HELD ON APRIL 13th 1993

Members present R. Perrin, F. Langridge, M. Hawkins, N. Cowdrey, T. Fielding, J. Osborne, 

D. Jupp, G. Tew, N. Wallhead, R. Lewis, I. Wilson, D. Hogan, P. Edwards, B. Brown, 

W. Mackenzie, C. Newton, R. Matthews, A. Flowers, M. Freeman, S. Hole, W. Jones 

& M. Hunter.

District Secretary L. Warboys & Functional Council Rep. A. Allen

Guest Speaker R.M.T. G. Hewitt.

District Secretary Len Warboys called the meeting to order, in doing so explained to all the reason why Brighton had not had a formal branch, he accepted our outstanding grievance on the issue of election procedures. He called upon the members to form a branch, this, the members agreed with the following rider.

“That this branch, whilst forming a branch, do so, but still rejects the E.C. ruling on the disfranchisement of branches in elections, and further calls upon the E.C. to remove all such restrictions.”

Meeting agreed that Bro. W. Mackenzie should now chair the opening of this meeting.
All current circulars were read out, the following proposal was called for Ref No.83/1993 re Appeals Committee nomination. 
Proposed M. Hawkins & seconded J. Osborne. 
“That this Brach supports the nomination of Bro. S. Fuller Seaford Branch.” Voted unam 
Depot Reps
Proposed M. Hawkins & seconded G. Tew. 
“That Bro. P. Edwards be elected to the casual vacancy of the L.D.C. from 4th May 1993.
Branch Committee Elections
Following nominations from the membership, the following members were elected as officers for 1993
Chairman Bro. M. Hawkins
Assistant Chair Bro. P. Edwards
Secretary Bro. C. Newton
Assistant Sec. Bro. I. Osborne.
Trustees Bros. J. Osborne & S. Hole
Auditors Bros. T. Fielding & R. Matthews
District Council Bro. C. Newton
Committee Bros. M. Hunter, F. Langridge, W. Jones, B. Brown, R. Lewis, W. Mackenzie, 
M. Thompson, M. Freeman, A. Flowers & J. Payne.

L.D.C. report
Bro. W. Mackenzie explained the reasons why the links had to be re-arranged, the following links apply
No. 1 36 drivers a drop of 20
No. 2 40 drivers a drop of 4 
No. 3. 40 drivers a drop of 4
No. 4 16 drivers.

All other links remain the same number; the plus is that Link No.2 will now learn Southampton.

New computer system after continuing min system still does not produced a new roster.
Questions on Functional Council’s roll in diagram scrutiny of L.D.C’s roll.

District Council Report
Bro. L. Warboys explained the union and where we all stand and called for 100% backing on 16th February. He continued saying, that privatisation was never thought to be a threat, also pension would be affected and everybody would suffer under the proposed Privatisation Plan, ghost franchises would be set up and run independent to any other set ups, staff would have 
no P.T. & R.A. outside their own franchise, and have dedicate links, we must all fight for just rights.

R.M.T. Representative G. Hewitt was allowed time to address the meeting in view of the serious position all railway staff are in today and gave full and frank talk.

At this point the secretary asked for the District Secretary to present to Bro. Mackenzie a small token of our support in his election success as E.C. and resigned as Branch Chairman, Secretary called for a vote of thanks.

Above Brighton A.S.L.E.F. Branch member Bill MacKenzie (right) former E.C. President and E.C. member for District No.1, with Jim Rowe (left) A.S.L.E.F. Southern Region Sectional Council "B" (Basingstoke Branch). 
Bill served on Brighton M.T. L.D.C. from 1971~1993 before being elected straight onto the Executive Committee of ASLEF for District No.1 and later elected by his fellow E.C. members to the position of E.C. Presedent.


HELD ON MAY 4th 1993 

Members present M. Hawkins, C. Newton, I. Osborne, T. Fielding, P. Edwards, J. Osborne, 

M. Cole, M. Bullen & P. White.
L.D.C Report
Proposed up date of walking route in L.W.S. area, also assurances over improvements to Depot Protection, mess room improvements are in hand, new rosters are now posted, members were advised to inform list clerk of any route refresher required.

Health & Safety Report
Bro. M. Hawkins reported that outstanding matters which he hoped would be dealt with, foliage in the “Falmer Area” and L.W.S. were bad an urgent meeting and being requested.


HELD ON JUNE 8th 1993

Members present C. Newton, M. Hawkins, S. Hole, B. Brown, P. Edwards, T. Fielding, 

F. Langridge, M. Hunter, M. Freeman & E.C Member W. Mackenzie.

Chairman then called for standing orders to be suspended so that the E.C. member could speak to the branch.
Following the special meeting held at the Littlehampton Branch, Bro. Mackenzie agreed to explain the current position on matters of privatisation, and the set up of the ghost franchise.
The 1.5% Pay Award explained
The proposed new rate of pay for Driver Instructor’s £2,000.00, it would go on the basic and would be £12,792.00
Proposed new drug testing arrangements, manning of ballast trains. Expected job losses and the effects on the pension funds and the effects of the government’s plans to seek control of the pensions.

Request by members that the L.D.C. look into the A/Rs within the links, and also alterations to some rest days particularly on nights turns.
Rumours of a new super depot at Barnham, at the moment management have no firm plans, but members were assured that this branch would seek firm assurances with regards to the diagrams of Brighton.  

Brighton Driver Phil Briggs  

on a "Bicycle Belle" at Brighton 1993 


HELD ON JULY 13th 1993

Committee Members present M. Hawkins, J. Osborne, C. Newton, M. Hunter & P. Edwards 

Following no branch meeting on 12th July a special committee meeting was arranged so that the following business could be conducted Ref Circular No. 161/1993, Election of District Secretary No.1. 

Proposed M. Hunter & seconded J. Osborne. “That this branch nominates L. Warboys of Portsmouth Branch. 

Election of Appeals Committee
“That this branch votes for Bro. S. Fuller, Seaford Branch to be elected."


Ron Terrill and his trainman Jeff Edisbury at Eastbourne with the Sussex Belle' 

on the 11th September 1993


HELD ON OCTOBER 21tst 1993 

Members present 
Owing to the large number of members attending and the limited space, only the number is being recorded, 37 members. 


1994 A.A.D. Delegate.

“That this branch has voted for Bro. R. Luxford of Three Bridges.” Proposed D. Knight & seconded P.Edwards.

Election of A.G. Secretary.
No nominations from meeting 

Working of Rostering Sundays
Subject matter raised in E.C. Member’s address.

Footplate Depots 1994
Again subject matter debated by our E.C. Member and D.F.C. Member.
Privatisation Bill October 26th
Contents of all circulars were noted and a request that as many members possible attend the rally/lobby in London. 

Letter from London Bridge Branch
Rostered Sunday Working
Following the reading of this and then debated, the following resolution was put to the members. 
“That this branch adopts London Bridge resolution and instructs our Branch Secretary to forward our members adoption of the 
resolution to the E.C. for their attention.” 
Proposed I. Wilson & P. Osborne. Voted unam. 

Membership Applications
The following new members were placed before this branch. 
Bro. S. Gandey Proposed P. Edwards & seconded D. Knight 
Bro. V. Gunn Proposed J. Osborne & seconded D. Pumphrey 
Bro. I. Walker Proposed J. Payne & seconded B. Hall 
Voted all in favour of these members being accepted as members. 

L.D.C. Report
Establishment Review, Route Training/L215 payments, revised walking route – L.W.S., Men on rostered overtime, ticket-less pay & revised Sunday Working Agreements. 

Health & safety Report
Concern over key operated level crossing, foliage within L.W.S. Depot anda possible ban on sidings. 

E.C. member W. Mackenzie
Our E.C. member was welcomed to our branch and gave a very detail account of our present position. 
Reported – the plans of how each business is in relation to depots (who does what). 
A.A.D. Decision for a ban on Rest Days 
Sunday Working Rostered Duties 
Privatisation – Pension Right/Funds 

D.F.C. Member A. Allen
Again we welcomed our D.F.C. member to our branch and thank him for coming. Tony spoke on many issues 
Driver Instructions how the agreement to pay the rate was reached and if the problems surrounding it, the roll these members are playing 
T.U.P.E. was mentioned and on how we would be unprotected if allowed to go. 
An indepth report on the Air/Rail Gatwick Service set up. 
Possible Franchise of Thameslink and on the members of drivers required 
Current vacancy list situation 
D.F.C. function, and roll with Depot rosters, and link formation, and that of L.D.C. 

Junior Drivers in Link (4) were concerned about their position with regards to earnings, type of work, and time expected to be in Link (4). 
The L.D.C. explained how and why they had to do what they had, and the restriction the Train Crew Agreement had placed upon them. 

E.C. Member Bill Mackenzie, explained the 1988 Train Crew Agreement and on the points raised by Link (4) members then referred to the to the agreement for a detailed answer. 

D.F.C. Member Tony Allen spoke, Tony was very concerned about the reports of a letter sent to the Depot Manager Brighton, regarding the roll L.D.C.’s had in forming Links etc. Tony explained very clearly D.F.C.’s, function and that of L.D.C.’s, and that the L.D.C. had clearly complied with every part of the agreement, and that it was unfortunately that some members seemed to be restricted. 

The issue was then opened to all members for debate, and senior members felt that position was fair and just and had full confidence in the way the L.D.C. had carried out its roll. 

The following resolution was then put to the members. “That this branch has full confidence and support in the L.D.C. Committee at Brighton.” Proposed B. Hall & seconded P. Staniford. Voted unam 

Owing to the length of the meeting the Chairman proposed that the meeting be closed. Carried. Meeting closed 21.45 

Above Laurie Osman (Left) & Geoff Lovell (Bedford) 

This photo was taken on Laurie's last driving turn at Bedford whilst awaiting to work his return trip back to Brighton. 

Laurie enter the footplate grades on 4th November 1948 at Brighton. Laurie transferred to Addiscombe and then later moving back to Brighton E.M.U.T. Laurie spent many years on the Brighton E.M.U.T. L.D.C.



Members present M. Hawkins, C. Newton, P. Edwards, J. Osborne, I. Osborne, F. Langridge, 

P. Tilling, M. Hunter, S. Toughey, S. Hole, G. Tew & W. Mackenzie E.C. Member 


A.S.L.E.F. membership application

Proposed P. Edwards & seconded M. Hunter. “That Sister Gillian Colwell be accepted as a member to A.S.L.E.F.” Voted unam 

Guest Speaker E.C. Member Bill Mackenzie attending our meeting and gave the latest on Privatisation Bill, he referred to the effects of the Bill and member’s pensions, Sunday Working – the fact that Sunday was not part of our contract and that nobody should have to work if they felt the need not too. 

Christmas Sunday, the point was made that the proposed service called for volunteers and that if members were rostered they had a right to request leave. 
Again the matter of T.U.P.E. was asked and Bill explained what the effectof this being removed would be. 
1992 Transport Works Act 
News that three member were sacked for failing the new Drink/Drugs Policy, again members were urged to be careful. 

L.D.C. Report
Not much to report other than matters raised at the October meeting, again the way Link 4 operated under the Train Crew Agreement was explained. Holiday change overs were now being dealt with every eight weeks as outlined by the new arrangements. 

H&S report 
Foliage L.W.S. now being dealt with, renewed bridge timbers L.W.S. to be treated against slippery surface, revised walking route station to L.W.S. Depot. 

The matter regarding members of Training School and other staff riding in rear cabs etc and reporting drivers for breaking rules etc. After debating the issue the Branch Secretary agreed to write to the D.F.C. and request they raised the matter.



Members present J. Osborne, I. Osborne, I. Wilson, A. Chumley, P. Edwards, M. Cole, 

M. Hawkins & C. Newton

Election of Branch Officers
Following the Branch request for nominations all officers for 1993 were formally nominated to stand for re-election, with no other nominations being proposed members were asked to accept that existing branch officers be elected to office for 1994.Proposed M. Cole & seconded A. Chumley vote unam. 

Membership Applications 
The branch has two applications by staff wishing to join A.S.L.E.F. Proposed I. Wilson & seconded M. Cole. “that both applications be accepted and passed on to Head Office.” Vote unam. 

Healthy & Safety Report 
Removal of foliage L.W.S., most has now been done if only by the natural weather conditions. 
Proposed heavy cleaning up date to Brighton Messroom – still waiting to be done when completed new easy chairs will be in place. 
With the closure of Seaford Depot, all H&S issues will now be covered by Brighton Rep.

L.D.C. report
New style form planned for Forms No.1s, method of dealing with same unchanged 
November “Bonfire Service” excellent reports from Management on Train Crews assistance.
Ticketless pay – now deferred to January 9th
Pay/security - pay office now open on Fridays 
Route learning – Bedford, men now being given routes, also training expenses being dealt with by D.F.C. 
Issue of persons riding in rear cabs, matter now be addressed locally and D.F.C. level. 
Seaford Depot Closure, overall 5 duties will come to Brighton, depot’s establishment remains unchanged. 

Link Restructing, new links formed No.1 Link 40 drivers, No.2 Link 40 drivers, No.3 Link 44 drivers, Link No.4 8 drivers, and Nos. 5 & 6 Links to become one link with 12 drivers. * Men in starter link will be given the chance of route learning to London Area after six months of being in link, but the type of work to remain as now. 

D.F.C. Member Bro. Tony Allen 
Bro. Tony for filled an outstanding invite to address our Branch after a short illness. 

Depot unsupervised
Following recent incidents D.F.C. could see that all depot unsupervised would probably closed (Seaford being just such a case). 

D.F.C. would be carrying out interviews with all drivers at Seaford on depot closure. 
Croydon Training Centre 
D.F.C. have raised many issues on Driver Instructors and method agreed on training still remains as agreed. 
Payment on Driver in training allowance
Meal Allowance – deduction for tea/coffees 
Safety Briefing Days 

New Proposed Time Table (South Central) 
A new revised Thameslink/Bedford Service 
A new revised Bournemouth/Southampton service 
A new revised West Worthing/Eastbourne service 
A new revised Horsham/Charing Cross Service 
A new revised Maidstone/Gatwick Airport service 
A new revised Gatwick/Reading/Oxford Service 

Allowance for Relieving 
Changes in time allowed for drivers to change-over on route to take into account radios etc. 
With thanks to Bro. Tony Allen and no other business meeting closed 21:00

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