Members present I. Wilson, A. Gregg, I. Osborne, S. Weller, M. Hawkins, W. Jones,
J. Osborne & B. Brown.
Special Guest Speaker Roy Luxford.
1998 A.A.D. Nominations District Delegate ElectionsMoved M. Hawkins & seconded W. Jones. “That this Branch nominates Bro. S. Weller Brighton Branch for Delegate to
A.A.D. 1998” Vote Carried
Mersey Rail Electrics dispute
Following the contents of this circular the following proposal was put forward. “That this Branch wishes to donate £50
towards the appeal by the E.C.” Moved M. Hawkins & seconded A. Gregg. Vote Carried.
L.D.C. Report
New Link Rosters were being drawn up
Link 1 32 Drivers
Link 2 32 Drivers
Link 3 32 Drivers
Link 4 26 Drivers
Link 5 10 Drivers (Only two diagrams)
Trainman 10 (Only two diagrams)Members raised points to Trainman being placed on drivers rosters. L.D.C. explained to position.
H&S Report
L.W.S. (Mont. Sdg No.4)
Mr. J. Wiggs Connex Management reported that a costing of a new walking area was being undertaken. Report awaited as to if and when.
Uniforms, Complaints about the quality of trousers members regarded the material to thin. We are now waiting management response also matter to be raised with D.F.C.
Brighton Messroom/accommodation, builders were due to seal up ALL windows in the corridor, air conditioning would have to be looked at H&S Rep would be talking to Management.
New uniforms, any members requiring additional/replacements parts to their supply of uniforms should speak to Production Manager and request the parts needed.
D.F.C. Report, by Roy Luxford
Restructure Talks
Current position is that talks are still going on, recent meetings with local staff reps produced items that council would discuss. Remote signing off, extended working days, sick pay, were areas needed to be changed. As soon as a package was presented members would have their say.
Pension Case
Following the loss of the S.W.T. Pension case, council would persue a strong case with Connex on extending pension levels.
Driver Performance Profiles
Concern over use of D. R. P. being used to sacked members. A recent case of a Selhurst driver sacked for just two incidents of S.P.A.D.s.
Assaults to staff
Council would be raising the problem of drivers having ‘laser pens’ eye damage done when they are pointed at them. Council were seeking society support to get M.P.s to outlaw the sale or use of them.
Driver Reminder Apparatus Device
Drivers would be receiving a brief about the use of this device and involment.
Mixed Traction BallastAs from May 1998 it was announced that Connex South Central was withdrawing cover all ballast work covered by E.W.S.
Roy spoke about trainman’s diagrams, this should be kept in a separate trainman’s link clearly identified.
Joint Branches to have meetings on D.R.I., dates to be announced.1997 Pay Deal
Members received an interim £300 back pay as and when a package has been agred, when members would receive any outstanding monies owed.
Branch thanked Roy Luxford for his interesting report.
With reference to the Mersyrail dispute, moved S. Weller & seconded I. Wilson. “That a list asking for further “personal” donations in support of our members in the dispute be posted.
Retired member Arthur Morris passed away on 9th December 97 , Secretary request to inform Head Office and request notice in next issue of journal.

Branch Chairman Ivan Wilson
Members present D. Griffiths, C. Newton, C. Horlock, F. Langridge, A. Gregg, D. Vallence,
S. Weller & M.Thompson.
Matters arising from minutes.Bro. S. Weller raised the item of the position on Trainman’s duties. Concern was on the rostering of Trainman Duties within No.4 Link. Following discussion on rthe issue the branch proposed the following resolution. “That this branch wishes to instruct the local staff representatives of Connex Brighton depot to ensure that all numbered trainman duties within number (4) link are removed and the weeks spare to be modified to protect the members of staff within link 4 from abuse of Minute L65 of the rostering agreement.” Moved M. Thompson & seconded F. Langridge. Vote for 5 & abstain 2, No voting 1 (Thameslink member).
New Members Applications
L. Green (Thameslink Rail) moved by D. Vallance & seconded C. Newton. Vote carried.N. Gay (Thameslink Rail) moved D. Vallance & seconded F. Langridge. Vote carried
Chairman spoke about the open joint branch meeting held on Friday 9th January and that Bro. S. Weller had attended and asked for a brief report on the meeting.
Meeting had been arranged to give members a chance to hear about the latest position on Driver restructure. The meeting heard that talks on the package had continued on and off over the past few months and that a deal would very soon be put before the E.C. and members of Connex South Central.
The offer would proberly be based on four packages, three with differn options and a final option of remaining as we are i.e. 39 hour week, basic rate of pay plus extras i.e. Sundays mileage etc.
One package would be a higher salary based on all conditions conceded.
The others would differ in salary based on certain conditions being withdrawn.
No actual salary sum had been agreed this was the last area to be agreed upon.
All the points raised by members i.e. longer working days, sickness, penalty, A.T.W., remote booking off, etc had been notes and that if a deal was agreed these would be part of that deal. It was hoped that the end of January would see the offers being posted to all members. Further joint meetings were being arranged with one on the coast, date etc will be announced.

Mac McCabe & Richard Lewis
In the old Brighton Thameslink Booking on Point
Members present I. Wilson, A. Gregg, I. Osborne, M. Hawkins, J. Osborne, S. Weller,
M. Thompson, R. Matthews & M. Hunter.
Matter arising from minutes.
Bro. S. Weller queried the voting on resolution on Trainman Rostering.
Bro. J. Osborne also raised the point on resolution. The resolution had been forwarded to L.D.C. it was not dated or had branch stamp etc or meeting held to debate it.
Never the less L.D.C. Secretary stated that branches could not instruct L.D.C.’s. Bro. M. Hawkins added that they had been told by D.F.C. of the way in which to post these duties and that they would sort the situation out, but as the L.D.C. stated they had only carried out D.F.C. advice. Bro. J. Osborne further stated that any alterations to rosters would have meant them being posted late.
Moved S. Weller & seconded M. Thompson. “That the minutes be accepted as a record.”
Membership Application
Moved M. Hawkins & seconded J. Osborne. “That Bro. G. Dalton application is accepted.” Vote all in favour carried.
L.D.C. Report (Connex South Central)
Bro. J. Osborne gave a report, LDC has requested an agenda meeting with management issue to be raised are:- uniforms, fire training courses, explaination of new management set up, issues of paybills. LDC were now waiting for a date.
Om Monday 2nd , LD.C. had met Mr. J. Thompson today and requested spoof diagrams based on ‘Option 2’ of D.R.I. package plus a roster with the view to carrying out an exercise on the kind of rosters under this option.
On Tuesday 3rd, they would be talking to D.F.C and asked for comments etc to put to them.
Under ‘Option2’ rest days 12 every 8 weeks based on Brighton 68 diagrams. Sundays were not ready yet.
Bro. S. Weller forwarded questions to be raised. Referring back to Trainman’s roster, this was still being looked at.
Depot establishment was being received new level was to be 111 down from 124.
L.W.S. shunting diagrams these were to go loss of 4 duties.
Link No.2 allocated a Streatham Hill depot duty route refreshers would be required by drivers.
L.D.C. have learnt that Bro. Peter Bucknell was due to be ill health retired, this additional to David Jupp, Ernie Rogers & Mick Reynolds.
H&S Report
Bro. M. Hawkins referred to Head Office circular on bodies on lines.
Also several instances lately of driving controls (master controllers) in driving cabs being found in the unlocked position.
These by a person yet unknown and therefore gives rise to the obvious dangers involved.
All members should keep alert and report any found to service centre, production managers etc.
West coast trains – recent cases of rear cabs being broken into and being vandalised, also dets being removed.
Mont. Sdgs 4 and L.W.S. issue reference to walking routes explained.
B. Brown raised about P.N.B. room at Bognor Regis. Mick explained that this would have to be dealt with by Barnham H&S Reps.
New anti slip surface on crossing at the end of Brighton platform 1 & 2. surface on New England Bridge to be look at.
Bro. S. Weller asked if a D.F.C. rep could come and speak to members on D.R.I. before ballot could Secretary find out. Further debate on D.R.I took place.
B. Brown asked about the departure from No.3 L.W.S. L.D.C. explained the position final instructions to a driver were verbal given by L.W.S. Shunters.
Furthermore that the reports carried out under the ergonomic study be taken into consideration in the design and positions of cab seating.
That all new trains have seating, of a standard that meets the requirement set by the studies.” Proposed D. Griffiths & seconded by M. Thompson.
That this branch instructs the Company Council Representatives and the A.S.L.E.F. Executive Committee to ensure that all new trains of any design and type are fitted with (floor fitted) treadle D.S.D.s, S.S.F. devises, data recorder equipment, Driver reminder Apparatus and other safety devises, that ensure safety of the driver and members of the public, their safety
equipment improved to an exceptable level.” Proposed C. Horlock & seconded D. Griffiths Voted carried unam.
HELD ON MARCH 2nd 1998
Members present I. Wilson, M. Hawkins, M. Hunter, I. Osborne, H. Penter, M. Cole,
S. Weller & J. Osborne.
Chairman called for a minutes silence in memory of Bro. Peter Bucknell, who died whilst on sick leave.
New Membership Applications
Proposed M. Hawkins & seconded I. Osborne. “That the following applications to become A.S.L.E.F. members be accepted Bro. S. Blake, Bro. P. Budd & Sis A. Folwell.”
L.D.C. Report
Bro. M. Hawkins reported that a meeting had been called for with management, L.D.C. had at last been given a meeting.
L.D.C. were asked to produce rosters for management road show on the D.R.I., these were based on ‘Option 2’
As a result of this management were looking to review the R.D.R.s spare and the length of diagrams.
Mr. A. Bartlett has been appointed the Production Manager Team Leader.
H&S Report
Hove sidings & yard, crews are requested to note that they can only work in and out. They must not berth or prepare trains in the yard, crews can only change cabs.
Staff using the end of platform 3 to get to Mont sdgs. Will be subject to discipline by management. H&S Rep may have to report staff doing so, members should realise that if injured doing so would have very little hope of compensation.
Motion Item Company Referendum
“That this A.S.L.E.F. Brighton branch wishes to express its concerns and disappointment at the actions of some of its members who knowingly voted in a company ballot in which they were not entitled to do so.
Furthermore this A.S.L.E.F. Branch request those members concerned to forward an explanation of their reasons for doing so.” Proposed I. Wilson & seconded M. Hawkins. Vote carried unam.
HELD ON MARCH 9th 1998
Members present C. Newton, S. Weller, M. Thompson, W. Jones, S. Gandey, F. Langridge,
D. Swaffield, P. Whte, A. Warburton, C. Horlock, A. Farmer, D. Vallance & D. Griffiths.
Result of referendum on Connex South Central means that ‘Option No.2’ received the highest. The highest proportion of votes (No.2) has now been put before the E.C. for their consideration. A provisional date of March 29th was the start date.
L.D.C. Report
No report available from Connex Reps.
Thameslink Report
Brighton Depot establishment to be increased by nine drivers.
Roster diagrams average still below 37 hours.
Proposals to introduced full D.O.O. Three Bridges to Brighton were being investigated. L.D.C. & H&S have carried out site
survey of all stations and will be seeking Head Office advice and support on this issue.
Two resolutions were put forward and debated.
“That this Branch instructs the Company council Representatives and the A.S.L.E.F. Executive Committee to seek an immediate improvement in drivers cab seating on all types of E.M.U.T. stock, in particular 1963 type 421/3 units and 319 units.
Furthermore that the reports carried out under the ergonomic study be taken into consideration in the design and positions of
cab seating.
That all new trains have seating, of a standard that meets the requirement set by the studies.” Proposed D. Griffiths & seconded by M. Thompson.
"That this branch instructs the Company Council Representatives and the A.S.L.E.F. Executive Committee to ensure that all new trains of any design and type are fitted with (floor fitted) treadle D.S.D.s, S.S.F. devises, data recorder equipment, Driver reminder Apparatus and other safety devises, that ensure safety of the driver and members of the public, their safety equipment improved to an exceptable level.” Proposed C. Horlock & seconded D. Griffiths Voted carried unam.
HELD ON APRIL 6th 1998
Members present C. Newton, I. Wilson, J. Osborne, M. Hawkins, M. Thompson, D. Vallance,
A. Farmer, S.Weller,S. Gandey, D. Griffiths & P. White.
Guest speaker Company Council Rep Roy Luxford.
Chairman also asked members if Bro. M. Hunter (ex Brighton) could sit in on meeting, members all agreed.
Proposed D.O.O. (P) Three Bridges – Brighton
Proposed Ballot for industrial Action.
A report on the position of Thameslink members on the issue of D.O.O. (P) Three Bridges – Brighton was put to the members present, also both circulars were read out.
Following this a resolution would be pleased before this branch under Any Other Business.
L.D.C., Reports
Bro. A. Farmer reported that owing to company council rep, being on annual leave he would make a brief report on the D.O.O. (P) staff side having put forward their case and submitting H&S reports against introduction were informed the scheme would still go ahead. Council have informed the Executive Committee of their position. And that the E.C. had issued a
notice of industrial action to ‘Thameslink’ inder the trade union act in support of our members.
Issues submitted under staff side agenda
1 fire training
2 problems with Brighton accommodation
Entry to Brighton station via station gates
None issue of Connex timetable and weekly
S&T notices
New style of driver uniforms proposed
Forming of depot minutes
Under A.O.B.
Night turns at Brighton, Training of relief trainee drivers, usage of mobile phones, holiday sheets, depot protection training L.W.S. & route learning/update Keymer/Lewes.
L.D.C. Report
Connex Rail
Bro. J. Osborne gave a report on the following items
Outstanding fire training courses.
Latest position on uniform re-issues
New set up pf management
Recent changes to pay bills department
Management’s reluctance to hold agenda meetings
Storage of cylces & motor bikes at Brighton station
From May, 1957 CEP units being withdrawn also noted 1963 BIG units have been withdrawn from use.
A noted reduction in late running of trains
Issue of replacement foot ware
New D.R.I. rosters were now agreed, as posted in notice case
Easter bank holiday rosters also posted.
With the coming of summer can buckets and brushes be provided on all platforms at Brighton station plus that they are regularly refilled with clean water. Management would be told of drivers requests.
On the issue of M/bikes can the area be made more secure as staff bikes are regularly interfered with. Station manager would be made aware of the problem.
H&S Report Connex Rail
Bro. M. Hawkins had one major item to report relating to fatality on lines and on the need to carry out all aspects of their job correctly otherwise members could find that courts would consider taking firm action.
Company Council Report
Bro. Roy Luxford reported on the following items.
Uniforms, changes to standard of various items were now being put into place. Safety shoes were part of the issue of members put in a request.
Safety Training Days
Management would be introducing more in future.
Company procedure arrangements, Roy explained the companies set up.
Position on discipline and appeals explained
Council applauded Brighton staff Reps. On their success in getting their agreement on number of rest days and Sunday working prior to annual leave and mutual change-overs.
Council also explained their position on the recent rest day working arrangements.
Report into the Networker Classic Unit that was being considered as a replacement unit for Connex.
Recent report on defective handbrakes on some units.
Council view on ill health severance of members.
Various aspects on D.R.I. Package explained
a, use of comp leave to be used by the end of year.
b, volunteer transfer of depots
c, yearly bonus
d, attendance procedure as against current M.F.A.
e, short diagram alterations to rosters.
f, statement of intent on depot levels
Members had noted that errors have been made with back pay ie D.O.O., mileage, VRP, etc, will this matter be addressed. Yes
– paybills have stated that all errors made will be put right.
Reports have been made that the recent D.R.I. package will not be introduced on April 19th as it does not meet the safety case.
Council were not aware to-date, but will look into this matter.
On the question of this year annual leave, what is the number of days agreed. 23 in total, 18 by October plus 5 to be rostered.
Branch thank Roy Luxford for his report.
One item
Following the correspondence, circular and reports given regarding the pending industrial ballot of Thameslink members on D.O.O. (P) Three Bridges – Brighton, the following resolution was put forward.
“That this A.S.L.E.F. Branch having been informed of the reports and correspondence also the A.S.L.E.F. No.122/1998 & 132/1998 Ref. Thameslink D.O.O. (P) Three Bridges to Brighton. Ballot for industrial action, fully supports the A.S.L.E.F.
Executive Committee and their position.” Proposed C. Newton & seconded D. Vallance. Vote carried.

Keith Norman General Secretary (middle), Dave Swaffield (Left) Thameslink
Company Council & Simon Weller ( Right) E. C. member for District 1.
HELD ON MAY 6th 1998
Members present C. Newton, D. Griffiths, M. Thompson, S. Gandey, W. Jones, P. White,
D. Vallance & W. Rutter.
L.D.C. Reports
Connex Staff Reps., due to report at next meeting.
Thameslink Staff Rep., Bro. P. White gave a report on.
1, letters to members on performance of employment from Management.
2, Position regarding “some” Service Supervisors who have been interviewed for drivers positions.
3, Latest information on roster levels.
4 Driver vacancy numbers at Brighton stands at 5, four position are filled by drivers from other companies.
5, T.P.W. training – still waiting more information.
6, Ex- “Connex South Central” members should be receiving a settlement.
7, Position of Thameslink members and the pending action over D.O.O. (P).
a, Advice being sought from ASLEF on job protection.
b, Possibility of out of out of grade drivers i.e Inspectors, P.M.s etc being re-certified as drivers.
H&S Report.
Connex H&S Rep to report at next meeting.
Thameslnk H&S Rep to report at next meeting. Bro. P. White reported that Bro R. Carlisle has a list of items regarding Health and Safety and that he has asked for a meeting with management he would be able to relate to the Branch at the next meeting.
Question, The new position of Shunter/Driver were staff reps. aware that these members were reported to being given rules
i.e. (section C Signals) and told to learn “some” Roads outside depot limits. Chairman stated that this issue would have to be looked into, Secretary requested to write to Company Council on this item.
Members raised the problem of the new rate of pay and the recent pay-slip issued which appears to show that the hourly rate for normal time is different to that in the D.R.I. Hand-out. Chairman allowed a debate from members. Further to this item the following motion was put forward to the Branch.
“That this Brighton ASLEF Branch finds the current ‘short’ payment by Connex South Central of the new hourly rate intolerable.
As such requests the Executive Committee and the Connex South Central Company council Management be not forthcoming on this issue the E.C. to investigate proceedings for Industrial Action to achieve the fundamental right to correct payment for
work performed.”
*Chairman noted that only 5 Connex Branch members were in attendance, and that in standing with Branch Standing Orders the motion could not be voted on. Ref: Standing Orders (5) Clause B.3. Chairman moved to have item included in the agenda for next Branch meeting.
HELD ON MAY 11th 1998
Members present D. Swaffield, A. Flowers, I. Osborne, M. Hawkins, A. Gregg, A. Farmer,
S. Weller, I .Wilson & J. Osborne.
L.D.C. Reports
Thameslink, issues raised at Branch
1, Problems with pending roster not enough drivers at depot to cover work, shortage of spare to cover all leave.
2, D.I.s – Problem that those being up graded from drivers have no job training, therefore how can they train or instruct new men.
Connex South Central, issues raised at Branch.
1, A report on an agenda meeting with Mr. J. Thompson to raise matters and clear the air.
2, Depot Minutes – a review took place and a copy of agreed depot minutes now posted.
3, minutes of the meeting with Mr. Thompson also posted.
H&S Reports
Thameslink, no report available at this meeting.
Connex South Central, Bro. Mick Hawkins reported on the following.
1, H&S walk about in L.W.S., situation is getting worse with regards to state of walkways, rubbish etc.
2, P.N. point Bognor Regis
3, Safety Briefings – training “was” being arranged for May onwards.
4, Brighton Messroom – water boiler is under repairs and will be replaced.
D.F.C. Report (Thameslink)
Bro. Swaffield reported on the current dispute with management. Council’s view, as was the E.C., that the best way on D.O.O. (P) was part of the Restructuring Package agreed, The result of the Ballot by members was excellent, a clear result.
Thameslink Management have been to the High Court in London, judge has ruled that the action is illegal because Service Supervisors and others were balloted.
Council’s case on the method of working was supported by study of ergonomic into the effect to drivers, this was conducted by Surrey University, but Thameslink Management have ignored these findings.
We are awaiting Head Office response to the High Court ruling.
Branch Motion
Chairman put forward the motion from last meeting on the pay problems, moved by S. Weller & seconded by A. Gregg.
“That this Brighton ASLEF Branch finds the current ‘short’ payment by Connex South Central of the new hourly rate intolerable.
As such requests the Executive Committee and the Connex South Central Company council Management be not forthcoming on this issue the E.C. to investigate proceedings for Industrial Action to achieve the fundamental right to correct payment for work performed.”
Bro. Hawkins raised the issue on members attending District No.1’s Weekend School and how many were going. Chairman believed that there was 3 or 4 members.
Moved M. Hawkins & seconded A. Flowers. “That those members attending, to be able to claim £10 assistance from Branch Funds towards travelling.” 7 for, 2 abstained Carried.

Left ~ Right: Tony Farmer & Dave Griffiths
Brighton TL LDC 1998 ~2001