Extracted and adapted from
Ore Meeting
January 13th 1974
L.D.C. report was given by Bro. S. Tingley.
Members fully discussed the present dispute, and the situation arising from three Ore men being sent home for refusing to work other depot’s duties. It was decided to send a resolution to Head Office deploring management’s attitude toward Circular 149/1973.
Ore Meeting March 24th 1974
L.D.C. Report was given by Bro. S. Tingley. The case of the three Ore men sent home during the last dispute had been further discussed, and it had been decided to forward their claims to Sectional Council. The branch decided to accept the British Rail Board’s offer of £2.30 “Claw-Back” pay.
District Council No. 4 Report
Sir, - In the latest District Council No.4 Report Secretary No.4 Bro. B. Noakes states in closing paragraph that “very little time was left so Branch Reports were not given.”
Having read all the previous minutes of No. 4 Council and been in touch with some of the delegates. I would suggest that this very often happens; the Chairman allowing various speakers, i.e. the Organiser, E.C. Member or Sectional Council Member, to monopolise the time with their reports - reports which have in many cases already been sent out to Branches in Head Offic correspondence.
My advice to the delegates is to make sure you get your Branch reports in. Let the table know of the discontent which exist in the ranks, brought about by the lack of militancy when it comes to our claims for better conditions
P.H. Plaine
Brighton (2)
The January and February meetings of Brighton (2) Branch have ben very interesting and quite well attended. At the January meeting the members voted in favour of affiliation to the local Trade Council and Labour Party.
In attendance at the second meeting in January were Bros. Andrews, Eames and Lifford of Sectional Council “B”, and a report was given on the withdrawal of Grant Aid to the Brighton - Portsmouth line and the London suburban area. The council Reps were in attendance at our first February meeting to report, and at the second meeting of February members had the pleasure of meeting and hearing our new organising secretary Bro. N. Milligan.
Following his address questions were put by members to Bro. Milligan and I am sure that he was left in no doubt as to the dissatisfaction which exists in the ranks on the question of wages and conditions.
A vote of thanks was given to the organiser, and Chairman Jackson expressed the hope that we would shortly be having the pleasure of Bro. Milligan’s attendance again. We wish to remind those who were not present that the pressure for better pay and conditions must come first from the Branch Rooms.
Branch Secretary