Chairman Bro. D. Judges
Meeting December ¼ 12th January 1969
Commenced 10.50 close 12.20
Members present Bros. E. Spray, A. Lennard, A. Arnold, Samson, D. Roberts, A. Stratton
& D. Judges
All correspondence was read and fully discussed.
L.D.C. Report
Bro. Spray reported on Rest Day working and various meetings held with the management, also the special meetings with Mr Harrison, Divisional Manager.
It was requested by Bros. present, that Bro. E. Spray contact the Area Station Manager regarding the cleaning of the drivers lobby and Ore Shed.
It was also requested that Bro. E. Spray advise the Area Depot Master of the draughts in the driving cabs of some units.
Proposed Bro. Samson and seconded by Bro. A. Lennard. Boxing Day booking kept separate for rostering purposes and that men retiring during the following year be rostered normally.
The Chairman thanked all Bros. for their attendance.
Meeting closed 12.20
Meeting March ¼ 20th April 1969
Commenced 10.40 close 12.05
Members present Bros. E. Spray, S. Tingley, Samson, D. Roberts, J. Gain, A. Lennard,
A. Arnold, R. Chamberlain, F. Jenner, L .Baldwin & R. Scott
Minutes read and declared true record.
Correspondence read and fully discussed and nothing arising.
L.D.C. Report
Bro. E. Spay gave an up to date report on the closure of the depot, but unfortunately this was not very enlightening.
Proposed by Bro. Samson and seconded by Bro. J. Gain. Secretary write to Head Quarters for information on the closure of Ore Depot.
Bro. E. Spray then dealt with new summer rosters.
A Welcome was extended to Bro. S. Tingley on behalf of the Branch.
Meeting closed 12.05
Meeting June ¼ 7th July 1969
Insuficient attendance, no meeting
Meeting September ¼ 19th Oct 1969
Commenced 10.35 close 12.55
Members present Bros. A. Lennard, A. Arnold, D. Roberts, E. Spray, F. Jenner, & F. Scott
Correspondence read and nothing arising
L.D.C. Report
Given by Bro. E. Spray arising Annual Leave Rostering.
Bro. F. Jenner stated members changing Annual Leave period to avoid loosing mileage duties, this was discussed and it was suggested that holidays should not be changes within 2 months of earliest leave period, not voted, as it was arranged that feelings of absent members should be inquired into, carried over next meeting.
District Council
Owing to the resignation of Bro. D. Judges as District Council member, it was agreed Secretary approach Bro. S. Tingley. Proposed by Bro. A. Lennard and seconded by Bro.A. Arnold. Carried Unanimously.
Bro. D. Judges also resigned as L.D.C. Chairman an it was carried unanimously. That Bro. S. Tingley be approach to fill in until January 1st 1970.
Bro. D. Judges gave notice of resigning Branch Chairmanship at the end of 1969.
Bro. E. Spray also gave notice that he would not seek re-election as L.D.C. Secretary.
No L.D.C. nominations were made, members present stated member not present should be approached.
Meeting closed 12.55
Special Meeting 9th November 1969
Members present Bros. E. Spray, R. Chamberlain, R. Taylor, S. Tingley, A. Stratton,
& D. Judges
A letter from Bro r. Scott tendering his resignation read and discussed.
Proposed by Bro. S. Tingley and seconded by Bro. Chamberlain.
That any changeovers to 1 weeks Annual Leave must be applied for at least 8 weeks prior to changeover, if applied for in less than 8 weeks the AL/S Relief man is entitled to that turn of duty. Carried Unanimously.
Proposed by Bro. R. Taylor and seconded by Bro. S. Tingley.
That Bro. L. Baldwin be approached to accept Secretaryship of Ore Branch. Carried unanimously.
Sectional Council Elections
Proposed by Bro. S. Tingley and seconded by Bro. R. Taylor. Bros. W. Eames and B. Noakes be supported by this Branch.
L.D.C. Report
Bro. E. Spray explained the meeting the L.D.C. attended at Essex House on the B.R.B. Statement of Intent. Though there was lengthy discussion on Ore depot, there was still no decision been made as to it’s future. A further meeting on this subject to be arranged also a meeting with St Leonards L.D.C. and Sectional Council.
A vote of thanks was given by the branch to Bro. E. Spray for his report and as this Brother was given up the Secretaryship of the L.D.C. and further vote of thanks for his stalwart work in this office.
District Council Report.
Bro. S. Tingley gave a very good and full report on his first visit as delegate to District Council. He explained to the branch the payments etc on the men eligible to join the Superannuation Scheme, also on subjects brought to District Council by the E.C. member Bro. W. Williams and District Organiser Bro. D. Pullen. A vote of thanks was given to Bro. S. Tingley on an excellent report.
Further discussion tok place on the contents of Bro. R. Scott’s resignation and the contents of his letter. In the letter Bro. Ron expressed his dissatisfaction with the attendance to Branch meetings and the failure of decisions being made at the meetings. The Brothers present agreed and decided that decisions must be made and Brothers who fail to attend when available must accept the decisions of the Branch.
Branch Committee to be elected next meeting.
All business being dealt with the Branch closed at 13.00 hours.
Officers Elected
Branch Chairman Bro. R. Taylor, Branch Secretary Bro. L. Baldwin, L.D.C. Chairman E. Spray, L.D.C. Secretary
Bro. S. Tingley & District Council Representative Bro. S. Tingley.
Special Meeting December ¼ 14th Dec. 1969
Commenced 10.45 close 12.50
Members present Bros. L. Baldwin, D. Judges, R. Chamberlin, S. Tingley, A. Stratton,
D. Roberts, & R. Scott
Minutes read and discussed and arising
Proposed by Bro. Chamberlain and seconded by Bro. Baldwin, Carried. That the 8 week prior period for 1 week
Annual Leave be extended to cover the 2 week Annual Leave period also. Any changeover of Annual Leave whether 1 week or 2 week period done after 8 weeks of first period, A.L.S. man to cover the man who was originally booked.
L.D.C. Report.
A good lengthy report was given by Bro. S. Tingley, especially regarding the closure of Ore Depot, including points put forward by L.D.C. in favour of Depot remaining open.
A vote of thanks was given to L.D.C. representatives for good work done in this respect.
Election of Officers (further to previous meeting)
Branch Vice Chairman Bro. D. Roberts
Committee en block except Bro. A. Stratton to replace ex Bro. C. Angel retired.
Signatories Branch Fund Bros. L. Baldwin, R. Chamberlin & Roberts.
Delegate to A.A.D.
Proposed by Bro. A. Stratton and seconded by Bro. S. Tingley, Carried unanimously.
That Branch supports Bro. B. Noakes.
Delegate to Trades Union Congress
Proposed by Bro. S. Tingley and seconded by Bro. R. Chamberlain, Carried unanimously. Branch support Bro. Davis
Other Business
L.D.C. Secretary instructed to complain to management re signals at Pevensey also condition of platform by telephone on Warrior Square down intermediate signal
Meeting closed 12.50