It is, of course, quite impossible to prevent men from occasionally making mistakes of this kind. The driver is described as being a very good man, who had been driving for 26 years, and it was far more creditable to him to admit at once his mistake and fault than to make false statements, that he was only obeying the signals which it might be difficult to meet by rebutting testimony. I don't think, however, that the practice of continuing to run back on the wrong line for tt distance of 300 yards or more (in obedience to hand signals) should be continued is a busy place like Clapham Junction ; but that a new cross over road between the up local and down main lines should be put in at the south side of the Wandsworth Road over-bridge, and be worked from the south signal- box an alteration of the levels would be required to effect this and then the engine, after passing out of the carriage siding would proceed by the cross-over road north of No. 8 platform, before alluded to, to the down Kensington and main line, and thence by the proposed cross-over road to the up local line and to Battersea yard.