Chairman Bro. M. Allen
Seaford Branch of ASLEF re-opening meeting
held at the Seven Sister's Pub on Sunday 5th July 1992
The A.S.L.E.F. Executive Committee during their May 1992, session dealt with correspondence from the Staff Side, Secretary of LDC ’B’ Seaford, dated the 25th May 1992. The correspondence was regarding the re-opening of a Branch of A.S.L.E.F. at Seaford. Len Warboys the District Secretary No.1, was instructed to investigate the feasibility of the re-opening of a Branch at Seaford and to report back to the Executive Committee. On the 23rd June, 1992, after considering the report from Len Warboys, the Executive Committee instructed Len Warboys to carry out the necessary arrangements for the reopening of the Seaford.
Seaford ASLEF Branch Collection
Seaford Branch Officers
Left ~ Right Tom Holder (Branch Trustee), George Caulfield (Branch Trustee), Paul Horan (Ass. Branch Sec), Tony Allen (Branch Chairman), Len Warboys (District Secretary),
Stu Fuller (Branch Secretary) & Richard Kemp (Vice Chairman).
Meeting held Sunday 5th July 1992
At the Seven Sisters Public House.
The re-opening of Seaford Branch No. 180
Members present Bros. T. Holder, G. Caulfield, P. Horan, T. Allen, S.Fuller, R. Kemp,
S. Holder & L. Warboys District Organiser.
District Secretary L. Warboys in Chair.
Len said “This is a very historical day for the Branch and was pleased to 75% turnout of the Branch to witness the re-opening, after eleven years and five months of closure. He was no doubt that the Branch would take an active role within A.S.L.E. &F. District Secretary then called for nominations for the Chairman”
Chairman’s remarks on the re-opening of the Seaford Branch, after eleven years and five months of closure the Branch re-opened. To be recorded in these minutes the date the last Branch meeting was held. Thanks to the L.D.C. Secretary Stuart Fuller for his efforts in getting the Branch re-opened. Thanks to the General Secretary and the E.C. for allowing the Branch to re-open and also to the District Secretary Len for coming to perform the actual re-opening. Thanks to the last Branch Secretary Bro. V. Morris, who is now retired for his efforts as the last Branch Secretary.
I trust that this Branch may play an active role in the future of A.S.L.E. & F. Chairman asked bro Len Warboys to give a report.
Report to Branch, felt good for the Branch to re-open and play an active in the union.
Management for Attendance was brought in against the wishes of the union. Discipline has always been the way which absenteeism has been dealt with. To react to this new method will be difficult without recourse to current procedures. Even though representation has been made the unions are being ignored.
1, Now supervisors deals with this and arrange counselling if needed.
2, For 13 weeks absenteeism is monitored and if it is felt that attendance is not up to standard the local manager will deal with this with no representation. If it is felt that anyone is below standard he will be given a letter seeking improvement.
3 A final warning will be issued and if no improvement then a sacking will take place. It is hoped that this may be brought back under discipline.
Rules update now 40 questions, without consultation with the unions. Previous system first stage was local manager and if any problem there was some support.
Machinery of Negotiation
Meeting held prior to the A.A.D. by delegates. Southern led discussion on Machinery. If discussion had not succeeded then the union would have been disenfranchised and no representation would have recognised. The Southern does not exist and each division will be on its own and will be on its own and have three Functional Representatives Sectional Council.
On the questions of L.D.C.’s it is noted that a small depot will have only one rep. The L.D.C. would consist of one L.D.C. rep and one Health & Safety rep and this may be accepted by management. Management have even proposed a joint L.D.C. covering several depots. Negotiations of issues will continue. L.D.C.’s will need to put Health & Safety on the top of the list.
Some concern of Functional Council reps being divided between London area, and Coastal areas. This leads to some being elected who may not be good enough for the job. Liaison will continue between all officers of the union to get the best representation. The business set up means that Hither Green a freight Depot would have an L.D.C. of 3 and Functional Council of 2.
L.D.C. report, I wrote to the Depot Manager Mr. Brookshaw, requesting a meeting with Sectional Council in attendance and also diagrams regarding the loss of routes between Keymer Junction to Brighton on the Down road and also via Merstham on the Down road, from which I have only received a verbal reply saying that he does not see any point in calling a meeting as we not get any rostered diagram work on these routes until at least October when the Winter diagrams come in and this issue now is the hands of the Sectional Council.
Sunday 5 July 1992 become a very historical day. It saw the re-opening of the Seaford Branch (No. 180) after 11 years of closure. In attendance was ur District Secretary Len Warboys and there was 75% turnout of the Branch membership to mark this occasion which was held in the Sven Sisters public house, Seaford.
Len was in the chair to open this inaugurate meeting. He said this as a very historical and good day for the Branch. He felt it would play an active role in the union.
Then Len called for nomination for the Chairman. And Tony Allen, our Sectional Council member was voted in as Chairman of the Seaford Branch.
Tony then carried out the election of the Branch business and the Standing Orders and he said thanks to the General Secretary and the E.C. for allowing the Branch to be re-opened and thanks to Len for coming to perform the actual re-opening.
We also thank Eastbourne Branch for their comradeship and hospitality over the past 11 years and five months which was greatly appreciated by us all.
5 July was a very momentous and significant day to us all; one that will be long remembered by us all.
S.J. Fuller
Branch Secretary
Meeting held 16th August 1992
At the Seven Sisters Public House Seaford
Members present M. Allen, S. Fuller & S. Holder.
Joint L.D.C.’s
Moved M. Allen & Seconded S. Fuller
That this Branch instructs the Branch Secretary to write to the General Secretary, ASLE&F. Advising him that this Branch rejects the concept of joint L.D.C.’s and even in the event of numbers of representations being more than one.
Areas of Representation
Moved S. Fuller & Second S. Holder
That this Branch instructs the Branch Secretary to write to the General Secretary, ASLE&F. Advising him that this Branch rejects the concept of Division on thee former Southern Region being split into area’s for representatives at any level Representatives for Division’s should be elected on nomination and ability only.
Meeting held 13th December 1992.
At the Seven Sisters Public House Seaford
Members present M. Allen, S. Fuller & G. Caulfield.
Moved G. Caulfield & seconded S. Fuller
That due to the action of the E.C. in relation to the current Profit Centre elections, in debarring our Branch from nominating, and voting in the election and not allowing more than one nominee from anyone Branch to hold office at Profit Centre level. We request an urgent meeting of all Branches with the Executive Committee.
No nominations for any post received.
Moved M. Allen & Seconded G. Caulfield
At the meeting held 13th Dec. 1992, under the election of officers. I regret to inform you that no member was prepared to be nominated for any post.
This was as a direct result of the Executive Committee actions in relation to the election of Profit Centre representatives. Namely the debarring of members of this Branch from nomination and voting in such election and in violation of A.S.L.E. & F. society rule. We would also advise you that there is total objection to decision by the Executive Committee not to allow any Branch from nominating or having two Profit Centre Representatives.
Seaford E.M.U.T. Drivers & Guards depots