1965 - 1967
Chairman Bro. A. Brooker
Tunbridge Wells Branch Meeting
Sunday March 8th 1965 at 10.45 p.m.
at the Welfare Rooms, Central Station.
Bro A. Brooker presiding
The minutes of the previous meeting were read by Bro. Booker and it was proposed by Bro. Bridger and seconded Bro. R. Dunmall that these minutes be a true record.
Correspondence was then read and it was noted that Head Office were continuing there efforts with the management regarding productivity payments for footplate grades, there was also a voting for nominations for the 1965 A.A.D. Bro. Rumley nominated Bro. Gower seconded Bro. Blackmore. There being no other nominations, Bro. Gower nominated for the 1965 A.A.D.
The Branch Social Committee report was then given by Bro. Bridger who stated that the cash position was still quite good despite our loss of membership and also payment of wages up the station. It must must also record a vote of thanks for the splendid social evening put on for our retired member Bro. Alfie Simmonds at the Lord Cornwallis.
The District Council report was then read by our Delegate Bro. Brooker which again proved to be of a very informative nature but the Branch was very disturbed to hear of managements proposals re future of Guildford and Nine Elms branches.
The L.D.C. report was then given and it was stated that the L.D.C. were already meeting difficulty due to the re-shuffle of office staff and the partial removal of our shed master, the future of negotiations looks grim.
Before the meeting was closed it was moved by Bro. Blackmore seconded Bro. R. Dunmall. “That a vote of thanks be recorded for Bro. B. Gower re arrangements for Form One interview.
The meeting was closed.
Members present Bros. Brooker, Gower, R. Dunmall, E. Dunmall, Russell, Blackmore, Ovenden, Bridger & Rumley

Bob Walls Collection
Vic Rumley
Tunbridge Wells Branch Meeting
Sunday March 8th 1965 at 10.45 p.m.
at the Welfare Rooms, Central Station.
Bro A. Brooker presiding
The minutes of the previous meeting were read by Bro. Booker and it was proposed by Bro. Bridger and seconded Bro. R. Dunmall that these minutes be a true record.
Correspondence was then read and it was noted that Head Office were continuing there efforts with the management regarding productivity payments for footplate grades, there was also a voting for nominations for the 1965 A.A.D. Bro. Rumley nominated Bro. Gower seconded Bro. Blackmore. There being no other nominations, Bro. Gower nominated for the 1965 A.A.D.
The Branch Social Committee report was then given by Bro. Bridger who stated that the cash position was still quite good despite our loss of membership and also payment of wages up the station. It must must also record a vote of thanks for the splendid social evening put on for our retired member Bro. Alfie Simmonds at the Lord Cornwallis.
The District Council report was then read by our Delegate Bro. Brooker which again proved to be of a very informative nature but the Branch was very disturbed to hear of managements proposals re future of Guildford and Nine Elms branches.
The L.D.C. report was then given and it was stated that the L.D.C. were already meeting difficulty due to the re-shuffle of office staff and the partial removal of our shed master, the future of negotiations looks grim.
Before the meeting was closed it was moved by Bro. Blackmore seconded Bro. R. Dunmall. “That a vote of thanks be recorded for Bro. B. Gower re arrangements for Form One interview.
The meeting was closed.
Members present Bros. Brooker, Gower, R. Dunmall, E. Dunmall, Russell, Blackmore, Ovenden, Bridger & Rumley.
Tunbridge Wells Branch Meeting
Sunday May 30th 1965 at 10.45 p.m.
at the Welfare Rooms, Central Station.
The Branch Chairman opened the meeting by welcoming Bro. Dray of Sectional Council No. 2 who was present to keep us in the regarding picture the redundancies at Tunbridge Wells West.
The minutes of the previous meeting was then read these were moved as a true record by Bro. C. Dunmall seconded by Bro. Bridger.
General Committee meeting report was then given, but we were reminded of the position of June 14th when there would only be 34 men available and it was agreed to discuss this at a future meeting.
L.D.C. Report was given by Bro. Brooker who covered full the L.D.C. Efforts to to illuminate some of the hardships caused by the redundancy and the Branch's thanks are recorded to the L.D.C for the way in which they rose to the occasion and made every effort to fight the management on the position of redundancy at Tunbridge Wells West.
Bro. Dray then gave his report and expressed his regret over the decision of redundancy at our Branch by this outlined some of the problems facing the Union and Sectional Council, he related that by 1967 there would be no Depot at Nine Elms and there would be a possible 150 men redundant; Guildford was affected and it was proposed to freeze the vacancies at these depots to allow a gradual run down.
Question were then asked by Bros. Stephenson, Blackmore & Savage. Bros, Stephenson and Blackmore regardng their respective moves to Orpington and Tonbridge, and Bro. Savage asked Bro Dray if it were not possible for the redundant men to be carried at Tonbridge until vacancies occurred. Bro. Dray said he would raise this question with Management.
There being no more questions or business to discuss Bro. Brooker thanked Bro. Dray for his presence who replied that he would be pleased to attend any of our meetings in the future.
It was proposed Bro. Blackmore seconded Bro. Bridger that a vote of thanks be given to Bro. Dray, this was carried Unam.
The meeting was closed at 12.20.
Membes present Bros. R. Bridger, E. Dunmall, Baldwin, R. Dunmall, Oakly, Blackmore, Coomber, E. Francis, Saunders, Card, T. Hollands, Robinson, Chalklin, R. Brown, Kibbey, Savage, Russell, Rumley, Gower & Brooker.
Total 20
Branch Membership 52

Tunbridge Wells Branch Meeting
Sunday August 8th 1965 at 10.45 p.m.
at the Welfare Rooms, Central Station.
The meeting was opened by the minutes of the previous meeting being read and it was moved by Bro. E. Dunmall seconded Bro Bridger. “That these were a true record.
Correspondence was then read and it was noted that Mrs Francis case had been dealt with by Bro. Pullen and it is recorded that our deepest sympathy goes to Mrs Francis in the death of our member and workmate Bro. Jim Francis. Members also expressed their gratitude to Bro. Pullen in the way he had helped. Mrs Francis
Bro. Bridger then gave the Social Committee report and it was stated that regarding the retired members outing there would be a small charge of 4/6 per member to cover the cost of the tea, the trip arranged was to Herne Bay and Ramsgate.
Bro. Brooker then gave the L.D.C. Report and was questioned on Rest Day Working as to Loan Men from other depots working their Rest Days at Tunbridge Wells West. They were informed that Head Office had been advised of the situation as had Sectional Council.
Members present Bros. Jeffery, Nye, Cavie, Coomber. Diplock, Dunmall, Bridger,
Sunday September 26th 1965 at 10.45 p.m.
at the Welfare Rooms, Central Station.
The meeting was opened by the reading the minutes of the previous meeting and it was moved by Bro. Dunmall seconded by Bro R. Bridger. “That these be a true record.”
Correspondence was then which included a reply from Head Office regarding Bro. Eckersly's transfer to platform duties which was not clear to seniority question. Branch Secretary has written again requesting further details. Also correspondence on the question of lodging allowance for Bros. R. Dunmall and P. Russell and it was stated a reply had been received from Bro. Perry Sectional Council No.2, that the matter would be placed on the agenda of the next meeting of Sectional Council.
Bro. Bridger then gave the Social Committee report and he stated that the outing for the retired members outing was enjoyed by all but the attendance this year was very poor.
District council Report was then given by Bro. Brooker which proved to be of an interesting nature.
There being no other business to discuss the meeting was closed at 12.50 p.m.
Members present Bros. Bridger, Dunmall, Diplock, Gower, Brooker, Rigby & Flatman.
Tunbridge Wells Branch Meeting
Sunday November 11th 1965 at 10.45 p.m.
at the Welfare Rooms, Central Station.
The meeting was opened by the minutes of the previous meeting being and that being no questions on them, they were moved a true record by Bro. R. bridger seconded Bro. E. Dunmall.
Correspondence was then read which included appeal from district Organisations to which the Branch Secretary said he would attempt to sell some of their products.
The L.D.C. Report was then given by Bro. Booker during which it was raised by the Branch Secretary about the very slack way some drivers were carrying out their duties allowing other person's to do the driving and shunting with no person in the rear cab. L.D.C. Promised to act on this matter, questions were raised on Holiday Roster but these were answered quite clearly by the L.D.C secretary Bro Brooker. Nominations were then asked for due to the termination of office of Bros Brooker and Bridger, it was stated that due to the drop in Depot strength officially they were only two representative allowed. But two nominations were asked for.
The following two members were nominated
Bro. Gower nom Brooker sec K. Savage, Bro. Savage nom Bridger sec E. Dunmall.
The L.D.C. Secretary then read the report on productivity payments and due to the length of the report and questions raised their was insufficient time to finish the report.
The meeting was closed at 1.15 p.m.
Members persent Bros. Bridger, Savage, Dunmall E., Diplock, Ovenden Gower & Brooker.
Tunbridge Wells Branch Meeting
Sunday December 12th 1965 at 10.45 p.m.
at the Welfare Rooms, Central Station.
The meeting opened was opened by the minutes of the previous meeting being read these were moved a true true record by Bro. E. Dunmall seconded A. Card.
Correspodence was then read which dealt with more information on the productivity and single manning agreements which was noted.
The Social Committee report was given by Bro. E. Dunmall who reported that owing to lack of members and the lack of funds it would not be possible to have a Children's Christmas Party for suggestions made it was decided to try for an outing for the Summer of 66.
Next came nominations and elections for 1966 and the following officers were elected for 1966.
Chairman Bro. A. Brooker,
Vice Chairman Bro. E. Dunmall,
Secretary Bro. Gower,
Assistant Secretary G. Chalklin.
Committee Bros. D. Sullivan, A. Card, E. Dunmall,
W. Ovenden, K. Savage, G. Chalkin & P. Pepper.
District Council Delegate Bro. A. Brooker
Trades Council Bros A. Brooker & R. Bridger
Scrutineers Bros. B. Gower & R. Bridger
There being no other business to discuss the meeting was closed at 1.0 p.m.
Members present Bros. G. Chalklin, A. Card, E. Dunmall, B. Gower & A. Brooker.