Freddie Goff

Brighton No.1 Branch Secretary 1970 - 1980

Extracted and adapted from

Tunbridge Wells Branch Meeting

   Sunday April 22nd  1979 10.30 a.m.

at the Welfare Rooms Tunbridge Wells Central Station

The Vice Chairman reported that Bro. Arnold Brooker, Chairman of the Branch had died after an illness os some 9 weeks at 09.00 a.m. on Friday 13th April 1979. Bro. A . Brooker aged 55 years was a long serving well respected member of the Branch. He was Branch Chairman for 18 years, L.D.C. member 27 years, L.D.C. Secretary for 18 years and had been associated with the branch in many other capacities. 

The loss to this branch was immeasurable and it was very rarely such a hard working man who worked for no reward, was to be found. 

Arnold was also involved with many other activities. Manpower Service Commission Social Service, Trades Council, District council and others. 

The Vice Chairman asked members of the Branch to stand in silence, in memory of our departed colleague.

West Worthing Driver John Hutson


Sandra Baldwin was the first woman to enter the footplate grade as a secondman at Brighton Mixed Traction on the 18th June 1979


Ore shed

Extracted and adapted from 

Ore Branch Meeting 

July 8th 1979

District Council Report

Bro. R. Taylor gave details on this, one ticket admitting two people would be sent out to each Branch.

It was proposed by Bro. R. Chamberlain and seconded by Bro. P. Bowles. 

"That the ticket should go to the Branch Secretary. this was agreed unanimously."

Local celebrations would be held, a diner and dance organised by St Leonards Branch with Ore members invited by ticket was being discussed. Details of this would be given to us by the St Leonards Secretary later.

Ore Branch Meeting November 4th 1979

The proposed Diner/Dance arranged by St Leonards Branch would be held in April 1980 at the Falaise Hall. Tickets were approx £5.00 each.


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