Chairman Bro. F. Wilmshurst
Vice Chair Bro. W. Elliss
Assistant Secretary Bro. J. Giles
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Railway Hotel on Sun Jan. 29th 1928
Bro. F. Wilmshurst in the Chair
7 members present
Minutes of Dec. meeting read and discussed, proposed by Bro. A. Lower and seconded by Bro. C. Barrow. That they be accepted as a true record.
Correspondence circular from Head Office announcing Official Candiates for forthcoming elections of Sectional Councils and General Secretary calling on all members to vote for Official Candiates.
Circular announcing representatives for 1928 A.A.D.
Nominations for Trades Union Congress, Labour Party Conference
Form from Head Office asking for agent for Insurance Section, proposed by Bro. C. Barrow and seconded by Bro. A. Lower. That Secretary be Agent. Caaried.
Secretary gave report of meeting of L.D.C. in Brighton on previous and also meeting Bro. Barton Wilde and his expressing a desire to come over to our Branch on sunday Feb. 26th. Considerable discussion arose, it was moved by C. Barrow & seconded by W. Elliss. 'That we hold a meeting at 2.30 p.m. sharp and Secretaryto post a notice in time so we get as members to attend as possible
Bro H. Steadman gave his report on interview with Foreman re condition of grate in Drivers and Fireman's lobby. The foreman saying he would not have a new put in but he would have it repaired.
Letter from from Bro. F. Sherwin Branch auditor giving his report on the Branch audit of the Branch books and explaining there correct and good order.
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Railway Hotel on Sun Feb. 26th 1928
Bro. F. Wilmshurst in the Chair
Minutes of Jan. meeting read and discussed, proposed by Bro. H. Stedman and seconded by Bro. C. Barrow. That they be accepted as a true record.
Correspondence circular from Head Office re road transport bill before the House of Commons, giving Railway Companies process on the roads, read and discussed.
Bro. H .Steadman L.D.C. Secretary gave his report on interview with Foreman re disfunction of L.D.C. and reverting back to shed representation.
Chairman called for nominations
Proposed by Bro. F. Sherwin and seconded by Bro. C. Barrow. That Bro. H. Steadman stand
Proposed by Bro. W. Goldstone and seconded by M. Smith. That Bro. W. Clarke stand.
Bro. H. Stedman was elected.
Any Other business, Bro Clarke asked if Shed Representative could see Foreman on rostered turn 8 a.m. on Saturday's resolved, that shed Representative interview foreman on Matter.
Bro. Barton Wilde gave us a most interesting address on our present position as loco-men re electrification and also the 'Road Power Bill' for railways now before parliament, also present position of society.
Pro. By H.Stedman & sec. By W. Smith. That the best thanks of meeting be given to Bro. Barton Wilde for the interesting address he had given.
Secretary also thanked members for the good attendance as he said it it gave him encouragement as showed they took a keen interest in the organisating.
Pro. By C, Lower & sec. By E. Brooker. That a report of this meeting be sent to the Locomotive Journal for publication.
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Railway Hotel on Sun March 26th 1928
Bro. F. Wilmshurst in the Chair
12 members present
Minutes of Feb meeting read and discussed, proposed by Bro. L. Lower and seconded by Bro. A. Rookley. That they be accepted as a true record.
Arising from the minutes re Bro. W. Clarke resolution Shed Reresentation interviewing Foreman on 8 a.m. turn on Saturday's. bro. Steadman gave an explanation as to why he did interview Foreman and Bro. clarke withdrew his resolution.
Correspondence letter from Secretary of Labour Club re adjourned conference of new building for Labour resolved, that Secretary attend.
Voting papers for Executive Committee, Secretary did a letter canvasing on behalf go Bro. Lewery of Brighton.
Any Other Business, bro Goldsden brought his case before the Branch re transfer to another Depot considerable discussion arose and it was moved by A. Rookley & Sec. by L. Lower. ‘ hat Shed Representative interview Foreman at the first opportunity.
Bro. Boyle brought his case forwarded re Driver Pearce altering holidays and doing running work that he should have being senior, Considerable discussion arose and it was moved by Bro. L. Lower and seconded by Bro. C. Barrow. That shed representative interview Foreman on the matter.
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Railway Hotel on Sun March 26th 1928
Bro. F. Wilmshurst in the Chair
8 members present
Minutes of March meeting read and discussed, proposed by Bro. F. Sherwin and seconded by Bro. W. Clarke. That they be accepted as a true record. Proposed by Bro. F. Sherwin and seconded by Bro. W. Clarke. That minutes of March stand over till next meeting owing to Shed Representative not being present.
Chairman read a letter he has received from Head Office re defaulting secretaries and calling a meeting of the committe to see Branch Secretary carried out rules. Chairman said he did not think he had anything to fear at this Branch and so he did not think it necessary.
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Railway Hotel on Sun May 27th 1928
Bro. F. Wilmshurst in the Chair
13 members present
Minutes of March and April read and discussed, proposed by Bro. L. Lower and seconded by Bro. W. Brown. That they be accepted as a true record.
Arising from March minutes re Bros. Boyle, Goldstone and Ellis. Bro. Stedman gave his report with Foreman, a lengthy discussion took place. Proposed by Bro. L. Lower and seconded by Bro. A. Norman. That the meeting was satisfied with Bro. Stedman’s report.
Correspondence read and discussed, letter from local Labour Party asking for delegates to attend a meeting in connection with a Flower Show in August. Proposed by Bro. L. Lower and seconded by Bro. J. Giles. That Bros. Clarke and Sherwin attend.
Any Other business, Branch Secretary brought to branch notice re Bro Bridger arrears. Pro. by M. Smith & sec. by Sherwin. That Secretary erease his name from books. Pro. by H. Steadman & Sec. by C. Barrow. 'That he not be re-addmitted for a period of over a 12 months.
A lengthy discussion next took place re the System of Seniority.
Voting papers were issued for delegates for Trade Union Congress and Labour Party Conference and also Society’s Balance Sheet.
Ron Terrill Collection
Back Row L~R: Sam Lower (22.3.1918) & F. Wilde (29.1.1925)
Front Row L~R: Ben Piddlesden (9.02.1920), Charlie Green (13.7.1925) & Ernie Collington (18.5.1918).
Ernie Collington later transferred to Seaford's Motormen depot and retired in 1968
*Ben Piddlesden, is recorded in the Newhaven Branch minutes of 1941 he was still employed as a Cleaner, and appears in the minutes in 1946, and was an ASLEF Representative on the Newhaven Loco Shed Committee. He along with Seaford Motorman E.J. Watson perished at a train crash at London Bridge in 1948.
All loco-men in the above photographed were members of the Newhaven Branch of A.S.L.E.F.
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Railway Hotel on Sun Nov. 25th 1928
Bro. F. Wilmshurst in the Chair
12 members present
Minutes of May minutes read and discuss, proposed by Bro. L. Lower and seconded by Bro. W. Clarke. That they be accepted as a true record.
Arising from minutes re Bro. Bridger not being allowed to join Society for 12 months. Secretary reported having talk with Bro. Bridger and he express a desire to rejoin. Pro. by A. Rookley & sec. L. Lower. ‘ hat he be allowed to join forthwith on the payment of the usual fee.
Correspondence re 2 1/2% read and discussed. Letter from Secretary of Local Trades Council asking this branch to still maintain affiliation to same. Secretary explained that he attended last meeting of the above and there was no meeting last month to get the sanction of members he paid affliction fee. Proposed by Bro. A. Rookley and seconded by Bro. C. Lower. That the Secretary’s actions be endorsed.
Circular from General Secretary and phamplets re Non Unionist read and discussed.
Receipt for October returns read.
Election of Officers for 1929
Proposed by Bro. C. Lower and seconded by Bro. W. Brown. That Bro. J. Giles be Chairman.
Proposed by Bro. F. Wilmshurst and seconded by Bro. A. Rookley. That Bro. W. Clarke be Chairman.
Bro. Clarke was duly elected.
Vice Chairman
Proposed by Bro. Rookley and seconded by Bro. C. Lower. That Bro. Wilmshurst be Vice Chairman.
Proposed by Bro. W. Brown and seconded by Bro. A. Lower. That Bro. J. Giles be Vice Chairman.
Bro. J. Giles was duly elected.
Nominations for Secretary was asked as present Secretary gave in his resignation, no one was nominated so Bro. A. Rookley moved & sec. by C. Lower.
‘That election of Secretary be held over until next meeting and Secretary summons members to same.
Assistant Secretay
Proposed by Bro. L. Lower and seconded by Bro. Goldsen. That Bro. A. Rookley be Assistant Secretary.
Bro. A. Rookley was duly elected.
Proposed by Bro. A. Rookley and seconded by Bro. Goldsden. That Bros. F. Wilmshurst and W. Brown be Auditors. Carried.
Bros A. Lower, C. Lower, C. Barrow, W. Brown, F. Wilmshurst and B. Piddlesden all elected en bloc
Proposed by Bro. F. Wilmshurst and second Bro. W. Goldsen. That Bros Rookley and Pearce be delegates to Trade Council. Carried.
Proposed by Bro. F. Wilmshurst and seconded by Bro. B. Piddlesden. That December meeting be held December 23rd. Carried.
Any other Business, Pro. By A. Rookley & sec. By C. Lower. That shed spokesman see Foreman on the question of coal seeing we have all Kent at this depot and other depot get nearly all hard and Welsh.
Pro. By F. Wilmshurst & sec. By A. Rookley. That shed spokesman also see Foreman on question of payment the present system being inadequate to mens turns of duty.
Pro. By C. Lower & sec. By A. Rookley. That darts be placed on engines.
Secretary brought before members Bro. Hamblins areas, Pro. by F. Wilmshurst & sec by J. Giles 'That Secretary send final notice through post to Bro. Hamblin’s private address. Carried
A.A.D. voting papers issued and filled in.
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Railway Hotel on Sun Dec. 23th 1928
16 members present
Minutes of the Annual Meeting of November 25th were read and discussed, moved by Bro. F. Wilmshurst and seconded by Bro. W. Brown. That they be accepted as a true record.
Arising from the minutes, the Secretary reported, having wrote to Fireman H. Hamblin and also having a talk with him in respect to his arreas to the Society's funds. It was proposed to leave this matter in the Secretary’s hand untill Sunday December 30th 1928, in the hopes of retaining his membership.
Moved by Bro. Wilmshurst & Sec. by Bro. C. Lower. 'That after Dec. 30th the Society's rules must be enforced in respect of same. Carried.
The Secretary reported that Bro. P. Bridger had rejoined the Society, this being the outcome of the motion made at the November meeting.
Bro. H. Stedman now gave his report on the meeting of the Shed committee with Loco Foreman. After a long discussion the coal and payment of wages problem, it was moved by Bro. F. Sherwin & sec by Bro. Wilmshurst. 'That the Branch give a vote of thanks to Bro Stedman for his good work in respect of same.
Bro. Stedman responded, saying he was only glad to be of service to his mates.
It now come to the appointment of a Secretary, this being held over from the November meeting. moved by Bro. F. Sherwin & sec by Bro. Wilmshurst. 'That our present Secretary still stand.' This was carried unanimously after a few speeches by several Bros., Bro. A. Pearce again accepted the office.
Moved by Bro. Stedman & sec by Bro. Boyle.
‘That nominations be taken at this meeting for representatives on the Shed Committee, and that the Secretary notify the N.U.R. in respect to same.
This being carried. Bro. F. Sherwin proposed & Bro. Boyle seconded. 'That Bros. Stedman & Wilmshurst stand as represenatives.' Carried.
Other Business
A letter was read from Bourneville Branch in respect to our Brothers involved in the accident at Charfield. Both the Driver and Fireman are in ill health over the accident and the Bourneville Branch wishes to send them away for a holiday to recuperate and are asking for financially, a list being enclosed for subscriptions for same.
Our Secretary tok the list around ant was justly responded to it also being expressed that our two Brothers have a speedy recovery.