Minutes of January 9th 1986 Branch Meeting

Held at Staff Club Belmont, meeting opened at 19:00 Hrs.

Members present: D. Knight, I. Munro, P. Plaine, F. Locke, B.Pegg, S. Fortune, 

R. Lawrence, B. Hall & D. Hill. (9).


Re Reversible Line P. Pk – Balc Jct (from Bognor & Littlehampton).

New members S.R. Hobbs & B. Howcutt.

Freddie Locke

Brighton No.2 L.D.C. rep


Minutes of March 6th 1986 Branch Meeting

Held at Staff Club Belmont, meeting opened at 19:00 Hrs.

Members present: D. Knight, M. Organ, R. Matthews, I. Munro, R. Thomas, B. Pegg, 

F. Locke, J. Parks, B. Hall, E. Janes & P. Plaine. (11). 


Pro. J. Parks & Sec M. Organ. “That ban on Reversible Line (P. Pk – H. Heath – Bal. T. Jcn) be lifted, therefore recinding Res.30/85”. Voting For 8, against 2 Abstain 1.

The Assistant Branch Secretary stated the Branch Secretary was unhappy that had not been informed that the LDC had lifted the ban on Reversible Line Working (P.Pk – H. Heath – Bal. Jct), after joint LDC meeting at Portsmouth. He was in the position that other Branches were ringing up asking for information and he was unable to give it.

In reply, the LDC secretary said he was sorry he had not informed the Branch Secretary, and wished to apologise to the branch and Branch Secretary for the omission.

Steve Huckle (Hobbs) 

Steve transferred from Strawberry Hill to Brighton E.M.U.T. in c1985. 

His stay at Brighton was short lived and owing to various reasons and Steve transferred back to Strawberry Hill under the PT&R "Hardship Agreement"


Minutes of April 3rd 1986 Branch Meeting

Held at Staff Club Belmont, meeting opened at 19:00 Hrs.

Members present: P. Plaine, A. Flowers, B. Noakes, E. Janes, I. Munro, B. Hall, 

R. Lawrence, F. Locke, D. Knight, J. Cameron & J. Parks (11).


Accident A.J. Edwards, S. Hobbs now S. Huckle, and M. Giles retired.

Pro. B. Noakes & Sec A. Flowers. “That £25.00 be donated from branch funds to Silent Night Fund”. All in favour (11),“and that list be posted for further donations”.

Bro. A. Flowers gave Brighton & Hove District Trades Council Report.

Proposed A. Flowers & Sec. P. Plaine. “That Branch Secretary contact locasl N.U.R. & A.S.L.E.F. Federation for meeting for speaker on anti-aparthied movement”. All in favour (11).

Assistant Branch Secretary, said there might be a need for additional finanace from Branch funds for 50 year badge. Meeting said this would be forthcoming if required.


Norman Light

Brighton No.2 Branch Vice Branch Chairman, & Brighton E.M.U.T. L.D.C. Chairman


Minutes of May 1st 1986 Branch Meeting

Held at Staff Club Belmont, meeting opened at 19:00 Hrs.

Members present: P. Plaine, D. Knight, I. Munro, F. Locke, R. Lawrence, R. Thomas, 

B. Hall, M. Organ, B. Pegg, B. Noakes, J. Parks & J. Cameron (12).


Re K. Walls dismissal, paybill, E. Watson retired, K. Walls resume, Letter from Branch Secretary Selhurst re 50 year badge (25 ordered), advice rule 37 branch/political fund.

Pro. I. Munro & B. Hall. “That M. Organ be nominated for exchange visit U.K/G.D.R.”. All in favour (12).

Pro. B. Hall & Sec M. Organ. “That in the event of there being an industrial dispute between West Worthing and management on the introduction of the Summer diagrams in May, this branch instruct our members not to come involve under any circumstances in the West Worthing work”. All in favour (12).


Minutes of June 12th 1986 Branch Meeting

Held at Staff Club Belmont, meeting opened at 19:00 Hrs. 

Members present: M. Organ, E. Janes, F. Locke, D. Knight, P. Plaine, B. Pegg, 

A. Ricketts & J. Parks (8). 

Pro. E. Janes & Sec. A. Ricketts. “That standing order No. 1 be recinded and a new time and date for holding branch meetings be put forward, i.e. alternate Sundays at 10 a.m. monthly”. 


Minutes of July 3rd 1986 Branch Meeting 

Held at Staff Club Belmont, meeting opened at 19:00 Hrs 

Members present: A. Light, W. Kenchington, P. Plaine, A. Ricketts, L. Osman 

& M. Organ. (6) 

Pro. L. Osman & Sec W. Kenchington “Bro. M. Organ second delegate Trades Council”. All in favour (6). 

Pro. M. Organ & Sec. L. Osman “£25 be donate to Justice for Mineworkers Campaign”. All in favour (6). 

Sunday Branch Meetings 

A debate followed on the proposal of Bro. Janes, in which the meeting felt the new arrangements would not work and said that existing members would drop off if meeting were away from Thursday. 

Voting for Proposal 1, Against 4, Bro. P. Plaine said he would vote at the 10.7.86. 


Minutes of August 14th 1986 Branch Meeting 

Held at Staff Club Belmont, meeting opened at 19:00 Hrs 

Members present: L. Osman, B. Noakes, F. Locke, A. Light, P. Plaine & A. Ricketts (6). 

Chairman presented Bro. Noakes with his 45 years badge.


Bernie Noakes (right) with fellow Sectional Council Representative Arthur Brockman (Guildford Branch)


Minutes of October 2nd 1986 Branch Meeting.

Held at Staff Club Belmont, meeting opened at 19:00 Hrs

Members present: P. Plaine, D. Knight, E. Janes, I. Munro, J. Parks & R. Thomas (6).

Members Cox J.R. transfer to Redhill, Hunter M.R. transfer to Brighton No.1.

Pro. R. Thomas & Sec I. Munro. “That the following members be nominated for branch office.

Secretary A. Ricketts, 

Ast/Secretary D. Knight,

Chairman P. Plaine, 

Vice/Chairman N. Light, 

Committee D. Hill, B. Pegg, R. Matthews, J. Parks & A. Edwards, 

Auditors R. Thomas & L. Osman, 

Trustees F. Locke & E. Janes.

District Council P. Plaine

Trades Council A. Flowers & M. Organ

All in favour (6)

Pro. D. Knight & Sec E. Janes. “that branch nominate for Brighton LDC Bros. L. Osman & N. Light”. All in favour. 

Pro. I Munro & Sec R. Thomas. “That Branch nominations for West Worthing LDC be J. Parks”. All in favour (6).

Pro P. Plaine & Sec I. Munro. “That Secretary send a get well card to General Secretary Ray Buckton from Brighton No.2 branch”. All in favour (6).


Minutes of November 6th 1986 Branch Meeting

Held at Staff Club Belmont, meeting opened at 19:00 Hrs

Members present: A. Light, W. Kenchington, G. Hatcher, A. Ricketts, C. Newton, 

L. Osman & M. Organ (7)


Accident letters re R. Abell, G. Hatcher, M. Organ & B. Hutchings. 

Four new members, E. Ailes, R. Kenyon, S. French & M. Yorke-Williams, S. Treliving 

T.U.C. Youth Conference, 

Pro L. Osman & Sec C. Newton. “Bro. M. Organ be nominated”. All in favour (7).

The Easement of Manning of 1986

The beginning of the end of the Secondman's grade




Presnent: J. Norris, E. Gates, K. Auger (St. Leonards), 

R. Dorkings, R. White, J. Sanders (Littlehampton), 

R. Thomas (West Worthing), P. Plaine, D. Knight, L. Osman, F. Locke, A. Ricketts, P. Osborne, J. Osborne, W. MacKenzie, S. Huckle, B. Noakes, A. Light, M. Organ, W. Kenchington, P. Edwards, A. Edwards, T. Fielding, R. Swetman, V. Clarke, M. Hunter, B. Brown, G. Hussey, M. Hawkins, R. Jarrett, F. Maskell, M. Thompson, S.Fortune, W. Jones, C. Horlock (Brighton Nos. 1&2), 

L. Warboys (Fratton), E.O’Keefe, R. Black & K. Serle (Selhust). (39) 

District Secretary D. Fullick took floor the chair for the first part of the meeting, he explained the reason for calling same, then handed over the floor to E.C. member J. Davies.

Bro. Davies explained the background to the productivity talk which started in 1979, and brought us up to date. He said that B. R. where looking to 1986 to push in all the so called “shopping list” back in 1982 just after our flexi rostering strike, also the monopolies commission report of 1980 looked to the possible privatisation of L. &S.E. sector of the B.R. hence B.R.’s interest in getting as much of the shopping list in as possible. He said A.S.L.E.F had argued at R.S.N.T. the safety angle against imposing Decision 92, B.R. didn’t want to know, neither did the Railway Inspectorate. 

Bro. D. Fullick then opened to questions from the floor, several points were put to Bro. Davies to which he answered (some not to everybody’s liking). Bro. Davies ended by saying any dispute over interpretation should be forwarded to the E.C., and that he was the only E.C. member who had voted against the proposals. Here the Chairman wound up the first stage of the meeting. He and Bro. Davies left.

The meeting then elected Bro. Plaine to Chairman. He read a resolution sent by Waterloo Branch to the meeting and opened the floor for questions. A lengthy debate took place on Decision 92 & the Waterloo resolution. After questions the following resolution was proposed by Bro. E. o’Keefe (Selhurst) & seconded by Bro. B. Noakes.

1 Driver’s Assistant or footplate staff to be diagrammed on ballast trainsfrom commencement of diagrams both in relation to the lack of P.N. Break and for safety reasons.

2 No driver to be called upon to couple or uncouple locos or trains under any circumstances.

3 Insist on drivers over 55 years be given the opportunity of early retirement in relation to the number of displaced drivers.

4 Insist on all intensive suburban duties to be limited to 7 hours actual time spent at the front.

5 Insist on all P.N. Breaks to be completed by the termination of the fifth hour of duty.

6 Staff Side L.D.C.’s to be given the time to examine all diagrams prior to their operation in order to ensure that all relevant agreements are adhered to by the management.

7 To give back backing to this resolution a co-ordinating committee be formed consisting of L.D.C. members.

8 Further we inform the E.C. of A.S.L.E.F. that we view with utter disgust their actions in agreeing to the implementation of Dec 92, and further the Southern Region expects full E.C. support in any action it may take to salvage the best it can from a retrograde agreement. 

Voting all in favour.

Pro W. Mackenzie & Sec M. Hawkins, 4 L.D.C. members from each division. All in favour.

Pro. E. O’Keefe & Sec B. Noakes for Bros. P. Plaine, R. Black, W. Mackenzie 

& B. Reed for Central Committee members. Voting all in favour.

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