Chairman Bro. W. Clarke
Vice Chair Bro. F. Wilmshurst
Assistant Secretary Bro. A. Rookley
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Railway Hotel on Sun Jan. 27th 1929
Bro. J. Giles in the Chair
10 members present
Minutes of last meeting were read, moved by Bro. E. Eacott and seconded by Bro. W. Brown. That they be accepted as a true record.
Arising from the minutes from the last meeting, the Secretary reported having received 10/- in respect of Bro. H. Hamblin's arrears and has had a notification from him to the affect that he would endeavour to pay off the remainder and keep his card card in future.
The Secretary reported having an interview with Mr. J. Pargeter of the N.U.R. Re another delegate to stand on the Shed Committee in place of J. Browning. Bro. Pargeter said he would inform Bro. Pearce in the course of a day or so. This matter was left in the Secretary hands for him to settle.
The Secretary reported having sent 16s. 6d. to Bourneville Branch to help our Bros. involved in the Charfield accident.
A letter was read from the Newhaven Labour Party asking if this Branch would care to nominate anyone for the forthcoming election to the Urban District Council. Bros. Pearce and Stedman were asked but both refused.
A letter was read from Head Office in respect to new Contribution Cards coming into circulation on that they be charged 1d each.
The Secretary brought forward for inspection the receipt for this Branch’s funds to Head Office.
Letter was read asking for nominations for A.A.D. for districts 6, 8 & 9, also from the Labour Party asking for delegates to attend the Annual Conference and Congress. It was moved that both these lay on the table.
Letter was read from the Ashford Branch re Bro. Hopper’s dismissal from the Company for passing signals at danger at Cannon Street and asking for this Branch’s support in getting his reinstatement. Bro. H. Stedman moved and seconded L. Lower. That the Secretary write the Ashford Branch for further particulars.
Any Other Business.
Application for membership W. Ware, Fireman asks for membership to this Branch for Protection Benefit. Moved by Bro. E. Eacott and seconded by Bro. M. Smith. That he be accepted. Carried
Bro. B. Piddlesden asked why Bro. W. Hollands does not sign on or off in the book provided for that purpose in loco shed. This was left over till next meeting for Secretary to report if Bro. W. Hollands is still in the lines of promotion or is put upon the company's books as a labourer.
Bro. A. Charman asks for respirators to be found when working in Sand Hole. This matter was left over for Bro. Stedman to interview Foreman about.
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Railway Hotel on Sun Feb. 24th 1929
Bro. W. Clarke in the Chair
18 members present
Minutes of last meeting were read, moved by Bro. L. Lower and seconded by Bro. W. Brown. That the be passed as a true record.
Arising from the minutes of the last meeting, Secretary reported that Bro, Hamblin has not paid up his arrears which now amounts to 16/-. This matter was left with the Secretary to see if he can pay up. Failing this, it was moved by Bro. F. Sherwin & sec by Bro. E. Collington. 'That the rules of the Society be enforced.'
The Secretary reports having received a letter from Bro. J. Pargeter of the N.U.R. In respect to the Shed Committee. He state that Bro. J. Browning is their choice an hoped that everything would be "A1" in the future. After a lengthy discussion it was put to the vote as to our acceptance of same voting in favour 8, voting against 3, absentees 6. Carried.
The local Labour Party wrote the Secretary re Bro. Stedman’s nomination for the U.D,G, and that it must be through the various unions concerned. Moved by Bro. F. Sherwin and seconded by Bro. C. Lower. That this Branch nominates Bro. H. Stedman for election to the N.U.D.G.
In respect to the dismissal of J. Hopper of Ashford. Bro. E. Eacott explained the matter and the letter was left on the table.
Bro. J. Lower moved & Bro. W. Brown sec. That we apply for more hard coal again. Bro. H. Stedman stated that he was waiting for Bro J. Browning to go and interview the Foreman in respect of same.
The Secretary reported and brought forward for inspection the receipt of this Branch’s funds to Head Office. Carried.
Letters were read from Head Office in respect to Clause 72 of appeals Jan 24th 1929, hoping that members will exercise great care in never to pass signals etc at danger and to be very careful whilst running during foggy weather.
Also all defects in the signalling apparatus and signals to be instantly reported.
A letter was read in respect to the Women Section of the Society hoping to see more branches open and all women asked to enrol.
Letters were read from Head Office in respect to Clause 72 of Appeals January 24th 1929, hoping that members will excerise great care care in never to pass signal etc at danger and to be very careful whilst running during foggy weather. also all defects in the signalling apparatus and signal to be instantly reported.
A letter was read in respect to the Women Section of the Society, hoping to see more branches opened and all Women asked to enrol.
A letter was read from the Bourneville Branch in respect to the magnificent response of members in helping our two Brothers involved at Charfield and sending £214. 18s 4d. after these two Brothers have been sent away for a fortnights holiday on being paid £55 in cash between them, it leaves £100, and the Bournevill Branch wishes to have it put to good use.
Bro. F. Sherwin moved and Bro. Goldson seconded that it be presented to the Orphan Fund.
As an amendment. Bro. W. Brown moved and Bro. E. King seconded. That it go to the Legal Fund.
Put to the vote, the amendment was carried.
Any other Business.
Bro. S. Lower asks information in respect to Driver W. Bishop & Bro. W. Ware working upon other engines and than their own. A discussion ensued and found it best to play a waiting game.
Bro. F. Sherwing moved and Bro. E. Collington seconded. That the next meeting be held on Sunday March 24th instead of the 31st as being Easter Sunday.
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Railway Hotel on Sun March. 24th 1929
Bro. W. Clarke in the Chair
7 members present
Minutes of February meeting read and discussed, proposed by Bro. F. Wilmshurst and seconded by Bro. C. Barrow. That they be passed as a true record.
Matters arising Secretary read P.C. from Head Office re reply of our resolution on money over from Fund collected on behalf of our two members involved in the Charfield accident.
Correspondence, Secretary produced for inspection receipts for February contributions.
Owing to small attendance no business was transacted so a little discussion took place on the Charfield accident.
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Railway Hotel on Sun April 28th 1929
Bro. W. Clarke in the Chair
9 members present
Minutes of March meeting read and discussed, proposed by Bro. L. Lower and seconded by Bro. P. Reed. That they be accepted as a true record.
Correspondence letter read from Bro. Squance re Bro. Wilmshurst accident.
Circular from General Secretary re alteration and date of A.A.D. owing to General Secretary.
Letter from Secretary of Newhaven Labour Party requesting assistance re Local Election, Secretary wrote to Head Office and received quota from Political, which was handed to Secretary of Local Labour Party.
Letter read from Bro. Godfrey of Guildford requiring support for Executive Committee.
Circular from Head Office re passing signals at danger, this was fully discussed from all points of view.
Any Other Business. Bro. Sherwin moved & Bro. Reed seconded. 'That letter be sent to Bro. Wilmshurst expressing regret over his recent accident and wishing him a speedy recovery and hoping he would be with us again in the near future.
Bro. Green brought his case forward re passing signal at danger on March 31st at Newhaven Harbour Station. This was fully discussed and Bro Green handed in his claim in writing.
Bro. L. Lower moved Bro. F. Sherwin seconded. 'That Branch Secretary pay Bro. Green three days suspension.'
Secretary brought before the notice of Bro. Hamblin arrears, moved by F. Sherwin & sec. by L. Lower. 'That he be given one week in which to bring himself into benefit.
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Railway Hotel on Sun May 26th 1929
Bro. W. Clarke in the Chair
14 members present
Minutes of April meeting read and discussed, proposed by L. Lower and seconded by Bro. F. Sherwin. That they be accepted as a true record.
Arising from minutes from the last meeting, Bro. Wilmshurst, thanked Branch for sympathy shown to during his illness.
Correspondence read and discussed, Secretary read receipt for April returns also suggestions for this years A.A.D.
Arrising from suggestions of this year’s A.A.D. Exeter moves. That the coligny Welch distinguishing arrows were fitted to distant signals be enforced, and Brghton suggested that Mackintosh’s in lieu of over coats. The meeting moved the Secretary write to Bro. Andrew of Brighton , telling him to support the two suggestions mentioned.
Any Other Business. Bro. Peddlesden brought a call forward re the Foreman putting Bro. Elliss a junior to him out firing. Pro. by W. Elliss & sec by E. Eacott. ‘ That Bro. Stedman interview Foreman and asked Foreman when extra turns come would he strictly adhere to seniority.
Bro. Hamblin arrears Secretary reports that he had brought himself into benefit.
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Railway Hotel on Sun Sept. 1st 1929
Bro. J. Giles in the Chair
10 members present
Minutes of May meeting were read, proposed by Bro. P. Reed and seconded by Bro. W. Ware. That they be accepted as a true record.
Discussion on minutes, moved by Bro. H. Stedman and seconded by Bro. T. Denman. That Bros. Andrews and Barton Wilde be asked to attend October meeting.
Correspondence read and discussed, also receipts for June and July read and inspected.
Any Other Business, letter from Bro. Denman which was copy of one handed to Foreman re booking of Driver Brighton on 936 turn on August Bank holiday, a lengthy discussion took place. Proposed by Bro. T. Denman and seconded by Bro. P. Read. That Shed Representative see Foreman on the matter. Carried
Proposed by Bro. Charman and seconded by Bro. Peddlesden. That Shed Representative see Foreman on state of lobby.
Moved. That Secretary write Secretary of Sectional Council re rates of pay and conditions for Bro. Ware and driver Bishop.
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Railway Hotel on Sun Oct 27th 1929
Bro. W. Clarke in the Chair
9 members present
Minutes of the last meeting read and discussed, moved by Bro. J. Giles and seconded by Bro. P. Reed. That they be accepted as a true record. Carred.
Arising from the meeting, owing to a favourable reply from Sectional Council, Barton Wild Organiser was not asked to attend this meeting.
Bro. Andrews of Brighton also sent word to say, he was working on this day so would not be able to attend.
Letter was read from Mr. J.T. Long Secretary Sectional Council employees side, re our Bro .W. Ware’s and Driver W. Bishop rate of pay. Owning to us reply to Bro. Stedman's last letter to Mr. Long, it was moved that Bro. Stedman write again asking for a quick reply to same, re the above matter, so as to arrange a settlement.
State of Driver's lobby. This matter was reported to have been attend to and the Loco Foreman. Agreed to have it cleaned more regularly.
Receipt read re this Branch’s Funds to Society’s Head Office.
A letter was read from Head Office re A.A.D. decision in regards to the 2 1/2% reduction in wages.
A letter was read from Head Office in respect of men working on Sentinal Steam Wagons, Petrol Cars etc. It was pointed out that men other than Loco-men were being employed to drive these. But owing to our Head Office negotiations only Loco-men were to have this class of work in future.
A letter was read and discussed from our Head Office re Fireman J. Evans of Saltly L.M.S. in respect to his dismissal.
A letter was read from Head Office re Non Unionist on Irish Railways and fully discussed.
Books of draw tickets were received from Manor House Hospital, Golders Green and it was decided to entertain them.
A letter was read from our local shed representatives re the changing of links by Bro. Gifford and Driver Crulse. This matter has been settled with the Foreman.
Other Business
Application for membership, an application for membership to this Branch was received from Fireman G.S. Bollen, for Protection Benefit. After a lengthy discussion, Bro. J. Giles moved & Bro. C. Goldson seconded. 'That he be accepted.' Bro. J. Giles moved.
'That Fireman Bollen be warned as to the nature of keeping a clear card, on that this Branch will be compelled to refuse any further admission to this Society to him.' Carried.
Nominations for Shed Delegate, moved by Bro. J. Giles and seconded by Bro. Sherwin. That this matter lay on the table till next meeting.
Bro. J. giles moved and Bro. F. Sherwin seconded. That the meeting day be altered from the last Sunday to the 3rd Sunday of every month, and also the nomination of a Branch Collector to assist the Secretary. Carried.
Bro, M. Smith open a discussion on the coal supplied to this depot. Moved by Bro. M. Smith & seconded by Bro. P. Reed. 'That the Shed Delegate again ask for hard and other coal in equal proportions.
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Railway Hotel on Sun Nov 24th 1929
Bro. W. Clarke in the Chair
16 members present
Minutes of last meeting read, moved by Bro. J. Giles and seconded by Bro. W. Ware. That they be accepted as a true record.
Discussion on the minutes, it was moved that Bro. M. Smith’s resolution re coal still stand.
Bro. H. Stedman next read his report in respect of Bro. W. Ware’s position from Bro. J.T. Long, Secretary, Sectional Council. All correspondence relating to his matter was read. Bro. Ware responding as to his present position. moved by Bro. A. Rookley and seconded by Bro. J. Hillman. That Bro. Stedman carry on with this matter.
Receipt was read from Manor House Hospital in respect to draw tickets sold.
Other Business
A letter was read from Head Office re our A.A.D. Conference in respect to the 2 1/2% reduction in wages held on October 1st, 1929, also Special Meeting held on the same date.
Election of Officer for 1930
Shed Representative, this being left from October meeting, Bro. P. Reed moved. That Bro. A. Rookley be representative for 1930, no seconder.
Bro. F. Sherwin moved and Bros M. Smith and A. Rookley seconded. That all Officer and Committee be as for 1929. This was carried unanimously.
Moved by Bro. H. Stedman and seconded by Bro. W. Ware. That Bro. A. Rookley be appointed a collector to assist the Secretary. Carried.
Moved by Bro. P. Reed and seconded by Bro. M. smith. That place of meeting be the same. Carried.
Bro. A. Pearce next spoke on the illness of Bro. C. Wilson who has had to go away for six months.
Bro. W. Brown moved & Bro. J. Giles seconded. 'That a list be taken around the shed and also that all men who care to give 3d per week towards this fund to give their names to Bro. D. Thompsett. Bro. H. Stedman added. ‘ hat all men feeling so disposed may subscribe to more than the said 3d.'
Bro. A. Pearce moved, 'On behalf of the Branch, the Branch's sympathy go to Bro. & Mrs. Wilson. Bro. H. Stedman moved. 'That the Secretary write to Bro. & Mrs Wilson to that effect. Carried.
Bro. H. Stedman next spoke about on the formation of a Mutual Aid Society. This matter was debated to a certain length, but was left over to a future date before forming one.
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Railway Hotel on Sun Dec 22nd 1929
Bro. W. Clarke in the Chair
10 members present
Bros. W. Clarke, E. Eacott, C. Barrow, F. Sherwin, P. Reed, M. Smith, H. Steadman,
A. Lower, A. Pearce & A. Rookley.
Minutes of last meeting read, moved by Bro. H. Stedman and seconded by Bro. F. Sherwin. That they be accepted as a true record. Carried.
A discussion on minutes of the last meeting. In respect to the 3d per week contributed by member in aid of Bro. C. Wilson, it was moved by Bro. C. Barrow & seconded by Bro. P. Reed. ‘ That Secretary post a notice in Shed to the effect that an open meeting would be called to try and form a Mutual Aid Society, at the Railway Hotel on the following Sunday the 29th December 1929.
A reply was read from Bro. C. Wilson to Secretary's letter from the Branch wishing him a speedy recovery.
Correspondence, accident at Lewes East Sidings. The Secretary reported having informed Head Office of this accident which involved our Bro. F. Brown, also a reply was read from Head Office stating that if required a representative would be sent down to the inquiry.
A letter of a later was read was read stating the Southern Railway would hold an inquiry and not the Ministry of Transport.
Secretary receipt was read of this Branch’s return to Head Office
A letter was read from Head Office in respect to National Health Assurance
A letter was read from the 'Women Section'', Head Office re the Annual Reception and extending a hearty invitation to all.
Bro. H Stedman reported on his further inquiries into Bro. W. Ware's & Driver Bishop's case, and read a letter he had received from Bro. J.T. Long. This case was left over.
Bro. H. Stedman moved & Bros. Sherwin & Barrow seconded. 'That the Secretary write Mrs. R.T. Clarke a letter of condolence extending to her this Branch's deepest sympathy in the lost of her husband.