Chairman Bro. D. Judges
Meeting March ¼ 1966
Commenced 10.30 close 12.20
Members present Bros. C. Knight, E. Spray, R. Chamberlain, F. Jenner, C. Wiseman,
R. Taylor, D. Judges, D. Hylands & R. Scott.
Minutes read and declared true record, Correspondence nil.
L.D.C. Report
L.D.C. Secretary Bro. C. Knight gave an up to the minute report on the 40 hour week roster and rest days. He also informed the Branch that 75% working of rest days had been offered by the management during the summer period.
Bro. C. Knight stated that when he approached the Shed Master on the condition of CIGs and BIGs stock, he was informed that the rules of the machine of negotiation must be applied and that any complaints must be sent to the Area Depot Master by the individual before the L.D.C. can take up the complaint. Bro. D. Judges offered to do this.
New Roster
Proposed by Bro. R. Chamberlain and seconded by Bro. C. Wiseman Carried a vote of thanks to Bro W. Knight for his report and his work on new roster.
Branch closed 12.20
Meeting June ¼ 1966
Commenced 10.45 close 12.30
Members present Bros. C. Knight, D. Judges, J. Hawker, C. Wiseman, A. Arnold, R. Taylor,
D. Roberts, L. Baldwin, D. Hyland, E. Spray & R. Scott.
Minutes read and accepted as true record, Correspondence read and fully discussed.
L.D.C. Report
L.D.C. Secretary Bro. C. Knight reported on the Re-establishment of depots and informed Bro’s. present that Ore depot is to remain the same.
Bro. W. Knight stated he would like to alter the annual leave roster for 1967, so that the Sundays would come on each end of the period for everyone. Proposed by Bro. A. Arnold and seconded by Bro. J. Hawker. That this suggestion be carried out. Passed unanimous.
The question of the annual leave relief man and the changing of annual leave to be discussed at next meeting.
Branch closed 12.30 p.m.
Meeting September ¼ 1966
Commenced 10.50 close 12.30
Members present Bros. C. Wiseman, J. Hawker, A. Arnold, F. Jenner, E. Spray, J. Chaloner,
A. Wray, D. Judges, R. Chamberlain & R. Scott.
Minutes read and declared true record, Correspondence read and fully discussed.
L.D.C. Report
L.D.C. gave particulars of Annual Leave Roster for 1967.
Holiday period closed in and will now run from 1st May 1967 to 2nd October 1967. 3 day extra leave will be taken before and after leave period. Management agreed that extra leave period shall be covered by rest day men, 3 periods of 3 men on leave and these will rotate as usual and the leave relief will cover man on the left of Annual Leave Roster.
Proposed by Bro. E. Spray and seconded by Bro. R. Chamberlain. Carried, vote of thanks of L.D.C. for work done re
Holiday Roster, Rest Day Working etc.
Other Business
Mutual change over of Annual Leave discussed, proposed by Bro. E. Spray and seconded by Bro. J. Challoner carried.
That Annual Leave Relief shall cover the man actually on leave and L.D.C. to ensure that the change over is booked
on leave roster.
Extra Sundays and the L.D.C. minute concerning working after midnight Saturday night were discussed. Proposed by Bro. F. Jenner and seconded by Bro. A. Wray, carried.
That this should be placed on the agenda for next meeting, and a meeting be held on each shift during December 1/4 1966.
Meeting closed 12.30.
Meeting December ¼ 1966, Nov. 27 1966
Commenced 10.50 close 12.45
Members present Bros. R. Taylor, J. Gain, W. White, C. Angel, E. Spray, J. Challoner,
C. Knight, R. Chamberlain, D. Judges, D. Hylands & R. Scott.
Bro. C. Wiseman Retirement
A presentation of £5 from the Branch Fund was made to Bro. S. Wiseman on his retirement.
L.D.C. minute 44
Proposed by Bro. J. Chaloner and seconded by Bro. Judges. That L.D.C. minute 44 re men working Sunday when coming off duty a.m. on Saturday duty, be rescinded. Voting For 2, Against 8 defeated. This resolution to be voted at the next meeting also.
Election of Officer
Proposed by Bro. J. Gain and seconded by Bro. W. White, carried. That officers be returned en-block, except Bro. D. Hyland in place of Bro. C. Wiseman now retired.
L.D.C. nominations no L.D.C. nomination present member Bro. J. Hawker retired unopposed.
Meeting closed 12.45
Meeting December ¼ 1966 4th Dec 1966
Commenced 10.50
Members present Bros. J. Chaloner, J. Hawker, L. Baldwin, D. Roberts, Sampson, F. Jenner, A. Lennard, A. Wray, & R. Scott.
Correspondence read and nothing arising.
L.D.C. minute 44
Proposed by Bro. J. Hawker and seconded by Bro. F. Jenner.
That L.D.C. minute 44 re men working Sunday when coming off duty A.M. Sunday after Saturday duty not be rescinded. voting For 7 and 0 against. carried, that minute 44 stand.
Extra Sundays Alphabetical Order
Proposed by Bro. Samson and seconded by Bro. A. Wray.
That Extra Sundays be worked in alphabetical Order. The men at the top of rota will work Extra Sundays after which their names will go to the bottom of the list any man at the top who is unable to work owing to L.D.C. minute 44 will stay at the top of the list until Extra Sunday has been worked, when their name will be placed in the correct position
on list.
Any man declining his turn to work Extra Sunday by writing to List Clerk his name will be placed at bottom of rota.
Voting 7 for and 1 against Carried that agreed by other shift to operate from 1st Sunday in January.
3X Sunday
Proposed by Bro. Samson and seconded by Bro. A. Wray.
That a list be kept of men not working on 3X Sundays, and these men to work extra Sundays available in order in preference to men on Alphabetical List in an endeavour to maintain 50% Sunday working. Voting 8 For and 0 against.
Carried that agreed by other Shift to operate from first Sunday in January.
Extra Sunday Rota
Proposed by Bro. F. Jenner and seconded by Bro. A. Lennard.
That L.D.C. compile a list in Alphabetical order for extra Sundays, and a list for 3X Sunday men not working, to be posted in case, and to send the names (suggested 3) of the preference men to list clerk each week. Voting For 8 and against 0. Carried That agreed by opposite shift shall operate from first Sunday in January.
Next meeting
Secretary instructed to call a special meeting on Sunday Dec 11th 1966 to enable other shift to vote the above resolutions.