Chairman Bro. V. Morris

Vice Chair Bro.W. Ware

Secretary Bro. S. Cheal

Minutes of the Newhaven  Branch Meeting

held at the Labour Club on Sun March 1963


New members, V.G. Preece, D. Creasey and F. Bartholomew. moved by Bro. S. Cheal and seconded by Bro. D. Renville. That the other three "NONS," namely E. Bastin, R. Burtenshaw and R. Steele be accepted if membership form completed. Moved by Bro. W. Terrill and seconded by Bro. D. Renville. 'That the Secretary write a suitable letter to Bro. E. King now in Hospital.

Bro. T. Holder had phoned the Secretary to say he would be unable to attend this meeting, but if there was someone who could act as Chairman, he would be Newhaven L.D.C. Secretary. It was agreed the Secretary hand over all LDC business to Bro. T. Holder if satisfactory arrangements could be made.

District Council Report

Bro. S. Cheal gave an interesting report which touched on much of the correspondence, Bro. S. Cheal was now Vice Chairman of D.C. No.4

The new P.T.&R.A. was discussed and it was not thought necessary to write to Head Office re Bro C. Poole’s suggestion at D.C. No.4. The loan arrangements also covered by correspondence.

The Beeching Report 

Bro. S. Cheal gave a report on his findings in the report, all the maps etc were explained to those present. It was agreed this subject be again dealt with a the next meeting.

 E4 0-6-2T 32479 was photographed at Newhaven 

as it returned to the shed on Saturday afternoon 13 April 1963

Minutes of the Newhaven Annual General Branch Meeting

held at the Labour Club on Sun June 9th 1963

Bro. V. Harris in the Chair

7 Members present 

Bros. V. Harris, D. Renville, C. Evans, R. Terrill, W. Terrill, T. Holder, & S. Cheal.

The Secretary read the minutes, moved by Bro. D. Renville and seconded by Bro. R. Terrill. That the Chairman sign the minutes as a correct record. Questions were asked regarding new members.

Branch Fund

Moved by Bro. D. Renville and seconded by Bro. R. Terrill. That the Secretary write to Head Office requesting a refund for our Branch Fund. Carried.

March Quarter returns

The Chairman examined the quarter returns and assured all present they were in order. The Secretary read out all who were in arrears.

L.D.C. Report

Bro. T. Holder gave the up to date position regarding the suggested closure of Newhaven Loco. Along discussion arose on the closure of Newhaven Loco. The P.T. & .R.A. were discussed and it was agreed the Secretary write to Bro T. Holder outlining questions relating the Preference for men who had registered before and after the deletion of Clauses 22 to 26 for Seaford E.M.U.T. Depot. It was agreed.

That at a later and more suitable time Bro, E Channing Secretary Sectional Council No.2, be invited to attend this Branch, and that a suitable present be obtained, the cost to be taken from our Branch Fund.

1963 A.A.D. Report

Owing to the time Bro. S. Cheal was only able to report in the E.C. Report, but it was agreed that he continue his report at our next Branch meeting.

Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting

held at the Labour Club on Sun June 30th 1963

Bro. W. Ware in the Chair

13 Members present 

Bros. W. Ware, M. Giles, C. Bird, J. Hillman, R. Turner, V. Sexton, V. Harris, 

D. Renville, W. Terrill, W. Folwell, C. Evans, F. Goff & S. Cheal.

It was agreed it would not be possible to deal with all 7 items on the agenda.

The Secretary read the minutes, moved by Bro. V. Harris and seconded by Bro. T. Holder. That the Chairman sign the minutes as a correct record.Carried. 

Questions on minutes

Newhaven Branch Funds, the Secretary had received the rebate form, rule 36, £2/16/9.

P.T.&R.A. & Resettlement Arrangements Booklet. Bro. R. Terrill asked if the extra 5 had ben received from Head Office

Closure Newhaven Loco 9th September 1963.

L.D.C. & Branch Secretary Reports: -

Correspondence to and from E.H. Channing, Secretary S.C. No.2.

The position of men who took priority was made clear to all present. Bro. T. Holder gave a report of a meeting at Essex House held on Friday 28th June 1963. S.C. No.2 Staff-Side present: - E.H. Channing Secretary, M. Kenshall, Bro. Perry Sec. elect. Members present from Newhaven Loco: - Bros. T. Holder, W. Folwell, and V. Morris & R. Turner. The subject matter was fully dealt with, to date the arrangements were

14 Drivers & W. Terrill to Brighton, 1 to Eastbourne. 6 Drivers not covered.

10 Firemen to Brighton. 4 Firemen not covered.

The following was agreed "That Secretary write to Bro. C. Dray asking if he objected to Bro. E.H. Channing visiting our Branch."

After the reply from Bro. Dray the Secretary write to Head Office requesting the attendance of Bro. E.H. Channing.

The Secretary ask for replies to the following questions. The wording was also agreed by the members present.

1. Where a driver has already a registration to Seaford E.M.U.T., will it be necessary for him to state his first preference Seaford E.M.U.T. on his redundancy paper?

2. Can you let this Branch know how the 14 Drivers, 1 Shed Engineman and 10 Fireman to be allocated to Brighton Loco was arrived at?

3. can you let us know where in the re-settlement arrangements the position is covered which allows the Management to determine that no Newhaven Driver will be entitled to this payment, bearing in mind the first train arrives at Brighton at 6.55 a.m. and the last train leaves Brighton at 11.33 p.m. Many of our Drivers use no private transport and do not wish to lodge at Brighton.

The Secretary requested members to pay their June quarter subscription as soon as possible. Cash received Bro. W. Ware £1/13/- & Bro. J. Hillman £1/6/6.

It was agreed our next meeting be held as soon as possible after the necessary arrangements had been made.


 Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting

held at the Labour Club on Sun July 21st 1963

Bro. W. Ware in the Chair

15 Members present 

 Bros. W. Ware, D. Creasey, G. hilton, V. Harris, W. Folwell, M. Giles, R. Turner, 

T. Holder, F. Goff, W. Terrill J. Bowden, D. Renville, C. Evans, C. Bird & S. Cheal. 

It was agreed it would not be possible to deal with all seven items on the agenda
The Secretary read the minutes, moved by Bro. V. Harris and seconded by Bro. M. Giles. That the Chairman sign the minutes as correct record. Carried. Questions arose on the Newhaven Loco Closure.
Correspondence dealing with closure of Newhaven Loco was dealt wit.
L.D.C. report of the meeting held at Essex House, on 17th July, was given by Bro. M. Folwell. Bro. V. Morris alas attended in place of Secretary Bro. T. Holder who was on annual leave. 
A vote of thanks was moved by moved by Bro. F. Goff and seconded by Bro. C. Evans, for the stand put up by our representatives at Essex House meeting on 17th July, 1963.
Arising from the above it was agreed that theSecretary write to Head Office asking if they can assist in any way to worked by the numbers going to Brighton and to R.D.R. and H.S.R. also manning agreement re Brighton E.M.U.T.
The answer to the following questions were required. 
Would it be in order for a Redundant Driver to elect to be 'Put Back' and go into Brighton?

Could a 'Put Back Driver' retain his registration '8b' move?

It was agreed that when this Branch has visiting speakers members who cannot attend to write written questions to the Secretary. A notice to be place when necessary.


Minutes of the Newhaven Annual General Branch Meeting

held at the Labour Club on Sun Aug. 11th 1963

12 Members present

 Bros. V. Morris, J. Nash, G. Hilton, W. Ware, M. Giles, V. Harris, F. Bartholomew, 

F. Goff, C. Evans, J. Bowden, R. Turner & S. Cheal. 

Minutes of previous meeting, moved by Bro. G. Hilton and seconded by Bro. V. Harris. That the Chairman sign the minutes as a correct record.

Letter from Head Office expressing appreciation for our letter on the P.T.&R.A. resettlement booklet.

Redundancy Transfer and Resettlement Arrangements, Agreements 15.2.63.

This was dealt with throughly and it was agreed this should again be explained at our next branch meeting.

Single and Double Manning Turns of Duty
It was agreed the Secretary write to Head Office and explain the circumstances re No.54/1963.

L.D.C. Report, 

Bro. V. Morris gave the latest details of meeting between the management, Brighton and Newhaen LDC.s. 

The members did not think any useful purpose would be served by Bro. W. Cleaver visiting our Branch on Sunday 8th September 1963, but agreed that Bro. Channing, Secretry, No.2, Sectional Council would be very welcome, to answer questions relating to closure of Newhaven Loco.

All correspondence relating to PT&RA were dealt with.

June quarter returns were read by the Secretary.

It was agreed that the Secretary write to our General Secretary asking if he could visit our Branch on Sunday 25th August.

Not the items on the agenda could be dealt with as most of the time was taken up by discussion on the closure of Newhaven Loco.

The Chairman Bro. V. Morris thanked the members for attending and for appreciation made for the representation given and closed the meeting at 1.05 p.m.   


Driver Johnny Knott

Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting

held at the Labour Club on Sun Sept 1st 1963

13 Members present 

 Bros.  V. Morris, F. Goff, V. Sexton, T. Holder, C. Evans, M. Giles, G. Hilton, V. Harris, W. Terrill,  C. Bird, A. Charman, J. Lower & S. Cheal.

The meeting called for 10.15a.m. was opened by our Chairman Bro. V. Morris at 10.15a.m.

Minutes of previous meeting, the Secretary read the minutes, moved by Bro. M. Giles and seconded by Bro. C. Evans. That the Chairman sign the minted as a correct record. 

June & September Returns.

The Chairman assured all present the June Quarter Returns were in order. Members in arrears were quoted September Quarter Returns: - It was agreed the Secretary issue all members with the Quarterly Summons for September before next week’s Branch meeting and request that members clear September before going to Brighton.

It was agreed this Branch would continue to 30th September 1963.

It was agreed that no useful purpose could be served by Bro. Cleaver attending this Branch at such a late stage. 

Mr .E.H. Channing, Sectional Council Secretary.

Bro. V. Harris was thanked for meeting Bro. Channing who had arrived early.

The Secretary Bro. S. Cheal introduced Bro. Channing and then made it known of Resolution of Meeting 9.6.63, and presented Bro. Channing with a pig skin travel alarm for Mrs Channing a box of Handkerchiefs, in appreciation for the work as Secretary of S.C. No.2 as he was due to retire in October 1963.

Bro. Channing very surprised, suitably replied with thanks on behalf of his wife who was in very poor health.

Bro. Channing then presented Bro. W. Terrill with a Society Diploma for his work as Branch Collector.

Bro. Channing gave a report in detail and many questions were asked.

Bro. V. Sexton kindly made two journeys to Newhaven Loco to remove notices for Mr Channing to see. Bro. M. Giles went home to allow Bro. Channing to see replies given to him by Management. Although an L.D.C. meeting was being held tomorrow on the Firemen's Roster it was agreed that the above subject matter would be dealt with, with Bro Channing in attendance.

It was learnt at the meeting Bro. R. Turner had decided not to go into Brighton, which meant all Newhaven Drivers would go into Brighton (1 to Eastbourne).

Every member asked questions on their personal problems relating to P.T. & R.A., Housing, and Travel Allowance. Bro. Channing agreed to give replies to details on depots mentioned in writing to the Secretary. G80.27.6.63. relating to Travel Allowances quoted.

Moved by Bro. Terrill and seconded Bro. J. Lower. ' A vote of thanks to Bro. Channing.' Carried Moved by Bro W. Terrill and seconded by C. Evans. 'A vote of thanks to Bro. S. Cheal, Branch Secretary., Carried.

The members were thanked for their attendance and the meeting had to close at 1.25p.m. to allow Bro. Channings to catch the 1.33 p.m. train.

Ron Terrill Collection

Alf Charman & Bill Terrill

Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting

held at the Labour Club on Sun Sept. 8th 1963

16 Members present Bros. V. Morris, F. Goff, J. Nash, M. Giles, V. Harris, G. Hilton, C. Evans, R. Turner, W. Ware, J. Lower, W. Terrill, E. King, A. Charman, 
D. Renville, C. Bird & S. Cheal.

The meeting called for 10.15a.m. was opened by our Chairman Bro. V. Morris at 10.15a.m.

Apologies were received from Bro. T. Holder who was working.

Minutes from the previous meeting, moved by Bro. C. Evans and seconded by Bro. V. Harris. That the Chairman sign minutes as a correct record,

The Chairman and Secretary welcomed Bros. R. Turner and E. King. Regret was express that the Society Diploma had not arrived in time for Bro Ern King who had been Secretary for 15 1/2 years and Chairman for 10 1/2 years.

Bro. King suitably replied and thanked members for the taxi. Appreciation was expressed to Bro Reg Turner, having been active in the Branch, L.D.C. etc.

The Chairman assured all present the returns were in order and reminded members this Branch would continue until 30th September, 1963. It was agreed the members transferred to the Branch where the members would be after 30th September. The secretary thanked all who had paid in advance.


Letter from Secretary, St. Leonards Branch requesting to be allowed to nominate our Secretary Bro. Cheal for the 1964 A.A.D. It was agreed that as Newhaven Branch was to close on 30 September, it would not be in order for this Branch to nominate Bro. S. Cheal.

Nomination form, Southern Region Sectional council No.2. moved by Bro. V. harris and seconded by Bro. C. Evans. That this Branch nominate Bro. Dray. Carried.

It was agreed the Secretary write a suitable reply to Bro. Sargent of St. Leonards Branch.   

Travelling Allowance in Lieu of Lodging.

Letter from Organising Secretary dated 3rd September 1963. Members present express their opinions on. Bro. W.J. Cleaver it was noted no word was included relating to Redundant Drivers and Fireman and men who made accepted Resettlement Payment. Members had not forgotten the last meeting to this Branch by Bro. W.J. Cleaver.

Correspondence on Closure of Newhaven Loco

The Chairman, Bro. Morris explained that the meeting held on Monday 2nd September 1963, present were Newhaven and Brighton L.D.C.'s and Sectional Council Chairman and Secretary, Bros. F. Saunders and E.H. Channing. Arising from this meeting a notice was posted at Newhaven Loco dated 5/9/63. 

Moved by Bro. D. Renville and seconded by Bro. J.Nash. 

'That having heard the report of our Representatives and having examined closely notice posted 5/9/63. This Newhaven Branch support members claiming the use of the Railway taxi after booking on duty at Newhaven on Monday 9/9/63.'

All the correspondence relating to the P.T.&R.A.the Newhaven Closure file was placed before the members. It was further agreed that another meeting be held before 30th September if necessary. A number of members expressed the opinion they would like to telephone the Secretary with their personal problems, this was agreed.

Moved by Bro. V. Harris and seconded by Bro G. Hilton. 

'That if an extra meeting be held, Bro. Channing be invited.' Carried.

Newhaven Branch Fund

The cost for the taxi for Bro.King was 10/-. Moved by Bro. V. Harris and seconded by Bro. C. Evans. 'That any balance after deductions of taxi for Bro. E. King, be taken by Bro. S. Cheal, Secretary, to offset loss on Locomotive Journals.

Any Other Business.

A great surprise for the Secretary, Bro. W. Terrill had collected from the Newhaven members, and Bro. E. King former Branch Secretary and Chairman presented to Bro. S. Cheal a table lamp in the form of a Lighthouse and capstan, the capstan acting as a table cigarette lighter, and for Mrs Cheal a decorative china dressing table make up mirror.

Bro. King paid very kind remarks to Bro. Cheal for the work he had done for Newhaven members.

In reply, Bro. Cheal was lost for words, he had never seen a table lamp like this and one he would treasure it all his life as a reminder of the members of Newhaven Loco. Bro. Cheal also thanked the members on behalf of Mrs Cheal who had done so much to assist him.

The Chairman reminded member of the time and regretted that time would not allow for refreshments which had been planned. In wishing all members the best of luck in the future at other depots or in outside industry he closed the meeting at 1.10 p.m.

William Charles Terrill 
entered the footplate grade at Newhaven on the 20th January, 1920. 




PAGE 236

This will be the last Branch Report, as on 9 September Newhaven Loco was closed and all staff made redundant. Those who are trying to adjust themselves to their new surroundings wish those who  have left the railway every success.

When it was first learned we would close, the branch decided to work to a system which proved to very satisfactory, so with the assistance of the Society pamphlet issued May, 1963, to all members on promotion, transfer, redundancy and resettlement arrangements, the branch was turned into a type of Improvement Class. Every assistance was given by Bro. E.H. Channing, Southern Sectional Council Secretary, who answered all queries in writing. 

Why Newhaven Loco. had to close is still a mystery, with the Newhaven – Dieppe Car Ferry Service opening in 1964 and the increasing popularity of the Victoria  - Newhaven Boat Train Service. The representatives were told a £4,000 saving would be made each year, but the management would not state how the figure was arrived at.

So much could be said, but may I conclude by thanking Newhaven redundant drivers and firemen for the wonderful presentation made to my wife and myself. It was a pleasure to serve yow.

Stafford Cheal,

Branch Secretary


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