Chairman Bro. M. Allen

Vice Chairman Bro A. Herriet
Secretary Bro. J. Carney

Tunbridge Wells Meeting

Sunday 16th January 1983

at the Welfare Rooms Tunbridge Wells Central Station

Five members were present they were Bros. M. Allen, J. Carney, F. Diplock,  A. Herriett & R. Simpson

The Chairman welcome all and opened the meeting at 10.22, the Secretary then read the minutes after which it was moved by Bro. F. Diplock and seconded by Bro. Herriett. That the minutes of the December meeting be taken as a true record. All in favour.

On matter arising it was suggested that the Secretary see if any of the members of this branch could attend the T.U.C.C. at Tunbridge Wells, Assembly Hall, not as objectors but as observers this the Secretary did note.

The Chairman asked if the Secretary would ring up John Stevens at A.S.L.E.F. Head Office over the T.U.C.C. from Head Office and if the Chairman and the Secretary could attend with them as there local representatives.

On circulars, it was then moved by Bro. F. Diplock and seconded by Bro. A. Herriett. That all circulars be taken as read. All in favour.

The Chairman then moved on to Trades Council Report.

The Secretary who is the Branch’s delegate had been notified by the outgoing Secretary that as no one came forward at there last meeting to take over the officers of the Council it was with regret that the Tunbridge Wells Trades Council had to cease being an active Council and had suggested that delegates should seek affiliation to another Trades Council. It was suggest by the floor to ring up Mrs. Webb to see if there was anything changed about the Trades Council.

On to L.D.C. report was given by the new L.D.C. Secretary who everyone welcomed. Bro. A Herriett then gave a short account of what the L.D.C. have got waiting to be finished they were

Duty 402, 1310 noise, H&S – Lights on signals, A.W.S. awaiting reply, Sectional Council Machinery and Negotiations being dealt with, 2 L.D.C. members on L574 & new premisses

Also mentioned that under the new L.T.M., listing and daily alteration were to be done by Essex House. The Branch did aske that the L.D.C. write to Management to hold a meeting to amend the L.D.C minutes on Rest Day/ Comp. days notice agreements.

The L.D.C. were at the moment compiling at letter to management for a site meeting at Tunbridge Wells West over parking and where and how they were to park. This would be sent as soon as possible.

On the new booking on point to be at the station buildings  management had suggested 20” x 20” lockers in place of the caged ones, we have now got. But the L.D.C. felt that it would have to consult its members through the branch after a small discussion it was moved by Bro. A. Herriett and seconded by Bro. F. Diplock. That we inform management that the wishes of the men was that they wish to keep the caged locker, what they have got. All in favour.

After which the L.D.C. had finished, the Chairman moved on for the Branch Secretary Assistant, as no one come forward the Secretary under any other business moved that as the Branch figures were not completed in time for the December meeting, branch accounts can be disclosed before handing over to Bro. M. Allen  one of the Branch’s Auditors, the Secretary explained that due to Tebit’s law we must isolate the different accounts into 3 accounts.

One for Political Fund, one for Branch’s reclaimed money from Head Office, and the other for all other monies.

Tebit’s law require to know what is in the first two accounts but not the third and as our accounts are all in one account we could lose all of it.

After a short debate it was moved by the Chairman Bro. M.Allen and seconded by Bro. F. Diplock. That all monies that is to go under the heading of Political Fund be put into a new deposit account. All in favour.

That all monies sent by Had Office under Rule 37 Clause (1) shall be left in Account No. 8327556 with the Nat West. All in favour.

And That all other money be transferred to the Tunbridge Wells West Branch Mutual Assistance Fund. All in favour

After which no other business did come forward so the meeting closed at 12.10

Tunbridge Wells Meeting

Sunday 20th February 1983 at 10.00 a.m.

at the Welfare Rooms Tunbridge Wells Central Station

There were five members present, they were Bros. M. Allen, J. Carney, A. Herriett, F. Diplock & K. Knowles.

The Chairman welcomed all and opened the meeting at 10.16. The Secretary then read the minutes of the January meting after which Bro. F. Diplock and seconded by Bro. A. Herriott. That the minutes of the January meeting be taken as a true record. All in favour.

On matters arising from the minutes was

T.U.C.C., the meeting was attended by Bros. M. Allen and Neil Milligan representing A.S.L.E.F. Head Office, and from that meeting Bro. M. Allen had got submissions from the Kent and Sussex County Councils and the one from Head Office and what Bro. Allen had produced and anyone wishing to read that report would see Bro. M. Allen. After a short debate on the cuts in our line, it came to light that the branch should purchase two books to help the L.D.C. and the branch over the cuts in not only our line but what may happen in the future.

One was the “Serpell Report” known as railway finances report of a committee chaired by Sir David Serpall K.C.B. price £.6.75

The other was the consequence of Rail Closure price £4.50

It was then moved by Bro. F. Diplock and seconded by Bro. K. Knowles. That the secretary to be instructed to purchase the Railway Finances by Sir David Serpell price £6.75 and the Consequence of Rail Closure. All in favour.

The Chairman then mentioned that while attending the T.U.C.C. meeting at the Assembly Hall, Tunbridge Wells, had spoken to Mr. Robbins the Divisional Manage and mentioned to him that this branch’s L.D.C. had been trying in vain to get a meeting with him over the closures, it was stated that he did not know of any request but assured Bro. M. Allen that if another request was put in with his name mentioned, it would be seen too. This was greeted by the Branch members in attendance with full agreement.

On the subject of Trade Council, now that Tunbridge Wells Trades Council has closed it was then moved by Bro. K. Knowles and seconded by Bro. F. Diplock. That the Secretary is instructed to get in conducted with the Tonbridge Trades Council with the reason of get affliation with that Trades Council. All in favour.

That concluded matters arising from the minutes.

The Secretary then moved to circulars and the heading of all these that had been posted since last meeting were read and nomination papers were dealt with. It was passed and all but 11/1983 -1983 A.A.D. London & 12/1983 – W.E.A. Residential Youth 1983.

Which were for voting paper in our Bro. M. Allen and St. Leonards Bro. P. Bates. After a short discussion it was decided to place our vote against Bro. M. Allen and wished all the best. Moved by Bro. F. Diplock and seconded by Bro. A. Herriett. That our vote goes to Bro. M. Allen of this branch. All in favour.

The Secretary made it known he wished to go to the Youth School it was then moved. That Bro. J. Carney be nominated to go to the W.E.A. Youth School 1983. All in favour.

Moved by Bro. A. Herriett and seconded by Bro. F. Diplock.

On matters arising from circulars. Bro. F. Diplock asked about the 6% pay rise. The Chairman did give a short reply and mentioned that this months Loco Journal did give a up to date position on the pay award.

The Secretary mentioned that R. Plummer had now left the union and that Head Office had asked him for what reason did this man wanted to leave, and the the Secretary could only put that this man worked during the strike, it was asked from the floor, what was now the position with this man if a problem came up involving him. The L.D.C. mentioned that they would take up a case from this man but if they had a fail to agree it could not be progressed to either Sectional council or Head office, but to make sure would the Secretary write to Head Office for clarification over this.

There being no District Council report, the Chairman moved on to L.D.C. report. The L.D.C report by the L.D.C. Secretary. The Secretary of the L.D.C. Bro. A. Herriett mentioned that on Vic. Duty 402, Unit 1310 and on signals, nothing had came forward yet. Also awaiting action was on the closure of Line, the water heater overflow pipe was done, the toilets were found not to be in use so this will be taken up by the Health & Safety Officers.

On Machinery and Negotiations, this was being dealt with by Sectional Council, new accommodation and car park were also being taken up. On A.W.S. and this had been given. About no A.W.S. testing magnets to be used on Southern. Bro. J. Carney asked if he could take this up and the L.D.C. as it was his original letter that started the inquiry.

Under any other business, Bro. K. Knowles brought to the branch’s attention that signal boxes on the Hurst Green to Oakfield line were open on a Sunday and was asking if any trains had or would be travelling down there.

The L.D.C. Secretary and Chairman then mentioned that a letter was written to all L.D.C. who travelled down that line informing them as we had lost our Sundays we would expect them not to work any trains over that line for whatever the reasons unless of course we were to over it on a regular basis. After a short debate it was then move by Bro. K. Knowles and seconded by Bro. F. Diplock.

That the Secretary be instructed to write to the Branches of Tonbridge, Norwood, Victoria, Redhill and Brighton, and remind them that even though signal boxes on the Hurst Green to Uckfield line are open to carry out essential maintenance. Our position at Tunbridge Wells West is te same. That no trains are to be work down the lines Hurst Green to Uckfield or to Birchden Junction to Grove Junction for what ever reason unless Tunbridge Wells West drivers work on Sundays on a regular basis. Your help and your observance on this will be gratefully appreciated, please bring this to the attention of your members of your members. Thank you .T.W.W.

All in favour

Bro. F. Diplock then asked the L.D.C. about men being taken off their booked roster with their permission to accommodate a man at our depot to work his rest day were normally would not have but the job covered by a loan man. This had come to light when R. Plummer had been asked to move from his rest day, in which he had replied who am I doing it for. The L.D.C. Chairman said he had spoken to the T.C.S. and informed him while the L.D.C. appreciates and agrees to men coming off their roster to allow another man to work at the depot, we the L.D.C. could not allow men to choose who they would allow to work their rest days, just because they do not like them. It must be fair and the L.D.C. Chairman asked the T.C.S. that if the L.D.C. found any breach of this, then they would stop all moves from master roster all together.

Bro. M. Allen, Health & Safety Officer, then mentioned that under Health & Safety, he had written in over the lighting in the yard as it was found that on half the wattage was in the lamps and this was now been taken up.

The Chairman then asked if any one was interested in taking up the Branch Secretary Assistant position, no names came forward and as no other business come forward, the Chairman closed the meeting at 12.09 p.m.

Tunbridge Wells Meeting

Sunday 20th March 1983 at 10.00 a.m.

at the Welfare Rooms Tunbridge Wells Central Station

In attendance were 10 members, they were Bros. A. Herriett, L. Stephenson, C. Tandy, 

W. Baldwin, F. Diplock, C. Exley, R. Simpson, K. Knowles, J. Carney & M. Allen.

The Chairman opened the meeting at 10.14 a.m. and welcomed all and informed the meeting that as the Branch was expecting Bro. D. Fullick, President of the Executive Committee, at 11.00 and asked that we speedily get through the Branch business, he then asked for the minutes.

After the minutes had been read it was moved by Bro. A. Herriett and seconded by Bro. K. Knowles. That the minutes of the February meeting be taken as a true record. All in favour.

The Circulars were then read out as they had been posted, it was moved. That circular since last meeting be taken as read and only the heading be read. Proposed by Bro. L. Stephenson and seconded Bro. F. Diplock. All in favour. After which the Secretary moved on to Correspondence between the Branch and other persons.

The Secretary did then go and see Bro. D. Fullick from his train at 10.43.

One discussion on correspondence, Bro. H. Love case was asked about and the reply from Mr. A.C. Alden, N.U.R. Sectional Council ‘C’. the members present did feel that he should have been paid and that the N.U.R. are making excuses for themselves about not taking up this case, it was then asked if the Secretary would write to our Sectional Council ‘B’ and seek advice on where  or not Sectional council ‘C’ could not help this man further, also the Secretary would write to Mr. A.C. Alden and correct his last paragraph as it is the case that is to be fought for not what union the man belongs too.

The Blacklegs, the Secretary mentioned he had received copies of letters dent from Head Office to those members who did work through the strike.

The Chairman moved on to District Council report, Bro. M. Allen mentioned that there had not been to a District Council meeting since last meeting as iwas not due to April.

The Chairman then moved on to L.D.C. report, Bro. A. Herriott then mentioned that unit 1310, Signal lights – was still awaiting a reply, Vic 402 duty a reply had been received and it said that the rear part of 402 duty, the shunting part was to be covered by Control when the empties was cancelled, but by who?

Bro. A. Herriett mentioned that he and Bro. M. Allen would be going to pre-scrutiny this Friday, the 26th March and if members can recall we have never gone to a pre-scrutiny this early before so there might be something difficult in the content.

The meeting between the L.D.C. Sectional Council did take part and the Council will when the depot has been decided to close be the first to be told and of course they will let us know but more important, meetings will be set with the L.D.C. and each member will see the Council with an L.D.C. member present to sort out which would be best for each member, also what financial help would be available to them.

On the T.U.C.C. Report this is not expected until August.

That concluded the L.D.C. Report.

The Chairman then moved on to the Health & Safety Officer’s Report where mentioned that the lights in the yard at Tunbridge Wells West were fitted with half wattage light bulbs and when this was brought to management’s attention they said they did not know, they were putting in the wrong wattage but had found out the correct wattage and these were now on order.

It was then the Chairman called for suspension of Standing Orders so that our guest Bro. Derrick Fullick could carry out a presentation to one of our members. It was then moved by Bro. C. Exley and seconded by Bro. A. Herriett. That standing orders by the suspension for the time being to allow our guest Bro. D. Fullick to carry out a presentation plus give a talk on the up to date position at Head Office. All in favour. Time was 11.13 a.m.

The President of our Executive Committee Bro. Derrick Fullick thanked all for asking him to attend this meeting, to carry out a presentation to Bro. Fred Diplock for being with union for 45 years. Before he handed the long service badge, the Chairman did mention that Bro. Fred Diplock had been active within the union on and off since before 1945 as that was the earliest that the Branch had. The President then presented Bro. Fred Diplock with his badge.

The Chairman then mentioned to Bro. F. Diplock that the Branch would also like to present him with a memento of this Branch and presented him with a pen set inscribed from A.S.L.E.F.

Then Bro. D. Fullick asked that the Secretary write to the Journal and give a branch report.

The Chairman then moved that the floor now be given over to Bro. Derrick Fullick and asked him to give us an up to date report on the latest at Head Office that of the 6%,  plus One Man Operation.

Bro. D. Fullick then gave a very full report and what was going on between the union and the B.R.B., mention was made of the Tribunal Decisions 79 & 80, 80 being the 6% also mention was McCarthy had said that no one should get any rewards from flexible rosters until all depots. Bro. D. Fullick said this had pleased the unions as it stops L.D.C. excepting all sorts of things outside the Decision 77/78.

One thing mentioned which did please everyone was the 6% pay award was to be paid on Thursday 31st March including 25 weeks back pay, the remaining three weeks in April.

To get this the union had to agree with Decision 80. This was One Man Operation and the training of the men concerned and the rewards would be £6 + 6% per turn or part off. This was all that the unions had to agree too, thus they felt was better that B.R.B. first offer of £2.50 per day and no 6%.

The units, 455, are now being after training of the men concerned, brought into service and once the stock is available will spread. After some interesting points Bro. D. Fullick finished his report.

The Chairman then invited Branch members to ask questions to Bro. Fullick of which there were quite a few all with very interesting answers.

After everyone had ask all their questions. Bo. C. Exley moved and seconded by Bro. F. Diplock. That a vote of thanks to the E.C. over the work done over the past 12 months and endorse the action over the report in Decision 80.

Bro. D. Fullick thanked the mover and the seconder and all branch member for their vote of thanks and suggested that the Secretary sends it to the General Secretary and asked that each E.C. member has a copy this would be appreciated as and when they go around their areas, they can mention that they have received a vote of thanks from branches.

The Chairman then resumed Standing Orders at 12.50 and as there were no further business closed the meeting by thanking all for attending.

Tunbridge Wells Meeting

Sunday 17th April 1983 at 10.00 a.m.

at the Welfare Rooms Tunbridge Wells Central Station

There were 6 member in attendance, they were 

Bros. A. Herriott, R. Simpson, K. Knowles, F. Diplock & J. Carney.

Bro. M. Allen sent his apologies and the Secretary then asked if any members present would take the chair for today’s meeting, it was then nominated ans seconded by Bros A. Herriot & K. Knowles. That Bro. F. Diplock would sit in the chair for todays meeting only. All were in favour and Bro. F. Diplock excepted.

The Chairman then thanked all for attending and opened the meeting at 10.16. The Chairman then asked the Secretary to read circulars since last meeting. The Chairman went on to correspondence to and from branch since last meeting. The Secretary started by reading out a letter sent to the branch by Bro. F. Diplock which was a thank you for the presentation made to him at the last Branch meeting.

The Secretary then went back to Circular 69 (1983 AAD District No.40) it was of surprise that the Secretary received this from Head Office as Bro. M. Allen had not contacted anyone over this but the Secretary mentioned that Bro. M. Allen must have got his reasons and is sure that everything is Ok, but now we have no one to represent this District and Head Office have sent this nomination paper. Bro. K. Knowles asked if the Secretary would like to be nominated as he had been in contact with all the recent communications, this the Branch Secretary thanked Bro. K. Knowles but as he felt he was not experienced enough to feel confident he declined, as there were no other nominations, the Chairman then went on to District Council Report. This is usually given by Bro. M. Allen, so the Chairman held the report over until next meeting.

The Chairman then brought to the members attention that a new member had joined our Branch, transferring from Norwood depot. The letter from that Branch which had been mentioned in correspondence was now read in full it showed that Bro. J. Staggs was a good Branch attender and the Branch hopes that once settled in , he will continued his support at Branch meetings.

The Chairman then moved on to L.D.C. report.

Bro. A. Herriot opened his report by stating that on Unit 1310, no reply had yet been received.

On the May diagrams, these have now been excepted with very few minor alterations. It was asked by Bro. Knowles and the Chairman if a copy of the workings could be left on the table at the depot for the men to look at and the L.D.C. Secretary agreed to as soon as the new copies had arrived from C.T.O. One thing mentioned was there is a P.N. now at East Grinstead on one duty now.

On Machinery & Negotiations, another meeting is to be arranged, this is to be arranged with the T.R.O. in the chair.

The rest day chart will be corrected and brought up to date on Tuesday 19th April.

Bro. A. Herriott then went on to mentioned that Bro. M. Allen submission to the railway planners over the closure of the Eridge to Tunbridge Wells Central line is now on its way to them, after being held at Train Crew Manager’s Offices, management believing it was their copy.

Redhill to East Croydon refreshers was being seen to.

Management had informed the L.D.C. it had been hoped to see the D.E.M.U. back into Victoria this coming May, but due to the fans not yet being fitted at Victoria it was hoped to have them there in the October alterations.

That concluded the L.D.C. report.

The Secretary the mentioned that the position of Branch Secretary Assistant post was still vacant and that when Bro. M. Allen moves to Seaford which does seem quite soon, there will be a vacancy of Branch Chairman, L.D.C. member, District Council Delegate and Trades Council Delegate Assistant.

The Secretary asked members to bear these in mind and if anyone new off or wish to be come one of the above please do see the Branch Secretary or attend the next meeting.

The Chairman then asked for any other business as none came forward he then closed the meeting at 11.55.

Tunbridge Wells Meeting

Sunday 19th June 1983 at 10.00 a.m.

at the Welfare Rooms Tunbridge Wells Central Station

In attendance were Bros. K. Knowles, F. Diplock, A. Herriott, M. Allen & J. Carney.

The Chairman opened the meeting at 10.10 and welcomed all for attending. The minutes of the April meeting were then read, due to no meeting being held in May due to no quorum being present.

After the April minutes were read and no queries made on them. Bro. A. Herriott proposed and seconded by Bro. K. Knowles. That the minutes of the April meeting be taken as a true record. All in favour.

The Chairman then moved onto the circulars since the last meeting, after which the members present asked if the circular No. 83/1983 “Future of Drivers Depots, Southern Region” would be reposted. The Secretary then moved onto Correspondence to and from Branch.

Bro. M. Allen then asked on correspondence , asked if the Branch Secretary be instructed to obtain 6 copies of that letter and be given to the L.D.C. It was then proposed and seconded by Bro. F. Diplock. That the Secretary be instructed to obtain 6 copies of the letter sent from Head office ref. SR/M/Misc dated 20th April 1983 and then given to the L.D.C. All in favour.

The Secretary then brought to the members attention that he had received in the post notification of R. Woodbridge ceasing to be a member of A.S.L.E.F. and suggested that a letter be sent to Head office to inform them that we would when the problem arises, be in a similar position as with R.J. Plummer and should therefore advise Head Office of this. It was then suggested by Bro. M. Allen and seconded by Bro. A. Herriott. That the Secretary be instructed to write to Head Office over R. Woodbridge with concern that he is no longer a Trade Union member, with A.S.L.E.F., that they would seek to see if he has joined other Trade Union as with R.J. Plummer. All in favour.

Bro. M. Allen then mentioned that on the proposed closure of the Birchden Junction to Grove Junction that the Secretary seek from Head Office a photo copy of the full report of the T.U.C.C., it was then seconded by Bro. F. Diplock. That the Secretary be instructed to write to Head Office and asked for a copy of the report given to them by the T.U.C.C. over the proposal to withdraw the passenger train service between Tunbridge Wells Central and Eridge. All in favour.

After no more questions on correspondence, the chairman then moved on to District Council as this had not met during the time of the last meeting, this was held over.

A mention was made of  a collection being made at the depot for one of the men at Tunbridge Wells West, this was to be started with a call for £1.00 per member. After some discussion, it was then moved by Bro. A. Herriott and seconded by Bro. F. Diplock. That a collection be started for Bro. H. Marchant, this to be done between the drivers only and a call of £1.00 per member will be asked to be given by the Secretary to Bro. Marchant when he has been told when he must have his two suspension, this to be between A.S.L.E.F. members only. All in favour.

Chairman then moved o to L.D.C. report

Bro. A. Herriott then mentioned that Unit 1310 was still being dealt with.

May workins had been agreed and not much alterations and no flexible rosters.

Reg Brown letter is being written to Bro. A. Aspey and Bro. R. Brown over shunting duties.

When Bro. M. Allen knows of his move to Seaford, the L.D.C. will be seeking a Establishment meeting with a view of not filling their two vacancies and reduce to 38 men.

The L.D.C. were at this time awaiting a meeting of the minutes they are to be reprinted and will be show they are being updated.

That concluded the L.D.C. report.

Health & Safety

Bro. M. Allen then mentioned that on Health and Safety the following were being looked into.

Booking Hall Tunbridge Wells West lighting, alteration to East Croydon, ear plugs, toilet Oxted, Tunbridge Wells car park – holes in parking area, paper towels - Oxted and East Grinstead.

There being no other items the Chairman then moved on to any other business as none come forward, the meeting closed at 12.17 p.m.

Tunbridge Wells Meeting

Sunday 19th July 1983 at 10.00 a.m.

at the Welfare Rooms Tunbridge Wells Central Station

There being 7 members in attendance, they were

Bros. K. Knowles, F. Diplock, A. Herriott, M. Allen, J. Carney, R. Simpson & H. Love.

The Chairman opened the meeting at 10.10 and welcomed all, the minutes was then read by the Secretary after which the Chairman asked for any comments or demands made upon them. It was then proposed by Bro. K. Knowles and seconded by Bro F. Diplock. That the minutes of the June meeting be taken as a true record. All in favour.

The Chairman then moved on to circulars received since the last meeting.

T.U.C. Basic Railway Course. It was mentioned that Bro. A. Herriott be nominated to go on this course as he missed out on last years course. All agreed.

On correspondence to and from Branch since last meeting. The Secretary did mention that the following headings had been received or dealt with. After which a short debate was given, the Chairman then moved on to District Council report. The Secretary mentioned that this was the first time he had attended a District Council and found it very useful and interesting and he had made some notes but not yet written them up for posting at the depot.

The Secretary did mention that on the E.C. report given by the President Bro. D. Fullick. That rest days and overtime was a subject that not only were they worried about, but management, and as it was the whole trade unions aim to terminate excessive overtime, but problem facing not only the unions, but the men themselves was that if men choose to ban overtime just like that, management would just cancel trains and work with men available.

On pay the union was pleased to see Jimmy Knapp got the N.U.R. Secretary’s position and have had very sensible meetings with him since. They did have a meeting with management on pay and after some discussion all parties excepted the 4.25% pay rise. The offer was one with no strings, if they had pressed it through to a tribunal it was arranged that Lord McCarthy would attach strings and whatever he decided management had said they would not pay 1/2p more.

The president then went on to assured us that the job of the E.C. is now to avoid the pit falls of the past and look to see what we can get for the future.

On Flexible Rostering, the unions were having problem having to get a meeting with management the one that was arranged was cancelled by management for no reason, but we know that management are trying to hold consultation meetings with L.D.C. while meetings are being held at National Level. Management are trying to undermined the union’s  case.

On extra day leave as per 1982 pay award, management have agreed this extra day for 1983 but a meeting has not yet ben made but would be expected to be either at Christmas or carried over to next year in the form of a lieu day.

That concluded the report from Bro. Fullick, we then had a report from Bro. Milligan after which Bro. Eames gave a report on Sectional Council “B”. He stressed that all L.D.C.s should ask for an establishment meeting every six months whether they need one or not, this is required so Sectional Council keep in contact and keep their figures up to date.

On Tunbridge Wells, no movement yet on the closure, the minister has not yet decided and management are not pushing.

Timetable next year, there is a lot of carve ups of which a photo copy is to be sent to each delegate as soon as it is received, the Secretary will post same at Tunbridge Wells. Sundays will stay the same, East Grinstead only to London Mon-Sat, some London to East Grinstead but Oakfield will have alter frequency to take in account of single line timings.

That ended the District Council report.

The Chairman then went on to the vacancy that will be left open when he moves to his new depot and as this is his last meeting as an official of the Tunbridge Wells branch, he did thank everyone for everything and mentioned that everything must and will continue. The same whoever is in the Chair but did mention that he had enjoyed being at Tunbridge Wells West.

Before nominations for the position that will be vacated by Bro. M. (Tony) Allen, the Secretary did say a few words of thanks to Bro. M. Allen (Tony) for all the work he had put in Tunbridge Wells a person who will not be forgotten and the Branch wishes him all the best for the future at his new depot.

The Secretary did also mention that he had ordered a gift for Tony this had not arrived but asked if the Branch give their approval for this gift and suggested that it came out of Branch funds. It was then moved by Bro. A. Herriett and seconded by Bro. F. Diplock. That the Branch agrees with the Secretary’s action on purchasing a gift for Bro. M. Allen and it to be paid for from Branch funds. All in favour.

It was then suggested by the Secretary that Bro. M. Allen become a Honorary Member of this Branch, all agreed. Bro. M. Allen thanked everyone and was touched by the feelings of the members but assured us he would like to come to the Branch meeting until he had moved but asked the Secretary if he would check with Head Office over the policies of Honorary member, when a member of another Branch.

The Chairman then moved on to nomination for Chairman as from the next meeting.

Bro. K. Knowles made it known that he wished to stand as Chairman as from the next meeting and with no other being interested, he was nominated by Bro. A. Herriett and seconded by Bro. H. love. That Ken Knowles be the Branch’s Chairman for the rest of the year and a

to complete the term of office now vacant. All in favour.

On District Council delegate, the Assistant Bro. J. Carney made it known that he wished to take over as delegate for this Branch. It was then moved by Bro. A. Herriett and seconded by Bro. F. Diplock. That John Carney be this Branch District Council Delegate for the term of office now vacated. All in favour.

Now Bro. J. Carney is District Council Delegate, it now leaves the Assistant Delegate vacant. Bro. A. Herriett made it known that he would be willing to stand. It was then moved by Bro. J. Carney and seconded by Bro. K. Knowles. That Andrew Herriett be this Assistant District Council representative for the rest of the year and to complete the term of office now vacant. All in favour.

The Chairman then moved on to Trustee and Auditor Bro. J. Carney mentioned that Bro. G. Ellard would likely to be interested in that position. he is a member of the Branch Committee at this time, but the Secretary said he would ask him before next meeting. It was then moved by Bro. J. Carney and seconded by Bro. A. Herriot. That Gerry Ellard be asked if he would except the position of Trustee and Auditor of this Branch until the end of the year when general election take place. All in favour.

The Chairman then asked if anyone was interested as Trade Council Assistant Delegate. Bro. K. Knowles made it known that he would be interested and it was then moved by Bro. J. Carney and seconded by Bro. F. Diplock. That Bro. K. Knowles to be the Trade Council Assistant Delegate for this Branch. All in favour

The Chairman then moved to a vacancy that has been with us a while and that is of Branch Secretary Assistant. It was mentioned that this position is only required in the event of the Secretary not being able to fulfil his duties in exceptional circumstances and up to date, this has not be required. It was then Bro. R. Simpson made it known that he was interested in that position. It was then moved by Bro. K. Knowles and seconded by Bro. F. Diplock. That Rodney Simpson be Assistant Branch Secretary until the next A.G.M. as this position is vacant. All in favour.

The chairman also suggested that Bro. R. Simpson be put on the list as a Committee member. This all agreed.

The Chairman then asked the L.D.C. Secretary for his report.

The L.D.C. Secretary started by listing all the meetings held so far

Establishment meeting – remains 40 but worked by 38 men.

Flexible Roster under consultation as it was management’s fault to agree, diagrams scrutiny on flexible roster.

On rosters the L.D.C. have kept in touch with management, because it was now feeling of this L.D.C. that we should be in on the roster and not to have one that management might try and impose on us.

On the Fail to agree by management, they now say under this new Area Manger, we can have all want the fail to agree at our meeting held with Mr. Burrows of Redhill. Meeting to be arranged.

On Annual Leave, the roster will be posted until the end of July.

L.D.C. minutes are to be revised and the new minutes should read better by cutting out minutes no longer applicable.

That concluded the L.D.C. report.

Under any other business, Bro. F. Diplock brought up that Ron Bridger has not yet received his 45 year badge. The Secretary pointed out that he was awaiting someone to bring this up as this man worked for two days during the strike. He wanted the branch’s feelings on what they wished him to do, it was then agreed that the Secretary do write to Head Office and obtain a badge for Bro. R. Bridger, but not to make a presentation at the branch. All agreed.

Bro. M. Allen asked the Secretary if he would bring up Bro. H. Love’s case again, now in the light of their new General, Bro. Jimmy Knapp. This he said he would do. The Chairman then went on to L.D.C. nomination, it was normal practice for the Branch to nominate a member of the branch who then becomes the only member of the Branch who then becomes the only member to stand for the position vacant. But as we had two popular members put forward for the L.D.C. position, it was all agreed by a show of hands, that a ballot will take placed at the depot, run by management. The voting was as follows. For a ballot at the depot 4, against 1, abstention 1, members eligible to vote 6.

After which no other business come forward. The Chairman thanked all for attending and said finally that he will all the time he is living in Tunbridge Wells with the permission of all, attend Tunbridge Wells Branch meetings. All of which were pleased and made his comments welcomed.

Meeting ended at 12.30.

Tunbridge Wells Meeting

Sunday 21st August 1983 at 10.00 a.m.

at the Welfare Rooms Tunbridge Wells Central Station

The Chairman opend the meeting at 10.12 and welcomed all, in attendance were

Bros, F. Diplock, A. Herriett, R. Simpson, J. Carney & L. Stephenson

The Chairman then asked the Secretary to read the minutes of the last meeting.

The Secretary then read the minutes of the July meeting after which comments were made on Assistant Branch Secretary not being valid as Bro. R. Simpson is a dual member. Bro. G. Ellard had been asked about being a Trustee and has excepted, after which Bro. A. Herriett moved and was seconded by Bro. F. Diplcok. That the July minutes be taken as a true record. All in favour.

The Chairman then before moving on to next item brought to the members attention again. That the Branch Assistant position would have to be corrected, and Bro R. Simpson did have the position explained that a dual member cannot take up a officers position on the Branch. It was then moved by Bro. F. Diplock and seconded by Bro. L. Stephenson. That Bro. R. Simpson will not now be their Branch’s Branch Secretary’s Assistant because of his dual membership and the position explained to him. All in favour.

The Chairman then moved on to circulars since last meeting. The Secretary then mentioned that as all circulars were requested to be reposted as from this meeting, he will leave the last 2-3 months circulars posted for men to check back on.

Comment were made as letter concerning R. Woodbridge, the Secretary was asked to write to Bro. Neil Milligan to check out the contents of that letter also to bring to his attention that Bro. Searl a member of ASLEF who worked during the strike would soon being going up for disciplinary.

The letter from Head Office over the proposed closure of Tunbridge Wells West. The Secretary again was asked to write to Bro. Neil Milligan to see if he had a copy of the T.U.C.C. report.

The Chairman then moved on to Health & safety report, this was given by the Secretary who mentioned that as it was only last meeting he was given the job, he had yet to get things moving but mentioned one new item that of the concrete path outside the men’s cubical toilets, where the concrete had flaked and left pot holes which was considered dangerous.

The Chairman then mentioned that there was meant to be a presentation to Bro. M. Allen, but as Bro. M. Allen was not in the room this was held over.

The Chairman then asked that the Secretary reports under Health & Safety, the large step down and the step up from units to the telephone on the outer home signal on the down road towards Birchden Junction. This the Secretary said he would take up.

The Chairman then moved on to L.D.C. report

Bro. A. Herriott then mentioned Flexible Roster, this had now been posted at the depot, it had been agreed by both sides and C.T.O. are in progress of bringing in the diagrams with the altered numbers. The members present said they understood they way the new roster was to work and agreed with it the question of changing over with other men was brought up and all the different ways and problems with that were discussed.

The timetables of next year’s train service was briefly described and Bro. F. Diplock mentioned what he had heard, after which the members present asked that the L.D.C. try and find out what is going to happen to our line and if they are proposing to close our line. This of course after the minster has given his decision. If he decides to allow the line to close, then the L.D.C. should aim at getting the depot as soon as possible to allow movement of men, if not then to get some idwa of a repairing plan for the out dated sleepers etc.

The Chairman then asked for any other business, as none come forward the meeting a then closed at 12.20

Tunbridge Wells Meeting

Sunday 18th September 1983 at 10.00 a.m.

at the Welfare Rooms Tunbridge Wells Central Station

Members in attendance were Bros F. Diplock, L. Stephenson, R. Simpson & J. Carney. 

Bro. M. Allen who was asked to attend as a guest.

In the absence of the Chairman Bro. F. Diplock did take the chair, upon a show of hands.

The Chairman welcomed all and mentioned a warm welcome to our old branch member Bro. M. Allen and opened the meeting at 10.28.

Before the Chairman asked the Secretary to read the minutes, he would like to make a presentation to our member who has left us to work at Seaford, and to thank him for all the work done on behalf of the men at Tunbridge Wells.

Bro. M. Allen excepted a pen set inscribed with many thanks from ASLEF Branch and the Chairman also presented Bro. M. Allen with a life membership of this Branch to allow him to attend any branch meetings s a member but without voting powers.

Bro. M. Allen expressed his appreciation for this presentation and wished to thank the members and was proud to be a life member of this branch.

The Chairman then moved on to the minutes after which the Chairman asked for matters arising from before the minutes were signed.

Question were asked about R. Woodbridge letters to Bro. Neil Milligan and other letters this the Secretary read out and informed the meeting that a copy of all correspondence had been sent to Bro. N. Milligan for his reference.

Question on collection of the depot were mentioned in respect for our late friend Bro. Len Forward of Tonbridge Branch. The Secretary mentioned that with all the work he has at the present time, he could not arrange the collection himself but would ask Bro. R. Brown to do a collection for him.

Question as Tonbridge men working over Tonbridge – Eridge line on Sundays when all depots concerning this line were informed that this depot is in dispute with management not allowing trains to operate over this line and Tunbridge Wells men working Sundays. The Secretary informed the meeting that all depots had received two letters informing them of our position, the last one was February  19th 1983, of which no reply was received and the Secretary does believe that Tonbridge was having trouble with the Branch, meeting sometimes 5-6 months gaps.

It was suggested that the Secretary write to Bro. D. Fullick and explain the situation.

The Chairman then asked for mover for the minutes it was then moved by Bro. L. Stephenson and seconded by Bro. R. Simpson. That the minutes of the August meeting be taken as a true record. Carried.

Circulars were then read, the numbers only being mentioned except for the one since last meeting as they have all reposted, the last one up to the meetings was mentioned in full.

On matters arising one voting paper was to hand that was to hand that of the Appeals Committee. It was mentioned that 4 letters had been received on the above subjected, after a short debate it was felt that Tunbridge Wells West vote should go in favour of Bro. D.J. Smith. This was moved by Bro. L. Stephenson and seconded by Bro. F. Diplock. That Bro. D.J. Smith of Salisbury should get this branch’s favour in the coming election for Appeals Committee. All in favour.

The Chairman then moved on to correspondence and of correspondence. The Chairman then asked on matters arising if the Secretary would write to Head Office of Mr. Searl who worked during the strike while at Tonbridge and see if this man had paid his fine or joined another union.

The Chairman after no other matters arising on correspondence moved on to Health & Safety. The Secretary then mentioned that a letter had been sent to management of the 15th September stating outstanding items and if members do come across items that would be a danger to others would they let him have it in wrting. Bro. L. Stephenson complain over a ladder at East Grinstead, which had fallen across the track in the Bay Road. The Secretary asked for a copy of his report so as this may be taken up. Also mentioned was the door handles on units 1106 & 1306 had been changes from an angle to a vertical position so again drivers might catch their fingers in the door. The Secretary asked members to watch out for these doors and to report to him the unit numbers of each unit that is found to be like that.

The Secretary said he would be writing into management for his 3 monthly inspection if there was any item that the embers felt should be brought to managements attention would they again put it in writing.

That concluded the Health & Safety report.

The Chairman then moved on to L.D.C. report.

In absent of the L.D.C. Secretary, the Secretary of the Branch Bro. J. Carney then mentioned about Flexible Rosters and how they were to work and about changing over the men in attendance did ask questions which were answered in the absent of any paper work.

Bro. F. Diplock then mentioned that he had obtained copy of the 1984 timetable and had asked one of the L.D.C. members to pass it over to the Branch Secretary for photo coping and distribution to these bodies who would be interested in the, the Secretary did mention that to date he had not received them, but as soon as he does this will be done.

The Chairman then moved on to any other business. The members present asked about route learning over the New Cottage Junction at East Croydon.

The Branch Secretary then mentioned that to date only 8 members of this branch had gone up to East Croydon and he was worried that some of the remaining 30 men would not get a day training as there were only 2 weekends left between that meeting and October 3rd, the implantation date. Sunday training was mentioned. Men present did object as they did not like working Sundays due to management’s closure of the Sunday service on the Oxted to Uckfield and Tunbridge Wells West line. The Secretary agreed with the men present, but said that this day training was outside the area, we had said we were in dispute over as depot was then had and it was felt that in the short time left and that some members were going to enjoy 14 hours extra pay for Saturday training that on this occasion that the T.C.S. should try and get as many men up over the next two weeks as possible including Sundays.

Meeting then ended at 12.30.

The Chairman thanked all for attending

Tunbridge Wells Meeting

Sunday 16th October 1983 at 10.00 a.m.

at the Welfare Rooms Tunbridge Wells Central Station

There being 4 members in attendance, they were Bros. L. Stephenson, R. Simpson, 

K. Knowles & J. Carney

The Chairman opened the meeting at 10.20 and all were welcomed

The minutes of the September meeting was then read out after which was moved by Bro. L. Stephenson and seconded by Bro. R. Simpson. That the minutes of the September meeting be taken as a true record. All in favour

On matters arising from minutes, door handles on units 1107, 1314, 1116, 1105, 1106 & 1306 were now in a straight position and now as the units numbers had been given, the Secretary would now pass them over to the Health & Safety Representative.

The Chairman then asked the Secretary that on Flexible rostering, as these had been imposed on the depot in July 1982 and withdrawn by management on the same day after some 8 to 10 hours. That this branch should be back paid to then and not to the proposed January 1983. In the absent again of the L.D.C. Secretary, it was suggested that the Branch Secretary pursues this item to Sectional Council ‘B’.

The Chairman then moved on to circulars and correspondence since last meeting .

Long Service Awards

The Branch asked the Secretary if he would ask each member if they would attend the next branch meeting to have their award properly given to them but in the event of them declining the offer the Secretary to hand them their badge on behalf of the Branch.

The Secretary then gave an up to date account on Health & Safety. The Chairman then asked if the Secretary had received his letter over the ballast at Birchden Junction. The Secretary said this had now been taken up under the L.D.C. local minutes and a reply had been sent to him and as soon as the work has been carried and the Secretary would be writing to him again.

L.D.C. report, as the L.D.C. Secretary was absent, the men asked the Secretary to forward a stern complaint to Bro. A. Herriott and forward the following also

337 duty no preheat time, 328 duty attached at East Grinstead no preheat time and 332 duty should read 324 Saturday Only diagrams wrong.

Under any other business the member present asked that  Flexible Rosters be up dated, the diagrams be adjusted and the rosters shown and displayed at the depot.

The Secretary then asked members to note that the November meeting will be for nominations on all Branch Officers position and two L.D.C. members positions and would member please note that the Secretary who holds the post as

Trades Council, District Council, L.D.C. (Chairman), Branch Secretary, Health & Safety Rep., has felt that it is getting to much and will not be standing for some of these and at this time was not prepared to say which he would be standing for.

The Chairman then asked for any other business, as none come forward the meeting was closed at 12.10.

Tunbridge Wells Meeting

Sunday 20th November 1983 at 10.00 a.m.

at the Welfare Rooms Tunbridge Wells Central Station

Members in attendance were Bros. F. Diplock, A. Herriett, K. Knowles & J. Carney

Bro. K. Knowles was Chairman of the meeting and opened the meeting at 10.20 and welcomed all member present.

The Secretary then read the minutes after which the Secretary apologised for not informing the L.D.C. Secretary about duties 337, 328 & 332. Minutes were then proposed by Bro. F. Diplcok and seconded by Bro. A. Herriet. That the minutes of the October meeting be taken as a true record. All in favour.

The secretary then gave a report on circulars and correspondence that have been received. On correspondence, the Secretary mentioned that the badges had received from Head office, the men concerned. He only saw one of and did not wish to have his badge given to him by the Branch. The Secretary mentioned he would get around to seeing the other two men as soon as possible.

The Chairman then moved on to Health & Safety

Items outstanding

Birchden Junction Outer Home Signal, Inspection of work place, to L.D.C Secretay over Tonbridge Coal Road, Cleaning tokens, inspection of Tonbridge up Hastings & Victoria, Safety Link 83 & Policy Statement.

The L.D.C. Secretary gave his report

Items that are being dealt with are

State of line – letter to Sectional Council ‘C’, the L.D.C. Secretary mentioned that the extra rest day in the 6 block will have to and will not be in the new workings, in the next 8 week period.

The Chairman wished to mention that the L.D.C. Secretary through the Branch had been nominated to go to a monthly course of which he was successfully in getting a place, yet he has not been and the Chairman wish to log that this Branch is annoyed that Bro. A. Herriett did not go or inform the Branch so another member could have gone.

The L.D.C. Secretary mentioned that he wished to go, but management had mentioned a course which was one week and preferred to go on that the Branch Secretary then mentioned that he should contact management to secured a place on the next course as it was no the Branch who could nominate him on that course.

The Chairman then brought up the two voting papers on the table, the first was on the Parliamentary Panel. The Secretary then mentioned that letter to date had been received from Birkenhead and after a short debate, Bro. F. Diplock proposed and seconded by Bro. A. Herriett. That A.E. Finnigan of Birkenhead gets Tunbridge Wells vote for the Parliamentary Panel. All in favour.

The second voting paper was for Appeal Panel and it was proposed by Bro. F. Diplock and seconded by Bro. K. Knowles. That Bro. D. Bush of Slade’s Green will get Tunbridge Wells vote for the Appeal Committee. All in favour.

The Chairman then moved on to nominations for L.D.C.

As there were two L.D.C. positions up for election the Chairman then drew to the members attention that Bro. J. Carney has indicated that he did not wish to stand for L.D.C. for the next two years. The Chairman then thanked Bro. J. Carney for the work that he had put in as an L.D.C. member over the last 4 years.

It was then moved that Bro. A. Herriott be put forward to coming on as L.D.C. member for another 2 years. By Bro. F. Diplock and seconded by Bro. J. Carney. That Bro. A. Herriett be this Branch’s nominee for the L.D.C. 184/85. All in favour.

The vacancy that had now been left by Bro. J. Carney had been mentioned that Bro. L. Stephenson did wish to apply for the L.D.C. 1984/85 election. It was then proposed by Bro. F. Diplock and seconded by Bro. A. Herriot. That Bro. Len Stephenson be this Branch’s nominee for the L.D.C. all in favour.

The Chairman then moved on to other officer of the Branch and positions held within.

On Trades Council delegate, Bro. J. Carney did mention his wish to step down from this post and the deputy Bro. K. Knowles had been to a meeting and it was felt that he should take over this position. It was then moved by Bro. J. Carney and seconded by Bro. A. Herriett. That he should be this Branch’s representative to the Trades Council. All in favour.

On the L.D.C. the Branch Secretary mentioned that before he started the Branch Secretary job, it was general practice that the Secretary be the Co-opted member of the L.D.C. if any member of the L.D.C. was unable to go to a meeting, this was so because the Branch Secretary was the member up to date will L.D.C. policy, as now that Bro. J. Carney has stepped down from the L.D.C. and as it was his intention to carry on as Branch secretary (subject to the Branch’s exceptions). This minutes should now be re-introduced. It was all agreed and the Chairman then moved. That in the event that a L.D.C. member cannot go to a meeting that the Co-opted member will be the Branch Secretary. All in favour. All in favour – adopted. 

This minutes should now be re-introduced. It was all agreed and the Chairman then moved. That in the event that a L.D.C. member cannot go to a meeting that the Co-opted member will be the Branch Secretary. All in favour. All in favour – adopted. 

This minutes should now be re-introduced. It was all agreed and the Chairman then moved. That in the event that a L.D.C. member cannot go to a meeting that the Co-opted member will be the Branch Secretary. All in favour. All in favour – adopted. 

The Chairman then moved on to Branch Officers after the Secretary mentioned the officers of 1983 with it’s alterations it was then moved by Bro. F. Diplock and seconded by Bro. A. Herriett. That the following names against the position will be voted en block.

Life Member Bro. M. Allen

Chairman, Bro. K. Knowles, Secretary Bro. J. Carney, Vice Chairman Bro. A. Herriett, 

Assistant Secretary No one at Present time

Trustees & Auditors Bro. W. Baldwin & G. Ellard

Committee Members Bros. R. Luckhurst, F. Diplock, G. Ellard & R. Simpson

District Council Delegate Bro. J. Carney & Assistant Delegate Bro. A. Herriett.

L.D.C. Members Bros. A. Herriett, L. Stephenson, H. Marchant & R. Luckhurst. 

L.D.C. Co-opted member Branch Secretary.

Scruitineer Bro. F. Diplock, Trades Council Bro. K. Knowles.

After which the Chairman called for any other business of which none come forward and so the meeting was closed at 12.15

Tunbridge Wells Meeting

Sunday 18th December 1983 at 10.00 a.m.

at the Welfare Rooms Tunbridge Wells Central Station

Members in attendance were nine

Bro. K. Knowles was Chairman who opened the meeting at 10.24 and welcomed all for attending and asked the Secretary to mention any apologies, the Secretary had received one apology that was from Bro. C. Exley.

The minutes of the November meeting were then read after which it was proposed by Bro. A. Herriet and seconded by Bro. F. Diplock. That the minutes be taken as a true record. All in favour.

The Chairman then moved on to circulars since the last meeting 

The Chairman then asked if anyone was interested in the 1984 A.A.D. No one came forward.

The Chairman asked if any L.D.C. member wished to go on the T.U.C. Winter Course, again no one came forward.

The Chairman then asked if any members wished to go to National School and no one came forward and on T.U.C. Youth course and again no one wished to go.

The Chairman then asked the Secretary to move on to correspondence between the Branch since the last meeting.

The T.U.C. voting paper was read and afterwards Bro. F. Diplock proposed the following which was seconded by Bro. W. Baldwin. That Tunbridge Wells do vote for Bro. Friend and Bro. Plaine for the T.U.C. All in favour.

The Chairman asked for anyone to propose a vote on the Parliamentary Panel, of which it was decided that as none of the men had informed the secretary of that members present asked that a no vote be taken.

The Secretary then mentioned that he had received a letter from Bro. C. Exley with a motion put forward with Bro. R. Coomber seconded it. This was a Rest Day Saturday men available to work and the letter that the L.D.C. had put up with a proviso that this Branch would alter or except what they decided.

After the letter had been read out with the motion, the members present felt that there should be some directive to the T.C.S. or list Clerk from this branch and we ask the L.D.C to abide by this Branch’s decision, after a short debate it was decided that a no vote would be taken on Bro. C. Exley motion. But a motion on the same subject be put forward from this Branch. It was then proposed by Bro. L. Stephenson and seconded by Bro. F. Diplock. That the man who is Rest Day Mon – Sat will work the turn nearest to his booking on time, the day previous. Unam.

The last item on correspondence was on Bro. R. Brown who had asked the Secretary to follow up the letter from Secretary to follow up the letter from Sectional Council by asking why he was paid back pay in week 30 that he informed the Secretary by phone that would be doing himself through management. The member present felt that Bro. Brown if he is doing a job temporary or permentally should get the pay on the day he went into that job, any increases after that date he would not get until he came back on to the footplate and the members felt that the Secretary should inform Bro. R. Brown.

That ended the correspondence

Health & Safety

The Secretary mentioned that this would be his last report as Heath and Safety as he no longer a L.D.C. member after this meeting he would be handed the job over to Bro. L. Stephenson shortly into the New Year.

Outstanding items were Birchden Junction, new items were handles on units, the walk about had now been done and it will be interesting to see if items listed will be done.

The Chairman then moved on to L.D.C. Secretary

Bro. A. Herriett first mentioned the meeting they went to two days previous to the meeting, this was with Sectional Council ‘B’. They have told the L.D.C. that there is nothing on the depot closing and they hve said that would not know until the minister had made his decision.

On the electrifying of the Tonbridge to Hastings will be but not Tunbridge Wells to Eridge as the £24 million does not include that line.

If the minister decides that the line stays open the line would not be electrified.

Sectional Council did say that if the depot closes they would have to bring in displacement rule for the first time, because of the depot closing in May 1984, there would not be the vacancy but no one would be out of a job. They do say that when the minister has decided and if it is to close, B.R. would only take a few months to shut this depot. The L.D.C. reckon October 1984 at the earliest or May 1985.

The depot will not be able to freeze anymore vacancies as we can not cover.

Sectional Council through the L.D.C. have said they would willing come to one of our Branch meetings if it was the wish of the members.

Members in replied, said that when we get nearer to knowing more about our line we would ask them to attend to our meeting.

That concluded the L.D.C. report.

Bro. R. Collins asked if the Secretary could find out were his 1984 diary had got to, this the Secretary said he would write to Selhurst for.

Bro. H. love mentioned to the Secretary about him getting 50p a day the same as drivers do and the Secretary would like some guidance from the member to how he should go about this.

Bro. W. Baldwin mentioned that when he arrived at Tunbridge Wells he was Branch Secretary and that he did get Bro. Love London Allowance, but the amount would not increase and also mentioned that he had been told that other driver wages he would not be able to claim any other increases or pay awards to footplate men only and he had suggested that the Secretary to write Bro. Love, and onto him, this the Secretary said he would do.

The Chairman then moved on to the Branch accounts.

The Secretary mentioned that as to date the Branch had not sent the Branch the closing statement. The Secretary has not been able to complete his accounts, but hope that by the next meeting all receipts and statements would be completed.

After which the Chairman asked for any other business, as none come forward he closed the meeting at 12.20.

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