Chairman Bro. C. Cornford
Tunbridge Wells Branch special meeting
Sunday January 4th1950,
at the Welfare Rooms , Central Station.
Bro. C. R. Cornford presiding
Before commencing the meeting the Chairman asked for all members to stand and observe a silence in the usual way to the memory of our late Bro. Arthur Ashton.
The Chairman asked the Secretary then to read the minutes of the last meeting. It was moved by Bro. F. Elmer seconded by Bro. C. Waghorn. “That the minutes were a true record.”
Matters arising, Bro. F. Elmer the point regarding the election of the Social Committee, a good discussion followed and it was moved by Bro. V. Rumley seconded by Bro. F. Elmer. “that the election of the Social Committee at our February meeting.” Carried Unam.
Correspondence was next dealt with.
A letter regarding Bro. R. Grigsby.
It was moved from the chair that the Secretary write to Bro. Grigsby regarding his behaviour whilst drawing sick benefit from the Society.” Carried.
British Soviet Society Annual Conference
Bro. V. Rumley volunteered to attend and it was moved by Bro. Nye seconded by Bro. G. Gorham. “That Bro. V. Rumley could use the Branch credentials to gain admittance to this conference.”
The Secretary gave the Branch information regarding the N.U.R. activity in trying to persuade our members to join the N.U.R.
Next business was the L.D.C. report given by Bro. C.R. Cornford
It was moved by Bro. F. Elmer seconded by Bro. G. Gorham. “That our L.D.C. members to write to Sectional Council to ask for any agreement on under fed axle boxes.” Carried Unam.
The question of days in lieu of Xmas and Boxing days and brought up and District council delegate was asked to make enquiries regarding same.
Bro. Cornford asked the meeting if any reason could be put why our Bro. F. Bridger’s request to be placed in the motor link could not be appointed, the members thought that our Brother was justly entitled to this and endorsed this request.
Next business was voting for the L.D.C. nominees from this branch, first of the two votes to be taken, as per resolution. It was moved by Bro. V. Rumley seconded by Bro. F. Elmer. “That a secret ballot be held.” Carried Unam.
It was moved by Bro. F. Elmer seconded by Bro. V. Rumley. “That we a point two scruitineers.” Carried unam.
Moved by Bro. V. Rumley seconded by Bro. D. Nye. That Bro. C. Puckett be a scrutineer.
Moved by Bro. F. robinson seconded by Bro. G. Gorham. “That Bro. F. Elmer be a scrutineer. Carried.
Voting took place resulting as follows
Bro. F. Robinson 10, Bro. V. Rumley 6, Bro. C. Cornford 11 & Bro. C. Waghorn 6.
It was moved by Bro. F. Robinson seconded by Bro. A. Brooker. “That Bro. W. Swift be a scrutineer.” Carried. It was moved by Bro. F. Robinson seconded by Bro. C. R. Cornford. “That Bro. J. Murphy be a scrutineer.” Carried.
Voting then took place resulting as follows.
Bro. C.R. Cornford 7, Bro. F. Robinson 6, Bro. C. Waghorn 6, & Bro. V. Rumley 2
Making an aggregate vote for the final ballots. Bro. C.R. Cornford 18, Bro. F. Robinson 16, Bro. C. Waghorn 11 & Bro. V. Rumley 8. the three official candidates for 1950 L.D.C. are Bros. C.R. Cornford, F. Robinson & C. Waghorn.
Next business was election of Social Committee. It was moved by Bro. Cadkin and seconded by Bro. R. Bridger. “That the number of the committee be 16.” Carried.
Moved by Bro. P. Savage seconded by Bro. A. Brooker. “That we elect the retiring committee en-block.” Carried.
This leaving one position on the social committee unfilled it was moved by Bro. W. Swift seconded by Bro. A. Brooker, Bro. C. Puckett moved Bro. J. Murphy seconded by Bro. K. Cavie Bro. V. Thorpe.
It was moved by Bro. C. Waghorn. “That a secret ballot be held.” Seconded by Bro C. Adkin. Carried
Moved by the Chairman. “That the Secretary and Assistant Secretary be scrutineers.” Carried.
Voting took place resulting as follows
Bro. C. Puckett 8, Bro. V. Thorpe 6,. Bro. C. Puckett duly elected to Social Committee.
Terms of reference Social committee moved by Bro. P. savage seconded Bro. F. Bridger. “That a wreath be sent should any member past or present of the depot should pass way.” Carried unam.
Moved by Bro. V. Rumley seconded Bro. R. Bridger. “That a social Committee report be given and included in the agenda of each branch meeting.” Carried unam.
Bro. V. Rumley moved Bro. A. Brooker seconded “A vote of thanks to the Social Committee for the past years.” Carried unam
Bro. C.R. Cornford gave the L.D.C. report.
The Chairman thanked all for their attendance and closed the meeting at 1.30.
Members present Bros. R. Bridger, F. Bridger, F. Robinson, R. Vanson, A. Brooker, C. Adkin, C. Waghorn, C.R. Cornford, K. Cavie, V. Thorpe, V. Rumsley, J. Murphy, P. Savage & W. Stiff.

Tunbridge Wells Branch Annual meeting
Sunday February 19th 1950,
at the Wheatsheaf Hall, Victoria Road
Bro. C. R. Cornford presiding
The Secretary read the minutes of the last meeting and it was found that minute taken had omitted an item and an addendum covering this was moved by Bro. F. Robinson, seconded Bro. F. Elmer, and it was then moved the minute a true record.
Correspondence was then dealt with
The Secretry gave out that Bro. F. Elmer and Bro. F. Robinson were two of the three members elected to go on the panel for Justice of the Peace.
Next on Agenda
Election of Officers for 1950
As voting had already been taken at the last meeting, the following were elected.
Election of Officers for 1950
As voting had already been taken at the last meeting, the following were elected.
Chairman, Bro. C.R. Cornford
Vice Chairman, Bro. A. Brooker
Secretary, F. G. Robinson
Assistant Secretary,V. Rumley
Bros. J. Murphy, K. Cavie, R. Bridger, C. Waghorn,
F. Elmer, W. Ovenden & R. Vanson
The two collectors, Bros. K. Cavie & J. Murphy
District Council, Bro. R. Cornford
Time and place of meeting, 10.15 a.m., third Sunday in month, at Welfare Rooms , Central Station.
Delegates to Tonbridge Divisional Labour Party, Bros. C.R. Cornford & A. Brooker.
Delegates for Tunbridge Wells Labour Party, Bros. F. Robinson & J. Murphy
Delegates for Industrial Council, Bros. C.R. Cornford & Bro. V. Rumley
Next came nominations for L.D.C.
Moved by Bro. D. Nye & seconded Bro. F. Elmer Bro. V. Rumley. Carried
Bro. F. Elmer raised the question of election of Social Committee, and it was pointed out, that this came up for the February meetings.
Bro. C. R. Cornford gave a report on the District Council L.D.C. report on Sunday work, this was left over to next meeting as there were only 6 members present.
The Chairman closing the meeting at 1.50 p.m.
Members present Bros. C.R. Cornford, F. Robinson, D. Nye, F. Elmer C. Waghorn
& J. Murphy

Mick White Collection
Does anyone recognise these T.W.W. Enginemen
Tunbridge Wells Branch meeting
Sunday March 19th 1950,
at the Welfare Rooms , Central Station.
Bro. A. Brooker presiding
As the minute secretary was not present the Chairman asked for nomination for a minute taker, it was proposed by Bro. J. Murphy and seconded by Bro. D. Nye. “That Bro. R. Bridger be minute taker.” But Bro. R. Bridger declined as there were no other nominations. The Chairman asked for a volunteer and Bro. J. Murphy said he would accept to be the minute taker for this meeting.
The minutes of the last meeting were then read and it was moved by Bro. R. Bridger and seconded by Bro. J. Murphy “That these minutes has a true record.”
The Balance Sheet of the Social Committee.
After this was read Bro. F. Robinson said he appreciate what the Social Committee are doing, which had relieved him of some of the duties he would ha to do, he also ask whether the balance sheet could be posted so as members could see what the Committee where doing but he left this entirely to the Social Committee.
Bro R. Bridger then gave the Social Committee report.
There no was no L.D.C. report owing to the Representative of the L.D.C. being unable to attend. After some discussion on the matter it was moved by Bro. W. Stiff And seconded Bro. R. Bridger “Greatly regret that the L.D.C. Representatives was not present to-day to give L.D.C. report or sent a written report.” Then it was moved by Bro. D. Nye and seconded by Bro. C. Puckett. “That a Special Meeting be held on Sunday March 26th at 6.45 p.m. at the Welfare Rooms Central Station for a L.D.C. report on Week-day and Sunday Roster.
The Chairman thanked all for there attendance and closed the meeting at 12.45 p.m.
Members present Bros. W. Stiff, R. Bridger, C. Puckett, D. Nye, P. Usherwood, F. Robinson,
A. Brooker & J. Murphy.

MARCH 1950
A memorable event, especially for children, took place at the Baptist Hall on January 4 in the form of a Christmas Party for the children, arranged by the Branch Social Committee.
fifty children, aged 1 to 14, enjoyed an excellent tea provided by the ladies, followed by grand entertainment by the "Glen Iris Cabaret" concert party of 20 children under the able direction of Mrs. E. Cormack.
Bro. C. Waghorn, M.C., expressed the thanks of the Committee to all who had assisted, and then announced Father Christmas (Bro. S. Pike), who gave each child a present from the 8ft. Christmas Tree, which was flooded with coloured lights.
Light refreshments provided for all, completed a very enjoyable party.
Congratulations to the Social Committee and the ladies for arranging such a successfull party

Mick White Collection
Tunbridge Wells West Turntable
Tunbridge Wells Branch meeting
Sunday March 26th 1950,
at the Welfare Rooms , Central Station.
Bro. A. Brooker presiding
A Special Meeting was held on Sunday March 26th at the Welfare rooms Central Station at 10:30 a.m. Bro. A Brooker presiding the Chairman then ask for a discussion and it was moved by Bro. Savage and seconded by Bro. D. Nye that a discussion should be on “Passed Fireman on Shed jobs & Pilot Work.” This had a long discus and after Bro. K. Savage had explained several instances where the Passed Fireman were not available when on the Shed work, but would be more available if put in No.3 Link. It was then moved by Bro. V. Rumley and seconded by Bro. K. Savage. “that Passed Fireman be posted in No.3 Link and motor link there by making these men more available for driving duties and gaining knowledge of the road also alivating the necessity to alter the Sunday roster.
There was further discussion on Shed Engineman mates Duties and it was moved by Bro. R. Bridger and seconded by Bro. H. Passmore “That the question of Shed Enginemen Mates Duties be discussed at the next Branch meeting.”
Cleaners R. Saunders and P. Usherwood then raise the question of the cleaners rosters and after some discussion it was moved by Bro. C. Waghorn and Seconded by Bro, P Usherwood “That a discussion on Cleaners rosters at the next Branch Meeting.”
The Chairman thanked all for their attendance and closed the meeting at 12.30.
Members present Bro. R. Bridger, D. Nye, K. Savage W. Stiff, C. Waghorn, P. Savage,
P. Usherwood, R. Saunders, K. Passmore, V. Rumley A. Brooker & J. Murphy.
Tunbridge Wells Branch meeting
Sunday April 16th 1950,
at the Welfare Rooms, Central Station.
Bro. C.R. Cornford presiding
The monthly meeting was held on Sunday April 16th at the Welfare Rooms Central Station at 10.45 a.m. Bro. C.R. Cornford presiding as the minutes secretary was not
Present. Bro. J. Murphy was nominated. The minutes of the last meeting were then read and it was moved by Bro. R. Bridger and seconded by Bro. W. Stiff “That these were a true record.”
Matters arising Bro. C.R. Cornford asked if the Vice Chairman, Bro. A. Brooker would take the chair for a while it was moved by Bro. W.Stiff and seconded by Bro. R. Bridger “That Bro. A. Brooker be Chairman.
Bro. C.R. Cornford then gave his explanations why he was not present at the last meeting, he also stated that he had no apology to make as he thought it was the men st fault as he was there only Representative. After much discussion Bro. Bro. Cornford return to the Chair.
The minutes of Special Meeting held on Sunday March 26th were then read and it was moved by Bro. A. Brooker and seconded by Bro. R. Bridger. “That these were a true record.”
Correspondence was dealt with. The Secretary read two letters regarding Bro. R. Grigsby, this was treated as information to our members.
Tunbridge Wells Labour Party Fighting Fund Appeal, it was moved by Bro. R. Bridges and seconded by Bro. A. Brooker that £1 be sent to the Fund
Bro. A. Murphy then gave the Social Committee report regarding the Margate outing.
Bro. C.R. Cornford then gave his District Council report on Pensions, Promotion Scheme and Bro. Hollands speech.
Bro. C.R. Cornford then gave his L.D.C. Report. It was then moved by Bro. D. Nye and seconded by Bro. Cavie. “That Bro. V. Rumley be Scrutineer for the L.D.C. election.”
The Chairman thanked all for attendance and closed the meeting about 1.20 p.m.
Members Present Bros. K. Cavie, D. Nye, W. Stiff, C. Puckett, R. Bridger, A. Jefferey,
P. Usherwood, B. Rogen, R. Saunder, A. Brooker, F. Coburn, C.R. Cornford J. Murphy
& R. Wade
Tunbridge Wells Branch meeting
Sunday May 21st 1950,
at the Welfare Rooms, Central Station.
Bro. C.R.Cornford presiding
The Minute Secretary read the minutes of the last meeting and it was moved by Bro. C. Puckett seconded by Bro. D. Nye. “That these minutes were a true record.”
In matters arising from these minutes Bro. V. Rumley reported on his visit as delegate this Branch to the eve of departure meeting of the 20 delegate to the Moscow Day Celebrations. The Chairman thanked Bro. V. Rumley for his report.
Correspondence was next dealt with
Circular No. 38/1950
“The Lighted Flame.” History of the Society 1880 – 1947, by Norman McKillop (Toram Beg). It was decided that we delays and action until receipt of the brochures.
A letter from the Secretary of A.S.L.E.&.F. locomen’s society. It asked that as a small branch we could do little in this direction but it was thought that the Social Fund Committee may in some way do something and Bro. C. Waghorn kindly offered to take this letter for his Committee to discuss.
District Council minutes were to hand but not read owing to and delegate having given a full reported the last meeting.
Two handbooks published by Hugo Shaw were on the table no members availed himself the opportunity to read.
Bro. V. Rumley reported on L.D.C. election.
Bro. C.R. Cornford gave L.D.C. Report and outlined the action to be taken in the case of Bro. C. Taylor roster alterations.
Bro. C. Waghorn gave the Social Fund report and outling dates had initially clashed with a branch meeting date. It was noted and will be discussed at the next meeting. Bro. C. Waghorn asked for the branch view regarding N.U.R. members achievements it was placed that he should have a chat with Bro. A. Smith regarding this question.
Other Business Bro. C. Waghorn brought up the matter of filling gauge glasses in engines, a good discussion was held the L.D.C. members agreeing to raise certain points with the management.
It was moved by Bro. C. Puckett and second by Bro. V. Rumley.
“That the L.D.C. to review the next daily roster and make the necessary adjustments.” Carried unam. Bro. V. Rumley volunteer to assist in this work.
Bro. V. Thorpe raised the question of the badly constructed sand bin. The chairman spoke on the repeated lack of compensation with the men on these matters and said that this matter remains the attention of the new L.D.C.
Bro. C.R. Cornford told the meeting about the cleaning or lack of dealing work performed at this depot.
The Chairman declared the meeting closed at 1.36 p.m.
Members present Bros. C.R. Cornford, P. Savage, V. Thorpe, D. Nye, C. Puckett,
H. Blackmore J. Murphy, C. Waghorn, V. Rumley, K. Cavie, W. Ford, G. Gorham
& W. Ovenden.
Tunbridge Wells Branch meeting
Sunday June 18th 1950,
at the Welfare Rooms, Central Station.
Bro. C.R. Cornford presiding
The minute secretary read the minutes of the last meeting and it was moved by Bro. J. Murphy seconded by Bro. V. Thorpe “That these minutes were a true record.”
Matters arising from the minutes, a question was asked regarding the publication “The Lighted Flame.” It was left to the secretary to endeavour to push the sales of this book and that a notice be posted.
Correspondence was next dealt with
A letter from Bro. W.J. Barton our delegate to the Annual Assembly of Delegates regarding the resolution placed at that meeting on an afflication for increase in wages. A good discussion took place on it and it was moved by Bro. V. Rumley seconded by Bro. R. Bridger. “That a letter of appreciation be sent to Bro. Barton.
A letter from the Tunbridge Wells Peace Committee asking for delegates to this committee. It was moved by Bro. V. Rumley seconded by Bro. R. Bridger. “That Bro. F. Robinson be a delegate. Moved by Bro. R. Bridger seconded by Bro. V. Thorpe “That Bro. V. Rumley be a delegate.” Carried unam.
A letter from the British Peace Committee meeting as to send delegates to the British Peace Conference to be held on July 22nd and 23rd. The Chairman asked the attention of meeting to the people sponsoring this movement, and pointed out that they did not belong to any one specific party or organisation but were just a number of decent progressively minded people working in the cause of peace. No action was taken.
A letter from the British Soviet Friendship Society regarding British Soviet Friendship month May 18th – June 22nd together with order forms for the two reports by the British Workers Delegation to Moscow May Day alterations. The Chairman at this junction stated that we had just agreed that the cause of peace was of vital importance to each one all of us, this was also in the cause of peace. Bro. V. Rumley stated that we ought to invite one of the delegates to a meeting to see us what he saw on his visit. This meeting felt that the attendance would not be sufficient to warrant bringing a delegate to Tunbridge Wells.
New Members it was moved by Bro. V. Rumley seconded by Bro. R. Bridger
“That Bro. D. Turner and Dadswell become members of this Branch.” Carried unam.
The alteration of the date of the July meeting was next dealt with owing to the outing to Margate falling on the meeting date. It was moved by Bro. V. Rumley seconded by Bro. R. Bridger. “That the July meeting be held on 23rd of July and should anything of importance come to hand before that date the Secretary shall call a Committee meeting.” Carried unam.
Bro. C.R. Cornford gave the District Council report. He spoke of a Branch Secretary who had defected and the Branch Chairman were requesting to see that the branch accounts were on the table at each meeting.
Bro. C.R. Cornford then gave the L.D.C. report, Bro. V. Rumley rasied the question of the filthy conditions of the medical cupboard and the state at the back of the office. the question of excessive trains worked by men on loan to other depots.
It was moved by Bro. R. Bridger seconded by Bro. V. Rumley. “That a very strong letter be sent to the Depot Manager Mr. Slight regarding this matter.” Carried unam.
The Chairman closed the meeting at 1.15.
Members present Bros. F. Bridger, R. Bridger, J. Murphy, V. Thorpe, R. Saunders,
P. Usherwood, F. Robinson, C.R. Cornford, V. Rumley & K.Cavie.
Tunbridge Wells Branch meeting
Sunday July 19th 1950,
at the Welfare Rooms , Central Station.
Bro. C.R. Cornford presiding
The Minute Secretary read the minutes of the last meeting and it was moved by Bro. J. Murphy seconded by Bro. V. Thorpe. “That these minutes were a true record.”
Matters arising. Bro. F. Robinson reported back from the meeting of the Tunbridge Wells Peace movement, and it was moved by Bro. K. Passmore second by Bro. A. Brooker. “That the delegates attend the next meeting.” Carried Unam.
The Chairman then announced that the novelist Mr. Jack Lindsay was giving a talk on his recent visit to the Soviet Union at the W.E.A. Rooms, Grosvenor Park, o Tuesday next at 7.30 p.m.
It was then moved moved by Bro. K. Savage seconded by Bro. Passmore. “That we vary the order of business and take the L.D.C. report before correspondence.2 this was put to the meeting and carried by majority vote.
Bro. C.R. Cornford gave the L.D.C report and a lengthy discussion ensued. The general feeling being that the conditions of service appertaining to roster and meal times are outdated and do not accord with the recent hard won 88 hour fortnight, and that some action should be taken at a national level. It was proposed by Bro. K. Passmore seconded by Bro. D. Nye. “That a sub-committee formed to frame in resolution on the lines of the discussion, to be forwarded to Head Office.” Carried Unam.
It was moved by Bro. K. Savage seconded by Bro. K. Passmore. “That a Committee of hours be formed and submit the resolution to the next meeting.” Carried Unam
The Chairman then asked for nominations
Moved by Bro. A. Brooker seconded by K. Savage Bro. K. Passmore.
Moved by Bro. K. Passmore seconded Bro. A. Brooker Bro. C. R. Corn ford
Moved by Bro. K. Savage seconded by Bro. F. Diplock Bro. V. Rumley
Moved K. Savage seconded by Bro. Nye Bro. A. Brooker
Bro. K. Savage was also moved and seconded but unfortunately put compelled to without owing to temporary domestic difficulties. Therefore Bro. K. Passmore, C. Cornford, V. Rumley & A. Brooker were elected to this sub-committee.
It was then moved by Bro. K. Passmore seconded by G. Gosham. “That we ask new executive member to their branch at his earliest convenience.” Carried.
Alterations to the cleaners roster was discussed and Bro. C. R. Cornford agreed to look into this matter
Owing to the lock hour it was moved by Bro. K. Savage seconded by Bro. C. Gorham. “That a special meeting called on Sunday 6th August to deal with correspondence and engine workings.
The chairman closed the meeting at 1.45 p.m. and thanked all for their attendance .
Members present Bros. Mankfelon, Chalklin, Kemp, C. Kemp, A. Brooker, V. Thorpe,
R. Saunders, J. Murphy, K. Savage, F. Diplock, P. Savage, F. Robinosn, C. R. Cornford,
V. Rumley, K. Passmore, D. Nye, A. Card, G. Gorham, A. Cox,
and visiting member Bro. F. Pearson.
L. Stephenson
Addendum – the Chairman gave a cordial welcome to Bro. F. Pearson, late of this branch.
Tunbridge Wells a Special Branch meeting
Sunday August 6th 1950, at 10.45 a.m.
at the Welfare Rooms , Central Station.
As per minute of July 23rd July 1950
Bro. C.R. Cornford presiding
As Bro. V. Rumley was absent owing to sickness the Chairman asked nominations for minute taker was moved by Bro. P. Savage & seconded by Bro. C. Waghorn. “That Bro. A. Brooker take the minutes of this meeting.”
The minutes of the last meeting were read and after the addition of Bro. L. Stephenson’s name as in attendance it was moved by Bro. P. Savage & seconded by Bro. V. Thorpe. “That the chairman sign them as a “True Record”
Matters arising re invitation to E.C. member, to be left to Assistant Secretary two to be given.
Re-cleaners roster of 2.0 p.m. position explained re no cover for 1.8 on 1.20 up. Bro. C. Waghorn raised pointed of the Foreman Mr. Stone being in favour of three gangs one to be on nights to clean A.P. left in the hands of the L.D.C.
Re Wages Policy a good discussion took place on this and it was pointed and that it prices would be up again also that there was only an increase up 6/- in difference between top and bottom rates. Treated as information.
Draft Motion from Bro. V. Rumley member of the sub-committee for resolution to H.O., very full discussion took place on this. Chairman moved that it “lay on the table” till after L.D.C. meet the management on the new workings.
Letter from Driver Randle, re change over with Driver L. Evans of Tonbridge. After position was explained it was moved by Bro. C. Waghorn and seconded by Bro. J. Murphy. “That it “lay on the table” till information was obtained re Bro. Randle being a paid up member of Tonbridge branch, this was carried with 2 votes against.
L.D.C. Report
Sunday Rosters, only provisional till engine workings settled.
Mutual Change-over turns of Duty, application to be in by 12 noon.
P. W. Speed checks been taken and the following averages arrived at :- 15 passed at 22 M.P.H., 30 at 40 M.P.H., & 40s at 55 M.P.H. men warned and co-operation ask for.
Ambulance Room
Check to be made once per week, notice posted bikes not to be placed there.
Position Pointed Out re Passed Fireman and Firemen being taken off their Sunday Rosters for Passed Firemen to be on 2.0 p.m. Shed jobs.
The Chairman thanked all for their attendance and closed the meeting at 1.0 p.m.
Members present Bros. P. Savage, V. Thorpe, C. Waghorn, J. Murphy, L. Stephenson,
R. Matthews, L. Stanford, W. Ovenden, C. Kemp, R. Cornford, F. Robinson, A. Brooker,
S. Neale & F. Bone.
Tunbridge Wells a monthly Branch meeting
Sunday September 17th 1950, at 10.45 a.m.
at the Welfare Rooms, Central Station
Bro. C.R. Cornford presiding
Before the minutes were read the Minute Secretary ask the Chairman if he may address the meeting regarding the scurrilous allegations made by the Prime Minister and other prominent public persons and the hysterical press campaign against members of the Communist Party and his position arising from this campaign. The minute Secretary asked for a vote of confidence before he carried on his duties. It was moved by Bro. R. Bridger seconded by Bros. C. Puckett and F. Bridger. “That a vote of confidence be given.” Carried unanimously.
The Minute Secretary then read the minutes of the last meeting, and it was moved by Bro. V. Thorpe, seconded by Bro. C. Puckett. “That these minutes were a true record.”
Matters arising
The Secretary reported on the case of the application for mutual change over. After a good discussion, it was moved by Bro. V. Rumley seconded by Bro. R. Bridger. “That the L.D.C. approach the 6 members concerned and make known the branch’s feeling regarding this change and ask for their cooperation, and if two thirds majority be in favour the L.D.C. notify the management to this effect.” Carried 8 for and 1 against.
A question was asked regarding the Ambulance Equipment and the state of the shelter. Bro. R. Bridger spoke of the use of a waste sack being used to cover a first aid case; and moved “That the L.D.C. do take up with management to get the necessary cleaning and re-equipment of the Ambulance facilities attended to.” Carried.
Arising from this the problem of cycle storing facilities was discussed, Bro. V. Rumley pointing out that the practice of blowing down boilers in the shed on scale now carried out is detrimental to cycles stored in the shed.
A question regarding the cleaning of engines was raised and Bro. V. Cornford said tat the L.D.C. was going to do something in this matter.
Correspondence was next dealt with.
A letter fro Head Office regarding Bro. A. Warner, the Secretary explained the matter to the branch.
Annual Assembly of Delegates 1951
Bro. R. Bridger proposed Bro. V. Rumley seconded “That the branch nominate.” Bro. C.R. Cornford.” Carried
A letter from Bro. J. Polling of Selhurst Branch, together with a duplicates set of conditions of service compiled by him for our perusal. It was moved by Bro. R. Bridger seconded by Bro. V. Rumley. “That a special meeting be called on Sunday next September 21st at 10.30 to sought and discuss the proposals for new conditions of service.”
It was moved by Bro. V. Rumley seconded by Bro. C.R. Cornford. “that a letter be sent to Bro. J. Polling, and that a collection be made to defray the expense incurred by him.” Carried.
It was agreed that new members Bros. R Denmall & A.E. Cox be accepted in the Branch.
Bro. R. Bridger gave the Social Committee report. A social evening on the retirement of Bros. A. Po--- and C. Ellis, to be held on October 19th at the Grosvenor Hotel, a collection will be taken at the pay window on Thursday 28th September and the following Thursday. It was moved by Bro. R. Bridger seconded by Bro. F. G. Robinson. “That we invite Mr. Mcarthy to make the presentation to our member and that the N.U.R. be asked to provide someone to make the presentation to their member.
Bro. A. Brooker then gave the report from District Council.
Sunday Working was discussed and it was moved by Bro. R. Bridger seconded by Bro. C. Puckett. “That we keep strictly to the local agreements on Sunday work and un-appointed Drivers and Firemen only to be booked for higher grade duties, when appointed men are not available.” Carried.
Member present Bros. A. Brooker, C. Puckett, R. Bridger, F. Bridger, K. Cavie, F. Robinson, C. Cornford, V. Rumley, V. Thorpe & W. Stiff.
Tunbridge Wells Monthly Branch meeting
Sunday November 19th 1950, at 10.45 a.m.
at the Welfare Rooms, Central Station.
Bro. A. Brooker presiding
The Minute Secretary read the minutes of the last meeting and it was moved by Bro. R. bridger amd seconded by Bro. A. Brooker. “That these minutes were a true record.” Carried.
Matters arising, it was moved by Bro. F. Elmer seconded by Bro. A. Brooker. “That the L.D.C. go into the matter of cycle accommodation urgently with a view to posting lighting, the window of the blast wall, and illumination of the steps with the view to safely.” Carried unam.
A question was asked regarding the proposed mutual change of branch Bro. L. Evans of Tonbridge and Bro. W. Randall of this after the secretary would give no further information.
A question was asked regarding the Ambulance room. The secretary gave information to date.
A question was asked regarding the motions of engines still not being cleaned, a good discussion took place but no action was taken.
Correspondence was next dealt with.
A letter from Bro. G. Grigsby’s application for disablement benefit, treated as information.
A letter from the Tunbridge Wells Labour Party inviting nominations for the municipal election 1951 and Labour Party Officers. It was moved by Bro. F. Elmer seconded by Bro. R. Bridger. “That we nominate Bro. D. Hutchins.” It was moved by Bro. A. Brooker seconded by Bro. V. Rumley . “That we nominate Bro. C.R. Cornford. It was moved by Bro. F. Elmer seconded by Bro. A. Brooker. “That we nominated Bro. E. Kenward.
Labour Party Officers
It was moved by Bro. R. Bridger seconded by Bro. A. Brooker. “That we nominate Bro. F. Elmer for Chairman.
It was moved by Bro. A. Brooker seconded by Bro. F. Elmer. “That we Mr. G.Tapp for vice Chairman.
It was now moved by Bro. V. Rumley and seconded by Bro. A. Brooker. That we nominate Mr A. Upton for Secretary
It was moved by Bro. F. Elmer and seconded by Bro. A. Brooker. That we nominate Mr. Hamilton for Treasure.
Election of E.C. Representative.
This was treated as information.
A petition to the Minister of Transport. This being unofficial was not discussed, and it was moved by Bro. F. Elmer seconded by Bro. V. Rumley. “That the matter concerned this petition. Should be discussed together Bro. J. Pollings proposals at the next meeting or next suitable meeting.” Carried Nam.
Next business was nominations for 1951 Branch Officers.
The chairman asked for nominations for chairman.
It was moved by Bro. F. Elmer seconded by Bro. R. Bridger. Bro. A. Brooker.
It was moved by Bro. A. Brooker seconded by Bro. V. Thorpe . Bro. C.R. Cornford.
Bro. F. Robinson then moved nominations Secretary.
It was moved by Bro. F. Elmer seconded by Bro. A. Brooker. Bro. F. Robinson.
The chairman then asked for nominations for the L.D.C. 1951
It was moved by Bro. R. Bridger seconded by Bro. A. Brooker Bro. V. Rumley
It was moved Bro. F. Robinson seconded by A. Brooker Bro. C.R. Cornford.
It was moved by Bro. F. Elmer seconded by Bro. A. Brooker Bro. F. Robinson.
The Chairman then asked for nominations for District Council. It was moved by Bro. R. Bridger and seconded by Bro. A. Brooker Bro. C.R. Cornford.
The Chairman then asked for nominations for Labour Party General Committee.
It was moved by Bro. A. Brooker and seconded by Bro. R. Bridger Bro. F. Elmer.
It was moved by Bro. A. Brooker and seconded Bro. R. Bridger Bro. F. Robinson.
The Chairman then asked for nominations for delegates to the Tonbridge Divisional Labour Party
It was moved by Br V. Rumley and seconded by Bro. F. Elmer Bro. A. Brooker.
It was moved by Bro. A. Brooker and seconded by Bro. V. Thorpe Bro. C.R. Cornford.
The Chairman then asked for nominations for delegates to the Tunbridge Wells Industrial Council.
It was moved by Bro. F. Elmer and seconded by Bro. V. Rumley Bro. V. Thorpe
It was moved by Bro. R. Bridger and seconded by Bro. A. Brooker Bro. V. Rumley
Place and time of meeting.
It was moved by Bro. Elmer seconded by Bro. V. Rumley. “That discussion on convening of branch meetings take place at the annual meeting.” Carried
It was moved by Bro. F. Elmer seconded by V. Rumley. “That the secretary make chairman regarding the availability of rooms.” Carried.
Moved by Bro. F. Elmer seconded by Bro. V. Rumley. “That the secretary make enquiries regarding the availability of rooms.Moved by Bro. F. Elmer and seconded by Bro. V. Rumley. That the authorities be contracted regarding the lighting of fires in the meeting room. carried .
It was moved by Bro. R. Bridger and seconded by Bro. F. Elmer. That the Secretary make enquiries into overall issues and take the necessary action. Carried Unam
It was decided that the L.D.C. should ask for the provision of a shallow pit by the water crane on the coal road for drafting the fires on M.T. 4 class engines.
Members present Bros. R. Bridger, V. Thorpe, F. Elmer, A. Brooker, F. Roboinson,
& V. Rumley
Tunbridge Wells Annual General Branch meeting
Sunday December 17th 1950, at 10.45 a.m.
at the Welfare Rooms , Central Station.
Bro. C.R. Cornford presiding
The minute secretary read he minutes of the last meeting and it was moved the minutes of the last meeting and it was moved and seconded by Bros. R. Bridger and A. Brooker. “that these minutes were a true record.
Questions were asked regarding the posting of a notice on journals and Bro. Randall request for changer over.
It was moved by Bro. C.R. Cornford seconded by Bro, A. brooker. “That we discuss the suggestion regarding a shallow pit on the coal road at the next meeting.” Carried.
It was moved by Bro. V. Rumley seconded by Bro. R. Bridger. “That a letter be sent to Head Office regarding our clothing issue along the lines of the debate on this question.” Carried.
It was moved by Bro. V. Rumley seconded by Bro. A. Brooker. “That we heartily endorse our delegate action regarding order 1305 at District Council.” Carried.
It was moved by Bro. V. Rumley seconded by Bro. J. Murphy. “That the branch approve of the inclusion of Bros. W. Whiting and R. Vanson in the Branch Social Committee.
A letter from the Secretary of the Social Committee regarding two vacancies on the Social Committee, this was suitably dealt with.
Circular No.95/1950
Standardisation of Motorman’s tickets, Redundancy and Promotion in status of posts. Customary holiday period – conciliation grades. Promotion Transfer and Redundancy arrangements for footplate staff – vacancy
The Chairman asked for nominations for branch officers.
Proposed by Bro. C. Waghorn seconded by Bro. J. Murphy Bro. C.R. Cornford
Proposed by Bro. C. Waghorn seconded by Bro R. Bridger. V. Rumley.
Bro. V. Rumley accepted nomination provided that another meeting be called to vote on this when the Secretary could be present and a better attendance. It was moved by Bro. A. Brooker seconded by Bro. J. Murphy. “That a special meeting be called for the election of Secretary and to discuss, Conditions of Service and Pensions (Bro. J. Pollings proposal). The suggested shallow pit, and the venue of branch meetings.
This meeting to be held before next branch meeting.
Assistant Branch secretary
Proposed by Bro. R. Bridger seconded by Bro. J. Murphy. Bro. V. Thorpe
Check Stewarts
No further nominations therefore Brothers J. Murphy and K. Cavie are check stewarts for the coming year.
Committee Brother C. Waghorn withdrew his nomination and the voting took place resulting as follows
Bro R. Saunders, 2 votes aggregate 7 votes, Bro. K. Cave, 2 votes aggregate 8 votes Bro. F. Elmer 2 votes aggregates 7 votes, Bro. J. Murphy, 2 votes aggregate 8 votes, Bro. V. Rumley 3 votes aggregate 8 votes, Bro. C. Puckett 2 votes aggregate 8 votes, Bro. R. Bridger 2 votes aggregate 7 votes & Bro. V. Thorpe 3 votes aggregate 5 votes.
The Committee elected for the comping year are
Bros. R. Saunders, K. Cavie, J. Murphy, F. Elmer, V. Rumley, C. Puckett & R. Bridger.
District Council Delegate
No further nominations, Bro. C.R. Cornford becomes delegate for the coming year.
L..D.C. prosed by Bro. J. Murphy and seconded Bro. R Bridger. Bro. C. Waghorn
Voting then took place by secret ballot Bros. J. Murphy and A. Brooker acting as scrutineers, resulting as follows.
Bro.C.R. Cornford 7 votes, Bro. V. Rumley 7 votes, Bro. F. Robinson 5 votes & Bro. C. Waghorn 2 votes.
The L.D.C. nominees for 1951 L.D.C. are therefore Bros. C.R. Cornford, V. Rumley & F. Robinson.
The Chairman thanked members present and closed the meeting
Members present Bros. V. Thorpe, C.R. Cornford, C. Waghorn, R. Bridger, A. Brooker,
V. Rumley & J. Murphy