HELD ON JANUARY 11th 1990 

Members present G. Hards, B. Brown, M. Hunter, W. Mackenzie, C. Newton, B. Hallett, 

A. Ricketts, F. Goff, F. Maskell, G. Hussey, S. Neal, P. Edwards, T. Farmer, M. Thompson 

& W. Jones

Health and Safety Report
Chairman W. Mackenzie informed members that the area covered by Brighton’s rep. has now been extended to cover Three Bridges & Crawley New Yard.

L.D.C. Report
Chairman explained the Clause 12 meeting called by all the Coastal LDCs and of the latest response, W. Mackenzie the put before the branch outline proposals for new link structures within Brighton, these would consist of 4 links made up in all traction/ route link, a Bedford/ electric link, a electric link and a starter link. Chairman then called for comments and a very 
lively debate followed two resolutions followed

First proposed by G. Hussy & seconded F. Goff. “That the L.D.C. progress a new link structure as outline to this branch by the L.D.C.” Voting 12 for, 3 against.

Second proposed by A. Ricketts & seconded by M. Hunter. “That a status quo remains as towards any new link structures at this depot until management decides on new link structures.” Voting 3 for, 12 against.

W. Mackenzie explained about the loss of M.L.V. work and the proposed Southampton work, also raised was the continuing problem in Crawley New Yard and members were asked to comply with previous instructions of the manning of trains.



Members present M. Hawkins, I. Osborne, G. Postance, B. Hallett, P. Hayward, 
M. Bloomfield, S. Fortune, F. Locke & J. Osborne.

LDC Report
A brief report as there was not a lot to report on. At a meeting on 31/1/90, diagrams informed Brighton of the loss one turn in the Thameslink service, but we’ve gained extra mileage on another turn.

Any Other Business
Branch resolution re Sick Pay. “That the L.D.C. progress with other L.D.C.s in the South coast Area, and that any action they deem necessary to rectify the situation with regards to sick pay and the way management are implementing it will be taken.”


HELD ON MARCH 1st 1990

Members present W. Mackenzie, M. Hawkins, J. Osborne, I. Osborne, T. Fielding, B. Brown, 

M. Bloomfield & B. Hallett.

Health & Safety/LDC Reports
On Health & Safety other than a walk about taking place no other matters to report.
On L.D.C., management are looking at L.D.C.’s proposal for new link structure as stated at previous branch meeting and were very impressed with the proposal.

Branch resolution proposed by T. Fielding & seconded by M. Bloomfield. “That the L.D.C. are instructed to inform management, that unless they give a firm date for improvements in Mont. Sidings Preston Park Sidings an embargo will be placed at the L.D.C.s discretion.

Brighton Driver Brian Young


HELD ON APRIL 5th 1990

Members present M. Thompson, G. Hussey, S. Neal, W. Jones, T. Janes, R. Abell, M. Hunter, 

T. Farmer, F. Maskell, A. Ricketts, C. Newton, W. Mackenzie, J. Osborne, M. Hawkins, 

B. Overton & P. Edwards

Health & Safety Report
Bro. M. Hawkins gave a full depth report on H&S matters, complaints over the washing of trains and the use of “X” remover, certain roads within L.W.S. will only be used and all h/rails will be washed cleaned before trains are shunted.
Mont. Sidings are now to be up graded and improved, Preston Park Sidings – lighting, problems over how to improve lighting matter still to be resolved.
Messroom accommodation – sunblinds, heating, installation of hob units.
The wearing of hard hats, and H.V. vest by train crew staff.
Additional fire training.

L.D.C. Report
Bro. W. Mackenzie gave a report on sick pay payments, taxis, delay in the introduction of “Black Box” recorders. Opening of St. Pauls in May.
New Link structures
No. 1 Link = All routes & tractions knowledge
No. 2 Link = L211/No. 2 link – Bedford electrical
No. 3 Link = Electrical as present
No. 4 Link = Starter link
No. 5 Link = Restricted Link
No. 6 Link = L.W.S. Shunting Link.
Closing date for men options to remain electrical is April 20th 1990. these men will remain non-progressive.

Any Other Business
“Previous Branch Meeting”
“That minutes of previous branch meeting up to Any Other Business Resolution 5/1990 to be recorded as correct.” Proposed 
A. Ricketts & seconded by A. Farmer, 7 for, 4 against, and 5 abstained, and therefore resolution carried. All other minutes to 
be deleted, and not recorded. Resolutions proposed at meeting 8/3/90 relating to L.D.C are therefore withdrawn.
Further discussion over the meeting of 8/3/90 took place ad questions raised on the conduct of the members present, it was felt that with positions having been explained by all concerned and fact that previous resolutions were now defeated, there was no point continuing the debate. The Chairman explained that L.D.C.’s could or should not be restricted by the branch resolutions, branches can only guide, advise or place suggestions for L.D.C. to pursue with management. With everybody having had a chance to speaking for or against the meeting closed.



Members present T. Janes, T. Farmer, N. Wallhead, G. Hussey, F. Maskell, P. Edwards, 

M. Hunter & C. Newton.

Proposed that this branch recommends ASLEF accepts two new applications. Proposed F. Maskell & seconded N. Wallhead. 
“That J. Edisbury is accepted by this branch as a new member.”
Proposed P. Edwards & seconded G. Hussey “That M. Brown is accepted by this branch as a new member.” Voted unan.

L.D.C. Report.
Bro. P. Edwards gave a report on management’s agreement to the new link structures, also that the L.D.C. were now to be draw up a route and traction learning programme.
A report on the “Clause 12” meeting held 2nd May regarding many issues including D.O.O., Trainmen duties etc.
Additional L.D.C. item, Wilsden/Mitre Bridge/Acton Wells Junction.
A programme of 9 men to be given special training and route knowledge for this area, these drivers will be used for conducting and duties over routes. Branch Secretary posted some information regarding this matter in union/L.D.C cases.


HELD ON MAY 10th 1990

Members present W. Mackenzie, M. Bloomfield, J. Osborne, I. Osborne, D. Hill, B. Hallett, 

F. Locke, M. Hawkins & R. Jones.

L.D.C. Report
As per branch meeting 3rd May, branch heard of latest developments. In addition a “Clause 12” meeting was to be held on Sunday 13th May, over problems with D.O.O. on Thameslink services in various places along with other issues.


HELD ON JUNE 6th 1990

Members present M. Bloomfield, C. Newton, W. Mackenzie, T. Janes, I. Osborne, 

M. Hawkins, J. Osborne, M. Styles, D. Knight & T. Fielding.

Membership Applications
Steve Hole, proposed M. Hawkins & seconded M. Styles.
Mark Evans proposed I. Osborne & M. Bloomfield
Edward Shrubb proposed D. Knight & seconded M. Hawkins
Voted all in favour.

District Secretary Nomination
Proposed T. Fielding & seconded I. Osborne. “That Bro. Len Worboys of Portsmouth Branch be selected as our nomination.” 
Voted all in favour.

Nomination to the Labour Party
Proposed M. Hawkins & seconded T. Janes. “That Mr. David Lepper of Brighton is selected as our nomination as Parliament 
Candidate.” Voted all in favour.






Members present P. Edwards, T. Farmer, G. Hussey, F. Maskell, T. Janes, A. Rickets,

B. Brown, W. Mackenzie, C. Newton, & M. Thompson.

L.D.C. Report
District Council Resolution, having previous commented on branch proposed to adopt a policy of waiting the outcome of the next meeting to determine what action should be used.
Bro. W. Mackenzie then gave a detailed report on loss of Mixed Traction work.
1 Ardingly – work by Western Region and Class 60s.
2 Lavant – Drayton to be worked by Eastleigh.
3 Inter-City work under review.
4 Crawley – Newhaven Class 56 worked retained.
In all some twenty turns affected by the loss of work, and also the possibility of reduction in Sunday work.


HELD ON SEPTEMBER 13th 1990 AT 18:45

Members present M. Bloomfield, M. Hawkins, I. Osborne, M. Hunter, B. Brown, S. Fortune, 

J. Osborne & W. Mackenzie

Proposed I. Osborne & seconded M. Hunter. “That G.R. Wilkinson be accepted as a member of A.S.L.E.F.” Voted Unan.

Health & Safety
Mont Sidings Nos. 4, 5 & 6 restored to use, 1,2, & 3 still blacked.

L.D.C. Report
West Coast Re-signalling, Clause 12 meeting with management declined.
Rest Day Agreement, management wants to alter present agreement to an as required. L.D.C. to seek meeting over this issue.



Members present P. Edwards, G. Hussey, N. Wallhead, C. Debenham, F. Maskell, T. Fielding, 

A. Ricketts & M. Hunter.

Nominations for Branch Officers 1991
Chairman W. Mackenzie - Proposed T. Fielding & seconded C. Debenham
Vice Chairman P. Edwards - Proposed N. Wallhead & seconded G. Hussey
Secretary C. Newton - Proposed T. Fielding & seconded G. Hussey
Assistant Secretary - No nominations
Trustees J. Carney & D. Pumphrey - Proposed F. Maskell & seconded N. Wallhead
Auditors R. Matthews & M. Bloomfield - Proposed P. Edwards & seconded M. Hunter
Committee Members G. Hussey, M. Hunter, & T. Fielding - Proposed C. Debenham & seconded N. Wallhead. Five vacancies 
not filled.
L.D.C Nominations W. Mackenzie & P. Edwards – Proposed T. Fielding & seconded N. Wallhead. No further nominations.

L.D.C Report
Bro. P. Edwards gave a report on the latest issues Preston Park sidings blacked over poor lighting, Mont Sidings Nos. 2 & 3 sidings now back in use, but not No.1.
Rest Day Working, L.D.C., and Area Manager looking at ways of other areas or departments paying for men to work.
Route Learning, present quota still maintained.
Questions. A member working one turn on late shift on domestic grounds, can L.D.C. report on agreement under which this is 
being done.
Staff trains, look at taxis, petrol or own van/minibus or staff trains returned.
Crews available on 00:30 turn liaise with London Area L.D.C.s.

Ian Dove 1990/91


HELD ON OCTOBER 11th 1990 

Members present W. Mackenzie, S. fortune, D. Knight, M. Styles, M. Hawkins, I. Osborne, M. Bloomfield,  A. Flowers, T. Fielding & J. Osborne.

Nominations for Branch & L.D.C. Officers
Assistant Secretary M. Bloomfield – Proposed I. Osborne & seconded D. Knight
Branch Auditor T. Fielding – Proposed I. Osborne & seconded M. Styles
Trades Council Delegates A. Flowers & M. Thompson – Proposed T. Fielding & seconded M. Styles.
District Council Delegate W. Mackenzie – Proposed I. Osborne & seconded J. Osborne.
Committee Members D. Knight – Proposed S. Fortune & seconded M. Bloomfield.
No further branch nominations put forward, no other L.D.C. nominations proposed.

L.D.C Report
Rest Day Working, matter put to management and position explained, men will be rostered to do London Area work when not used for Coastal duties.
Fire Training cost of courses to be paid by other department and not Brighton. Both these agreements seem to work.

At this point Chairman left the chair to make an statement as L.D.C. Secretary. 

It follows.

In the years I have been a member of this society have attended and chaired many branch meetings. At no time even after the strike of 1982, and disastrous agreements that we have been forced to conclude have I been ashamed to be a member of A.S.L.E.& F. and the Brighton Branch.
However as a result of the cowardly, greedy and self-interested behaviour of a small group of members who chose attack a loyal hard working official of this branch. Who has experienced domestic difficulties and still continued to perform his branch duties and continue to work whilst coming to terms with his domestic difficulties.
I consider the actions of these individuals to be worse than those who failed to support A.S.L.E.F. in 1982.



Members present G. Hoad, R. Matthews, J. Osborne, I. Osborne, M. Thompson, M. Cole, 

C. Newton, W. Mackenzie, P. Osborne, M. Bloomfield & M. Hawkins.

Election of Branch Officers
Having received all nominations election of branch officers completed change of officers as follows. Vice Chairman P. Edwards, Assistant Secretary M. Bloomfield & Auditors T. Fielding.

New Member Proposed I. Osborne & seconded M. Bloomfield. “That F. Langridge be accepted as a new member of A.S.L.E.& F.”

L.D.C. Report

Bro. W. Mackenzie reported on 319/1 training, guidelines on Ballast Trains, Late Night 

Trains, Annual Leave & Comp. Leave lists, Reversible Line Working, eye sight charges, 

Issuing of Stop Orders, lateness of payslips.

Rest Day Agreement

The outcome of recent talks explained and that rest day working arrangement is not being 

compiled with by management.

Various Training Courses not being implemented, L.D.C will report on further developments.

Resolution proposed R. Matthew & seconded G. Hoad. “That this branch instructs the L.D.C 

to negotiate for not less than one day’s full training on 319/1 Class E.M.U.s.” Voted Unan.

Health & Safety Report

Bro. M. Hawkins report on present position on Mont Sidings, L.W.S. sidings, Hove, also on 

water above cooking area in Messroom. 

Comments on Worthing Messroom and Gatwick Airport sidings.

Also that regards to H &S Rep. imposing bans on certain sidings, H&S Rep. explained that he 

has no powers to do that, he can only report the facts and monitor the situation and refer 

matter to the branch and L.D.C for their comments etc.

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