Minutes of April 5th 1984 

Brighton No.2 Branch Meeting

12 members present

Report then given on the up to date position of proposed new May roster. No men surplus to requirement, three lost running turns have been replaced by 1, night cover turn, 2, A.L. relief, 3, additional late spare. Questions asked and answered.

Sunday Working Party Agreement with the Section Council member present, Secretary explained our position in relation to the Sunday Working Party Agreement, and our concern regarding managements attitude regarding application to national agreement.

Minutes of April 12th  1984 

Brighton No.2 Branch Meeting

 present 7

Report given on meeting with management on 16th March 1984

1, H.A.S.A.W., 2 Shoe Paddles removed from cabs, 3, Mr. F.J. Gambling, 4, Earlswood oil sidings red lights. Also report on May roster, question asked and answered.

Bro. Noakes, Sectional Council, member gave a report on these meetings with management on the Sunday Working Party, informing us that Sunday percentage was not a guideline, but what we were entitled to, this was good news indeed.

Minutes of May 3rd  1984 

Brighton No.2 Branch Meeting

10 members present

Secretary opened the meeting at 8.0 p.m., minutes of the 5th  & 12th April were read.

Report given on meeting on items, H.A.S.A.W. i.e. Length of time spent trying to contact the signalman on telephones, Train Equipment i.e. removal of shoe paddles, Driver F.J. Gambling position allocated Link.

Report given on the Sunday Working Party Agreement meeting at Beckenham.

Minutes of May 10th  1984 

Brighton No.2 Branch Meeting

7 members present

Report given on meeting with management of the 2.5.84. 1, H.A.S.A.W., Communications 3 Bridges area, 2, Medical examination at Euston, 3, Shoe Paddles, 4, Ballast Trains, 5, Route learning Selhurst yard.

Questions asked and answered on these items, quite a long debate on item of shoe paddles.

Other business

Bro. Hards asked why some depots outside Brighton area worked rest Days doing duties at Victoria and other depots further a field and yet Brighton only very occasionally does, was it because of the list clerk we have or due to our Area Manager trying to save on his budget. Could the L.D.C. look into this matter. 

Minutes of July 12th 1984 

Brighton No.2 Branch Meeting

7 members present

L.D.C. Secretary Plaine opened the meeting at 7.50 with the reading of the last minutes and gave a report on the matters contained therein.

Report given on meeting of 3rd July, i.e. Route Learning Reversible Road & Preston Park – Brighton sluing of Roads.

Kent Coast refurbishing, i.e. Driver’s cabs being reduced in space, L.D.C. to investigate. 

Minutes of September 6th 1984 

Brighton No.2 Branch Meeting

7 members present 

Report given on meeting with Management of 15.8.84.

Reversible Lines, Cancelled Service in Seaford work, Rest Day & Cross Covering, Foliage, Walkways on cess, Brighton Line Re-Signalling Scheme, Staff accommodation Hove P.N.

Other Business

Oliver Toms at Brighton, call for them to be removed. Brighton staff toilets, Staff Side to seek the installing of hot air hand dryer, & lino in the mess room re-trimming.

Minutes of September 9th 1984 

Brighton No.2 Branch Meeting

21 members present 

A long discussion took place on the rolling roster, most members said they wanted the roster to work straight down, after some time it was proposed by P. Bradford & seconded V. Clarke 

“That a special meeting be called on the working the roster straight down or as it is now rolling. The meeting to be called Thursday 20.9.84.” 

In favour 19 & against 1


 Maurice "Cocker" Taylor (c1984)

Maurice is seen chatting to the Mayor and Mayoress of Brighton.

 Minutes of October 4th 1984 

Brighton No.2 Branch Meeting

8 members present 

Secretary read minutes of 6.9.84., question on minutes asked and answered. Minutes of 13.9.84 were read question re Special Meeting to discuss Variable Roster asked and answered. 

Report given of agenda before Management 

1 H. & S.A.W. water proof foot wear for shunt men, hand (blower) dryer for toilet 

2 Rest Day working i.e. Restricted men 

3 Variable diagrams i.e. booking of spare men on overtime 

4 Sunday working Party Agreements, i.e. covering of Brighton work which is in excess of our XXX allocation 

Other business 

Hove Room i.e. leaky room, telephone, auto door close, order and disposal of rice paper alterations, also late publications of known work commitment. 

Minutes of October 11th 1984 

Brighton No.2 Branch Meeting

11 members present 

Minutes of the 4.10.84., were read 

A long discussion on the roster took place, and after some time it was said that the L.D.C. will look to see that the Long Weekends as they work the rolling roster. 

Minutes of November 1st  1984 

Brighton No.2 Branch Meeting

11 members present 

Secretary read minutes of 4th & 11th October, questions on these minutes were asked and answered. 

Report then given on the agenda of meeting held on Friday 25th October 

1 H & S.A.W. 

2 Rest Day Agreement i.e .Restricted Men 

3 Variable diagrams i.e. spare men and overtime 

4 Sunday working Party Agreement i.e. covering of work which is in excess of our XXX allocation

A lively discussion took place items. 

Secretary then reported on now before Management 

Bank Holiday workings, Sunday diagrams, Dirty Cabs, Sunday working Agreement memo, route Learning Reversible roads Keymer – Preston Park station, Brighton Line Re-signalling 


Minutes of December 6th 1984 

Brighton No.2 Branch Meeting

9 members present 

Question asked when would roster be altered to accommodate all men for week-ends, present position explained.

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