Chairman Bro. F. Sherwin

Vice Chair Bro. H. Bowden 

Secretary Bro. F. Wilmshurst

Assistant Secretary A. Pearce

Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting

held at the White Hart on Sunday Jan. 23rd 1921

Bro. F. Sherwin in the Chair


Minutes of last meeting was read, moved by Bro. L. Lower and seconded by Bro. J. Giles. That minutes be accepted.

Correspondence from Head Office was read and discussed

A strong discussion took place on the question of appointing delegates to work with the N. U. R. on a Shed Committee That Bros. A. Pearce, F. Wilmshurst, & F. Sherwin stand for Shed Committee.


A discussion then took place on the question of the number seeing that the N.U.R. had elected three and we had got the majority we ought to have more. Moved by F. Harris & seconded by P. Reed. That we elect four. Carried. Moved  by F. Brown & Seconded by J. Thompsett. That Bro. T. Denman stand. Carried.

Meeting closed with 27 present

the best meeting we have had

Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting

held at the White Hart on Sunday Feb 10th 1921

Bro. F. Sherwin in the Chair

Minutes of last meeting read and discussed, moved by Bro. P. Reed and seconded by Bro. F. Harris. That they be accepted as a true record. Carried.

Letter read from the N.U.R. Re Shed Committee and after a strong discussion it was moved by Bro. F. Harris & Seconded by Bro. P. read. That we accept the resolution of January 16th of joint meeting and that Bro. T. Denman be asked to stand down from Shed Committee. Carried.

Correspondence from Head Office in regards the shooting of railway men in Ireland and the E.C. Decision to withdraw its members. A strong discussion ensued when it was moved by Bro. W. Goldsmith & seconded by Bro. F. Harris. 

That this Branch gives their support to our E.C. In any action they may take in this fight for justice. 

Bro. C. Barrow moved as an amendment & Bro. A. Pearce seconded. 

That seeing that there was so much out of work that we wait and see what other branches was going to do. on the vote be taken the amendment was carried.

This closed the meeting with 24 being present which goes to show that the members are taking more interest in the work of their branch.

Ron Terrill Collection

Bill Terrill on a Class B4 No.64 ‘Norfolk'

Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting

held at the White Hart on Sunday March 27th 1921

Bro. F. Sherwin in the Chair

Minutes of last meeting was read and discussed, moved by Bro. A. Pearce and seconded by Bro. P. Reed. That minutes be adopted.

Correspondence read from Head Office and noted re unemployed Firemen, which showed that the Society was looking after the interest of our cleaner members.

Questions was sake about the Shed Committee, Secretary replied, this closed the meeting as everyone present seemed satisfied.   

Ron Terrill Collection

Unknown, Bill Terrill & Unknown in 1921

 on a Class B4 No.64 'Norfolk'

Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting

held at the White Hart on Sunday May 1st 1921

Bro. F. Sherwin in the Chair

Minutes of last meeting was read and discussed, moved by Bro. D. Boyle and seconded by Bro. J. Green. That minutes adopted.

Correspondence read from Head Office re miners dispute and cause of the strike being called off, questions was asked and discussed. 

Ron Terrill Collection               

L - R  unknown, unknown Bill Terrill 

Unknown on a Class B4 No. 64 ‘Norfolk'

Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting

held at the White Hart on Thursday May 5th 1921

Bro. H.G. Bowden in the Chair 

Minutes of last meeting was read and discuss, moved by Bro. P. Reed and seconded by Bro. W. Smith. That minutes adopted.

Correspondence read from Head Office and discussed.

Moved W. Goldsmith & seconded A. Pearce. That the whole of money received from days off be forwarded for benefit of the miners family. 

Moved by P. Reed as an amendment and seconded by W. Smith. That each member be free to give as he likes. On a vote being taken Bro. Reed’s amendment was carried.

Meeting closed at 8.15, not many members present.

Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting

held at the White Hart on Sunday Aug 29th 1921

Bro. F. Sherwin in the Chair

Minutes of last meeting was read and discussed, moved by Bro. L. Lower and seconded by Bro. H. Bowden. That minutes be adopted. Carried.


Correspondence was read from Head Office and dismissal, discussion took place over the dismissal of Bro. H. Cotlington. Secretary explained what action he had taken and also read a reply from Mr. Billinton respecting the same. After a long discussion it was moved by Bro. P. Reed & seconded by Bro. A. Rookley. 

That Secretary take up with the Shed Committee to see if anything more could be done.

Bro. E. Brooks asked if something could be done to stop the goods men going on the pilots and making overtime. Secretary explained that it was a matter for the Shed Committee.

Moved by Bro. H. Bowden & sec. By Bro. E. Brooker. 

That Secretary lay the matter before Shed Committee as soon as possible. Carried.

Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting

held at the White Hart on Sunday Dec. 11th 1921

Bro. F. Sherwin in the Chair


Minutes of last meeting was read and discussed, moved by Bro. P. Reed and seconded by Bro. A. Pearce. That minutes be adopted.

Correspondence was read and discussed.

Election of officers for 1922 took place.

Chairman Bro. A. Pearce

Vice Chairman Bro. C. Barrow

Secretary Bro. F. Wilmshurst

Asst. Secretary Bro. D. Boyle

Committee Bros. P. Reed, C. Jenner, F. Sherwin, E. Bennett, A. Norman & E. Dotterill.

Bros. F. Sherwin and A. Pearce resigned from the Shed Committee.Bros. D. Boyle and E. Dotterill was elected to fill there places.

One new member.

Ron Terrill Collection

Bill Terrill standing on Loco No. 443

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