Chairman Bro. W. Wright
Quarterly Branch meeting held
At Mount Pleasant Hotel 15th March 1959
8 members present
The members stood in silence in respect to late Bros. Spencer and Cloke. The Secretary also conveyed the sympathy to Branch from the D.C. No.4 and Trades Council who spoke well of his work at these meetings.
Minutes of last meeting
These where read to which Bro. Denyer proposed and Bro. Carey seconded to be a true record.
Correspondence read which caused discussions re Political Levy, Block Voting etc.
L.D.C. Report
Bro. H. Carey gave his report mainly on meeting in London 22/1/59. Unsatisfactory learning routes enabling refresher of routes at latter dates. After having dome discussion followed these remarks in reference to the position as a whole in the future.
District Council No.4
Bro. W. Knight next gave his report, very brief owing to time being short. He asked for a resolution to be sent to Head Office re unfairness to E.C. members employment and N.H.I. Benefit, to which proposed by Bro. R. Clark and seconded by Bro, Hall this be done. Resolution sent Re E.C. Members N.H.I. Benefits.
“In view that when E.C. Members are on duty at Head Office we find that they are not entitled to N.H.I no.1 Stamp therefore when benefit is required they are only entitled to 50%. We therefore wish you to deal with this matter as they either be allowed full stamp of insurance to cover them to give them a fair deal whilst working in that capacity. Trusting you will deal at once.”
This was duly forwarded to E.C.
Bro. R. Clarke proposed and Bro. A. Hall seconded.
That a resolution be sent to management through the Branch to L.D.C. re removal of telephone from shed to mess room, it being non direct circuit we apply for same to Brighton being situated noisy platform and being non private for use.
From 15/3/1959 proposed Bro. R. Denyer seconded by Bro. C. Wiseman
Bro. W. Knight Chairman, Bro. R. Clarke District Council Representative. Chairman A. Hall Acting.
Committee Meeting 13th November 1959
Re Holiday Roster
Owing to insufficient committee report. It was suggested that the roster be closed from top and that holidays start from 18th April instead of 5th April 1960, and that L.D.C. get in touch with all motormen at the depot in reference to same for their opinions. The L.D.C Secretary agreed to this.
Present Bros. W. Knight (Branch Secretary), H. Carey & C. Wiseman.
Branch meeting 6th December 1959
Held at Branch room
6 members present Bros. R. Clark, C. Knight, J. Gain, J. Hawker, C. Wiseman & W. Knight
Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed true record proposed by Bro. J. Gain and seconded by Bro. C. Knight. Matters arising, comments were made by Bros. J. Gain, R. Clark and W. Knight, C. Knight re L.D.C. election. Outgoing representatives thanked for their services. in coming represenatives welcomed with best wishes for woking as a team to advantage their duties.
District Council Report
Given by delegate Bro. R. Clark which was very interesting re details of wages to be given in March 1960, wearing of glasses and case of Brighton member etc. to which he was thanked for his report. New E.C. member Bro. Poole was present at District Council.
L.D.C. Report
No report, no representative present.
Resolution sent from Branch to Bro. H. Carey
Re Summer holiday rosters for to know if had done anything in the matter with management appertaining there to as members required to know what their holiday period will be to make necessary arrangements. Sent to him.
Officers for 1960
Chairman Bro. R. Clarke, Vice Chairman J. Gain, Secretary W. Knight
Committee Bros. C. Angel, H. Carey, C. Wiseman, C. Knight, J. Hawker.
L.D.C. Bros. C. Knight Secretary & J. Hawker Chairman
District Council Bro. R. Clarke, Trades & Labour Council Bro. W. Knight
Branch Secretary gave his report this concluded the meeting and he wished all seasons greetings.
Wishing for better branch attendance for ensuing years.