Chairman Bro. J. Cossburn
Vice Chair Bro. F. Wilde
Assistant Secretary Bro. W. Brown
A meeting was held at the Labour Club on Sunday, November 28, 1937. We were pleased to welcome Organising Secretary, Bro. J.V. Sweeney.
Those present were treated to an enlightening and interesting address, in which he gave us an historical survey of the conditions in the railway industry during his lifetime. He reminded us of the conditions of service in bygone days and pointed out that advances were only made when men were striving for something, and urged all locomotivemen to be militant in their endeavours if they, as a craft organisation, were to retain their position or advance in advance in the future. To illustrate this, he read extracts from the R.S.N.T. Decission No. 3 Report, which were very enlightening, and at times, almost humourous ! Questions were asked by members and suitable replies were given.
The meeting closed with a hearty vote of thanks to Bro. Sweeney, which was endorsed by all present.
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Labour Club on Sun Jan. 15th 1938
7 members present
Bros. E. King, W. Clarke, F. Harris, J. Cossburn,
W. Terrill, W. Brown & C. Wilson.
Minutes of November 1937 read and discussed and passed as a true recorded, proposed by Bro. W. Clarke and seconded by Bro. W. Brown.
Much discussion arose over the holiday roster. Bro. Clarke said as thing were working the 7 year cycle could not be worked satisfactory to all concerned, and would be glad to have a fresh system to work on.
Bro. Cossburn made a suggestion, which he said was worked satisfactorily at B. Arms. After further discussion it was decided to work original roster for 1938, and call an open meeting for further discussion and suggestion, to take place at 12.0 noon on our next meeting Sunday. Bro. Clarke pro. That our meeting start at 10.45 a.m. On this day.
Letter read from Newhaven Hospital Committee asked for our support and a delegate to attend their meetings. Secretary was asked to write and tell them that nearly all our members belonged to the H.S.A. And that we our way clear to support them in any way.
Election of Officers 1938
Chairman Bro. J. Cosburn, Vice Chairman Bro. F. Wilde, Secretary Bro. E. King, Assistant Secretary W. Brown
Trades Council Delegates Bros. J. Cosburn & F. Wilde
As two member of the Committee for 1938 had left the depot, Bros. W. Terrill and C. Wilson were elected in their place. Full Committee Bros. F. Sherwin, W. Clarke, M. Smith J. Hillman, F. Wilde, W. Terrill & C. Wilson
Bro. E. Eacott was proposed to act as Labour Party Delegate
Bro. F. Wilde was proposed to act as District Council Delegate.
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Labour Club on Sun February. 20th 1938
12 members present
Bros. W. Clarke, C. Wilson, E. Brooker, W. Terrill, J. Hillman, A. Charman, S. Lower,
J. Lower, M. Smith, J. Cossburn, E. King & F. Harris.
Meeting opened at 10.45 with Chairman Bro. J. Cosburn in the Chair. The meeting was convened 15 minutes earlier than usual to allow of joint meeting which followed to commence at 12.00 noon.
The minutes of January meeting were read and discussed and it was proposed by Bro. W. Clarke and seconded by Bro. C. Wilson. That minutes be passed as a true record. Carried.
A letter was read from Committee of the Labour Club asking us that our meeting conform more to the agreed times viz:- 11 a.m. 12.30 p.m.
The letter was discussed with a views to alternative arrangements being made, but it was decided to hold our meetings in Labour Club and it was proposed by Bro. C. Wilson and seconded by Bro. J. Lower. That Secretary write to Labour club Committee a suitable and reassuring reply.
A stop watch competition card was received by Secretary in favour of a member of Aberdeen Branch and after discussion on draws & competitions it was pro. By Bro. W. Clarke & seconded by Bro. W. Terrill. That this and any further similar things be returned with advice that this Branch does not now entertain same. Carried.
Of new local business pro. Bro. W. Clarke & seconded by Bro. C. Wilson. That Sunday turns of duty be equalised out between Drivers & spare Drivers, Firemen and spare Firemen, and that turns worked be recorded also Sundays forfeited by request also recorded.
This motion found favour with all present. While dealing with Sunday duty it was proposed by Bro. W. Clarke & seconded by Bro. J. Hillman. That as the administration were usually aware of traffic requirements on Friday morning – especially during Winter months – Sunday alteration list be posted with Saturday's alteration list on Fridays. Carried.
It was proposed by Bro. S, lower. That requests (in writing) for Sunday’s off be in Brighton by Thursday morning.
Due to time of Joint meeting with N.U.R. members drawing near the meeting was closed at 11.55 a.m.
Minutes of the Joint Newhaven Branch A.S.L.E.F. & N.U.R. Loco members Meeting
held at the Labour Club on Sun February 20th 1938
This meeting was convened to discuss the possibility of a more satisfactory system of holiday arrangement.
Bro. Cossburn maintained his position as Chairman and Mr. G. Wise assisted him from the N.U.R.
Notes were taken by Mr. W. Gander, assistant Branch Secretary N.U.R. Who was acting vice their Secretary Mr. J. Pagater.
Bro. W. Clarke when called on explained how every annual holiday roster was compiled from the 1934 roster and pointed out that this system still caused some men to get there holidays close to or unduly for away from their previous holiday. Bro. Clarke suggested that a better cycle of holidays could be arranged by holidays being arranged as on a six months roster n.b.:- April to July, to May to August to June to Sept.
As an alternative arrangement Bro. Cossburn suggested grouping the 24 weeks comprising the holiday into 3 groups of 8 concurrent weeks. The cycle to be separated by a moving round of both group complete. In this way anyone man would get the same holiday position again on any third year.
A further proposition was made by Bro. E. King thus: the holiday period to count as the sixteen weeks prior to and the eight weeks subsequent to the Sussex Fortnight. Each year, each man drops back 7 weeks until the bottom of the roster to reached when he returns to near the top. Always providing that there is only seven weeks between the two positions including any left on the bottom of the roster and again work through the cycle in 7 week intervals.
It was pointed out that, starting from the top of the roster a man would have 4 holiday with one year and seven weeks between them before returning to the top of the roster and similarly from any other position on the roster, thus everyman would have every available week on the holiday roster in the course of about 28 years.
It was proposed by Mr. Wise that this seemed the most satisfactory system on which to work and he proposed that this system be adopted to which all present agreed.
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Labour Club on Sun March 20th 1938
13 members present
Bros. E. Brooker, A. Charman, W. Clarke, J. Cossburn, E. Eacott, J. Giles, F. Harris,
S. Lower, J. Thompsett, F. Wilde, C. Wilson, C. Wood & E. King
Meeting commenced at 11.0 a.m. And immediately Bro. J. Cossburn left the Chair, which was taken by Bro. F. Wilde for the purpose of calling for a vote of closure on Branch Secretary for not calling a committee meeting, re proposition for joint meeting with N.U.R. Loco men to further discuss shed business. After much discussion vote closure was carried 6 members voting for the motion & 3 against.
Minutes of previous meeting were read then read and it was proposed by Bro. S. Lower and seconded by Bro. E. Brooker. same be passed as a true record.
Discussion on the minutes then followed, Bro. W. Clarke called Branch member attention to the fact that Branch business was talked about freely in various place outside the Branch room, to the extent that Branch business was known in the shed and very shortly after the Branch meeting, will members please vote this for future conduct.
A discussion on certain accusations were made and it was proved that much of these accusations were unfounded and this result of rumour. In future complaints of this nature and those against Branch Management must be tendered to the Branch meeting in writing.
After disposing of other messy matters arising out of the minutes it was pro. By Bro. J. Cossburn & sec. By J. Thompsett. That we go on with further business.
Bro. F. Wilde read a letter from Head Office, re the tw days additional holiday and its application. The outcome of this was that Bro. J. Cossburn proposed & Bro. C. Wilson seconded. That Secretary write to Mr. Jeans, Secretary of Sectional Council. That this Branch request that it he ut on the Autumn Session agenda of Sectional Council that in future 2 days additional Holiday be placed immediately before or immediately after the weeks annual leave. Carried.
The shed representative report was next called for and given by Bro. W. Clarke on a meeting with Mr. Urie on 10th March and is as follows
Item 1. Equalisation of Sunday work, Every endeavours will be made to secure fair division of Sunday work amongst all the men at the depot, all Sunday's applied for off duty will count as a turn of work and this will also apply to mutual changes.
Item 2. Record of Sundays worked to be brought up to date and 1937 record to be placed along side reference. This has been done.
Item 3. Daily alteration sheet to be roster on arrival from Brighton. The list is now posted on arrival from Brighton.
Item 4. Daily alteration list to be rostered on Friday, with Saturday's list and no leave of absence grant for Sunday's unless applied for by Thursday morning. Agreed.
Item 5. Alteration of annual holiday cycle for 1939. deferred (by employees side).
Item 6. Training of Dual Men in place of Driver J. Brock. This matter will be place before the Locomotive Running Superintendent.
Item 7. Rotary to be adopted for Good Friday & Christmas day. This matter be reviewed at Xmas in order to provide that men who have worked the previous Xmas will be off duty as far as possible.
Item 8. To discuss letter received from Driver J. Denman. Agreed that spare men will take up spare work on weekdays as well as on Sundays.
As regards item 8. It was further pointed out by Bro. Clarke that Mr. Urie could not guarantee to equalise Sunday work out to include that worked in 1937. but every endeavour would be made as far as possible. Also every endeavours would be made to equalise Sunday work between all loco men for spare work.
As regards to item 2. Sunday list was posted on Friday 18th list for Sunday 20th list.
As regards items 5. Discussion on the holiday roster, Bro. Reported that Mr. Urie would not accept this depot proposal if a 7 week roster, and offered a system of roster of 11 weeks drop back, which had the effect of a man going 1 year and 11 weeks between holidays, and gave Bro. Clarke the impression that holiday were worked on this system at Brighton and at Norwood. After much discussion it was pro. By Bro. J. Giles & sec. By Bro. C. Wilson. That this Branch insist on the 7 weeks drop back roster and that failing satisfaction being obtained, the matter be referred to the Sectional Council. Carried.
As regards item 8. a letter was received on February 21st (day following the last Branch meeting) by Bro. Clarke form Driver J. Denman asking in the main that spare men do spare work, extra work and altered duties on weekdays, as well as on Sundays, which same as forward by Mr. Urie on receipt, this letter also contained mention of alternative by working to the National agreement both on Sundays and on weekdays.
Discussion took place on this letter and it was proposed by Bro. J. Cossburn & seconded by Bro. A. Charman. That the National Agreement be worked to both Sundays and weekdays amendments to this was called for but one was not forth coming, and on a vote on Bro. Cossburn’s proposition being taken a large majority voted against the proposition this motion was therefore lost.
Bro. Chairman asked if the 8.30 p.m. was to be the only turn worked by some dor an extra Sunday. Bro. Clarke gave Bro. Charman a reply. In explanation which was suitable.
Re the equalisation of Sunday work. The question arose who would be booked to work should a turn come along after the list was posted on Friday and the men available not being suitable for the additional turn.
It was proposed by Bro. J. Cossburn & seconded by by Bro. E. Brooker. Than a man already booked up on Sunday alteration list could be shifted to allow of equalisation being kept to in a satisfactory manner. Carried.
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Labour Club on Sun October 23rd 1938
Bro. A. Rookley in the Chair
due to the absence of the Chairman Bro. J. Cossburn
7 members present
Bros. W. Clarke, M. Smith, C. Wilson, J. Hillman, A. Rookley, J. Thompsett & E. King
The minutes of the previous meeting were the read and it was proposed by Bro. W. Clarke and seconded by Bro. C. Wilson. That same was a true record.
Bro. Clarke read a letter from Mr. Urie intimating that as there was only one item on the agenda, that this be processed with. Bro. Clarke points out that this item comcerned the holiday roster and said that Mr. Urie intimated that if the procedure was similar to last year, same could soon be disposed of. Bro. Clarke said he was prepared to go forward with this Depot's proposal of the "7 weeks" roster for holidays and he was accorded the support of this meeting.
Bro. W. Clarke, proposed a resolution which was seconded by Bro. C. Wilson. That no man be allowed to change his holidays except that the man concerned be off duty by sickness. Carried.
Discussion took place on item 8, of February L.D.C. Agaenda and be allowed to fall into abeyance. Carried.
In respect of item 3 of this same agenda it was agreed that the Sunday roster was posted in a satisfactory manner constant with the expectations of the work to be performed.
A general feeling of member present was for the officers be elected for 1939, so this was proceeded with members absent who are absent who were delegated to officers in the Branch would be communicated with in writing and instructed to be present at the next Branch meeting to state their objects if they wished not to serve.
Chairman Bro. A. Rookley,
Vice Chairman Bro. J. Hillman
Secretary Bro. E. King
Assistant Secretary Bro. M. Smith
The Committee elected were as follows, proposals being made and members seconding with the proviso as previous paragraph
Committee Bros J. Giles, W. Brown, M. Smith, W. Clarke, J. Thompsett, C. Wilson & C. Lower
Trades Council Delegate Bros Rookley and Clarke volunteered for this office, action which was endorsed by the meeting.
Proposed by Bro. W. Clarke and seconded by Bro. J. Hillman. That Bro. E. Eacott be delegated Labour Party & District Council Delegate.
Further discussion took place on Local Business the out come of which it was proposed by Bro. Wilson & seconded by Bro. Hillman. That action be taken to obtain a case to such printed of written Local Agreements as one in keeping in stores. Carried.
Secretary read various items of correspondence to members.
Item of correspondence re Bro. J. Walter (Feltham) was read together with sent by Secretary to Secretary, Feltham Branch, in view of resolution from Branch meeting was no branch meeting had taken place to discuss matter. For his action in this matter together with subject matter enclosed therein, it was proposed by Bro. J. Hillman and seconded by Bro. J. Thompsett. That Secretary’s action be endorsed. Carried.
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Labour Club on Sun Dec. 18th 1938
Bro. A. Rookley in the Chair
Minutes of previous meeting were then read and it was proposed by Bro. C. Wilson and seconded by Bro. W. Clarke they be a true record.
Secretary then read letters from Loco Foreman Brighton and the from Local Branch Secretary N.U.R. Re proposals for Shed Representative as it was pointed out that this depot was entittled to only one representative under Machinery of Negotiation. Member debated these letters and it was proposed by Bro. J. Cossburn & sec. By Bro. W. Clarke. That this Branch are prepared to accept one representative from N.U.R. To deal with shed grades items of Conditions of Service only, and that we nominate Bro. W. Clarke ars representative of Loco-men for dealing with Loco-men's items and if the N.U.R. Wish to nominate a delegate for Loco-men a ballot to take place for position. Carried.
Secretary was instructed to write to Loco foreman (Brighton) and Mr. J. Pargeter to convey to them the substance of this motion.
Secretary read correspondence from Bro. E.H. Channing together with a copy of Bro. Channings report to Bro. Jeans (Section Council) re the case of Bro. J.O. Walter’s subsequent return to Newhaven.
Discussion took place on this correspondence and it was proposed by Bro. J. Cossburn & sec by Bro. W. Clarke. That Secretary write to Bro. Channing (Feltham Branch) also to Bro. f. Jeans (Sectional Council). The following resolution which was promoted by wording in Doctor’s report. Proposed that providing Bro. J. Walter applies for every seaside vacancy that is advertised, this Depot has no objection to Bro. Walter applying to return to Newhaven, if he is not previously successful elsewhere, on compassionate grounds.
An immersion having been made in the Election of Officers in October, this was corrected by Bro. W. clarke proposing and Bro. C. Wilson seconding. That Bro. A. Rookley attend Southern Council meetings as this Branch delegate. Carried.