Chairman Bro. D. Judges
Special Meeting January 8th & 15th 1967
Commenced 11.0 close 11.55
Special Meeting called for further discussion on Extra and 3 X Sunday
Members present at these meetings Bros. D. Judges, J. Hoath, D. Roberts, J. Chaloner, Samson, A. Wray, C. Knight, R. Taylor, A. Lennard, & R. Scott.
Proposed by Bro. J. Chaloner and seconded by Bro. J. Hoath Carried by 8 votes to 2 votes.
That minutes on extra and 3X Sunday stand.
Proposed by Bro. D. Roberts and seconded by Bro. J. Challoner Carried unanimously
That Chairman see L.D.C. re posting of Extra and 3X Sunday roots.
Meeting closed 11.55
Meeting June 18th 1967
Commenced 10.55 close 12.30
Members present Bros. R. Taylor, C. Knight, L. Baldwin, F. Jenner, Wrisburgh, Samson,
R. Chamberlain, A. Stratton, D. Judges & J. Chaloner.
Minutes read and accepted and proposed by Bro. Samson and seconded by Bro. R. Chamberlain Correspondence was read nothing arising.
Bro. C. Knight reported on new roster, there was a long discussion among the members on this subject. A vote of thanks to Bro. C. Knight for his work on the rosters was proposed by Bro. Samson and seconded by Bro. F. Jenner and passed unanimously.
Vice Chairman Bro. R. Taylor thanked all Bros. for their attendance, meeting closed 12.30
Meeting June ¼ 25th 1967
Commenced 10.50 close 13.35
Members present Bros. R. Taylor, E. Spray, C. Knight, R. Chamberlain, Wrisburgh,
D. Roberts, J. Gain, F. Jenner, Samson, A. Wray & R. Scott
Bro. Wrisburgh informed by Seaford, Brighton & Eastbourne L.D.C.s that there would be no Rest Day working with redundant men at depot. Branch decided Bro. Wrisburgh should write letter of protest to Head Office.
Rest Day
Proposed by Bro. Samson and seconded by Bro. E. Spray, Carried by 8 votes to 3 votes. That L.D.C. attempt to secure same booking as other depots.
Meeting closed 13.35
Meeting September ¼ Sept. 17th 1967
Commenced 10.45 close 12.45
Members present Bros. A. Lennard, J. Hawker, A. Arnold, C. Knight, D. Roberts, R. Chamberlain, E. Spray, J. Chaloner, D. Judges & R. Scott.
Correspondence, read and fully discussed, nothing arising.
L.D.C. Report
Reported by Bro. C. Knight who stated that the union insists on new rostered duties being inside 8 hours, and there must be a fair allocation of wages, but this was not possible as London men received at least 10/- per week more than other depots.
Vote of no Confidence in Union
Owing to the fact that union had allowed a large number of it’s members to suffer a reduction in wages and a cut in work. It was proposed by Bro. C. Knight ad seconded by Bro. R. Chamberlain. Carried Unanimously.
That Secretary send a vote of no confidence to Head Office, also to inform Organising Secretary Bro, D. Pullen of this.
Annual Leave
Proposed by Bro. Challoner and seconded by Bro. J. Hawker, Carried Unanimously.
That Annual Leave rotate 5 weeks back as previously.
L.D.C. Nominations
Proposed by Bro. C. Knight and seconded by Bro. J. Chaloner Carried Unanimously. That Bro. E. Spray succeed Bro. C. Knight as L.D.C. Secretary and to accompany Bro. C. Knight on next L.D.C. meeting vice Bro. J. Hawker.
New Roster
Branch rejected the previsionary rosters issued by management, Secretary instructed to write letter of rejection to L.D.C. Secretary.
Vote of Thanks
Proposed by Bro. R. Chamberlain and seconded by Bro. D. Roberts, Carried. A vote of thanks be extended to Bro. C. Knight retiring December 1967 for services rendered to Depot as L.D.C. Secretary etc.
Meeting closed 12.45
Meeting December ¼ Dec 3rd 1967
Commenced 10.40 close 13.10
Members present Bros. D. Judges, A. Arnold, J. Gain, F. Jenner, D. Roberts, E. Spray, Samson, A. Stratton, A. Wray, J. Hoath, A. Lennard, J. Hawker & R. Scott
Correspondences, nothing arising
Annual Leave
Proposed by Bro. Samson and seconded by Bro. Bro. J. Gain. Carried Unanimously.
That new system proposed by Bro. E. Spray be adopted to commence 1968
L.D.C. Election
Owing to retirement of L.D.C. Secretary Bro. C. Knight, new Secretary to be elected. Proposed by Bro. A. Wray and seconded by Bro. A. Stratton. Carried Unanimously.
That Bro. E. Spray commence as L.D.C. Secretary from December 3rd, 1967.
L.D.C. Chairman, proposed by Bro. A. Wray and seconded by Bro. Samson. Carried Unanimously.
That Bro. J. Hawker had done good works for Branch and Depot as L.D.C. Chairman for a good many years and proposed that he should be replaced and a complete new L.D.C. commence as from December 3rd 1967.
Proposals for new Chairman
Proposed by Bro. A. Lennard and seconded by Bro. A. Arnold for Bro. F. Jenner
Proposed by Bro. R. Scott and seconded by Bro. A. Wray for Bro. D. Judges
Proposed by Bro. Samson and seconded by Bro. J. Gain for Bro. A. Wray.
Voting Bro F. Jenner 1 vote, Bro. D. Judges 8 votes, Bro. A. Wray 2 votes and abstentions 2 members.
Carried by majority vote Bro. D. Judges be new L.D.C. Chairman as from December 3rd 1967.
It was voted and carried unanimously that Bro. D. Judges be elected for 1 year when he must be re-election. Bro. E. Srpay to act for 2 years when he must come for re-election.
Election of Officers
Proposed by Bro. A. Arnold and seconded by Bro. J. Gain. Carried unanimously, Officers be returned en block.
Meeting closed 1.10