Chairman Bro. A. Pearce

Vice Chair Bro. G. Bollen 

Secretary Bro. D. Boyle

Assistant Secretary Bro. W. Brown

 Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting 

held at the White Hart on Sunday January 30th 1924

8 Members present

Bros. C. Wilson, C. Barrow, E. Brooker, J. Green, 

P. Reed, G. Bollen, A. Charman & W. Smith.


Bro. W. Smith reported that the Chairman of the N.U.R. Was awaiting an audience which was received with a rather mixed feeling and owning to a misunderstanding the meeting dispersed before it was discovered that he had been waiting for over an hour.

Ron Terrill Collection


Bill Terrill & Alf Charman

Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting for January

held at the White Hart on Sunday Feb. 3rd 1924

Bro. A. Pearce in the Chair


Minutes of 30 Dec 1923 read and discussed, also Special Meeting at Loden Hut on Sunday 20th at 10.30 a.m., moved by Bro. C. Collins and seconded Bro. E. Brooker. That they  be accepted as a true record. Caried

Minutes of Strike Committee meeting held at the White Hart on Sunday evening at 7.0 p.m. On the 20th Jan. 1924 read moved by W. Goldsmith & seconded by Bro. C. Collins. That they be accepted. Carried.

Arising out of Strike Committee minutes Proposed by Brother F. Sherwin & Seconded by Brother W. Smith. That the minute re Bro. Rookley being expelled be deleted. Carried Unanimously.

Correspondence read and discussed.

Arising out of minutes of Dec. 30th 1923 re Bro. W. Smith report of J. Browning the N.U.R. Chairman awaiting an audience for a discussion on Shed matter presumably Shed representation was further discussed, when he expressed opinion concerning their desire for a meeting, was very much against having anything to do with them, in the view if their actions during the strike, which attitude was considered to have altered any tendency of this Branch to have met them.

Bro. J. Denman reports discrepancies in connection with time allowance for disposal of engines, around which considerable discussion took place. 

Agreed that Shed Representative to take the matter up with the Loco Foreman.

Other Business

The following were elected as Good Friday Social Committee

Bros. A. Pearce, A. Rookley, L. Lower, F. Sherwin, F. Harris, G. Bollen, F. Wilmshurst, W. Goldsmith, C. Dotteril, W. Brown, H. Christmas, P. Reed & D. Boyle, with power to add 

Proposed by Bro. A. Pearce and seconded by Bro. F. Harris. That a meeting of the Social Committee be fixed for February 10th to make arrangements. Carried

Proposed by Bro. D. Thompsett & sec. by Bro. C. Barrow. That Mr Coker be given for of the Loder Hut during the Strike. Carried.

Proposed by Bro. L. Lower & sec. by Bro. W. Smith. That Bro. C. Dotterill be paid his wages for 29th Jan. as it was necessary that he should be in attendance when the Hut was handed over after the strike. 

Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting

held at the White Hart on Sunday February 24th 1924

Bro. A. Pearce in the Chair

Minutes of Feb, 3rd read and discussed, moved by Bro. L. Lower and seconded by Bro. W. Brown. That they will be accepted as a true record. Carried.

Correspondence read and discussed

Shed representatives requested to take up with the Foreman in connection with several matters including the following.

Passing more men, engine disposal allowance, re-arrangement of working, H. Hamblin's uniform not yet received yet 

Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting

held at the White Hart on Sunday March 30th 1924

Bro. A. Pearce in the Chair

Minutes of last meet read and discussed, accepted as a true record.

Arising out of minutes of Feb 24: Secretary reported interview of Shed Representatives with Foreman which was to the effect that, in connection with rearrangement of the duty list he was waiting to hear from the N.U.R.

He had asked for two more firemen to be passed, four more cleaners & taking on four more cleaners.

Correspondence read and discussed

Also Bro. W. Brown's request for back pay for acting as Stores man from October 7th 1919 - to March 8th 1921, which the Foreman disputed.

Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting

held at the White Hart on Sunday April 27th 1924

Bro. A. Pearce in the Chair

9 Members present

Bros. F. Brown, F. Sherwin, P. Reed, M. Smith, W. Brown, L. Lower, C. Dotterill, 

A. Pearce & D. Boyle.

Minutes of last meeting read and discussed, moved by Bro. L. Lower and seconded by Bro. W. Brown. That they be accepted as a true record.

Arising out of minutes of March 30th questions of duty list and need for the passing of more men was further discussed at considerable length, and seeing that the Foreman would be retiring, it was agreed that these questions should be remain in abeyance. Also agreed that Bro. W. Brown's case should be proceeded with.

Correspondence read and discussed.

Any Other Business

Questions of Shed Representation was debated at some length and also the N.U.R. Loco-men should be approached with the view to calling an open meeting in connection with same which eventually led to a proposition by Bro F. Sherwin & seconded by Bro F. Brown. That a letter be sent to the N.U.R. Asking if they will be in favour of calling an open meeting for Loco-men for the purposed of considering the business of selecting Shed Representatives. Carried.

Ron Terrill Collection 

Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Special Meeting

held at the White Hart on Sunday May 18th 1924

Bro. A. Pearce in the Chair

14 Members present

Bros. H. Christmas, A. Pearce, F. Wilmshurst, 

L. Lower, W. Brown, J . Green, E. Brooker, 

B. Peddlesden, C. Barrow, F. Sherwin, H. Bowden, C. Wilson, G. Bollen & C. Jenner.

The Chairman opened with a few remarks upon how this Special Meeting was arranged, and the necessity which was considered to render it desirable. 

He then read the correspondence between ourselves and the N.U.R. Whose reply was considered as hardly courteous.

Bro. F. Sherwin briefly referred to the position created here by the advice of B. Wild upon which considerable discussion ensued. Pro. Bro. F. Wilmshurst & seconded 

Bro. F. Sherwin. That the letter from the N.U.R. Be replied to, pointing out that our communication contained no reference to an open meeting and ask for the names of their nominees if they should desire to appoint any by May 31st.

Pro by L. Lower & sec by Bro. B. Peddlesden. That Bros. F. Sherwin & F. Wilmshurst be appointed. Carried.

It was the agreed that the May meeting be held upon June 1st instead of My 25th.

Minutes of the Newhaven Branch May Meeting

held at the White Hart on Sunday June 1st 1924

Bro. A. Pearce in the Chair

12 Members present 

Bros. A. Pearce, P. Reed, E. Brooker, F. Wilmshurst, C. Barrow, C. Wilson, W. Brown, 

L. Lower, G. Bollen, H. Bowden, G. Christmas & D. Boyle

Chairman read minutes of April 27th, proposed by Bro. P. Reed that they be accepted as a true record seconded by Bro. L. Lower. carried

Proposed by Bro. F. Wilmshurst & Seconded by Bro. H. Christmas. That the minutes of the Special Meeting of May 18th be accepted as a true record. Carried

Proposed by Bro. F. Wilmshurst & Seconded by Bro. H. Christmas. That Bros. Boyle & Pearce interview the Foreman, (Brown), in connection with Shed representation, and place all correspondence concerning the same between ourselves and the N.U.R. before him.

Any Other Business 

The Secretary reprimanded for not aquaisiting the Branch with the developments in the local Labour Party in the endeavour to secure premisses for a Working Men's Club. The Secretary's reply being, that owning to the very limited interest taken in the past in affairs of Trades Council and local Labour Party by this Branch, there had hardly been sufficent support to keep in touch with such of any other developments. The Secretary apologised for such a lapse of memory, in connection with such an important item.

Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting

held at the White Hart on Sunday June 29th 1924

Bro. A. Pearce in the Chair

10 Members present

Bros. F. Wilmshurst, A. Pearce, L. lower, B. Piddlesden, W. Brown, C. Barrow, G. Bollen, A. Charman, 

P. Reed & D. Thompsett.


Minutes of previous meeting read and discussed, proposed by Bro. L. Lower and seconded by Bro. W. Brown. That they be accepted as a true record. Carried.

Arising out of the minutes. The minutes re shed representation discussed at some length. The Secretary reprimanded for not having made it convenient to interview the foreman on the matter, when it was further agreed that the resolution be given effect to.

Chairman leaves the Chair and voice the unfairness of the present position in relation to the of promotion at some other Depots:- supported by Bro. L. Lower.


Bro. F. Wilmshurst informed the Branch that the acting Foreman Brown, had written to ask to come and have a discussion upon the matter of shortage of men with a view to passing of more.

Agreed that Bro. A. Pearce & A. Charman be appointed to interview the Foreman in respect of promotion at this Depot.


It was also generally agreed that the situation here in connection with promotion, and shortage of men to properly caver any special working and illness was entirely due to the late Foreman reporting that he had a redundancy of men after the war.

New member proposed by Bro F. Harris & sec. by Bro. C. Wilson. That T. Potter be admitted. Carried.

Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting

held at the White Hart on Sunday July 27th 1924

Bro. A. Pearce in the Chair

10 Members present

 Bros. A. Pearce, L. Lower, B. Piddlesden, A. Charman, W. Brown, C. Wilson, 

C. Barrow, F. Sherwin, J. Giles & D. Thompsett

Minutes of previous meeting read and discussed, adopted as a true record on the motion of Bro. B. Piddlesden and seconded by Bro. A. Charman.

Arising out of previous minute re interview with Brown the then acting Foreman upon which Bro. A. Pearce gave a report, in the course of which fact that Brown rather inclined to the view that the N.U.R. should be equally represented upon the L.D.C.

The Secretary (being requested by Bro A. Charman to deputised for him) and Bro. A. Pearce then asked for his (Brown’s) interpretation re “L.D.C.'s” and after a little discussion upon the point he agreed to make further enquires.

In connection with promotion here he remarked that “we had only Holten to thank , this was followed by a very animated controversy as to how the question of setting the Shed Representation upon a constitutional basis should be proceeded with.”

With the following result that. Bro. C. Barrow proposed and Bro. F. Sherwin seconded. That Secretary be instructed to write the N.U.R. With a view to making arrangements for an open meeting for Loco-men being held. After further discussion upon the resolution;

Bro. L. Lower moved and Bro. C. Wilson seconded as an amendment. That seeing (as some of our members were well aware) according to their several conversations, that the N.U.R. Element would he satisfied with one representative, that arrangements be made accordingly instead of an open meeting.

The amendment being lost, the resolution was declared carried.

Bro. F. Sherwin withdrew from his nomination, Br. L. Lower nominated in his place.

Agreed that the recently approved Drivers be given their positions on the motors as soon as possible. 

Also agreed that Bro. Ryder of Plastow Branch be nominated for the position of additional organiser.

Bro. B. Piddlesden complained of having to clean half an engine, call 6 or 7 pair of men which often entailed walking distance such as from East side to Norman R.2 in addition to coaling. 

Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting

held at the White Hart on Sunday Aug. 31st 1924

Bro. A. Pearce in the Chair

Minutes read and discussed, which were accepted as a true record on the motion of Bro. L. Lower and seconded by Bro. C. Wilson

Matters arising out of the minutes.

Re Open Meeting, over which there was considerable debate all letters in connection with same being read. Bro. C. Barrow proposed & Bro. W. Smith seconded. That Bros. A. Pearce & C. Wilson be elected as delegates to meet those of the N.U.R. with a view to the making of all necessary arrangements for the meeting as evinced in their last communication to us. 

Amendment moved by Bro. L. Lower & seconded by Bro. H. Hamblin. That Bros. A. Pearce & C. Barrow be elected as delegates. The amendments being carried, the resolution therefore lost.

Agreed that meeting be held on a Sunday morning, place & time of meeting to be respectively Loder Hut at 10.30

Pro. by Bro. Hamblin & sec. Bro. A. Charman. That Bros. W. Smith & F. Wilmshurst be nominated to stand for election at such Open Meeting. Further agreed that Bro. A. Pearce be nominated for the Chair. Secretary was instructed to reply to letter received.

Bro. A Pearce had to leave the Chair for duty at 8.15 p.m., agreed that Bro. C. Barrow take the Chair.

Correspondence read and discussed 

Other Business

Bro. C. Wilson proposed & Bro. E. Brooker. that Secretary & Bro. F. Sherwin interview the Foreman re engine disposal allowance to give effect to the letter from Sectional Council, Secretary which was read. Also to endeavour to draw Foreman attention our recently appointed Foreman confirming in the Shed.

Agreed that should the Secretary not be able to secure the assistance of Bro. F. Sherwin for the interview to get whom ever were available.

Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting

held at the White Hart on Sunday Sept. 28th 1924

Bro. L. Lower in the Chair

Bro. A. Pearce, Chairman, not being present, it was agreed that Bro. L. Lower take the Chair.

Minutes of the meeting of Aug. 31st read and discussed, and on the motion of Bro. W. Brown and seconded by Bro. P. Reed. Accepted as a true record.

Arising out of the minutes

Mins re Open Meeting 2nd paragraph of mins of Aug. 31st.

Motion by Bro. C. Barrow and seconded by Bro. C. Wilson. That the above paragraph be recinded, owing to the Secretaries negligence in failing to I’ve affect of the matter contained therein. Carried, with Bro. P. Reed as the only discentient.

Agreed that Bro. C. Barrow and Bro. L. Lower be given plenary powers to meet Mr. Browning and Mr.  Wise of the N.U.R. to deal with the matter of Shed spokesmen.

Further agreed that Bro. F. Brown be appointed as representative of this Branch for the purpose of giving affect of the Railways Act 1921.

Correspondence read and noted

A letter read from Eastbourne calling our attention to the employment of the S.R. of Firemen on the stead of appointed Drivers and therefore requesting our support. agreed that Branch support Eastbourne.

The question of additional lockers deferred.


Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting

held at the White Hart on Sunday July 27th 1924

Bro. A. Pearce in the Chair

10 Members present

 Bros. A. Pearce, L. Lower, B. Piddlesden, A. Charman, W. Brown, C. Wilson, 

C. Barrow, F. Sherwin, J. Giles & D. Thompsett

Minutes of previous meeting read and discussed, adopted as a true record on the motion of Bro. B. Piddlesden and seconded by Bro. A. Charman.

Arising out of previous minute re interview with Brown the then acting Foreman upon which Bro. A. Pearce gave a report, in the course of which fact that Brown rather inclined to the view that the N.U.R. should be equally represented upon the L.D.C.

The Secretary (being requested by Bro A. Charman to deputised for him) and Bro. A. Pearce then asked for his (Brown’s) interpretation re “L.D.C.'s” and after a little discussion upon the point he agreed to make further enquires.

In connection with promotion here he remarked that “we had only Holten to thank , this was followed by a very animated controversy as to how the question of setting the Shed Representation upon a constitutional basis should be proceeded with.”

With the following result that. Bro. C. Barrow proposed and Bro. F. Sherwin seconded. That Secretary be instructed to write the N.U.R. With a view to making arrangements for an open meeting for Loco-men being held. After further discussion upon the resolution;

Bro. L. Lower moved and Bro. C. Wilson seconded as an amendment. That seeing (as some of our members were well aware) according to their several conversations, that the N.U.R. Element would he satisfied with one representative, that arrangements be made accordingly instead of an open meeting.

The amendment being lost, the resolution was declared carried.

Bro. F. Sherwin withdrew from his nomination, Br. L. Lower nominated in his place.

Agreed that the recently approved Drivers be given their positions on the motors as soon as possible. 

Also agreed that Bro. Ryder of Plastow Branch be nominated for the position of additional organiser.

Bro. B. Piddlesden complained of having to clean half an engine, call 6 or 7 pair of men which often entailed walking distance such as from East side to Norman R.2 in addition to coaling. 

 Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting

held at the White Hart on Sunday Aug. 31st 1924

Bro. A. Pearce in the Chair

Minutes read and discussed, which were accepted as a true record on the motion of Bro. L. Lower and seconded by Bro. C. Wilson

Matters arising out of the minutes.

Re Open Meeting, over which there was considerable debate all letters in connection with same being read. Bro. C. Barrow proposed & Bro. W. Smith seconded. That Bros. A. Pearce & C. Wilson be elected as delegates to meet those of the N.U.R. with a view to the making of all necessary arrangements for the meeting as evinced in their last communication to us. 

Amendment moved by Bro. L. Lower & seconded by Bro. H. Hamblin. That Bros. A. Pearce & C. Barrow be elected as delegates. The amendments being carried, the resolution therefore lost.

Agreed that meeting be held on a Sunday morning, place & time of meeting to be respectively Loder Hut at 10.30

Pro. by Bro. Hamblin & sec. Bro. A. Charman. That Bros. W. Smith & F. Wilmshurst be nominated to stand for election at such Open Meeting. Further agreed that Bro. A. Pearce be nominated for the Chair. Secretary was instructed to reply to letter received.

Bro. A Pearce had to leave the Chair for duty at 8.15 p.m., agreed that Bro. C. Barrow take the Chair.

Correspondence read and discussed 

Other Business

Bro. C. Wilson proposed & Bro. E. Brooker. that Secretary & Bro. F. Sherwin interview the Foreman re engine disposal allowance to give effect to the letter from Sectional Council, Secretary which was read. Also to endeavour to draw Foreman attention our recently appointed Foreman confirming in the Shed.

Agreed that should the Secretary not be able to secure the assistance of Bro. F. Sherwin for the interview to get whom ever were available.

 Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting

held at the White Hart on Sunday Sept. 28th 1924

Bro. L. Lower in the Chair

Bro. A. Pearce, Chairman, not being present, it was agreed that Bro. L. Lower take the Chair.

Minutes of the meeting of Aug. 31st read and discussed, and on the motion of Bro. W. Brown and seconded by Bro. P. Reed. Accepted as a true record.

Arising out of the minutes

Mins re Open Meeting 2nd paragraph of mins of Aug. 31st.

Motion by Bro. C. Barrow and seconded by Bro. C. Wilson. That the above paragraph be recinded, owing to the Secretaries negligence in failing to I’ve affect of the matter contained therein. Carried, with Bro. P. Reed as the only discentient.

Agreed that Bro. C. Barrow and Bro. L. Lower be given plenary powers to meet Mr. Browning and Mr.  Wise of the N.U.R. to deal with the matter of Shed spokesmen.

Further agreed that Bro. F. Brown be appointed as representative of this Branch for the purpose of giving affect of the Railways Act 1921.

Correspondence read and noted

A letter read from Eastbourne calling our attention to the employment of the S.R. of Firemen on the stead of appointed Drivers and therefore requesting our support. agreed that Branch support Eastbourne.

The question of additional lockers deferred.

Ron Terrill Collection

Bill Terrill

Bros C. Barrow, W. Brown, L. Lowe, C. Wilson & D. Boyle

Waited outside of White Hart until 7.20 p.m., 

where it was decided to cancel the meeting. meeting canceled 7.20. p.m., November 2nd 

- - - - - - - - - - - -

Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting

held at the White Hart on Sunday Nov. 30th 1924

Bro. F. Brown in the Chair

Minutes of Sunday Sept. 23rd read and discussed, proposed that they be accepted as a tee record by Bro. L. Lower and seconded by Bro. C. Wilson.

Letter read from N.U.R. re paragraph 5 of mins of Sept. 28th. Bro. C. Barrow reports that above letter was in accordance with their, (Bros. C. Barrow & L. Lower meeting with Messrs J. Browning & A. Wise)

Letter read from Bro. J.H. Potts of Brighton requesting facilities for transfer to this Branch. Bro. F. Sherwin proposed & Bro. H.G. Bowden seconded. That they he be granted. Carried.

Bro. F. Sherwin proposed & Bro. C. Wilson seconded. That the committee of the Labour Club be approached for facilities to hold the Branch meetings in the Reading & Card Room.

Agreed that a special meeting be held on Sunday December 14th, 7.0.p.m. at the White Hart Hotel for purpose of election of officers for the ensuing year, delegate to the Trades & Labour council, and Secretary to endeavour to report upon. bro. F. Sherwin proposal re Labour Club.

Bro. W. Brown again requests that his claim for arrears of pay be forwarded to the Sectional Council as from Oct. 19th 1919 to March 7th 1921.

 Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting

held at the White Hart on Sunday Dec 14th 1924.

21 Members present

Bros. W. Brown, F. Wilmshurst, P. Reed, J. Potter, C. Wilson, C. Barrow, F. Sherwin, 

M. Smith, B. Piddlesden, F. Brown, C. Jenner, A. Norman, D. Boyle, W. Smith, A. Pearce, 

L. Lower, W. Terril, E. Brooker, C. Dotterill, A. Charman & H. Bowden. 

Chairman reads minutes of November 30th, covering the Special Meeting for Election of Officers.

Election of Officers for 1925

Bro. A. Pearce nominated for the Secretary, but declines. Bro. F. Sherwin nominated for Secretary, but declines. After further discussion the Chair again calls for nomination for Secretary. 

Bro. F. Wilmshust nominated, but declined because he could not conscientiously carry out the wishes of the Branch after what was said about the N.U.R. in January last and recent developments. 

Bro. C. Barrows proposed & Bro. W. Smith seconded. That Bro. W, Brown be elected. 

Chairman in a few remarks pointed out in his opinion, Bro. W. Brown was too young for the position, where upon he declined. 

Bros. C. Dotterill & F. Brown where nominated and both declined. Bro. F. Sherwin at this stage endeavoured to point out how regrettable the difficulties of electing the officers were the more especially as a number of the younger members were present.

Chairman calls for nominations for Chair. 

Bro. E. Brooker proposed & Bro. L. Lower seconded. That Bro. F. Sherwin be Chairman for the ensuing year. Carried Unam. Bro. C. Barrow Vice.

The Chair again calls for nominations for Secretaryship. 

Bro. P. Reed nominates Bro. C. Barrow, but he declines. Bro. W. Smith moves present Secretary. Chair call for a show of hands, 14 against & 5 in favour.

Bro. W. Smith moves present Secretary. Chair call for a show of hands, 14 against & 5 in favour.

Chairman appeals to Bro. F. Wilmshurst to accept the position, to which he agreed providing it was confirmed by a ballot of the whole of the members.

Chair suggests that Bro. F. Wilmshurst, Bro. W. Brown & Bro. D. Boyle be balloted where upon F. Wilmshurst declines. Chair then asks if Bros. W. Brown & D. Boyle will agree upon that course Bro. D. Boyle declines. Bro. W. Brown asked if he will now accept and he agrees, Bro. W. Brown thereby becomes elected for the ensuing year.

Proposed by Bro. W. Smith and seconded by Bro. H. Bowden. That Bro. A. Pearce be Assistant Secretary. Carried Unanimously.

It was further unanimously agreed that the following constitute the Committee.

Bros. A. Pearce, C. Jenner, L. Lower, C. Dotterill, F. Brown, W. Smith & F. Wilmshurst.

Trustees Bros. W. Smith & F. Wilmshurst (D. Boyle) January 14th, 1925, Trustees should be Branch Stewards & Collectors.

Delegates to Trades & Labour Council

Bros. F. Sherwin & W. Brown

Agreement to walking time allowance for Firemen in Loco Yards read and agreed, that Secretary should sign same and return to J.P. Maitland, agreement dated Dec. 13th 1924. 

Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting

held at the White Hart on Sunday Dec 28th 1924

Bro. A. Pearce in the Chair

8 Members present 

Bros. A. Pearce, D. Boyle, C. Wilson, L. Lower, W. Brown, H. Christmas, W. Smith 

E. Brooker.

Minutes of Annual and Special Annual meetings read and discussed,proposed by H. Christmas and seconded by Bro. W. Brown. That they be accepted as a true record. Carried.

Correspondence read and discussed i.e. Passes for widows.

Secretary instructed to advise Bro. F. Brown to take the necessary steps to arrange a meeting of the L.D.C. to point out the aggravation occasioned by the irregular bookings for duty during the Christmas vacation, and to request, thqt if possible, an endeavour be made to avoid a recurrence

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