Chairman Bro. D. Judges

Vice Chairman Bro R. Chamberlain
Secretary Bro. R. Scott

Meeting March ¼ 1965 28th March 1965

Commenced 11.0 closed 12.40 

Members present Bros. D. Judges, C. Wiseman, A. Arnold, R. Scott & A. Wray.

Correspondence read and discussed, nothing arising 

District Council Report

Majority covered in correspondence, union subscription to be paid Society when sick pay expires. 109 compensation 

cases were fought by Society and the sum of £17,819 acquired for members and next of kin.

L.D.C. Report

No L.D.C. rep. present.

Other Business 

Branch Fund

Proposed by Bro. C. Wiseman and seconded by Bro. A. Arnold. Carried.

That next meeting be on apposite shift for further discussion.. suggested £5 retirement or Death Grant. Subs returned 

to member after 3 months and from then on.


Holiday period change to be discussed at next meeting and each member to receive agreement form

See intstruction to past Head Office with enquiry re N.C.S.B. for L.D.C. Secretary.

  Meeting June ¼ 1965

Commenced 11.0 close 12.55

Members present Bros. R. Chamberlain, J. Chaloner, Samson, E. Spray, A. Wray, A. Lennard, C. Knight & R. Scott.

Correspondence read and discussed nothing arising.

Branch Fund

Proposed by Bro. Chaloner and seconded by Bro. E. Spray. Carried. That members union subscription be returned out of Branch funds for 18 weeks maximum when sick. Also £5 retirement or Death Grant.

Member of  Duty sickness

L.D.C. Secretary to approach Shed Master for sickness status forms

Travelling by Taxi

Secretary to request Circular 44 re traveling by Taxi or private transport from Head office.

Extra Sundays discussed, nothing decided.

Meeting closed 12.55 p.m.

Meeting September ¼ 1965

Commenced 11.0 close 12.35

Members present Bros. R. Chamberlain, L. Baldwin, A. Lennard, D. Judges, R. Taylor 

& R. Scott.

Minutes read and accepted, proposed by Bro. A. Arnold and seconded by Bro. A. Lennard.


Fully discussed nothing arising. other business Proposed by Bro. R. Taylor and seconded by Bro. R. Chamberlain. 

Resolution from Ore branch be sent to A.A.D. proposing that night duty enhanced payment commence at 6.0 p.m. and continue through to 6.0 a.m.

Proposed by Bro. A. Lennard and seconded by Bro. R. Chamberlain L.D.C. to approach Area Depot Master re the cleaning of cabs and the disinfecting of loudaphone mouth pieces.

Meeting closed 12.35 p.m. 

 Meeting December ¼ 1965

Commenced 11.0 close 13.30

Members present Bros. R. Chamberlain, A. Lennard, S. Wiseman, E. Spray L. Baldwin, 

R. Taylor, D. Judges, D. Hylands, J. Hawker, D. Roberts & R. Scott.

Minutes read and declared true record, Correspondence read and fully discussed.

D.C. Report, Bro. D. Judges reported D.C. Covered in correspondence

L.D.C. Report

L.D.C. Chairman Bro. J. Hawker reported that L.D.C. had pre-paired 40 hour roster wit no extra required at depot. 

L.D.C. will also approach Area Depot Manager re cleaning of cabs, disinfection of loudaphone mouthpieces, and catches inside doors on CIG & BIG stock.

Election of Officers

Returned en-block except Bro. R Chamberlain proposed by Bro. C. Wiseman and seconded by Bro. D. Roberts. 

Carried unanimously that Bro. R. Taylor replace Bro. R. Chamberlain as vice Chairman.

Branch Reporter

Proposed by Bro. D. Hylands and seconded by Bro. D. Roberts carried unanimously that Bro. R. Chamberlain be adopted as Branch Reporter to Loco Journal

Meeting closed 13.30 p.m. 

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