Chairman Bro. A. Pearce
Vice Chair Bro. C. Barrow
Secretary Bro. F. Wilmshurst
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the White Hart on Sunday Feb 26th 1922
Bro. A. Pearce in the Chair
Minutes read of the last meeting and discussed, moved by Bro. P. Reed and seconded by Bro. C. Barrow. That they be adopted.
Correspondence read from Head Office dealing with increase contributions and benefit for Cleaners, also resolution from Head Office dealing with the discharge of Cleaners.
Circular read from E. C. calling on all members to a levy to build up a fighting fund.
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the White Hart on Sunday March 26th 1922
Bro. A Pearce in the Chair
Minutes read of last meeting and discussed, moved by Bro. D. Boyle and seconded by Bro. F. Sherwin. That minutes be accepted.
Correspondence read from Head Office and discussed.
The Secretary explained the working of the Railway Councils and asked every member to there own member.
Letter read from Labour Party, asking this Branch to become affiliated to same.
Secretary explained that this Society did not allow any funds for Labour purposes only Trades and Labour Councils, and if they wanted to be become affiliated they must find the money. After a long discussion it was moved by Bro. D. Boyle and seconded by Bro. F. Sherwin.
That Secretary send 5/- to the Labour Party and the members collect same amongst themselves. Carried
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the White Hart on Sunday June 25th 1922
Bro. A Pearce in the Chair
Minutes read of last meeting and discussed, moved by Bro. F. Sherwin and seconded by Bro. D. Boyle. That minutes be accepted. Carried
Correspondence read from Head Office and discussed.
Discussion took place in regards taking away three turns from this depot, after a lengthy discussion and several members had expressed their views, it was moved by Bro. H. Bowden & seconded by Bro. F. Sherwin.
That Secretary appeals to Brighton through the local Foreman, asking them to consider this depot with a view of more work here. Carried
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the White Hart on Sunday Aug 27th 1922
Bro. D. Boyle in the Chair
Minutes read from last meeting, moved by Bro. P. Reed and seconded by Bro. F. Sherwin. That minutes be accepted. Arising out of minutes, Secretary read letter he wrote to Brighton and explained the out come of it, in regards to putting engines away, not sufficient time being allowed and that it had been altered, also stated he had settled Bro. Goldsmith Assurance Claim.
Correspondence was read from Head Office and discussed. Much comment was expressed to the letter referring to
defaulting Secretaries
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the White Hart on Sunday Sept 24th 1922
Bro. A. Pearce in the Chair
Minutes read from last meeting and discussed, moved by Bro. P. Reed and seconded by Bro. H. Christmas. That minutes be accepted. carried.
Correspondence read from Head Office re certain company reducing cleaners wages, which was discussed.
Letter read from Secretary of Sectional Council re supply of summer & winter cap discussion took place when it was moved by Bro. P. Reed & seconded by Bro F. Sherwin. That we accept the cap as per agreement. Carried.
Letter read from Brighton Branch asking us to arrange open meeting, Secretary stated he had wrote to Brighton stating that it was not convenient for us to arrange a meeting, but would arrange for a party to come over to Brighton.
Moved by Bro. D. Boyle & seconded by Bro. H. Bowden that the Secretary's action be endorsed. Carried.
Complaint was raised in regards to washing out, and after a lengthy discussion it was moved by Bro W. Niner & seconded by Bro. H. Bowden.
That Secretary take up with the Foreman with a view of the Senior Firemen doing washing out. Carried.
Complaint was raised in regards to the 8 spare Fireman turns caused some plain speaking and heated arguments the Secretary pointed out they would loose their firing. It was moved by Bro. C. Barrow & seconded by Bro. A. Rookley.
That the Secretary take up with foreman with a view of getting the spare fireman to work in gangs senior fireman to work in each gang. carried.
Also that Cleaners be put up on the list for duty. Carried.
Complaint was raised in regards to the state of the sanitary pans and also the lockers. moved by Bro. C. Barrow and seconded by D. Boyle.
That Secretary take the matter up. Carried
Meeting closed about 9.0 .p.m., there being a good muster present and the best meeting the history of the Branch.
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the White Hart on Sunday Oct 29th 1922
Bro. A. Pearce in the Chair
Minutes read of last meeting and discussed, moved by Bro. W. Goldsmith and seconded by Bro. F. Sherwin. That minutes be accepted. Carried. Questions was raised arising out of the minutes.The Secretary explained his interview with the Foreman.
Bro. G. Bollen spoke in the question of grouping the spare Firemen and said he was not satified with the way it was working. The Secretary stated he could not understand the working after a long discussion it was moved by Bro. G. Bollen & seconded by Bro. J. Hillman. That it be left in the hands of the Secretary. Carried.
Correspondence read from Head Office re Conditions of Service which was discussed at some length moved by Bro. W. Goldsmith & seconded by Bro. D. Boyle. That this Branch express their confidence in our E.C. In any action that might might take. Carried.
The matter of Cleaners getting in firebox came up for discussion moved by Bro. W. Brown & seconded by Bro. B. Piddlesden. That Secretary take the matter up with the Foreman. Carried.
Meeting closed about 8.45 a good muster present
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the White Hart on Sunday Nov. 23rd 1922
Bro. A. Pearce in the Chair
Minutes read of last meeting and discussed, moved by Bro. L. lower and seconded by Bro. W. Goldsmith. That minutes be accepted. Carried. Questions was asked arising out of the minutes. Secretary explained his interview with the Foreman regarding spare Firemen’s turns of duty, also Cleaners doing the Boat Engine’s firebox.
Bros. W. Goldsmith and A. Rookley were elected as delegates for the Trade and Labour.
Election of Officers for 1923 took place when the following members were elected.
Chairman Bro. W. Goldsmith
Vice Chair Bro. L. Lower
Secretary Bro. D. Boyle
Asst Sec Bro. F. Wilmshurst
Committee Bros. F. Sherwin, C. Barrow, C. Dotterill, W. Brown, W. Terrill & M. Smith
Trustees Bros. A. Pearce & G. Bollen
Discussion took place regards to the brake power on the 5.52.p.m. goods, moved by Bro. C. Barrow and seconded by Bro. H. Bowden. The Secretary take the matter up. Carried
The sum of 8/6 was collected for the Trades and Labour Whist Driver.
Meeting closed about 8.45.p.m. and nice muster present