retirement, and already two letters of appreciation had been received by retired Bro. L. Evans and   C. Waghorn, respectively. Bro. R. Bridger then gave statement of discount in hand. The Branch then stated their appreciation of the work done by the Social Committee.

Bro. A. Brooker then gave a District Council and L.D.C. Report, after which the branch congratulated Bro. A. Brooker for his success in becoming a member of “ Aunestry of Social Society Tribunal for the West Kent Area.”

On the report of the proposed line closure from Uckfield to Lewes and Ashurst Junction to Groombridge, it was proposed by Bro. K. Savage and seconded by Bro. R. Bridger. “That the following resolution be sent to the Tunbridge Wells Trade Council.

“The Tunbridge Wells Branch of A.S.L.E. & F. wish to express their apprecation of the co-operation and action taken by the “Trades Council in opposing to the closure of the Hurst Green to Lewes line. Whilst not being 100% successful was given to other organisations by the early warning of B.R.B. Intentions, to enable them to organise their own machinery to appose the closure.”

There bring no other business, the Chairman thanked members for their attendance and closed the meeting at 

1 o/c p.m.

Members present Bros. R. Bridger, H. Love, A. Brooker & K. Savage.




Jack Pring seniority date 07.01.1918

Fred Elmer seniority date 4.12.1919 retired in November1968

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